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Mobic User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Mobic has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 76 reviews on 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 19% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mobic

  • there...
  • April 6, 2012

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have been having lower back pain for almost two years. I've been to physical therapy twice. Currently, I'm having osteopathic manipulative treatment, but with only three visits so far, I have not gotten much relief. I also have neuropathic pain from shingles in my lower spine. I have had pain in my hands and fingers for a long time. I started getting nodules on my finger joints and cannot wear my wedding rings any longer. I finally told my doctor to refer me to a specialist. In the meantime, he prescribed Mobic. In three days of taking this, I can actually close my fist without pain, my back pain has gone down, my knees don't feel like they are on fire. I feel like I can go out and start my walking routine again."

10 / 10
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114 Report
  • MesaA...
  • May 22, 2011

For Osteoarthritis "Several years ago, I was put on Mobic for right knee problems—bone on bone. When I finally needed a knee replacement, I had to go off Mobic for a week before the surgery. Immediately, I got creaky and all my joints hurt and ached. It hurt to walk even a short distance. At that point, I realized what a blessing Mobic is. I thought that if some of my deceased relatives had Mobic, they might have lived longer. I remember how badly they suffered, and I understand. The pain was unbearable. I'm still on it. I am 65."

10 / 10
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119 Report
  • monet...
  • July 13, 2009

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Mobic has been a good drug for all the basic inconveniences of arthritis. I was this close to going in for a knee replacement when my Geriatric Specialist offered Mobic. I take Pepcid with it as it is very hard on the stomach, but it has increased my mobility and reduced the pain by 90%. I am very pleased with this drug. Hooray!"

10 / 10
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129 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • November 14, 2008

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have been taking Mobic (meloxicam) for about nine months. When I stay on the drug, I have little or no back pain. If I stop for even two days, the pain comes back. But once I start again, the pain is gone in one or two days. It has helped me tremendously."

9 / 10
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133 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 21, 2012

For Osteoarthritis "I have arthritis in feet, right knee, both hands, and right elbow. When both Vioxx and Bextra were taken off the market, I had to turn to Vicodin to relieve pain, but was so afraid of addiction I did not take it very often. Then the doctor tried me on Meloxicam. It's much easier to function, does a great job on the swelling, and an adequate job on the pain for the most part. No side effects, and still not as good as Vioxx, but it's better than over the counter, and better than an opiate."

8 / 10
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106 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • mksgo...
  • November 12, 2010

For Fibromyalgia "Mobic changed my life. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 years ago. My good doctor was willing to let me try different medicines I had heard about but nothing was helping. I was ready to file for disability, it was so bad. I read about Mobic here at the day of my appointment. We talked about it, and I have gotten my life back. I can walk after sitting. I'm even hiking again. I can actually play with my children and let them sit on my lap instead of having to make them sit beside me. I highly recommend you talk with your doctor about trying Mobic."

10 / 10
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111 Report
  • katpawz
  • November 28, 2010

For Tendonitis "While this medication alleviated the pain in my husband's arm, after taking it for about 5 years he was recently rushed into emergency surgery with a large gastric ulcer. The condition came on without symptoms or warning. His surgeon said Mobic was the cause. If you take this medication, do so with extreme caution."

8 / 10
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109 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • September 26, 2008

For Osteoarthritis "I have had a knee problem for almost a year now - going through regular fluid build-up. Went through drainage, cortisone shots, then Synvisc - knee keeps swelling. Finally, they did an MRI and ordered arthroscopic surgery. The doctor who will be doing the surgery put me on Mobic to reduce swelling, and the knee has felt the best it has felt in almost a year. Ironic - this is two weeks before surgery. I have been on other anti-inflammatories before, and this one worked."

10 / 10
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117 Report
  • VonneJ
  • February 15, 2010

For Osteoarthritis "I've only been on this med for a few days. I had a scope of my right knee 5 months ago and the arthritis is advancing quickly and severely. In the past month, I started having pain in my shoulders, wrists, and left hip. I'm a nurse and cannot take opioids/narcotics for relief. I was taking more ibuprofen than I could count! I took my first Mobic and not an ibuprofen since. I've been able to sleep, not be tied down by a clock for pain, and have more mobility than I've known in months! I'm grateful. I'm closely watching for side effects & scheduled lab work to check blood levels & liver function in 6 weeks. For the first time in a long time, I'm hopeful."

9 / 10
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109 Report
  • BadKn...
  • September 7, 2008

For Tendonitis "I've been having some knee pain for the past 6 months. I stand all day at work, 9 hours a day, 6 days per week. PT helped some but the pain always comes back. My family doctor gave me Mobic and a steroid shot. I'm pain-free for over a week now. I'm very happy so far. No side effects at all. I thought I was allergic to NSAIDs but this is giving me no issues at all. Hopefully, it will continue to work well for me."

10 / 10
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108 Report
  • daffers
  • February 22, 2009

For Fibromyalgia "Mobic has made an incredible difference to my fibromyalgia. This time last year, I could hardly walk and did not really care if I did not wake up the next morning. I was tired of the never-ending pain. Now I go for a walk 4 days a week, and I can move so much better. I can sleep at night as well."

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106 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 10, 2012

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have been taking Mobic for 4 years now. Having a herniated bulging disc, it helped me so much. I had an operation (laminectomy) to cut away part of the disc. 2 years later after the op, I have the same problem again along with nerve pain. Without Mobic, I couldn't walk. I also take Oxycontin to relieve all pain. I hear all stories about how Mobic damages your liver, etc. I've tried twice to come off it, but straight away the pain is severe along with headaches."

10 / 10
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87 Report
  • Jose...
  • February 5, 2009

For Osteoarthritis "Suffering from severe pain in shoulder, elbow, and base of right thumb. The pain was constant. My doctor tried several medicines and NSAIDs to no effect. Yesterday he prescribed Mobic and by yesterday evening I was essentially pain-free. This morning I am totally pain-free, with a new attitude on life."

9 / 10
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99 Report
  • sickn...
  • October 2, 2009

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I had so many problems walking holding stuff in my hand, and I started taking this drug that I have never heard of. I started seeing a new doctor, that's how I learned about it. It has helped me so much that I get teary-eyed just thinking about it. The doctor that I am seeing now may have saved my life."

8 / 10
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96 Report
  • GCChr...
  • April 14, 2011

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on Mobic (or some generic form) for 3 years now for PsA - Psoriatic Arthritis. During this time, I got quite ill and my GP sent me for a test. I had an MRI and wore a heart monitor for 24 hours. They thought I was having seizures. After 2 years of feeling dreadful only at night, my GP took me off the Mobic to settle a stomach upset and I realized that I no longer had any of the neurological effects anymore. Upon mentioning this to my Specialist - he said that the neurological side effects were quite common with Mobic - yet neither of the GPs saw any of them. So just be aware, this can make you feel like you are running slow, your brain may slow down, and you might fall over."

8 / 10
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85 Report
  • pain...
  • February 3, 2010

For Osteoarthritis "I have experienced increasing neck pain over the last 3 years, with the last year being marked by going through a bottle of 160-count Advil every month and a half. Neck pain would lead to muscle tightness, which led to headaches, and it was rare that I could go through a day without popping 6-12 over-the-counter pain relievers/anti-inflammatory pills. I have been on Mobic for a month now, and thus far no noticeable side effects - and the lid has stayed on the bottle of Advil since day 1 of the prescription."

9 / 10
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87 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 31, 2012

For Inflammatory Conditions "I am using Mobic for a rotator cuff strain, and myofascial pain in my shoulder stabilizers. It works great for that. I made the mistake of using it without food, and it has made me very sick. Dizziness and nausea. I also found I have to take it at night because it makes me very drowsy."

8 / 10
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76 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 19, 2011

For Osteoarthritis "I've been on Mobic for a week. I'm not noticing a lot of help with the pain. I am very tired all the time, even though I only take 7.5 mg once a day. Also, I'm starting to notice problems with my short-term memory, not being able to think of words, etc. This is the only new med I'm taking."

3 / 10
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78 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 25, 2009

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have been taking Mobic (meloxicam) for 1 month. I had knee surgery in January 08 and could barely walk, the pain was so bad. After my doctor started me on meloxicam, I'm able to walk pretty much pain-free. I tried to stop taking it, and the pain returned within two days. I love it - best thing I have taken."

10 / 10
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83 Report
  • Severe...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 28, 2018

For Osteoarthritis "I found that Mobic 15 mg is the only medication that takes away my pain, and it does it within an hour! Caution: I didn’t know it was an NSAID and also took another NSAID - Aleve (naproxen) with it. My entire body was bruised, and I couldn’t figure out why at first. I’m lucky I made it through. I only take it as needed when the pain is unbearable."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 5, 2012

For Osteoarthritis "Mobic was prescribed to me by my podiatrist after finding that I have posterior tibial tendonitis, osteoarthritis in my big toe joint, and a heel spur all on my left foot. I find that 7.5 mg of Mobic has really helped with the osteoarthritis and other aches and pains that I have developed in the past few years. I find it best to take before bed, as I have a 4-month-old daughter to take care of. Throughout the day, I am taking Tramadol, wrapping, and icing my foot for pain relief. I find that the combination works really well. In the middle of the night, I am ready and able to take care of my baby girl."

8 / 10
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69 Report
  • hoppi...
  • April 11, 2009

For Inflammatory Conditions "In use for 6 weeks with noticeable reduction in muscle soreness and overall general body stiffness. Suffered for years with stiffness, soreness, lack of flexibility, and difficulty getting down on a floor to work and very hard to get up. Weight doesn't help, but Mobic has relieved much of the apparent inflammation of muscles and joints. So far after 6 weeks, I have no noticeable side effects."

8 / 10
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80 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 6, 2009

For Osteoarthritis "I was taking between 4-6 ibuprofen a day and still had a lot of osteoarthritis pain. Once the Mobic was prescribed, I felt a significant decrease in pain and can say I have a new lease on life. Side effects have been minimal."

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77 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 8, 2010

For Osteoarthritis "Was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my knee today. Pain was so bad last night, I only slept on and off. I was in tears, and the spasms were constant. 600mg of ibuprofen didn't touch it. My doctor prescribed Mobic and Osteo Bi-flex. Took my first dose at 2 pm. By 8 pm that evening, all pain and spasms were gone, and I will be able to sleep pain-free tonight. I am so happy I could cry - the relief is like gold in my pocket! I can walk without limping or shuffling for the first time in 2 weeks."

10 / 10
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76 Report
  • Ttano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2018

For Osteoarthritis "I was hit by a car over 10 years ago and have severe back pain because of it. I kept being prescribed opioids for the pain, but I can’t live like that, so my doctor prescribed Mobic since I was taking too many ibuprofen a day and it obviously started upsetting my kidneys. First, he gave me 7.5 mg per day, but that wasn’t nearly enough, so he upped me to 2 a day. It makes me feel good, better than anything else I’ve ever taken for my back pain. However, it only lasts an hour or two. If I wanted to be without unbearable pain all day, I’d have to take more of them. But 2 works for now, and it is wonderful!"

9 / 10
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41 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.