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Skyla for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 5)

Skyla has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 1438 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Skyla

  • Krist...
  • May 11, 2016

"If you are reading this the night before you are going to get skyla put in, STOP READING NOW. Every woman is different so how you react will more than likely not be the same as these horror stories you see on here. I made the mistake of reading these and I was so nervous for my appointment. I'll admit, the insertion was extremely painful but only lasted less than a minute. I was lightheaded and my legs were numb for about 5 minutes but I was able to drive myself home. I had some cramping afterwards but nothing too severe. Some ibuprofen every 4 hours made them go away. I got mine put in 2 days ago and my cramps have completely gone away. I'm looking forward to seeing how this works for me! Don't let the negative comments steer you away."

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  • 27 yo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 26, 2017

"I was not on my period, had no medication to open my cervix, and had no numbing spray. The insertion was painful for about 30 seconds. I was sweating, had abdominal cramps that felt like I was going to have diarrhea, and some menstrual cramps. I had bad cramps for about 2 hours after insertion. I had no bleeding after insertion & didn't have a period until 8 weeks later. I recommend having someone drive you home & taking a heating pad with you. Take Motrin like an hour before you go. I would 100% do it again & hope that the rest of my time with it works out. So far I feel like my sex drive has increased which had always been a problem on other birth control. My husband cannot feel it my doc says the strings are wrapped around my cervix."

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  • SpedC...
  • April 14, 2017

"I'm deciding to comment because I read so many painful reviews on here. I just got mine inserted yesterday. It was honestly not bad at all. The reason I think maybe my experience was different is because I was instructed to come in and have it inserted DURING my period. When you are menstruating, your cervix is more open so the procedure is easier and less painful. My period is almost over and honestly my cramps have been no different than any other period I've had. If you are deciding on Skyla as a birth control method, schedule your appointment during the heaviest day of your period when your cervix is nice and open. Just a tip."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Jenny
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 29, 2020

"The first 3 months of my 3 years on Skyla I bled everyday. It was annoying at first but you just have to be sanitary. I get really bad migraines it came every 6 months and would last 2/3 days. It only came 3x. The migraines would be horrible but I just sucked it up and waited until they went away if it was too much I would buy OTC drug for migraines and it would work. I would sometimes get lower back aching and that meant I was going to get my period. My period also did stop coming I hardly even get my period now. By this April of 2020 will be my 3 years mark and I plan to go for round 2 :)"

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  • Skyla...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 19, 2015

"I had had the skyla inserted since October 28, 2015. I must say that this birth control is the best. I recently was on the depo shot, which made me crazy. I feel like I am now coming back to myself. Goodbye bloated belly and water weight."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Danni...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 6, 2016

"I previously wrote a review but need to update. My skyla ended up dropping into my cervix where I could feel it. I didn't have pain or bleeding but I could feel it on my self examinations at home. I got it replaced today and took cyetec to soften my cervix 2 hours before. Last time, it was tolerable pain. This time, it was SO painful!! I got shakey, hot, dizzy and felt like throwing up. The pain made me jerk away from the doctor and clench every muscle in my body. Removal of my first one just felt weird and non painful. Mild cramping. They had me take 800mg of ibuprofen before I left. Thankfully it only needs to be done every 3 years!"

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  • Khloe...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2016

"I researched IUD's extensively before actually deciding to consult my gynecologist about getting one. I wanted to get off the pill as it caused me weight gain and water retention and the amount of hormones makes it hard for women to build muscle,& as someone who works out a decent amount, I wasn't seeing much progress. My gyno suggested Skyla, as it is a low hormone dose. I was reading horror stories online about the process & almost didn't get one. Thank god I didn't give into my fears because I love having an IUD. The process was not bad at all. When inserted, I felt more pressure than pain. I had cramps for the following 24 hrs, spotted a week,&my first period was the lightest its ever been. Based on my experience, 10/10 would recommend"

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More FAQ

  • SDAER...
  • November 18, 2016

"I've had Skyla for a little over a year now. For the most part, I love it...But, yes there's a but, it has been freaking me out lately. About 6 months ago, I started getting random "contractions" as I would call them (ive never had a baby, but yes I'm comparing the pain to them). I get random PAINFUL cramping that lasts about 10 seconds off and on. Enough to put my on my knees. Not every day, and not when I'm on my period (normal cramping during that time). This pain comes and goes as pleases. I have debated having it removed, but it is my only DEPENDABLE method of birth control that I'm willing to use."

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  • Odderee
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 1, 2015

"I switched from paraguard to skyla about a year and a half ago. I wanted an IUD because I'm terrible at taking pills, the nuvaring always fell out, and my acne was so sensitive to any hormones. Paraguard gave me the heaviest and most painful periods ever (used a super tampon almost every 45 minutes). I switched to skyla and I've had the best experience. The insertion is not the easiest stroll in the park but it's all uphill from there. My acne nearly disappeared, I don't have to pay for BC pills or condoms all the time, and I practically don't have a period anymore. Two days a month I spot some and have some mild cramps and that's it. Nothing a little ibuprofen can't help. :)"

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  • KathyK
  • December 29, 2016

"I had Skyla inserted 6 months ago. I would describe insertion as the most uncomfortable I've ever been. It was extreme pressure in a place deep inside my body – nothing I've felt before, but also not exactly pain. It lasted maybe 20 seconds before subsiding into the feeling of menstrual cramps. Those cramps lasted 3-4 days after insertion, and I spotted for the first month. Since then, Skyla has been pretty good. The only time I notice Skyla is during my period. My bleeding is light, but WOW do I get horrible cramps. I rarely got cramps prior to using Skyla, and these feel similar to the ones I had post-insertion. However my friends have not had this issue – every body is different. Overall I do recommend Skyla!"

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  • Jazzyy
  • January 4, 2017

"Had it for six months. VERY reliable. Insertation is highly uncomfortable but I sucked it up in the end bc I knew it'll be well worth it for my boyfriend and I in the end. Two long (1 1/2 weeks) HEAVY periods in the same MONTH back in August. Two months later had a short ( 3 days) super light period. My periods are now starting to regulate and so far no pregnancy scares. (Despite sex daily AND not using any other form of contraception)"

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  • howab...
  • September 5, 2016

"Before my procedure, I had researched IUDs extensively. Basically, all I was seeing was negative reviews. If you're the same, seeing if this is for you, this is a positive review for you to read! First off, the insertion. The worst part, by far, is when they clamp your cervix. I screamed Bloody Mary and cursed. The pain stopped once it was inserted. However, I did almost pass out after the procedure. I got VERY hot during the insertion and started sweating like a whore in church. After laying down for a while, I was alright to drive myself home. Two days post insertion, I've had little to few cramps, and only some spotting. If you can get your head past the insertion, GO FOR IT! So far, I love it."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 5, 2015

"I started off with the pill but like most teens couldn't remember to take it. I went to the doctor & she told me about skyla. Getting it was probably the most painful thing ever. My cervex wouldn't soften so I had to get the medicine to make it soften. I had really bad cramps for about 2 days & even missed a little bit of school but I hate pain & can not stand it. But I don't regret getting it because I really do love it. I still do get periods ever month but my Dr. said it was normal for Skyla. I love not having to worry about taking a pill or having to worry if something accidentally happens. I totally recommend this to every body, especially teens!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 28, 2017

"I just had the Skyla IUD inserted a little over an hour ago. It was not as awful as I was expecting. The whole process took about 5 minutes, the actual insertion takes about 30 seconds. When the IUD is being inserted it feels like a sharp period cramp for a whole 30 seconds and then it's over with. I have not gotten any cramps since or bleeding. I was very scared going into the process and actually cancelled my appointment twice due to horror stories I was reading online but I am very glad that I went through with it because it was not half as bad as people were making it out to be."

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  • Kate
  • July 17, 2019

"I am 5’0 120 pounds, I am also 18 years old. I have never had a child or been pregnant. After seeing so many bad reviews I was scared to get Skyla. BUT IM SO HAPPY I DID. I have only had it for a few days (and will write another review after a month) the insertion process was painful but not that bad. it felt like bad cramps. I have experience some cramps but nothing advil can’t handle. My periods are normally awful, I throw up, and often have to lay in bed. After insertion I started my period (normal timing) and so far it has been so easy. Normally I use like 12 super tampons A DAY but only have gone through 5 the last three days? I have had no mood swings. I feel good and happy! I will tell y’all how it goes after another month or two!!"

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  • KNL
  • March 19, 2016

"I read all of these nightmare reviews and had myself worked into a frenzy by the time I went in for my appointment. Y' is NOT a big deal. I was in and out of the office in less than 10 minutes. There was one slight pinch. My doctor asked me to cough; I was so surprised and distracted by the request that by the time I realized I was in pain, it was over. My cramps afterward were very mild and bleeding has been extremely minimal. I'm very happy and wish I had done this 5 years ago. Certainly would have saved me from a lot of missed pill drama and having to Plan B it."

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  • Crist...
  • June 26, 2017

"Number one, don't listen to the negativity the smaller groups of bad experiences have. Skyla was never said to be for everyone. Which is why I don't understand women that tell you NOT to get it. Your best option is to try it. And to people who have certain health conditions, unless a woman has the same thing as you, don't listen either. Anyway, I have a 7 yr old, and I got skyla in January and it's now June. I have had bad acne and cramps and heavy bleeding since I was 11, and Skyla reduced my periods and cramps. It did not do much with my acne, but that's fine... Also, Skyla is uncomfortable to insert, (not gonna lie) but I literally was with my OB for 10 minutes and left. It's been okay since. Just Try it for yourself"

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  • Jesaica
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 11, 2016

"I am 23. I have had the Skyla now for the 2nd time.Every birth control is different for everyone, but my experience was amazing. Yes the first 6 weeks you cramp like a regular period and the getting it put in sucks. All in all though its not going to end your life like some people are posting that they pasted out. Thats probably from overwhelming yourself. I would recommend this birth control to anyone that doesnt want to take the pill everyday, has bad periods, mood swings, bad ache, and doesnt want to have childern. It stays local so you dont have the crazy hormone change like the pill and the arm insert give you since it has to go through your whole body. The skyla is right there ready to fight!"

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  • Liz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 7, 2019

"I am 24 years old and have a serious boyfriend. I’ve never been on any birth control but I got tired of using condoms. I got Skyla inserted back in February, so I’ve had it in for about 5 months now. Insertion was painful for about a total of 10 seconds. After that, I felt totally fine. I was able to drive and go into work. I even went skiing a couple weeks later with no issues. Since then, I’ve noticed spotting as oppose to an actual period. Cramps and headaches do occur when I’m on my period, sometimes the cramps can be very painful, but usually subside when I take an ibuprofen. I definitely get hunger cravings a lot more, but I don’t have any weight gain. In fact, I weighed 115 when I had it put in, and I now weigh 114. Overall, I love having skyla due to the simplicity of insertion, management, and birth control. I highly recommend it!"

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  • nicole
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 27, 2015

"LADIES!! Please do not take to heart everything you read online of other people's experiences. I am a 20 year old who has been on Yaz for the past 4 years and have never been pregnant. I went in today to have Skyla inserted at a local planned parenthood and I could not have been more nervous due to the terrible insertion stories that I had read online. When the doctor did the actual procedure it did not hurt AT ALL. I have had very minor cramping for the rest of the day but nothing significant and I only took 2 aleve tabs an hour prior to insertion. I also had the procedure not during menstruation and still had barely any pain! Please be aware that the experience is different for everyone and to not worry too much before going in!"

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  • nanez
  • May 27, 2015

"I read a lot of reviews about IUD's... skyla in particular... and basically I let them all really psyche me out. So many people said insertion was ridiculously painful and that cramping lasted for days afterwards. My experience was nothing like that. I only had my Skyla inserted yesterday so I can't speak for the long term but I can say the most painful thing about my appointment was the almost 2 hour wait. Insertion took only a few minutes and while it was very uncomfortable pain was minimal. It really just felt like period cramps. I took no pain meds beforehand aEveryone has different pain thresholds and I could imagine it being different for women who have never had children ( I have 2 both c-sections) don't let the reviews scare you"

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  • Chris...
  • March 30, 2016

"I have had Skyla since i was 20, 2 years now. It is meant for women who have not had a baby before. I took some ibuprofen before and got it done in less than 5 mins. It was pretty, pretty painful but you have to understand that they are dilating your cervex. Afterwards, I was in a little pain but was able to drive home. Laid down for the rest of the day. And 2 years later I still love it!! I did get an ovarian cyst like a year ago but when I felt abdominal pain I went to my dr. No complications. Had no period for 1 year but overall feel great. It's not for everyone but it has worked great for me. Also, I have not used a condom since I got it and never pregnant. "

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  • Bnic
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 19, 2016

"I've had Skyla for 9 months now. (26 no kids). I have a mixed opinion of it. Insertion was uncomfortable but not painful. Cramps were bad for 30 min/1hour. I menstrated regularly for about 2 months then stopped pretty much altogether (I spot here and there). One major change for me was a huge decrease in libido for the first 4 to 5 months. Fortunately it has since gone back to normal. Even though I do not menstrate I do often still get the cramps during that time and they can be rough. I do not plan to be on it the full 3 years but it does what I need it to do for now."

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  • MAR
  • August 26, 2019

"Well I’ve had this product for over a month now the insertion wasn’t so bad as I thought it would be I took some ibuprofen an hour before and it was uncomfortable like a bad period cramp and I was a bit dizzy afterwards but that was it. I did get some cramping for the first 2 days but I took some ibuprofen and that was it. I did get it like a day before my period so it did kick start it as soon as I got it inserted but this period lasted longer about 12 days or then I was spotting off and on. I did have sex with it but I don’t think I’m pregnant. The week of my expected period I got cramping and then I started spotting lightly for about 2 days and now I’m having darker red blood still a steady flow but it’s light I don’t have to wear really heavy pads. I’ve had a couple of breakouts but nothing that my skin routine can’t fix. I’ve actually lost 2 pounds ever since I’ve got it. Other than that I don’t have any problems as of now. Would recommend."

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  • Gemma...
  • March 23, 2016

"I've had Skyla for 3 years now. I was 21 when it was originally placed. At that time I knew virtually nothing about Skyla so I assumed every risk would happen to me. None of them, not one, happened. There was the slight pain when it was placed and I honestly don't even remember spotting in the weeks afterwards, but that was 3 years ago. Since then I've had no troubles, worries, or children. So in my case this has been an absolute success. I've read some of the other horror stories and honestly I would've been afraid to get one after those. But, I can truthfully say, for me it's been great."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.