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Taltz for Plaque Psoriasis User Reviews (Page 3)

Taltz has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 110 reviews for the treatment of Plaque Psoriasis. 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 21% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Taltz

  • Sleepy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 5, 2019

"Clear after 2 months. Feel fatigued most of the time. Hope it passes with time. Have been on many biologics. Noticed my teeth hurt and several seem loose or have mobility issues. Same thing happened when I was on humira. Neither the doctor or dentist have answers but the mobility is a concern. Any others have this issue?"

8 / 10
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9 Report
  • Morta...
  • September 18, 2018

"Have lived with severr plaque psoriasis for about 23 years. Never took any biologics to treat it. Within 3 days, I developed hives and severely itchy eyes, but that was controlled quickly and easily with antihistimine. Within a week, 90% of plaques were GONE. By Day 10, only the thickest plaques left any buildup, although those areas did appear to start to get rougher. Week 2 injection seems to maintain it, though midway through Week 3 some itching has redeveloped, though it may only be a very mild reaction. Insurance won't cover since I didn't try Humira, but Taltz has been probably 90% effective so far and I doubt that Humira or Enbrel would have come even close to alleviating any symptoms given my experience so far. Injection site pain is moderate, but I could see how it might be difficult for less hardened people. So far, no major illness but I rarely get sick and it has only been a month. Time will tell."

8 / 10
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10 Report
  • Psori...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 22, 2017

"Another review after 12 weeks no change in my condition, Taltz is not helping and having same symptoms as described by another reviewer. Fine rash on chest, face and Genital itching. My Psoriasis lesions are starting to get worse on my hands , elbows and ankles. I had been on Otezla which worked for about 18 months, then I developed severe Psoriasis on my hands that I cannot get rid of, Humira made everything worse and I developed thick plaques on hands and feet, Taltz helped the plaques on palms hands and bottom feet but cannot clear top of my hands which are my most visible areas and very embarrassing. I take Estilar , clobetasol, and triamcinaline topically. Nothing is working. Biological have made my Psoriasis worse than ever."

2 / 10
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11 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Taltz...
  • August 12, 2017

"Ok so I have had plaque psoriasis since I was 14 years old and I have tried every cream, every lotion , even certain foams and I have even been prescribed humira and none of of has worked the way taltz had . I took my 1st 2 shots Wed and it is now Saturday and I have noticed a big difference in just a few days more itching ... The inflammation has gone down immensely.. And I can finally be comfortable putting my jeans on now ... I know that every one is different when it comes to treatment ...I'm just glad I have found one that finally works for me :)"

9 / 10
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  • taltz...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 1, 2017

"I started taking Talz a month and a half ago. Within 3 days I see immediate clearing of skin. Within two weeks, I was 100% clear. This drug has been a miracle and is the first that was so efficacious (I took enbrel for a decade and stelara most recently for a year). It feels too good to be true so true test is how long this will last. So far so good!"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • I...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 14, 2017

"I took Stelara for plaque psoriasis for about four years and it worked very well----- until I had to miss a dose because I was having knee surgery. After 3 1/2 months I resumed taking Stelara but my body no longer responded to it and I started getting a lot of activity on my legs. My doctor suggested switching to TALTZ but I was put off by the initial starter doses and the monthly maintenance dose. (After all, Stelara is only one shot every 3 months.) Nevertheless, I decided to read online comments about TALTZ and was encouraged/ but skeptical about some people saying they saw improvement in days. Well now I'm one of those people. I saw improvement in just 4 days, I'm on week 6 of treatment."

10 / 10
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  • Jodie
  • May 19, 2018

"Talz has taken me from being the healthiest person to the least healthiest person. It caused me to get hypoglycemia, bad headaches and I've been in the emergency room on top of that. Now, I get chest pains nightly which wake me up. 0/10 DO NOT RECOMMEND. THIS DRUG SHOULD NOT BE ON THE MARKET!"

1 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Aura
  • October 23, 2019

"Psoriasis for 5 years. All of my fathers side of the family has it as well. First ok with topics, but it got worse all the time. Tried UVB, methotrexate, cyclosporine (which gave me UTI-like symptoms but no actual infections), otezla (which I was on for 6 months and CONSTANTLY nauseous) and humira. None of these gave me virtually any results. Probably slowed down the outbreak of new patches, but did nothing to the old ones. I have now taken the starting dose of 2 injections about 2 weeks ago. My back, which was one of my biggest problem areas, has almost cleared up. Arms (also problem area) are looking a little better. Had some small spots on stomach and most of them are gone. What I am really pleased about is that I haven’t noticed any new spots, which was almost daily earlier. It’s an expensive drug and I was happy to be approved for it by the government (not living in the US). Looking forward to seeing if it still keeps improving and hoping I can someday be 100% clear!"

9 / 10
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8 Report
  • CASH
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 8, 2018

"I was 90% covered. I took mr first double dose and 5 days later I was 60% clearer. I put on shorts today for the first time in a long time. All I can say is that at this rate I will soon be 100% clear. I hope it keeps working"

8 / 10
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  • SeinJ...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 27, 2017

"I have had plaque psoriasis 25 years and have started Taltz 1 year ago. It completely cleared my skin. I used Stelera for 5 years prior to Taltz, but still had some psoriasis left on my elbows and some spots on my lower body. I am able to wear the clothes I want at work in summer and wear swimsuits in the summer! My life is changed. I wear dresses with short sleeves with no tights! I don't have to wear cardigan/long pants in the summer! I thank Lilly company for producing the drug and thank the co-payment assisting program! Thank you so much!!"

10 / 10
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  • Hneyney
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 30, 2017

"This is the only drug that has completely cured my psoriasis I have taken Sterla, humira, embel pretty much all injection sterla kept under control and talz cured I have a found confidence I can wear short bathing suit anything I want now and not have people look at me like I'm contagious"

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  • talz_...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 16, 2018

"Update on my Taltz. Been on it for almost 6 months now and am 100% clear. I saw clearing 3 weeks into taking the prescription and at 6 weeks, 100% clear which has been sustained through this time. Amazing experience for me and no side effects thus far. Thank you Taltz for making a difference in my life!"

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  • Disap...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 16, 2018

"Worse decision of my life to start biologics. I had mild to moderate case treated with topicals. Decided to pursue a biological in search of a drug to finally give me clear skin. In the contrary, this has worsened my Psoriasis , I now have the worst case in 25 years. Biologics have actually triggered Psoriasis in areas I never had before. It is resistant to biologics, and now even resistant to topicals. I have tried Otezla, humira, Taltz, going to try Tremfya next. No help in sight, Not sure what to do next."

1 / 10
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  • Wife...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 19, 2018

"My husband had severe plaque psoriasis for over 20 years. Nothing has come close to clearing it until Talz. One week after initial dose we could see a significant difference. He is plaque free now! Looking forward to our first vacation that he will wear shorts and swim trunks in a few weeks!! He has had a very intense sinus infection, but cleared with antibiotics, but still had some reoccurring drainage. But..a few weeks ago he injected it in his thigh instead of stomach. Shortly after he began having knee pain in that leg. It has increased to the point that it is difficult to walk. Has anyone else experienced this?"

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  • Lou
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2020

"I've been on a few psoriasis medications and happy to say Taltz has worked the best for me. The injection does sting more than another, I haven't found my "sweet spot" yet. I don't mind the results are terrific."

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Linda
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 12, 2020

"I feel so disappointed about the outcome of TALTZ. The first few days were fine didn’t have joint pain. Then things changed I had side effects of headache, feeling as if I was getting sick, hot, sweating. The next wave of side effect was DIZZINESS and weakness all over. It was hard to stay out of bed and I slept for three days! I had burning eyes too. I feel defeated as I have been on three meds with no success."

2 / 10
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5 Report
  • Dool
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2018

"I've just started on taltz after being on cosentyx for the past 18 months I took my first 2 injections of taltz last Tuesday and I haven't seen any improvement should I be worried that taltz isn't working or does it needs more time"

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7 Report
  • Psori...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 12, 2017

"4 months on Taltz, now on maintenance dosage , and Psoriasis plaques getting worse. I am disappointed with results, this is 3 rd drug failure. Failed Otezla, Humira, now Taltz. Systematic drugs have worsened my Psoriasis. I should have stuck to topicals. I feel there is no going back now, they have caused worsening of my symptoms. I had previously controlled my symptoms with topicals and now the don't work either."

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  • Lowary
  • August 19, 2017

"I tried Humira for 4 mons made me worse. Then one shot of Stelera made me beyond sick and my hands and feet went from red pustules psoriasis itching to burned. Actually looked as if I was burnt inside out. Asked the Dr please do not put me on another biologic. Went for 2 months untreated while they tried too get taltz approved. So then I developed MRSA. Started the 2 starter doses on 7/28 of taltz. Then 2nd dose on 8/11. Now I am 100 times worse than I was on the Stelera. I'm burnt all over both feet and hands. I am unable too do anything. Went to the urgent care sat for 2 hrs was turned away they couldn't help me. Dermatologist is on vac. Couldn't get an appointment w/new dermatologist until next Friday. So here I am suffering, burnt from taltz."

2 / 10
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  • Jessi...
  • August 31, 2017

"I have been on taltz for about 4 months I saw results right away. It has even helped my rheumatoid arthritis some. The only side effect I have is mild cold symptoms which goes away pretty fast. The biggest drawback of this medicine is it lowers my immune system which sucks because I get sick a lot more now then without it. I got the flu recently it lasted 7 days and it was pretty severe. I have tried lots of other biologics, you name it I have tried it. Before taltz I was on cosentyx it was great except it gave me very bad mouth sores. With taltz I only had to pay a 5.00 co pay my insurance and Lilly took care of the rest. I am pretty much 99.9% clear taking this medication."

9 / 10
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  • MeliAnn
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 15, 2017

"I suffer from inverse psoriasis, which is often misdiagnosed as intertrigo. The pain of this type of psoriasis is unbearable. I couldn’t move without severe pain that felt like a rubber band popping me from under my skin. It burned and itched as well. My husband works for Eli Lilly, and started doing research on what I was experiencing. He was able to help me in talking to my dr about Taltz, and my dr decided to go ahead and let me try it out. The insurance process did take about a month, which stunk, but was worth it in the end. I have been on Taltz since January 2017, and I started seeing serious results within my first 6 injections. It’s been a year now, and I’m 100% clear. I’m able to live my life normally again. Thank you Eli Lilly!!!"

10 / 10
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  • catjack
  • March 31, 2017

"Just started on Taltz only one dose. Was up to third month on Cosentyx which was doing a great job when insurance changed and I was unable to continue therapy unless I switched to Taltz so I did. I was two months without biologics and my hands never did get as bad as I expected. My doctor ordered the Taltz without specifying autoinjector and I got the injections (which I wouldn't do again!) so I will see how it works. No big changes yet but I haven't taken my second dose! Fingers crossed it works as well as Cosentyx seemed to."

7 / 10
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  • Teri...
  • June 30, 2017

"Took for 3 months just before the first monthly injection, got itchy in genital area. Thought it was a yeast infection. Then eyelids swelled and I broke out in different rashes all over body. My chest broke out in what looked like a heat rash that went up my neck and half my face. My stomach has red dots all over and the folds in my skin are raised and itchy. This has been since before memorial .. Been on prednisone now for second time .. Any idea when these reactions will go away? Stopped taking before first monthly injection"

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  • DJano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 9, 2019

"I have had scalp psoriasis for 25 years. I have tried all the topicals, shampoos and two biologics with no success. I tried Taltz and it worked! Unfortunately I started getting side effects of sneezing and nasal congestion at 6 months. Recently had swollen and burning lips. I will have to stop using."

8 / 10
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  • E36fo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 24, 2021

"I have to say that it's been good for me, I have been self injecting since my 1st dose. I am now on my 5th dose. For me for me it was more of a mental barrier to self inject, Obviously no one likes poking themselves with needles. But once I got past it, it was easy. I mainly do it on my stomach because it is less painful than the leg or the arm trust me. I have not experienced side effects and I am a smoker and I drink occasionally. I would say my plaque psoriasis is about 80% gone, and my sores were bad and thick with scales."

9 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.