Fluoxetine for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder User Reviews
Brand names: Prozac
Fluoxetine has an average rating of 8.6 out of 10 from a total of 111 reviews for the treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Fluoxetine
- Virgo
- October 29, 2013
Sarafem (fluoxetine) "I have been on Fluoxetine (Generic for Sarafem) for exactly 2 years. This medication changed my life. I was hesitant to take it (or any medication like it) because I thought I was going to feel numb to my feelings/emotions and be a completely different person. I have been suffering from depression & PMDD for as long as I can remember. My doctor never picked up on it and I never realized how much it was affecting my life. I was moody, irritable, had no patience. I would cry for no reason, have panic attacks for no reason. I would wake up in the morning with that empty/dreadful feeling. Everyday was a struggle. Some days were much worse than others. I feel SO much better now. I really wish I started taking this sooner."
- JecM
- January 18, 2014
Sarafem (fluoxetine) "I have been suffering from PMDD for years now. As I am getting older, symptoms like tender breasts, bloating, crazy cravings, fatigue, moodiness, crying, anger have become stronger. I finally decided to talk to my OBGYN about this and see if that's normal PMS or is it more serious... She prescribed Sarafem and now I have been taking it for 2 months. I, the person that's against all drugs, am a changed person. Every day of the month, my mood is the same. I don't have any side effects most people above me stated. If you think at all that you might be suffering from PMDD, talk to your physician. It really helped me get myself back."
Frequently asked questions
- SSRIs vs SNRIs - What's the difference between them?
- Is Prozac (fluoxetine) safe for dogs?
- Prozac vs Zoloft - What are the Differences & Similarities?
- What are some common side effects of antidepressants?
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 2, 2015
Prozac (fluoxetine) "I am 22 and have been taking Prozac for almost two months now. Before I started taking it, my life was a wreck. There were only two weeks out of every month when I felt semi-normal/happy. The rest of the time, I was miserable. I would lay in my bed and cry, thinking my life was ending for no reason. There was nothing bad happening in my life, but my mind would make me think everyone hated me and that I was disgusting. I was overemotional all the time and constantly torturing myself with sad thoughts. I put off going to see a psychiatrist for so long because of the stigma. I regret it so much. Had I gone on this medication sooner, so many of my relationships could have been saved and I could have been truly enjoying my life."
- Nurse
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 22, 2015
Prozac (fluoxetine) "Where do I begin... wow, this medicine has really given me my life back! I truly felt like I was losing my mind before I started taking this. I am in my late 30s, and for the past couple of years, I have tried several other medications for my severe mood swings (PMS). Being a mother of 3, with a husband, and working as a full-time critical care nurse, I needed my life back! My doctor said she had been going back to the 'old faithful' Prozac for a lot of her patients. And boy, am I glad I finally tried this one! I haven't had any of the crazy side effects I was scared of, and I feel calmer, happier, and not so socially awkward. I'm only on 20mg, but I feel wonderful with this."
Are you taking this medicine?
- Danep...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 2, 2013
Prozac (fluoxetine) "Taking Prozac for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is a miracle! But when I hit forty it really got worse, especially at period time. My thoughts were so messed up, I would think things that I knew weren't normal, and cry because of the most ridiculous reasons or just non-stop crying for no reason. Irritated beyond expression and felt like my body was on speed. But all out of my control, I could not get in control of my moods or thoughts. So last year at my Gyno appointment, I mentioned this bizarre experience I would have prior to my periods. She explained PDD and prescribed Prozac. I take mine 14 days prior, every other day or every third day because it makes me feel draggy, just depends on how it affects me that month. I take it before I go to bed. Works great! New life!"
- mamajen
- June 5, 2014
Sarafem (fluoxetine) "I have suffered from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder for most of my life but wasn't aware that's what I was going through. Just last month, I got diagnosed FINALLY and I am a totally new person on Sarafem. Not different in terms of my personality. Just who I am without all the rage and mood swings. My relationships with my husband and kids have drastically improved. I did have some sleeplessness in the first week but other than that, no side effects. It has changed my life. I look forward to actually living now. I don't like resorting to medicine right away. But I really wish I would have considered this sooner."
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- Feeli...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 22, 2015
"Taking for 2 months. I have had some side effects...in the beginning just an overall weird feeling, exhaustion, waking up feeling like I hadn't slept, dry mouth, headaches. At the one-month mark, I started getting bad indigestion (now I take an acid reducer pill and half a glass of milk). But they have almost all gone away, and now I feel great! The anger, the negative thinking, the impulsive verbal reactions, the depression, the anxiety...all gone. This was hugely affecting my relationship (he almost walked away) and work life too. My relationship is now in the best place ever, and I am happy going into work. The little things do not bother me like they did before. I do not have blunted feelings, and I have not lost my sex drive! Hang in there!"
- Amand...
- March 6, 2014
Sarafem (fluoxetine) "I have been on medication for over 20 years to help with my mood and anxiety. Some I stayed on for a few years, and then I would change. Some even less because of side effects. I went on Sarafem after doing my research and asked the doctor to prescribe it 2 months ago. Thank goodness he did because this is the first time in as far back as I can remember that I actually feel happy every day. Less mood swings. I don't let things bother me as much as I did before. I am honestly a happier person now. This stuff honestly has changed my life."
- Dora
- April 9, 2021
Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have been prescribed Prozac 20mg for PMDD . Guys coming off this med is worse than any PMDD/depression/anxiety and mood swings. Coming off means (PMDD+Depression+Anxiety Symptoms) x 1000 - I promise you. Just like you now, I ignored others' comments. However, most of the positive comments about Prozac is given by people who are on Prozac - but wait for the day they try to come off this meds. The reason people stay on this meds is because they cannot come off. I found a good doctor, told her my story she did a blood test immediately; she found my iron, d3 levels and B12 close to none. That's what Prozac do to you - it depletes you of all your vitamins in your body and so when you tell your doctor they increase your dose instead of trying to correct your lack of vitamins which in turn lead to depression."
- Dot
- May 13, 2020
"After battling with bad PMDD for too many years and trying yoga, vitamins, YAZ, etc., with only very limited results. I ended up trying fluoxetine as a desperate last alternative. I was very nervous to try it as I had read there could be a lot of side effects, and I was scared of them. I, however, have had no side effects, and it has fixed my PMDD totally. I wish I had tried it years ago. Started at 10 mg a day for 8 days, then went to 20 mg. It has been such a relief as I can operate as a 'normal' person the entire month. My head is clear, and I remain my happy, positive self even in the dreaded 48 hours before my monthly starts, which was the worst time before. My husband is also very excited to see the change as he was very worried about me and what I was going through every month. If you have PMDD and are struggling, I would say talk to your doctor as this just might be the closest thing to a cure you will find."
- Nomor...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 30, 2015
"This has literally changed my life. I was depressed, angry, anxious and didn't like myself very much. I could not stop my angry comments or pick myself up except for the children. Now I feel like I did 20 years ago. Happy, grateful for my lovely husband, enjoying socializing again. I wish I had taken it years ago."
- GFriend
- December 27, 2018
"I'm 49 and have been suffering from PMDD since I was 20. I have destroyed every relationship I have ever been in. I turn into an absolute monster for a week every month. I say the most destructive things possible to the people I love the most. 11 years ago, my gynecologist diagnosed me with PMDD. At that time, she gave me Zoloft, but it didn't really help, so I stopped. 8 years have gone by, it has not gotten any better. I've been engaged now for a year and a half to an amazing man. I told him I have PMDD. He asked me to talk to my new gynecologist about it. She prescribed Fluoxetine, 20 mg, for 14 days before my period. I've been taking it for 2 months now. I started taking 10 mg the first few days and then started taking the whole pill, 20 mg. I have not had an outburst since I started taking it! Even my daughter, who is now 12, said, 'Mom, why are you so calm all the time now?' Lol. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wish someone would have given this to me 20 years ago!"
- Anne
- Taken for 10 years or more
- April 20, 2018
"A lifesaver! I didn’t ‘believe’ in PMS/PMDD until it started happening to me. It took me years to recognize it, but when everything was going great in my life and was under low stress, it was easier to recognize that my crying and my feelings of hopelessness were not justified. My gyn had me chart my symptoms on a graph and the PMS pattern became evident. I was very resistant to taking any medication and tried all the other remedies first with no luck. Then I tried fluoxetine at just 10 mg/day for only the 10 days prior to my periods. WHAT A WONDERFUL CHANGE! No more weird crying spells for no reason, no more angry outbursts, I was my normal self all the days of the month. No negative side effects that I know of, and I took it for years. During perimenopause, I started to have crying spells and went to 20 mg every day. Now in full menopause, I weaned myself down and off of it and don’t seem to need it now. It was not working to control hot flashes, but for PMS/PMDD, it was WONDERFUL!"
- Prozac...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 23, 2015
"I am in control of my thoughts and emotions, and that's all I can ask for! I don't easily cry or become depressed anymore. I don't say hateful and mean things when I'm angry. I feel mentally stable and am in a much happier place just 3 weeks in. Didn't have any side effects, only thing was that people asked why I've been so much happier. I recommend Prozac and never take any other kind of pills."
- Yay
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- September 5, 2019
"I was diagnosed with PMDD at age 35 and am now 42 years old. The only regret I have about my 40 mg fluoxetine is not getting on it sooner. I destroyed friendships, marriages, and was about to self-destruct when I finally sought help. If there are side effects, I am not aware of them. This medicine didn't make me in the clouds happy, but it takes the edge off and levels me out so that I can think clearly, reason normally, and control my emotions and irritability. I will NEVER not take this medicine. It's changed my life!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 26, 2021
Prozac (fluoxetine) "I hesitantly started Prozac after trying Lexapro and Zoloft. I found out I had PMDD and thought for sure nothing was going to help at this point, and boy, was I wrong. Prozac has given me my life back from intrusive thoughts, cyclical depression with PMDD, and daily anxiety. I desperately wanted the old me back to how I was before I had PMDD, and this is the best I’ve felt in 9 months. I would for sure recommend trying this (and sticking with it for the first couple weeks) to anyone with PMDD who feels lost and hopeless! I do take this in combination with birth control and am 6 weeks in. Keep pushing for a better tomorrow! ❤️"
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 30, 2016
Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have been on 20mg daily Fluoxetine for the past 3 years for PMDD. This definitely helps me feel more normal at that time of the month. No more crying, mood swings, and feeling out of control for 7 days every month. It has taken me 20+ years to get diagnosed with PMDD after seeing lots of doctors who didn't really understand. In the end, I kept a diary. For 2 weeks of each month, I would be fine followed by around 10 days of feeling low, irritable, moody, anxious, etc. I did increase the dose to 40mg daily at one point but kept getting bruises on my thighs and itchy legs (side effect), so reduced it back to 20mg. I would definitely recommend this to anyone else suffering from PMDD."
- Gambit
- May 22, 2013
Sarafem (fluoxetine) "My OBGYN gave me this for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, and it took me a while to actually take it because of the stigma that goes along with taking Prozac. I WISH I had taken it sooner as it has made such a difference. I have more patience, I don't get angry as much, and am happier than I have ever been. I originally was prescribed it for 14 days a month (2 weeks before my period), but it has been so helpful that I am taking it every day. I take 20mg in the morning. The first couple of weeks I had a hard time sleeping. I would wake up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep. That went away, and I have no other side effects. I know so many people who should be taking this. Someone mentioned that it should be in the water, and I agree!"
- Worth...
- May 19, 2015
"I was prescribed Fluoxetine 20mg for 2 weeks of the month and it has changed my life. The first week I had some nasty side effects - kept waking at night, nightmares, nausea, generally spaced out and tired - but also some more welcome ones - loss of appetite and really wanted to exercise. I barely noticed my period coming that first month. For the first time in as long as I could remember I didn't hate everyone or want to cry, and I was able to have normal social encounters without complete paranoia setting in! It was like I had got my old self back. 9 months in now, I am quite happily still taking them. Definitely worth trying if you do get really bad PMS."
- Kay...
- April 15, 2016
"I was on 20 mg for PMS, and I CAN'T TELL YOU ENOUGH, IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE! I feel great. Yes, there are side effects, but seriously I can deal with that. I nearly lost my husband and family due to my moods. I have only been on it for a couple of months, but WOW, it helped me be in control of me!"
- busy...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 25, 2019
"I was having the worst irritability with my PMS, especially on the 7th or 10th day before my period started. Felt like I was being a terrible monad wife, just felt so angry and grouchy. Thank God my doc helped me by giving me Prozac for the symptoms. My irritability disappeared, and when she followed up with me, I said, 'I can't believe how nice I am!', which is kind of depressing in itself, but it illustrates how terrible I felt before. No more grouchiness with my poor kids. I have been able to lower my dosage to 10 mg, starting 10 days before my period. Feel so great, like a dark cloud has been lifted and I do not dread PMS anymore. I am writing this to encourage other women out there to try this if you are having 'crazy days' before your period! By the way, I did feel some nervousness as a side effect when I first started taking it... was at 20 mg per day, but that has all but gone away. Oh yeah, and it has also helped with my premenstrual headaches."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 5, 2015
Prozac (fluoxetine) "After suffering for some time with PMT, I decided I couldn't continue the way I was as it was interfering with my personal life as well as my work life. I spoke to my GP who offered me some different options, Prozac being one of them. At that point, I felt I couldn't carry on the way I was so I gave Prozac a try. I've been on it for around 6 weeks now and already feel 'normal' again. I don't feel anxious or hate myself. It seems to have cleared my thoughts. It's still early but it's definitely helped me get back to my old self."
- Toast...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 27, 2015
"I am me again. My premenstrual dysphoric disorder was destroying my relationship with others and with myself. For a week to two weeks a month, I had severe depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and interpreted others' actions as hostile. I would feel at times like breaking up with my boyfriend, leaving my family and job, and saying 'f you' to life. This is the second time I have taken fluoxetine over long periods of time. Last time I stopped cold turkey (many years ago), thinking I was cured of my PDD. However, over the years it worsened until I lived in fear of it. Now I really see, understand, and feel grateful for the effects of fluoxetine. I feel I am clear, in control, calm, and me again. It has improved my relationship with everyone. The side effect: breast growth! WIN!!!!!"
- Hilif...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 13, 2015
"This medicine is life-changing. I was always so angry around getting my period. Mood swings, crazy thoughts, like wanting to leave my husband for no reason. It saved my marriage, I'm so much happier now. It's a blessing."
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.
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- Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
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Patient resources
- Fluoxetine drug information
- Fluoxetine Capsules and Tablets
- Fluoxetine Capsules and Tablets (PMDD)
- Fluoxetine Delayed-Release Capsules
- Fluoxetine Solution
Other brands
Prozac, Sarafem, Prozac Weekly, Rapiflux, Selfemra
Professional resources
- FLUoxetine monograph
- Fluoxetine (FDA)
- Fluoxetine Capsules (FDA)
- Fluoxetine Delayed Release Capsules (FDA)
- Fluoxetine Solution (FDA)
Other brands
Prozac, Sarafem, Prozac Weekly
Prozac (fluoxetine) "I have PMDD, OCD, and anxiety. I have tried almost every single medication out there for years. I felt as if I was never going to be unchained from the torment I faced. When my doctor prescribed me Prozac, she let me know that during the first two weeks I would likely feel 'uncomfortable.' In my case, it made me feel TERRIBLE. Three days in, I thought, 'omg, I do not want to go through with this medication,' but I couldn’t help but think maybe I will see some benefit if I just push through. I gave it 3 weeks, if I didn’t get better, I was going to discontinue taking it. Sure enough, within 2 weeks, I felt so great. I have never ever felt this way in my entire life. This medication has turned my life around. I’m only giving my review because every person is different and reacts differently to each medication, but always be open about finding a medication that works for you!"