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Sprintec for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding User Reviews (Page 3)

Sprintec has an average rating of 3.6 out of 10 from a total of 125 reviews for the treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. 21% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 62% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sprintec

  • Ame
  • February 28, 2016

"Took it due to heavy, long periods. Technically, it did help. My periods went from 7 to 8 days to 4 or 5, and bleeding was cut down to a third of what it was before. Also, it really helped with my ance. However, that's where the good stuff ends. I experienced HORRIBLE mensual pains at least 7 days before my period that would last until it's end. I experienced depression worse than I ever had before during my entire time on the pill (about 7 months). The first 3 months were also a nightmare with nausea, migraines, and constant bleeding. Overall, if your gyno suggests this to you to help heavy periods, ask for a lower estrogen birth control. This pill isn't worth the trauma."

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  • Pumpkin
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 5, 2019

"I got on this for my severe cramps. It helps pretty well but I think my body is getting use to the medicine because lately my periods have been bad with pain in my back. Little bleeding but much pain. I just recently got a lump on my breast and my doctor said it was just a cyst. Come to find out its from taking sprintec. I started growing darker hair on my chin. I'm going to switch to something else. It is not for everyone but I did like it at the beginning."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 18, 2011

"I am a 21 and I was put on this because of the abnormal bleeding I was having. I've been taking it for 3 weeks. I had a few of the other side effects that were listed. For the first week and a half, I was very emotional and just wanted to sleep and eat, but after I got through that, it was perfect. My face cleared up after the emotional roller coaster, I could manage my appetite, and could function regularly. I also had a little nausea in the afternoon because I take it right after breakfast. My cramps during ovulation were a little bit worse than before but tolerable and short lasting. I would definitely recommend this to anyone, but then again, it will affect everyone differently."

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Frequently asked questions

  • geege...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 4, 2019

"I am on this pill for uterine fibroids. The pill definitely helped me with the excessive bleeding from this condition. After the 2nd month, my acne cleared up and my depression that this pill caused started to get better. It also helped that I talked to my doctor regularly to make sure that I gave this pill time to work for me. I also had adult acne before I started this and after 3 months, my skin cleared up. I went off the pill for about 4 months because I had lost my job and the 20 it cost without having insurance pay wasn't worth it. As soon as I started working again I went to see my obgyn for another rx. I'm not sure how it'll help my fibroids in the long run since it has estrogen in it but I plan on getting another ultrasound in 2020 to make sure they haven't grown. If so I will be switching but in the meantime, I am back on it and I hope my depression isn't as bad this time around."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 27, 2015

"I was on a 3 month trial period for this brand & absolutely HATED it. I couldnt wait to be done with it. The only thing I can say postively is it did regulate my periods & they were lighter. From week one of my first pack, I noticed severe cystic acne. I'll have an occasional flare up on my chin here and there, normally. But I started getting them EVERYWHERE on my face, and they never ceased as the months went on. Also, I had severe mood swings and depression, and was putting a strain on my relationship with my fianc"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 24, 2015

"I hate this pill! It doesn't work and I wish I never took his pill! I was on this pill several years ago(7) after I had second child. Switch to the nuvoring, bleed like crazy, switch to the the shot it was good until I bleed like crazy switched to another pill bleed like crazy now this pill! I don't want to get off bc but I need to get my body back on track! Don't use this pill"

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  • Taket...
  • November 11, 2017

"This is pill is pure garbage! Years ago I was taking Ortho-tricyclin and had no bad side effects. I decided to give the generic a try in spite of the negative reviews just because someone convinced me that everyone reacts different and since I used the original in the past I shouldn’t have any problems with the generic. So wrong! I had non stop bleeding/spotting, nausea everyday, feeling super depressed, crying for no reason, and to top it off it was also hurting my stomach. I decided to finish the pack anyways with hopes that these symptoms would go away. Well, they didn’t I am now experiencing heavy abnormal bleeding with blood clots. I am switching to Ogestrel starting on Sunday. Ladies please don't take this rubbish pill!"

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  • Jessy...
  • January 21, 2018

"I have taken Sprintec in the past. After going through suicidal thoughts on a DIFFERENT BC when I had to switch due to insurance, I stopped taking BC all together. I decided to switch back to Sprintec just recently after around 3 years of being off of all BC. My bleeding will not stop. I’ve always had heavy periods with intense cramps. Taking more than enough ibuprofen for cramps but the bleeding will not stop. It hasn’t even gotten lighter. I’m so upset. I have an event coming up and I cannot deal with this at the moment. Should I just stop taking this BC? My event is 6 days away. Will the bleeding stop? Will it make it worse? Help"

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  • Anonymous
  • March 7, 2011

"Like the other users I had absolutely no sex life for two reasons : like them my heavy period came back lasting longer than before with LARGE clots and my sex drive was pretty much non existent. I was switched to apri today so we will see how that goes!"

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  • Cano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 21, 2021

"I was prescribed Sprintec after having an irregular period. I absolutely love this birth control! I went from having 3-4 periods a year to a PERFECT cycle. This birth control is not for everyone!! I experienced no symptoms at all. My flow is regular about 4-5 days of light bleeding. I usually feel breast tenderness and slight bloating before my period otherwise I have not experienced any negative symptoms."

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  • ammc
  • June 7, 2017

"I never wanted to be on birth control but I was bleeding for over a month so my doctor put me on it to stop it, it did within 2 days, which was great. When I first started taking this birth control I felt great and had normal periods, didn't get pregnant, but I am on my fourth month and I threw it away. Starting in the third month of taking it I started to feel crazy, I have been having such high anxiety and mood swings, I have absolutely no sex drive. The anxiety gets so bad and then turns into panic attacks. I didn't gain weight, but the hunger at first was so bad and no matter how much you eat, the hunger doesn't end. I am on day 2 of not taking it and I hope I start to get back to my normal self soon."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 29, 2015

"I started Sprintec because my doctor recommended it after I decided to get on birth control after my miscarriage. 2 pills into my second week on them I started my period. It lasted for 12 days, with at least 8 of them being fairly heavy. I have also experienced almost constant spotting since starting it. Tomorrow I start the second week of my second pack, and I've been spotting for 2 days. If things don't even themselves out soon, I'm switching meds. I'm tired of the bleeding affecting my sex life. I got on Sprintec to prevent pregnancy, not sex. I honestly believe just using condoms would be a better experience!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 18, 2015

"I started Sprintec about two weeks ago. I started taking it because of my irregular periods and painful cramps. So far I have had little symptoms but nothing huge. I have been spotting brown discharge since my last period everyday. That's kind of annoying and I hope it goes away. And my breasts have been tender in the morning. Other than that, I haven't had any weight gain and my mood has been good. So far this pill has been great."

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  • Bano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 11, 2019

"I got put on Sprintec a month ago. My 4th week taking it (period week) is THE WORST. I’m having every symptom of pregnancy (I know I’m not pregnant) my breasts are so sore it hurts to put a shirt on & wash them in the shower. I’m nauseous & vomiting. Smelling any food makes me want to vomit. Although my appetite has decreased I have gained 7 pounds in one month. I’m very bloated. The only decent thing about this pill is that it has increased my sex drive immensely. But all the other negative symptoms greatly out weigh the one good one. It’s made my period a lot heavier than usual as well. And my face has never had so much acne on it. Very upsetting."

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  • Msoto
  • November 20, 2015

"I love this pill !! I've tried 4 before this one and they all have given me terrible side effects such as severe nausea, depression, weight gain..with sprintec I've actually lost some weight cause my hormonal eating is tamed now lol the only thing is in the beginning I felt a little tired so I stated taking vitamins and I feel fine now. I take b12"

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  • flobot
  • April 16, 2012

"I have an almost non existent period that lasts for 2 days but randomly my period will start when I'm on the 3rd week of pills then it goes to normal again. They put me on Sprintec to help my moods. Helped a tiny bit. Been on it for 3 years now."

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  • Ashley
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 15, 2020

"I do not recommend Sprintec at all, I've been on it for 3-4 months and I've gained 10 pounds (I eat well and exercise daily so there is no other reason besides the pill). I've also been getting random bursts of nausea around the time of my period as well as horrible mood swings. In the process of switching to another brand."

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  • sharee
  • June 4, 2015

"about to start my third month on sprintec. i have lost about 12 pounds since starting the pill. im not sure if its because of the pills but my diet has not changed, i still eat alot and i dont workout. i have fibroids and the reason i started was to help with bleeding in which it really hasnt helped much with but my cramps are not as bad, im not as moody as before, and it has helped with bloating. i guess its different for everyone so i would recommend trying it."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 18, 2018

"I started this per my doctor because of break-through bleeding in between periods. I have just decided to stop after month. I have had nothing but horrible side effects. I developed a acne-like spots on the inner labia (thankfully that went away), vaginal dryness/irritation, increase of anxiety, lethargy, uncontrollable gas, increased appetite, and low sex drive. The only good thing is that my adult facial acne has been non existant. All and all it has been a horrible experience."

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  • Jan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2018

"So I got on BCP to regulate my constant period. Within the first week my period stopped (mind you I had my period for 7 months straight). Through the first month I experienced light cramping and spotting no big deal. So when it was time for me to take the placebo pill I notice that I had a few bumps appear on my forehead and I had pretty clear skin before. Day one of my period was uneventful. Day two I was at work and out of no where I was buckled over in severe pain from cramps. I downed some ibuprofen and left work early because of the pain barely able to drive. Today is day three of my period and I’ve gone through a super tampon per hour for the last 24 hours and cramping continues. I ended up taking the regular pills and not the placebo to end this period. I mean at this point I’d rather have my continuous periods back because never were they bad."

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  • Kamy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 27, 2018

"I have been taking sprintec pill for seven months now and I have not any problems until now. I missed my pills for December and started back January and now on my period for the 16 th day. My cramps and bleeding is so bad. I stopped the pill altogether this past week, still no luck my period is just as bad. Shen will it stop!? I'm so tired and stressed out over this!"

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  • missann
  • February 28, 2018

"I had really irregular periods before, I would go months without getting a period and when I got one I would bleed heavily and for a long time. The longest was 13 days. I never had any side effects with my periods before I started taking this birth control. This is the second month I’ve been on it, and I just got it refilled for the start of the third month which starts tomorrow. I take the pill every morning. The first month I started taking the pill, I was on my period for 3 weeks straight. I was vomiting, having severe cramps, I had depression, horrible mood swings, increased fatigue. Name a symptom, I had it. It got to the point where it was so bad, I had to stay home one day because I couldn’t move due to the amount of pain I was in. I changed my pants about 4 times that day, and couldn’t walk around without a bunch of blood running down my legs. The second month was okay at first, but now I’ve been on my period for 2 weeks, and I still have all the horrible symptoms."

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  • 81939...
  • July 10, 2017

"I've been taking sprintec for 3 months as prescribed after a surgical abortion as a birth control/period regulator. Before starting sprintec my period were on time but extremely heavy. I had been on lo minestrin for a few yrs prior to starting sprintec and had a ton of success with that, but my insurance stopped covering it so I had to change perscriptions. I'm on my last few days of month 3 and I have been bleeding everyday for the past two and a half months. It's beyond normal spotting - I use up a super plus tampon twice a day. On my normal periods I use four to five super plus tampons. I thought something was very wrong with me, and I'm still gonna see a Dr, but reading these reviews leads me to believe its just a really horrible medication."

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  • cassa_d
  • June 9, 2011

"I used to have really heavy periods and Sprintec has really lightened my period. It has also taken away the cramps, bloating and diarrhea that my period used to cause. My back pain has gotten worse though and I have started to get cravings. All in all it is great at lightening my flow and making it to where I don't have any "surprises." It's the first pill I've tried and I don't plan on switching."

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  • Linea
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 7, 2019

"I took sprintec for 3 months and it was downright awful. I'm usually a pretty mellow person and this pill made me so angry and depressed, I was constantly fighting with my family and angry at myself. It made my periods worse and gave me horrible cramping I've never experienced before in my life, and I had absolutely no sex drive. I stopped taking it and felt much better. I've been scared to try another birth control pill because of how I reacted to Sprintec, but I'm starting Tri-Lo Marzia now and hopefully it works better for me. Hopefully Sprintec works for someone else but it did not work out for me."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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