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Sprintec for Abnormal Uterine Bleeding User Reviews (Page 2)

Sprintec has an average rating of 3.6 out of 10 from a total of 125 reviews for the treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding. 21% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 62% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sprintec

  • Noob
  • July 5, 2016

"First month I had pretty bad cramps but that was a big reason I went on it, along with very irregular periods. After that month though I barely experience cramping, my periods are light, and fairly short (4 days). I'm used to heavy cramps so bad I throw up and 6+ day periods. My skin is the clearest it's ever been. I did bloat very bad (7 pound gained) around month 4 but now (month 5) all bloating is gone and I'm back to my original size. It hasn't taken away any PMS symptoms besides acne and cramps but I'm okay with that. My breasts have grown a cup size (32 C to 32 D). So far so good. Plus... No babies!"

9 / 10
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  • Monic...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 4, 2016

"I have been taking Sprintec since May 2016. I was doing great on the blue pill, but when it came to taking the white pill for 7 days, I would bleed for weeks straight at a time. So, playing doctor, I just started taking the blue pill and would skip over taking the white pill and I would spot every now and then. When I did do that I would have severe cramps (never had cramps before in my life) and decided to finish the pack as suggested (blue/white pills). Now it is August and for three weeks I have been bleeding non-stop. I have not taken any of my blue pills since Sunday, July 31st, to see if the bleeding would stop and sure enough it HASN'T....I am tired of cramping when on the pill and bleeding when I follow the directions. HELP???"

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  • Anonymous
  • January 22, 2010

"I have the same problem. Have been taking it "continuously" for several months to treat heavy, irregular periods. Now, I have spotting/bleeding every day (at least 3/4 of the month). Also, like other person who posted, I have large clots."

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Frequently asked questions

  • anony...
  • July 14, 2016

"I have been on sprintec for over a year. All has been well and it has clearly worked for the purpose of preventing pregnancy. The one mistake I made was slipping my placebo pills and going on to the next pack instead, to avoid period. The period came two weeks later during my regular pills, and since then I have been spotting this dark brown gooey stuff. It sucks, but other than that I haven't had any problems with it."

8 / 10
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  • Lindy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 10, 2019

"So I started Sprintec the second day of my period (the first day was mainly just spotting, and the second day was a Sunday) anyways, I’ve only been taking it about 12 days now, and I’m exhausted. All the time. I mean I’m usually constantly tired, but I need a nap after going up the stairs. I also have been having brown bleeding for a week after my period. So it’s like I’ve been on my period two weeks. I usually have good skin, and now my face is starting to break out all over. My boobs are sore, but their enhancing so I’m taking that as a “beauty is pain” lol. I stay bloated a lot. I'm not too sure how to feel about it honestly."

3 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Cano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 26, 2018

"I've been on this going on 3 months. I've been doing the continuous method of no placebo pills in order to skip periods. The first week the nausea was terrible but luckily didn't last past that. Then towards end of first month started getting cramps pretty bad but were bearable with Tylenol. Second month I bled for a long time maybe 2 weeks I was so irritated I almost stopped taking them!! That was my main goal to skip periods and here's this weird extra long one but Dr said its normal and give it a few more cycles to regulate and get rid of old uterine lining so I stuck it out and now everything's fine. Makes sense that there would be a transition phase so some might just need to give your body time to adjust those first few months! And unrelated to bleeding but my boobs got firmer and noticeably fuller on this pill with some soreness there."

8 / 10
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  • Cas
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 16, 2019

"I’ve been on Sprintec ever since I was 16. I’m 20 now. The whole purpose of birth control was to help with my horrible cramps, it’s helped but causes way too much break through bleeding. I’m on my period a week early and this just keeps happening! I’m at the point where I’m just going to stop it all together."

5 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • September 20, 2018

"I’ve been taking Sprintec to help with my acne for about six months now, it’s caused me to gain almost five pounds and hasn’t done anything to help my acne at all. On top of that I’ve had my period for two months straight! I was thinking it was because I’m taking doxycycline with it and it can mess up the absorption of sprintec but I’ve honestly given up on it. There’s no reason to take it if it’s only making my life worse."

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  • moonpie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 22, 2019

"I've been on Sprintec for over a year now. And just recently skipped a placebo week because I was going on vacation well my plans got cancelled because of a hurricane. (This is the first time I've skipped a placebo week since I've been on it) I was spotting the week after I skipped and I've recently started bleeding heavier. I haven't had any problems with Sprintec since I've been on it. It was great until I skipped. It helped my acne A LOT it regulated my periods, which I started the pill for irregular bleeding (I bled for a month and ended up going to er for it)"

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  • Kjano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 22, 2019

"I been on these Sprintec pills since April, I have fibroids and I have now been bleeding since June 14 2019 and the doctors are doing nothing about it. Doing research on birth control I have found they can make the tumors grow faster, mine have and I been bleeding for too long and still bleeding as I type. I need help..I am already struggling financially and spending money on something that's not helping is very depressing."

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  • Rhian...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 24, 2019

"I have been on Sprintec for about 3 years now and I can only say that I had problems for the first month of using it. During that month I had terrible mood swings and was very irritable and depressed, but I adjusted soon after. My breasts have grown, my period has regulated completely, and my skin is almost always clear. It's a dream pill."

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  • Ccc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 19, 2016

"I'm on my 3rd month and I ONLY take this for regulating my period and the symptoms of it. The first month, my breasts hurt terribly. I had to give up running for a while because I could not handle it. That's been the only major side effect I've had beside I get more breaks out. (And they were hardly noticable) My periods are lighter, cramps are lighter. I use to cramp 4 days before and then during half the period duration, I just cramp maybe the first 1 or 2 days of period now. Weight has only decreased, no increased appetite. Im very happy with it so far! %u263A"

10 / 10
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  • Neave
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 7, 2014

"I've been taking Sprintec for years - when I lost my health insurance, it was cheap, and was a mono-phase pill that I could take continuously, and it's been the best pill I've tried for cramps and lighter/shorter periods. I use it to control my polycystic ovarian syndrome (it's a low-androgen pill that helps control my PCOS-raised testosterone levels). If it impacts T levels too far it can lower the sex drive too much for some people - for me, it removed the worst aspects of having naturally high T-levels and put me into 'normal' range though. Including "balancing" my sex drive and clearing up my acne. I also use this pill continuously (4 period/year) to minimize pre-menstrual and menstrual migraines - "yay" I get both types. No period=no hormonal migraines."

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  • Cant...
  • May 18, 2017

"Background info: I am not sexually active and I was hoping that Sprintec would help control an unruly menstrual cycle. I am on my third pack month of Sprintec. Cannot. Stop. Bleeding. I have been spotting daily and occasionally bleeding for the last month... will be seeing a doctor soon!!!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 26, 2019

"Just started it a month ago so not in my system long but I have really sore breasts and enlargement. I have had breakthrough spotting the entire time and fourth week period came but lighter than usual. Loss of appetite extreme. I’m never hungry. It’s kinda scary how much I don’t eat and really bloated in afternoon or night."

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  • Bobbi...
  • January 17, 2016

"I have been on this pill for almost 7 months now and when I first started I would have horrible mood swings. I've been depressed ever since the first pill and now I have been bleeding for the last month so I've decided to stop taking it and look for something better. Nor did it help the cramps. Just made them worse and last longer."

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • April 19, 2011

"I am on my second week of Sprintec. I started taking these because I already have the Paragard IUD and it was giving me heavy periods, cramping before, during, and after periods, and I also had very thick stringy discharge. My doctor put me on Sprintec temporarily because the extra boost of hormones should help my condition. So far, the side effects have been minor. I noticed it is starting to help with my acne, and my discharge has thinned but it also has an odor. Almost immediately after taking a pill, I get dry mouth and start to get hungry. Eating small meals or skipping meals is not an option after taking it. If I don't eat a decent sized meal to calm my hunger, I get weak with nausea. I also get somewhat jittery."

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  • Tiffyt
  • August 1, 2015

"I took this bc because I had constant bleeding for over a month. It stopped my period for about two weeks, however I started bleeding heavier than before and had cramps so severe it felt like I was having labor pains every minute for a couple of hours. I had to go to emergency room and while there I had a clot the size of golf ball. The doctor said it was the birth control and to see obgyn and get on another form of bc. I will not be taking this anymore and would not recommend!"

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  • MSH
  • March 30, 2017

"My period went from March 11- March 15. Started bleeding again on March 19th. It's March 30th and I'm still bleeding. It's not as heavy as my normal period, but it's enough for it to be a nuisance now. I started taking it mid January and loved it. Now I HATE it."

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  • Delkash
  • May 20, 2016

"I have been on sprintec for about 7 months and from the 2nd month I got periods 2-3 times a month with a very heavy flo. I also started to not care about anyone or anything. I was very insensitive about thing which I should have some effect on me. Sex drive dropped drastically. From having sex 4 times a day to no sex for 3-5 weeks at a time. I was always tired. Just to wake up in the morning was a whole job in itself and I stayed tired all day. My husband and I agreed on not taking it o ly bc of the amount of my flo each time (again 2-3 times a month). I do not recommend this pill to anyone."

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  • Mizco...
  • March 4, 2016

"Was having abnormal bleeding for month went to emergency room was prescribed pro era for 10 days the day after period and blood clots came back. Went to gyno took ultrasound no polyps no fibroids nothing but was told the lining of uterus is thin. Was given this medicine to take 3 a day first 3 days then 2 a day next 2 then 1 a day. The bleeding has stopped for now and I'm ok day 4. Everyone body reacts differently I haven't had any mood swings or no other side affect so I'm thankful for this birth control.."

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  • Madden
  • April 20, 2021

"My vagina feels like it’s about to be on the floor I’ve been bleeding since last Sunday it’s almost been two weeks well the worst 2 weeks of my life my ass feel like I don’t have one and my legs keep going numb everything hurts. I've been feeling like I’m going crazy with mood swings, you don’t even want to know. I’m not taking this anymore and I don’t recommend this for anybody take, so take at your risk"

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  • Cici
  • February 1, 2019

"I started taking this pill for extremely heavy, painful periods that occur twice a month with constant spotting in between. Basically I was bleeding all the time. I also have terrible cystic acne around my jawline when I’m menstruating. The first two weeks have been terrible. I was so nauseous every day of the first week that I vomited at work. The second week, the nausea has improved. However, I started cramping with a “high pitched”, sharp, pinchy kind of uterine pain I’ve never felt before. I’ve been bleeding but it’s somehow different than normal period bleeding. It HAS caused me to gain weight. It may be water weight but I can still see it and feel it and it still weighs something on the scale, so it counts as weight gain. It has made my skin less oily already, however, so I’m going to continue to take it until I’ve had enough or don’t start seeing improvement."

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  • Kita...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 16, 2015

"I absolutely do not recommend this pill to anyone. I was given the RX because I have been bleeding for 10 weeks passing several clots and I because weak and dizzy a few days ago. They told me my other pill was not strong or good enough. This is my 2nd day and I've thrown up nearly all day. My stomach has ached and cramped so very badly that not even the hydrocodone RX'd will ease the pain. My vision is blurry, my head is in a constant pounding sensation. I am still weak and I am still bleeding! Probably wouldn't even give this pill to my dog to prevent her from getting pregnant it is not worth it and no it wasn't worth the money!"

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  • KBz
  • February 14, 2018

"This birth control is garbage. Doctor prescribed it to me for my irregular and extremely heavy periods due to PCOS and this has actually made it worse. I can’t leave the house because of soaking through super tampons in less than an hour. Huge blood clots & severe nausea and vomiting. I wouldn’t recommend this “medicine” to my worst enemy."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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