Junel Fe 1/20 for Birth Control User Reviews
Junel Fe 1/20 has an average rating of 4.4 out of 10 from a total of 784 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 28% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 53% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Junel Fe 1/20
- doe...
- June 3, 2021
"I got on this BC in March 2021 after my Nexplanon expired. I am a newlywed and even though my husband and I want to have children, I want to wait at least a year to have a baby. My PCP decided to put me on Junel so I can stop at any time. Symptoms the first couple of weeks were cramps, sore breasts, headaches, and fatigue. Today marks 3 months on this BC, and I will not continue taking them. The non-stop crying, panic attacks, anxiety, arguments with my spouse, sadness, and depression are out of hand. I lay in bed last night and wished I was dead. I have so many suicidal thoughts and felt like I was going through some tough times in my marriage, but after reading all these reviews and being able to relate to these other women, I realize I'm not crazy. I've been feeling so alone in my dark thoughts. I was scared I would end up in the hospital sooner than later. Listen to your body, please, and if any of this relates to you, please consult your doctor. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!"
- kiw...
- June 23, 2021
"This was my first time on any birth control, so I was prepared for the worst, but honestly I had a good experience. First day I experienced some nausea. I have had on and off GERD, and in the first two weeks, I noticed I was feeling symptoms similar to when it flares up (bloated, burping a little stomach acid up, mild nausea). Nothing some Alka-Seltzer Gold couldn't fix :). It subsided after the first two weeks. The week before my period, I tend to have mood swings, increased anxiety, and be very sensitive, but I was doing better than usual on Junel Fe. I also feel like it reduced a bit of my anxiety. I chose not to skip my period, and I usually get debilitating period cramps, but Junel Fe pretty much erased them. I did not experience any changes to my skin, weight, or appearance. I think the reason why this site has overwhelmingly bad reviews is that those who had a bad experience feel more inclined to share it than those who had a good. Talk to your doctor for what is best for you. :)"
Frequently asked questions
- Anonymous
- May 9, 2021
"If you’re taking this and feel like you’ve lost your mind, it’s not you, it’s this god-awful pill, I promise. Never in my life have I had any sort of anxiety/depression until I started this pill. Every month, I noticed my anxiety increasing, which eventually led to several panic attacks with disassociation that lasted for weeks. I came on here and realized it was these pills. I stopped a month and a half ago and finally have started to feel like myself again. I realize everyone’s body reacts differently to the pill, but please discontinue this at the first sign of any mental side effect, and do not keep going like I did. It got to the point where I felt suicidal just to escape how miserable I was feeling. Never in my life have I felt like this. I am hoping to save someone’s life by this review. If you’re feeling like I did, please stop this pill and know it WILL get better. Give your body time to rebound from these toxic hormones. This pill needs to be pulled off the market NOW."
- Mic...
- January 13, 2020
"Reading all of these 'DO NOT TAKE THIS BIRTH CONTROL' comments is so frustrating. Everyone has a different experience on birth control because hormones affect everyone's body differently. What works for you might not work for someone else, considering we all metabolize drugs differently, which can be attributed to genetics. I was first on Junel Fe and switched to Nexplanon because I didn't want to remember to take a pill, and Nexplanon was awful. Now I'm back on Junel Fe as of a week ago, and when I was on it before I was on Nexplanon, it was amazing. No pregnancy, regular periods, no side effects. But that's because I reacted well to Junel Fe and not Nexplanon. But I'm not going to tell people not to go on Nexplanon ever because, as I said, EVERYONE'S BODY REACTS DIFFERENTLY. So all I'm saying is I loved this BC, and some others don't, but you won't know how your body reacts without trying it."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Nic...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 17, 2021
"I am 40 years old and was prescribed this medication by my OB. I was hesitant to take this medication after reading these reviews. However, I have not experienced ANY of the side effects listed in the reviews. My periods are no longer heavy, they last only a few days, my breasts are no longer tender or hurt during my cycle, and I no longer have painful periods. The first month I did experience nausea which almost stopped me from going further. I sipped a coca-cola to calm my stomach and that subsided the side effect. I just finished my third month and I feel great. No weight gain and I am no longer bloated. I hope everyone has the same experience."
- Nel...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 18, 2021
"I have recently started this birth control back in December of 2020. I had come on this website to read reviews on what I was getting myself into. From all these reviews, I was honestly expecting the worst. So far, I have felt little to no side effects. I have felt great this entire time with the exception of slight nausea that went away with rest. I have felt moody, but I am like that with or without medication. I started taking it to regulate my period and so far, it has helped me out greatly. I like knowing when I am going to start so I can be prepared, rather than it showing up by surprise. This pill has also caused me to lose weight, which I have been a fan of. I also have grown 2 bra sizes in the short months I have been taking this pill. Overall, my experience with Junel Fe has been a positive one, but who's to say it won't change as I continue on with it. I would like to remind you that everyone's body is different so what works for me may not work for you and vice versa."
- Aan...
- August 7, 2020
"If your doctor prescribes this to you, tell them you need a different one and do not take it! This birth control made me so depressed I felt life wasn't worth living. I would cry uncontrollably and for no reason, had anxiety worse than I ever have, and it made me physically sick. I had my son in April 2019, started taking this 6 weeks later. After 4 months of progressively getting worse and worse, I finally realized this was causing my debilitating depression. I started calling counselors and psychiatrists because I thought I was going insane. The same exact thing happened to a friend of mine and the same exact way, so I really don’t think it’s a coincidence. I read the reviews before I started taking but figured everyone reacts differently to different things. If you’re reading this, please don't take it, it can't hurt to just take a different one. I’m filing a complaint with the FDA in hopes it can be removed and hopefully save someone else’s sanity and maybe even possibly their life!!!"
- NYC...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- July 16, 2014
"I felt compelled to review this medication because of how scared I was when reading such scary recipes and side effects. I had tried taking Yasmin which made me gain weight, become increasingly moody and depressed and eventually stopped taking that. When it was time to start up again I was so nervous with Junel but I have nothing but good things to say. No weight gain, no acne, no moodiness, I have a very light, scheduled period, and it does what it's supposed to - prevents pregnancy. I've been on it about 2.5 years now. Love love it."
- HWo...
- February 17, 2021
"I was on Junel FE 1/20 for two years with no issues at all. My heavy periods were finally light, and I rarely got cramps. When COVID hit, Walgreens told me that this birth control was on backorder because the manufacturer was changing the formula. Transferred my script to Giant Eagle because they had a big supply. November 2020 rolls around, and I start having a period in the middle of the pill pack. It caused me so much anxiety and money because my doctor ordered all these tests to see why I was bleeding. Was becoming severely depressed with the darkest thoughts I have ever had in my life. I would cry for days for no reason. I felt so 'out of body.' After three months of on-and-off bleeding, horrible anxiety and depression, and a host of other symptoms, my husband made me go off this pill cold turkey. All my symptoms are now gone, and I feel so much better. This pill should be taken off the market for sure! Whatever they changed is messing with so many women."
- Anonymous
- January 24, 2020
"It is very important to understand that everyone's body reacts differently to different methods of hormonal birth control. My doctor told me to at least give it a try, and after 3 months if I was having bad problems, she'd switch me. The initial adjustment part had a few minor rough spots that in no way severely affected my day-to-day life: mainly I had some moodiness, and I had some light irregular bleeding. But all that totally cleared up after the second month of being on it, and now I have no symptoms at all. I haven't gotten pregnant, and my periods are lighter and shorter, which is a huge bonus I wasn't expecting. If you are feeling unsure about this birth control, talk to your doctor, don't be scared away by negative reviews. Maybe you will react badly, but maybe you won't, however, you have to try it to find out. I just wanted to throw this review out here to say this birth control has worked like a gem for me."
- LWL...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 8, 2018
"So I know a lot of people (myself included) rely on reviews when trying or purchasing new things. I was prescribed Junel Fe as my first BC ever and came on here to see how it made people feel. I'll be honest, reading people's negative reviews on this site terrified me. But then I remembered - most people leave reviews when they have had a negative experience with something. So I wanted to come and give an honest, positive review to put to ease the minds of anyone who may be doing research and becoming increasingly nervous. I've been on Junel Fe for 1 year now and have not felt a single symptom, it's like I'm not even taking anything. My period comes lightly on the second day of the final week of pills, like clockwork, which puts me at ease since before using this, my period used to come a week late or more often and made me nervous with my now fiancée, despite us using condoms. Literally, zero issues or complaints. And my insurance covers 100%. Don't let the negative reviews scare you."
- Spo...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 11, 2020
"I’ve been on this medication, Junel Fe 1/20, for about 3 months now. I haven’t had side effects except for breast tenderness before the placebo week. It made my period super light, and through the pack, I experience periodical brown discharge. Other than that, it’s great, I didn’t gain any weight, and my sex drive is normal."
- vme...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 19, 2021
"I am writing this because I almost lost my life to this drug. Junel Fe should NOT be prescribed to people with a history of any mental health issues. I have never had mental health issues so bad until I started it. I felt so insecure and physically ugly. I disassociated for almost two months, which if you know what dissociation is-it's terrifying. Crippling anxiety and depression to the point where I had to quit my job. Every month my anxiety got worse and nonstop panic attacks and feeling depressed even though I had never felt depressed. I became suicidal as well and was hospitalized for it. PLS DO NOT TAKE THIS, IT IS NOT WORTH THE LIVING NIGHTMARE IT PUT ME THROUGH."
- Kot...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- March 5, 2021
"Not sure why there are so many negative reviews, I've had nothing but an easy time with this medication. I've been on it for about 7 years now. Initially, I was on another pill, but I deal with depression on and off, and my period cramps were awful, so my doctor switched me to Junel because it's lower estrogen. My periods last 2-4 days and are relatively light, hardly any cramps, no acne... I've never had an issue. There's speculation that maybe it causes weight gain, but I work out regularly, so it's not enough to mention."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 6, 2020
"I was so scared to take Junel Fe 1/20 after reading all of the reviews. However, I am happy that I did. The first month I experienced a lot of breakthrough bleeding as my body was adjusting to the pill, but now I have my period regularly, and it is almost nothing! It is super light and just enough to let me know I am not pregnant. I didn't experience any side effect symptoms with this pill either, no weight gain like everyone says... however, I am fairly active and eat pretty clean. I would give this a try before taking any of these reviews into consideration, everyone's body is different!"
- Cat...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 10, 2021
"I thought I was losing my mind until I saw this! I was diagnosed as clinically depressed and referred to a suicide hotline yesterday, no lie. I’m not suicidal, but I’ve been depressed, more depressed than I have ever been in my life the past few months. I’ve become detached, emotionless, and have lost all empathy. I cry all the time and hate being in the same room as myself. I’ve been bleeding for 4 months, and I have no sex drive at all. I didn’t research Junel Fe 1/20 and depression before now because it wasn’t listed as a side effect. My boyfriend just suggested that I look into the pill as a “leave no stone unturned” thing, and voila. I’m not crazy. I’m flushing this stuff right now."
- Lav...
- January 30, 2021
"I was originally prescribed Junel Fe 1/20 birth control due to my very painful cramps, bleeding, and after finding out I have anemia. The first month, there was spotting for a couple of weeks, but then it went away. The cramps and bleeding definitely got better. This felt like a relief, and I thought I was on track to making my life better. Unfortunately, halfway through my 5th month, I decided to stop taking these pills. I was experiencing very severe anxiety and depression. I normally am a pretty anxious person, but I typically deal with it in my own ways. However, this was the worst of my life. I felt suicidal. I was worried about everything. I had a panic attack. I couldn't sleep well. My family and co-workers were noticing a change in my behavior and mood. It wasn't good. After I stopped taking them, a few days later, I noticed I felt a lot more level-headed and less anxious. I really hope that others don't have to go through what I went through. I'm hoping this review might help someone out there."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- February 6, 2014
"Went from getting the most awful, paralyzing cramps and heavy periods (one super plus for every 2 hours) to no cramps at all, and an almost non-existent period (2-3 light tampons per DAY). Cleared up my acne, and regulated my hormones so I no longer have mood swings or PMS, and have never once been nauseated."
- Oli...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 1, 2021
"In the past 5 years, I have been on two different birth control pills. I decided to switch to Junel Fe because the other pill wasn’t helping with my period. This pill, however, was a huge mistake. I have been on it for a short time, but it has made me extremely depressed. I have never had mental health issues in the past, and as soon as I started taking this pill, I noticed huge mood swings. I cry all the time, and I am extremely emotional. I would not recommend this to anyone."
- rea...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 7, 2020
"Junel Fe 1/20 has been absolutely awful for me. The first few weeks, I felt mostly okay, my sex drive was normal, and I felt a little more emotional than normal, but nothing too extreme. Then I had the most intense body aches I’d ever experienced. I was unable to move from my bed for almost a week. No position was comfortable, nothing helped, and I just cried all day. I experienced a lot of breakthrough bleeding, and my breasts became incredibly sensitive and sore and have stayed like that the entire time I’ve been on the pill. The second month in, I started experiencing intense panic attacks and OCD-like symptoms as well as severe depression. This has lasted through the third and fourth months, and I haven’t gone a day without weeping or having a panic attack in two months. My appetite has been gone for about a month now too. Zero sex drive, lots of dryness. Overall, it’s been absolutely awful, and I would not recommend it at all. I’ve never been so mentally unstable in my life."
- ash...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 7, 2021
"I've been using this birth control since June of 2020 and haven't had a period since. I don't have any complaints with using it, and I have no symptoms. I don't get cramps or acne or headaches. It seems to be affecting me just fine."
- ste...
- September 20, 2019
"PLEASE READ IF YOU ARE CONFLICTED. I’ve taken birth control before, and I remember my first pill was pretty high in dosage and made me crazy. I vowed I’d NEVER go back on birth control. However, I decided to give it another go 2 years later. My doctor prescribed me Junel, and honestly, I love it. I remember looking up this brand and becoming instantly terrified. I won’t lie, the first 30 days of this pill were bad. I was so nauseous, had breast pain, bloated, any symptom you can get, I got intensely. But after the 1st month, all my symptoms were gone. My period has never been skipped due to the pill. It comes the 3rd Friday of every month like clockwork (which was amazing since I’ve always had an irregular period). My periods are light to medium and last 2-3 days. This pill is amazing. I haven’t gained weight from the pill, haven’t missed a period, or had crazy mood swings. I was so scared to go on this pill, but I’m truly glad I did. If you just wait up the 30-60 days of awfulness, you won’t regret."
- Kal...
- July 30, 2013
"I had been very hesitant to begin taking birth control pills for fear of gaining weight. As a 20-year-old female, I am very conscious of maintaining my weight and was unsure about how this would affect me. I got a prescription for the 21-day Junel birth control pill at my yearly physical with my doctor about two months ago. Since then, my mild acne breakouts have cleared up, I haven't gained any weight, my periods are extremely light and tolerable, and I really have had no negative side effects. It took me a few weeks to get used to the pill, and my skin broke out a little at first, but now I seem to be on the other side. My experience was very positive with this medication."
- Fir...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 11, 2013
"I just finished my first pack, and this is my first experience with the pill in general. The first week I was really bloated, and I freaked out! I also had an increased appetite that I tried my best not to give in to. After about 14 days, the bloating went away, and my appetite was back to normal. I got my period on time, and it has been really light! I usually bleed so much that I would have to wear two pads, and I would change it every 2-3 hours. My face has cleared up, and my back acne has also started to clear up. I'm having a great experience so far, and hopefully it continues this way! Anyone who takes this, do not be discouraged if the first week is not perfect. Finish the pack first and see what the results are."
Learn more about Birth Control
- Antibiotics and Birth Control Pill Interactions
- Birth Control Guide
- Birth Control Pills and Your Period
- Birth Control Pills: Why Do I Get Breakthrough Bleeding?
- Birth Control and Alcohol: Do They Interact?
- Emergency Contraception: What You Need to Know
- Grapefruit and Birth Control Pills: Your Questions Answered
- Hormonal Birth Control Methods (Non-Pill Options)
- Missed your birth control pill? Here's what to do
- Non-hormonal Methods of Birth Control
- Permanent Birth Control Methods
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More about Junel Fe 1 / 20 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)
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"I’ve noticed a lot of comments, saying not to take it, but I feel that a lot of people don’t understand that birth control affects each person differently, no matter which birth control you take. So, if you are new to any birth control, do not let these comments discourage you. Listen to your body and your doctor. Personally, I love this birth control and it has made my skin clear, periods lighter, no weight gain, and no noticeable mental changes. But, it could always be different for the next person. If your doctor is prescribing you Junel Fe, take it and try it out. If it's not good for you, then there are other options."