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Yasmin for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 5)

Yasmin has an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 from a total of 322 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 29% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 51% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Yasmin

  • Clarky
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 4, 2019

"Before Yasmin I was on the implant that contains only progesterone. This gave me terrible acne so I decided to switch to Yasmin as it is renowned for clearing up skin. It worked straight away and has given me the clearest skin I've ever had in my life! People even said my skin looked "translucent". This reason alone made me continue taking it for over 3 years. Over the last year I noticed that I was experiencing very severe premenstrual syndrome with symptoms of irrational anger and being teary and emotional most of the time. This progressed into terrible depression that I have never experienced before. The sadness and dark thoughts were unrelenting. I then switched to Cilique and since switching I feel much happier and have a clear head space. This is likely because Cilique has a higher level of oestrogen. In summary, I would recommend taking this pill only for a year, 2 years maximum."

5 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 24, 2019

"I was given Yasmin by my pharmacist because the pill I usually take was out of stock. The three weeks I was on it I became incredibly depressed. I already have a history of mental illness and depression, but before recently had been doing well. Taking Yasmin affected my mental health incredibly. By the third week my anxiety was at an all time high, I was suffering horrible mood swings, I was crying on and off daily, and I was beginning to suffer suicidal thoughts. I stopped taking the pill a couple days ago and already feel an improvement. I am never taking this again. The last three weeks have been awful. I am also disappointed in my pharmacist for not warning against this and just providing it as an alternative to the pill I was previously taking, which never resulted in these side effects. If you have a history of depression or mental illness DO NOT TAKE THIS!!!!"

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  • 29yea...
  • October 9, 2016

"I only lasted on Yasmin for 2.5 weeks. I'm a 29 year old mommy of 1, and haven't taken birth control in about two years. Without any birth control, my periods were very regular and my acne was moderate. I'm a fitness lover, so I'm very strict with exercise and nutrition and I keep my weight in check at all times. My OB prescribed Yasmin to treat my ovulation and menstrual cramping and moderate PMS. This pill turned me into someone else entirely. Within the first two weeks, I had acne all over my chin and under my nose. I became extremely moody, weepy, depressed, anxious, paranoid and jealous. The anxiety made my chest tight and it was hard to take deep breaths at times. I kept telling my husband when we would go out in public that I felt like I was walking in some sort of "dream world" --I wasn't really there. ...And the weight gain! I spend 5-6 days in the gym every week and eat very healthy--only splurging on small cheat meals on the weekends. In one week, I gained 4 pounds without changing anything, and my stomach stayed hard and bloated looking-it looked like I was pregnant! On top of all of that, my breasts were sore and I had breakthrough bleeding starting on week 2. I'll take cramping and PMS any day over the side effects associated with this pill."

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  • Eano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 20, 2019

"Personally wouldn't recommend Yasmin, two weeks of taking it and my sex drive has disappeared and have experienced bleeding, extremely tired and fatigue and now I'm off it sex is excruciatingly painful"

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  • Kim
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 1, 2020

"I’ll just start by saying if I could rate this drug -10 I would. I was on this pill for 2 months and in that time I developed severe depression, didn’t want to leave the house, had the worst anxiety and self worth issues. I felt so low and even had such dark thoughts. My first period after starting the pill was the worst experience of my life, the pains were excruciating. The pain woke me up in the middle of the night and it was so bad that I was contemplating going to A&E. I couldn’t even stand up straight, and I’ll also mention that I have a high pain tolerance and periods never usually affect me. I initially went on the pill to clear my acne and it did clear a little but I’m not sure if it was Yasmin or other medication that helped. Since coming off the pill I’ve had such bad headaches and unbelievably dry eyes which stings, causes blurry vision and is very annoying. I also had a lot of hair loss on my temples. I was only on this for a short time and all of this happened."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Hezali
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 21, 2024

"I am a 24-year-old using Yasmin for 3 years now. This medication helped me so much. I had very irregular and painful periods and also big acne flare-ups. I also experienced mood swings and PMS. Since I started using Yasmin, my cycle became completely regular. I only experience painful cramps sometimes. My acne almost completely disappeared and no more big flare-ups. I have not experienced any of the negative side effects of the medication. I noticed my breast size increased but no significant changes in my weight. If this medication works for you, it can be amazing."

10 / 10
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  • QTano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 1, 2020

"I’ve been using Yasmin for over a year now and it’s cleared my skin and lightened my heavy periods as that was the reason I had to go on it. But I cannot stop crying?!? Like I never would’ve been like that before and now I never want to go anywhere or go out. I feel like I’ve pushed all my friends away. I just feel irritated that I’m so emotional and that I can’t do anything to help the situation , it’s so frustrating. Honestly it’s a hit or miss for everyone, but there’s more good days than bad days which is a plus. I just feel a bit depressed and stress out about every small thing and get worked up over nothing. But I don’t think I’d be able to stop taking it because, it has done what it was suppose to as my periods have decreased a lot in cramps and duration. It would last a week but with the pill it lasts 4 days at the most!"

7 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • May 11, 2016

"I do belive everybody experiences different symptoms. It's my third box of Yasmin and I'm probably gona give it one or two more shots but I'm thinking of quiting it. First box of my pills was a 21 day long nightmare. I had breakthrough bleeding whole month I wasn't even sure when my period started, I had huge intestinal problems. Went for two abdominal ultrasounds because of constant bloating, overly active guts and diarea/constipation (it switched every 2 or 3 days). My breasts, dear Lord, I never felt so tender in my entire life. Luckly, as the next box came, bleeding stopped so did tendernes. I still do feel bloated and gassy but it's lot better. Gonna give it one more shot but I just don't feel it's suiting me."

6 / 10
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  • Jxo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 24, 2016

"This was my first pill I have ever tried, and it was by far the worst one. Depression is a silent killer, no sex drive, tired, weight gain. It was not healthy for me, when I quit it I felt much better and became myself again, not worth it."

1 / 10
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  • nurca...
  • February 14, 2009

"I have been on Yasmin since I was 15. My periods used to last 9-11 days, were heavy, and very painful. I can remember my mom keeping me out of school due to this. Not only was my cycle completely crazy, I had acne on my shoulders, upper back, and upper arms. Being in high school, something like this can be traumatizing. Anyway after almost 6 years, I have been acne free (maybe the occasional bump or 2) and 4-5 day easy periods! I did gain weight...but who knows if it was because of the birth the lady said before she gained in all the "right" places so I can't complain about that one. I went up a whole up size! I plan on taking this until I decide to make a little one (another 4 years hopefully)."

10 / 10
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  • Lano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 7, 2019

"At first on Yasmin I didn’t notice anything different with my moods as I had been on a different pill before Yasmin for 4 months. But then I started to become more aware that I was having no energy to do anything, anytime I got my period I would get extreme cramps which I never did before, I was just feeling so sad because of this pill. I’ve cried an abnormal amount of times, definitely not usual for me. My mood swings are atrocious as well and since I’ve a boyfriend at the moment, I’m crying and getting annoyed over the smallest things. Long story short, AVOID this pill. Only good it did was not make me put on weight and make my skin clear."

2 / 10
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  • Unhappy...
  • December 24, 2016

"Going on Yasmin was absolutely horrible. I only lasted a week because it made me feel horribly depressed. I felt like crying all the time and just wanted to lie down and stare at the wall. It also made me nauseous all the time. Within a couple days I had multiple large zits, and I usually have minimal acne. It also killed my libido. After I stopped the pill I had two separate periods within a week of each other, and it messed with my hormones so much that I cried every day for a month straight. I will never take this Yasmin ever again."

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  • j1234
  • November 28, 2018

"Started Yasmin around a month ago for treatment of (adrenal) PCOS because of its anti androgen properties. I'm not one to write anything online, but I desperately searched for reviews when I was going through my initial breakout after starting this contraceptive. The breakout came around 3/4 days after I started taking it and it was horrendous - I won't lie. Painful spots all over my jaw line and on my T zone (which I don't normally get)... However... After about a week my skin started to clear and has continued to clear since to the point I am absolutely over the moon with how clear my skin is!! If you're going through this initial breakout - stick at it girls... it's worth it in the end. Had a few ups and down emotionally but nothing compared to other contraceptives. So far, Yasmin, despite a lot of negative stuff online, has suited me."

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  • Charl...
  • October 2, 2017

"I have been on Yasmin for 11 and a half years. At first I didn't have any problems . But over the last few years I have noticed terrible things happening each month. First it was spotting, breast tenderness, mood swings, sadness, headaches, irritability you know the small little things. But more severely I have heart palpitations, dizziness, and now high blood pressure "

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  • Anonymous
  • November 16, 2010

"Amazing pill. I took Yasmin for 5 years with no side effects except low libido which is why I eventually switched pills. Overall light short cramp free periods. Worked great for me, no PMS at all. And best part is I never got pregnant, very good. When I wanted to get pregnant I was only off Yasmin for 1 month before conceiving my son. All in all it was a great pill."

9 / 10
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15 Report
  • Dainty...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 16, 2019

"I started Yasmin 28 after my current birth control was discontinued. I struggle with acne, severe cramping & heavy flow. Of all of the birth control pill brands I have tried, Yasmin 28 remains the best! I have had almost NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS! I was on the pill for less than a month when my skin started to clear. By the end of the second month, my skin was totally clear & the production of oil went from high to almost nonexistent. My issues with cramping & flow have subsided & I LOST WEIGHT!!! I give the NAME BRAND Yasmin 28 a 10! The only issue I have is the price for the name brand. It isn't covered under my insurance. I have lupus SLE & I usually have no issue taking generic medications, however, Zarah & Ocella (both generic options for Yasmin), caused bloating, consistent bleeding throughout the month, migraines & dizziness."

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  • Schar
  • June 18, 2020

"So I was on microgynon for about 4 years. At first was totally fine then somehow had put on nearly 3 stone, lost who I was, depressed and anxious. So I come off the pill for an operation and stay off, had a pregnancy scare and don’t feel comfortable with other contraceptions that stop your period due to my PCOS. My mum was on Yasmin for 20+ years and was fine with her. I asked years ago but they wouldn’t give me it because it’s usually for those who have acne but I explained my microgynon experience and the 3rd doctor I asked finally gave it me. First 3 months were difficult I got small acne on patches of my face (never had acne EVER even during teen years) and felt sick often. On my 4th pack acne disappears, no weight gain or difference in moods (might cry a bit more easily but I am taking a hormone). For now I’m happy and I’m monitoring weight and moods, honestly I’d try whatever pill your family has taken at least once because it could end up working better for you!"

8 / 10
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  • Aano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 1, 2019

"I was prescribed this pill when mine was unavailable and spent the few months I was on it completely depressed. I’d never suffered from mental health issues previously but while on Yasmin I was consistently low and cried almost every day. I came off the pill and felt myself returning to my normal self in a few days. This pill ruined me for months."

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  • Do...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 10, 2019

"Switched from Dianette to Yasmin early last year and I haven’t felt the same since I suffer from vestibular migraines now and I feel pretty awful 24/7. I have problems with my heart rate now and I’m still doing tests for it. I suffer with a fast heart beat and ectopic beats I was a very healthy 20 year old girl until I went on Yasmin, only for about 6 months but everything turned while on the drug and 1 year and 3 months on I’m still suffering. Cannot conclusively say Yasmin caused all my issues but reading other reviews all seems pretty linked"

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  • Tori
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 2, 2019

"Used it for over 10 years with a 1 year break in between. Clears your skin. Moods are better. Libido is low. Didn't feel bloated. But there is some kind of link to gallbladder problems and I did start getting gallbladder pains. Also it did cause rapid heart beating at night and since blood clots are a known side effect I decided it may be a bit risky. The ultimate deal breaker for me was when I got melasma (darker skin patches) on my forehead and cheeks. Terrible. Now it's pretty much near impossible to get rid of. Very unfortunate. I wouldn't have gone on it had I known this would happen."

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  • Lano
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 3, 2019

"I have never wanted to go back in time more so than I do now, been on Yasmin for 8/9 years and my hair has thinned immensely while being on it, I have now decided to stop because the side effects far outweigh the benefits it is probably the worst thing any one can put in their body, 1 month off the pill and the hair loss has begun when it thinned my hair to begin with, acne has begun when I never had before, mood swings, it caused depression anxiety and a slew of other harmful effects"

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  • Perfect...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 31, 2022

"I took Yasmin for almost 20 years, from age 18 years old to 37 years old. I never experienced ANY unwanted side effects. My period came every month like clockwork, I could literally time it to the clock. My periods were 5 days (only Monday thru Friday) and light. I never once experienced any spotting or breakthrough bleeding. I scheduled my life around its perfect predictability. I can count on one hand the number of times I missed a dose. I’ve recently had to stop taking Yasmin for my age and other risks for VTE. I miss it dearly and am at a loss about what to transition to because all other non-estrogen methods do not regulate cycles and are not predictable like Yasmin."

10 / 10
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  • Inter...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 28, 2016

"I have been on a number of pills in the past (aged 28, started 18) - I have been diagnosed with endometriosis so my reasoning for remaining on some sort of hormonal BC was vital to reduce the symptoms. I was placed on Yasmin after experiencing major mood swings/depression on Yaz. Yasmin seemed to reduce these mood swings considerably. Since Yasmin my periods, although regular, have been light and cramping has been reduced/completely absent. Amazing! (5 years on it now). I have been getting migraines for the last 2 years so might have to change my BC again. One's body changes with age, I guess our meds need to too."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 23, 2022

"I have been on Yasmin for over 15 years. I have never had any issues other than switching from the Name Brand to the generic. This pill never gave breakouts or adverse reactions. My only issue is that my insurance company refused to cover the cost since it is the Name Brand. I have tried the generic and it is not the same. It produced greater PMS symptoms and also gave me hormonal acne. I am now 33 and considering going off the pill altogether in fear of starting something new. Has anyone else stopped Yasmin? If so could you please share your experience? I am a bit nervous - (not about having a baby) but any side effects from stopping the hormone??"

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  • Milli...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 19, 2019

"I have been on this pill a year now. Cleared all my skin and I don’t have bad cramps or mood swings when on my period! It’s worked MAGIC! I feel much more happier and capable to do things on my period as it’s not heavy. My mood swings aren’t bad anymore and my depression has gotten better. I still suffer from anxiety but the pill has not made it worse. One down side is headaches, which may or may not be caused from the pill. But over all I do recommend this pill!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.