Cefdinir for Strep Throat User Reviews
Cefdinir has an average rating of 4.8 out of 10 from a total of 37 reviews for the treatment of Strep Throat. 38% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 51% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Cefdinir
- Bailey...
- November 27, 2014
"I was taking this for a bacterial infection that I got in my throat. It was amazing. The first few days my stomach hurt a little, but it was nothing horrible. I felt like almost a new person by the third day. When I first started taking, I came to this website wanting to read reviews and know what I was getting into, and it really scared me because all of these people had horrible experiences, but mine was fine. Great, and don't worry if you get a little nauseous because it's normal."
- Maria...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 14, 2018
"I have step throat (day 2) I got prescribed this medication. After the first pill kicked in, I felt better already. Don't listen to people who say don't listen to the people who gave 1 stars. Well obviously if you're educated in the medical field, everybody reacts differently to medication. Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it does for everyone else. Everyone is not you. My mother in law and I take the same antidepressants. She doesn't gain weight and I do. You understand what I'm saying? So leave your opinions to yourself. It's a hit and miss with everyone and different meds."
Frequently asked questions
- Hy91896
- July 31, 2016
"I've got strep throat probably about 4 times in the last 12 months, I've usually got Amoxicillin for strep (what my dr always prescribes) a couple months ago when I got strep throat, I went to my dr and it was after hours so I seen someone I never seen before. She gave me a steroid shot for swelling and also a antibiotic shot, prescribed cefdinir two times daily for ten days. It worked great! I felt better after two pills the first night. Well I got it again a few days ago and was prescribed cefdinir again and I'm so glad because it works super fast! Better than amoxicillin in my opinion. The only side affect is diarrhea. I haven't really had it this time but I did the first time I took it. LOVE this medicine. I recommend it."
- Kaano
- December 16, 2017
"When I was first prescribed this for strep, I came here to look at reviews and was scared at first. Three days later, I feel a lot better and the worst side affect I've had was slight nausea for about a half hour after taking it. It works amazingly."
Are you taking this medicine?
- Sunny
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 7, 2018
"I got this yesterday, took first dose at 6:30pm the throat pain subsided, fever broke but at 9pm sore throat came back with a vengence. It is 10:30am the next day, I took my second dose at 6am. No relief of throat pain, it hurt all night long n fever is back also! This antibiotic is worthless. I'm on 300mg one pill every 12 hours. How long should I wait to see if it's going to work? I'm thinking of going to er. I don't think I can take this pain all weekend long."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 12, 2016
"My husband was given this for strep throat. It did not help at all. After 6 days on this medication, he still had pus in his throat. Dr switched him to new antibiotic and he felt so much better within 5 hours"
- Anony...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 16, 2019
"After one day of having an incredibly sore throat I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with strep throat. Since I’m allergic to penicillin I was prescribed cefdinir. Got rid of strep in a matter of a few days but side effect was painful diarrhea. Before taking this medication this was not a symptom at all. Slowly I stopped taking the medication because the strep had vanished completely and the diarrhea was getting worse everyday. Now that I am completely off the antibiotic the diarrhea is worse than ever, I’m extremely nauseous, I feel like I have a fever and my head is killing me. As for my throat I feel like the strep could possibly be coming back but no definitive pain yet. Worth it at first but side effects and mostly the afterwards side effects are worse than the original throat pain."
- Kk2233
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 21, 2019
"Had strep and was prescribed a z-pack. Finished it and strep came back right away. Went to urgent care this time was prescribed Cefdinir. I am on day 5 out of 10. Throat still hurt until day 3 or 4 but not as bad as it did before the meds. Was tolerable. I didn’t need the lidocaine prescribed or Ibuprofen after day 2. Had an immediate result the night I started this. I could barely even swallow and hours after taking this felt slight relief. Day 5 was the first day I could say throat didn’t hurt. Side effects were gassy stomach, some mild nausea. Nothing really. Overall think it’s good. Feel drastically better."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 11, 2019
"I was prescribed cefdinir for a bout of strep throat I had going on in 2017. I explained I was allergic to penicillin and that I am usually prescribed a zpack (I had strep throat numerous times growing up.) The doctor mentioned that the zpack wouldn’t be strong enough and that this would work. Whelp...it worked alright. After taking it twice daily for 8 days of 10, I’ve been dealing with more GI issues than I had in the past that no doctor can seem to resolve. I’m in pain almost everyday and diagnosed proctitis which I can only assume was caused by or at least initiated by this drug. Always question your doctor, they are human and make mistakes. Please steer clear of this drug for your health. I wish I would have."
- Works...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 19, 2016
"The zpacks and erthromycin gives me horrible stomach pain burning and diarhea. Cefdiner does not at all. Make sure to take 12 hours apart and dont take alcohol or vitamins and it will help the medicine work."
- Anonymous
- April 29, 2012
"Day 4 of taking it and throat still hurts and has white spots. The strep isn't going away! I have a sad insurance and am too worried that I'm going to have to spend another hundred bucks for a different antibiotic!"
- Betty
- April 8, 2019
"I didn't have a problem with cefdinir at all, it was for strep throat with 103 fever and couldn’t swallow. I took this day 3 of having strep. It is now 5 days later and have tomorrow’s dose left. Worked for me. I do not have much of an appetite though but that might not be due to the drug."
- taylor
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 15, 2017
"I was prescribed this for suspected strep throat. I had fever, ear pain, & swollen tonsils so my doctor went ahead and prescribed this before the culture came back. The first day I had loose stools & nausea. This continued until the fifth day I had muscle pain that otc pain meds couldn't relieve. It was a struggle to walk to the bathroom. Pounding headache, sensitivity to light. Watery diarrhea, severe stomach cramps. Fever and body chills--my entire body was trembling & teeth were chattering. I've taken many antibiotics in the past & this is the first one that has given me trouble. I wish I had been prescribed amoxicillan, I tolerate it much better."
- Mom2b...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 5, 2017
"Got prescribed Cefdinir for Strep Throat and sinus infection and ear infection. I have a penicillin allergy that cause hives and hallucinations and it shows up on day 10 of taking penicillin. My doctor is aware I have this allergy. They prescribed Cefdinir and said that I will have a 10% chance of being allergic to this as well. So I got the prescription filled and took it like I was supposed to. On day 10 I woke up and my face is swollen, and wheezing. Discontinued taking the medication. I took some benadryl and ibuprophen and it didn't touch my reaction. I went to the doctor the next morning and they ended up giving me an Epi shot in my arm and a steroid shot in my hip and prescribed Predisone for 4 days after that. Anaphylactic reaction."
- Bear
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 9, 2018
"My son was prescribed this for strep throat. After a couple days of taking it he was doubled over with severe stomach pain. Then the diarrhea set in. I stopped giving it to him and took him back to the Dr. to get a different medication. They asked us to bring a stool sample and when it was tested, concluded that he now had c-diff, on top of strep throat, caused by the antibiotic. I will never use this medication again."
- AnnaSum
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 7, 2019
"Awful, awful experience with this drug cefdinir for strep throat. I had been sick for two weeks and my husband had tested positive for strep, so I decided to go to the doctor and he said might as well treat for strep. He prescribed Cefdinir 300 mg. I waited until the next day to start. 45 mins after taking the first dose I suddenly had a migraine (which i do sometimes get), but my stomach also started hurting. Both became so intense I decided I needed to lay down. I had chills and hot flashes and my vision started blurring and it felt as if I were on a boat. After an hour of taking the dosage, I threw up and felt slightly better. I then slept 5-6 hours and still woke up with a bit of a headache and stomach ache. I felt worse after taking this drug than I did suffering through two weeks of being sick."
- Strepd...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 28, 2015
Omnicef (cefdinir) "I was diagnosed with strep, nasal infection, and a ear infection about 5 days ago. I took cefdinir as directed for 5 days and saw little to no results. Some side affects for me that were not listed were my stool smelling of the dissolved pill and also my urine."
- Ashty...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 10, 2020
"I have an episode of strep throat with severe pain on one side. Am allergic to penicillin, so doctor initially prescribed Azithromycin, which didn't knock out the strep infection. Was then prescribed Cefdinir. I was hopeful at first, after 3 days I felt slightly improved. Then after 5 days, I began experiencing unbearable headaches on the right side of my neck and severe neck pain. Unsure if this was a medication reaction or just the strep throat coming back. After 6 days doctor switched me to clindamycin. Fingers crossed this next antibiotic brings me some relief. Didn't clear infection."
- Coffe...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 8, 2020
"I’ve had strep throat for a little less than a week. Two days ago, doc prescribed Cefdinir. The good is that my throat itself feels better. The bad? Nothing else does. The foggy “stoned” feeling that always accompanies the majority of my infections is still going super strong. I’m still rocking a 103* fever, my energy level hasn’t picked up one iota, and I can’t eat anything because I’m nauseous, and I’m partially nauseous because I can’t eat anything. I’m cycling between chills and sweats in a way I can’t keep track of. To me, cefdinir is minor league. Never will I go back to it for strep."
- Gjord
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 18, 2021
"Had strep after taking 3 different antibiotics before Cefdinir which were unsuccessful. Cefdinir has taken til the 5th day to see any real results but no side effects were experienced. I recommend taking a probiotic 2 hours before or after each dose to avoid the negative GI issues that can come from any antibiotics."
- Arden
- June 5, 2018
"Was prescribed this for severe strep throat, which got a lot better within 2 days. But it made me so nauseous, even with probiotics and food. Strep returned immediately after I finished the antibiotics."
- Katab...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 4, 2016
"I have only been on this medicine for 3 days and I have severe diarrhea. I was sick for a week with a high fever but this medicine has made me feel worse. I am going to stop taking it immediately. The label also says you can continue to have the diarrhea for weeks or months after."
- Revdi
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 26, 2019
"After having the worst sore throat I've ever had, I was prescribed a z-pack. After two days I got into my pcp because I still couldn't swallow. After day three of cefdinir, the pain had subsided by 80%."
- Mom...
- January 13, 2016
"My daughter diagnosed with some Infection nd dr. Prescribed her omnicef. After first dose she had her upper lip swollen badly, we called the dr. nd she changed the medicine to azythromicine. But it's been 2 days my daughter still developing full body rashes every 6 hours. AND it's definitely omnicef side effects. Never gonna use it again."
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.
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- Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
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- En español
Omnicef (cefdinir) "Omnicef worked, but it took until the 5th day on it to finally feel a tiny bit better. I had some side effects, and my throat hurt so bad I couldn't sleep for three nights. I saw no visual difference until the 9th day. It almost looked as if on my third day it had gotten worse."