Adzenys XR-ODT User Reviews & Ratings
Adzenys XR-ODT has an average rating of 6.1 out of 10 from a total of 63 reviews on 46% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.
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ADHD | 63 reviews for ADHD | 44 medications |
Reviews for Adzenys XR-ODT
- Cat...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- August 9, 2018
For ADHD "This medication is a million times better than Adderall for my ADHD symptoms—lack of motivation, emotional dysregulation, sensory overload, procrastination, and feeling overwhelmed by even the simplest, most everyday tasks. Adderall also caused side effects such as upper gastrointestinal issues, irritability, and the dreaded crash. Adzenys does not, for the most part. I also like how the drug is brand-name, I know what I'm getting each month rather than the 'generic roulette' of Adderall, where every generic was different (yet none was as effective as Adzenys). Finally, I think the orally disintegrating tablet (tastes good, by the way) makes the drug more consistent than if it were swallowed and wholly processed via the GI system. No one seems to know about this medication, it's too bad because it is a gem for my ADHD symptoms. I hope it isn't discontinued for this reason."
- Mic...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 2, 2019
For ADHD "I've taken many stimulants, and they all come with a horrible crash. Adderall IR, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Concerta; and they really didn't help me focus on important things. Adzenys-so far-has been by far the best stimulant for me. I have a history of brain injuries and struggled with fatigue (causes depression). Other stimulants helped me exercise, but my heart rate was too much. On this, my heart rate is normal; and I have my old stamina. If you are someone who struggles with fatigue, this is great. It's not for everyone; I don't get that 'bad taste' thing people comment on. Most medications that dissolve are disgusting; this one is painless. Hope it works for others like it did for me."
Frequently asked questions
- Is Adzenys XR-ODT the same as Adderall XR?
- Adderall vs Vyvanse - What's the difference between them?
- How far back does a hair follicle test detect drugs?
- What exactly is Captagon and why was it banned?
- Sym...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 10, 2019
For ADHD "I’ve taken several medications for my ADD, and none of them worked as well as Adzenys. Vyvanse was good, too, but I still felt a somewhat noticeable crash with it. I didn’t believe my doctor when he said Adzenys didn’t have a crash, but he was right. At least for me. I feel no crash; the effect smoothly tapers off, and it’s actually much easier for me to fall asleep now. I highly recommend giving Adzenys a try if your current ADD med is giving you side effects."
- Ari...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 18, 2018
For ADHD "I was on 30 mg Adderall XR for about a year, which worked well for me except for the crash. It became much less effective at that dose after being on it almost a year, but my doctor has a cap on the Adderall dosage she will prescribe. Just switched to Adzenys 12.5 mg at my last appointment. I've been taking it for almost a week. I'm completely unfocused and back to having trouble getting to sleep. Not that it does nothing at all...mostly I just feel like I'm in another world. My thoughts are definitely slowed down, but more distracting from reality. I'm definitely feeling really chill overall. It does last longer than Adderall, if you want to feel like you're in another worldly state for 12 hours or more. Things affect people differently, and I'm sure this is very helpful to a lot of people, but I tried to Google similar experiences and found none, so I wanted to write a review in case anyone else might be experiencing the same."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Jay...
- August 29, 2018
For ADHD "I've been on Adzenys for a little over a year now and have mixed feelings about the drug. I'm a 23-year-old male, not taking any other medications, and in good physical condition. Currently prescribed the 15.7 mg dose, but am going to make the switch to Adderall XR for a few reasons. First, this drug can be extremely hard to locate, and if a pharmacy doesn't have it, it tends to take a while to get it in. Secondly, it has caused severe insomnia. I see some other people have had that subside within a few weeks, but I've had it for practically the entire time. Lastly, its ability to help me maintain drive and focus is too infrequent. Sometimes it's a miracle of a drug, other times, I misplace and lose things one after the other and can't remember things I had just heard or read. It's like sometimes I am completely there and focused, and other times I'm floating around, if that makes any sense."
- Lad...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 18, 2019
For ADHD "I have taken medication to help with my ADHD since I turned 8 years old. I have struggled to come to terms with the fact I need medication every day to function how society needs me to. I have tried 7 different medications from the start of my diagnoses until now (I am 23). This medication, Adzenys XR-ODT, is the best that I have taken so far. The best part is that I am not afraid to have it just starting out at my desk or at home. Now, one really knows what it is, and so they will be less likely to steal it. It works great and never drowns me out."
More FAQ
- How is Adzenys ER different to other brands of amphetamine?
- Concerta vs Adderall - What's the difference between them?
- KTR...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 28, 2023
For ADHD "Wow! I was prescribed 15.7 mg Adzenys XR-ODT in place of 30 mg XR + 2 10 mg IR Adderall due to shortage. At first, I felt spacey and anxious, so I split the tab in half. After the third day, it was like a miracle, I’m more focused, and it’s way smoother than the Adderall (now taking a full pill). I feel way more like myself, and I also notice that I don’t have the same edginess I did on the Adderall. I had no intention to switch medications, but I don’t think I’ll be going back to Adderall as this seems to be a much better option for me (inattentive type). I think that initial switch was the cause of the weird feeling at first, but I’m glad I stuck it out because I feel way better."
- lia...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 23, 2020
For ADHD "My insurance no longer covers Vyvanse (70 mg), which has worked wonderfully for me over the last 6 years. My doc gave me an Rx for this, along with a coupon that makes it cost only $35. I took it for the first time this morning, and I hate it!!! My body feels cold, ears are ringing, and I can't focus to save my life. I just want this stuff out of my system."
- May...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 21, 2023
For ADHD "Because of the Adderall shortage, I was recently switched to Adzenys, and I’m not a huge fan of it. I guess it somewhat works, but for the most part, it just makes my stomach hurt and makes me feel insane. My mood swings on this medication are horrible. I’ve never had mood swings before (unless I’m on my lady days), and it’s terrible. I never had a problem with going to sleep on Adderall, but this medication keeps me up at night. I have pretty bad anxiety, and this medication makes it a million times worse. Other than the side effects, the drug works fine, but it’s hard to focus with all of the side effects."
- Ste...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 1, 2019
For ADHD "I was taking Adderall IR 20 mg 2x daily from 2005 to 2019. I moved to a new state and had issues filling my old prescriptions until I found my new doctor, so I ran out and was unmedicated for about 2 weeks. I planned on continuing Adderall, but the doctor recommended that I try Adzenys. I can understand the people who switch from Adderall with no time in between saying that they feel nothing because Adzenys isn't such a jolting medicine, and that's what I like about it. You retain your personality, things don't irritate you, and you are able to concentrate. I started with 6 mg, and it didn't last long enough (4 hours). The next month was 12 mg, still not long enough. My third month was 15.7 mg, and it works from 8 AM - 5 PM. Unfortunately, my 4th month of 15.7 mg, I suddenly feel like it's not as effective (like I took the 12 mg). I'm going to increase to the next dosage level, and hopefully, it continues having the same effect as it used to. Definitely much easier on your body than Adderall."
- she...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 12, 2019
For ADHD "Vyvanse was too expensive, and insurance didn't cover it. I had a coupon for Adzenys. $50.00 a month with a coupon. Both did well at controlling my anxiety related to ADD. I focus a good 8 hours with Adzenys. The packaging is a pain to open. It tastes really good, and I've had NO dry mouth! Makes me wonder how I made it without saliva the previous year."
- Lit...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 23, 2020
For ADHD "After trying every methylphenidate and non-stimulant-based medication possible, my doctor told me that she was thinking of me when she read about Adzenys. She thought it would be a good fit. I can't thank her enough! I know it's only Day 1, but today my head has been clear, focused, I've been able to accomplish so many tasks! My feet are cold, but that's nothing new. I had the same side effect on methylphenidate."
- Jes...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 20, 2018
For ADHD "I told my doctor that I did great on the Vyvanse but simply could no longer afford it. Had me try the Adzenys with a free coupon, for me, it seems like it has no effect on the ADHD, but it does make me feel like I'm out of my body just a little bit, like on a body high, which is great if you want that, but not if you need to work on your concentration. Seem to be getting very forgetful on it, missing turns while driving, or not even remembering that I had put my lunch in the work fridge. Only been on it for 15 days and will go back to Adderall after this 30 days. For me personally, Vyvanse was solid, Adderall does the job but not as smooth as Vyvanse, Adzenys makes me feel like I'm on an alcohol/drug cocktail, and Strattera gave me absolutely the worst side effects that I couldn't even finish the initial 30-day prescription. Hope this helps somebody because all I heard was good things about Adzenys, and this thread helped me realize that some people were going through similar things."
- Gra...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 18, 2023
For ADHD "This medication is fabulous for me. I have no side effects, no crash, and it seems to last 10-12 hours. The only clue I get that it either is wearing off or has worn off is feeling a little bit hungry late at night. Sometimes I eat something healthy when that happens and sometimes I go to bed since it's late by that time. I can focus, but I also have energy. I'm eating a bit less, but I notice the difference in how great my house is looking (organized) and how my FitBit is hitting over 10,000 steps daily. I started on Cotempla XR-ODT first, and it made me tired and disorganized. I quit after 1 week. Then tried Adzenys XR-ODT and slowly increased the dosage to 18.8. That seems to be the perfect medication and dosage for excellent results for me. I normally eat very clean, but 2 snack-size Halloween candy bars made me feel nauseous and dizzy. So I will avoid sugar and limit caffeine. I don't drink coffee, only tea, so not an issue. This medication is a miracle."
- Und...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 11, 2018
For ADHD "I just recently had to switch doctors because I moved states. Well, she switched my meds. I was on Adderall XR. It worked really well for me, but she insisted this new medication would be much better. I have now been on Adzenys for one week, and I’m miserable. I have a migraine-like headache, and I haven’t slept more than 3 hours at a time. I will be putting in a call tomorrow for my old Adderall."
- JaJ...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 3, 2018
For ADHD "I went through Adderall IR, Adderall XR, and Vyvanse before trying Adzenys, and boy, am I glad I did. Adzenys has a nice, gradual come up and keeps me focused all day. At the end of the day, there is absolutely no crash at all. This was always a major problem for me, the way these medications caused me to crash hard as they were wearing off. If this is an issue for you, I would suggest you ask your doctor about Adzenys. I'm glad I finally found a medication that worked so well to control my ADD."
- The...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 5, 2016
For ADHD "I am so thrown off at how many positive reviews I have seen on this stuff, however, I must have an insane pH balance (causes amphetamines to become ineffective), but I do not see how it is possible to take the highest dose they provide and not even feel anything... like I have not taken anything at all... The other night, I got so tired that I fell asleep without warning!"
- lde...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 23, 2023
For ADHD "Recently, I switched from taking Adderall to Vyvanse and then to Adzenys. I have been taking short-acting Adderall tablets on and off for the past twenty years, twice a day. I tried Vyvanse hoping that it would last longer during the day, up to twelve hours. Unfortunately, I experienced terrible side effects, such as mood swings, insomnia, and zero focus. I tried doses ranging from 40-70mg and spent six months on it, only to switch to Adzenys. I started taking Adzenys last month, and it is more like Adderall. It provides a mellow focus and does not cause additional anxiety. However, it only lasts for about six to eight hours, and my doctor is hesitant to prescribe it twice a day. We are increasing the dose this month, and I hope it is more effective. The packaging is inconvenient, but the medication works, and the carry case is nice and fits in my locked bag for safety. The easy-to-take tabs are definitely a hazard around children because they look like candy or something. However, if you are responsible for your medications and keep them locked up for safety, it should not be a problem. The pharmacy takes a long time to restock it as well."
- Adz...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 28, 2022
For ADHD "Adzenys 15.7 mg was my saving grace. After a bunch of trial and error and months of trying other ADHD medications that never worked, I was ready to throw in the towel. I was up to a high dose of Adderall daily that I had never felt anything with besides painful crashes, and Strattera made me feel wired and foggy. Adzenys was my perfect puzzle piece after constant frustration with Adderall somehow never working and Strattera inducing severe anxiety. Adzenys is a subtle jerk forward for me and doesn't wire me too hard on things to the point of being antisocial and anxious. I still feel like myself on this medication, just a version of myself that strives to be productive and aim for better habits. That being said, though, my task initiation isn't really there, but once I get myself to sit down and start one, I can controllably focus on it to the degree I want. It is definitely extended release and can feel it hit at random times harder than others, but I've never had a painful crash."
- Kat...
- August 2, 2016
For ADHD "Adzenys is the first stimulant medicine I've ever tried. I went through a very bad depression from a car accident, and working out, eating right, and trying every antidepressant just made me even more depressed. Since taking Adzenys, I'm back to my old happy, energetic self! I don't have ADD or ADHD, so I can't comment on that, but I do know this has helped me get over most of my depression and helped me to get back to working out and just got me off the couch and out of my rut. The energy was so immense the first week, and then I started to get used to it, which I've quite enjoyed. I'm not running around like a madwoman, but I have the energy and the drive to be my normal self again. At first, I had insomnia for a week, but Benadryl helped for sure!"
- Hol...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 1, 2016
For ADHD "I have taken Adderall XR for several years and found that long-acting amphetamine was the best treatment for my ADHD. However, I frequently had issues remembering to take it in the mornings and would often forget to take my medicine. Adzenys XR-ODT is so convenient in the blister pack I remember to take it, and the orange flavor is great! It lasts all day, and I don't get a bad crash at the end of the day like I used to with my Adderall XR. Also, got the first month free and pay only $25 per month with the co-pay card."
- Sha...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 13, 2017
For ADHD "I was taking 2 of the 20 mg Adderall a day, and they wore off quick. The doctor had tried my son on this new medicine, and it worked for him. So I asked our doctor to switch me also. The only drawback was that no one in our town carries it. I could either drive an hour to a Walgreens that carried it or wait a week for the Walgreens in our town to get it in. They said they won't just order this medicine to keep on hand until we have filled 4 prescriptions, which I thought made no sense. Luckily, our local CVS has it on hand, and the $25 coupon our doctor gave us has been wonderful. With our insurance, it would cost $89, but I was able to get the first prescription FREE!! And then each one after for $25."
- Luc...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 22, 2017
For ADHD "Simply the best. The only side effect of this med is increased concentration and dry mouth :). It doesn't make me feel like my heart is racing or that my blood pressure is up. I'm really happy with this med. I had a hard time sticking with Concerta and other off-brands, and I didn't like any of the Adderall products. Since starting this, I haven't missed a single dose."
- Bea...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- March 28, 2018
For ADHD "I was very disappointed with varying generics of Adderall XR for my combined ADHD. Brand was better but caused some side effects. Adzenys ODT is a million times better than either. I think my body doesn't respond well to amphetamine salts (Adderall) but does to amphetamine base (Adzenys). Or maybe some of the inactive ingredients that are artificial sweeteners in Adderall (aspartame, for example) are reacting badly; I know I can't eat or drink any foods with aspartame or saccharin without getting headaches and low blood sugar, but this would still not explain why the active amphetamine in Adzenys works so much better for me, so I'm going to have to go with the salt vs. base hypothesis. Adzenys doesn't make me sleepy like Adderall XR/IR, feels cleaner and smoother, works better for ADHD symptoms like impatience, impulsivity, procrastination, avolition, and task initiation and completion. I just wish there was an Adzenys IR."
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- Drug class: CNS stimulants
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Dyanavel XR, Evekeo, Adzenys ER, Evekeo ODT
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Other brands
Dyanavel XR, Evekeo, Adzenys ER, Evekeo ODT
For ADHD "I've been on a variety of ADHD medications, the last being Vyvanse. They have all basically been the same for me, with a somewhat high, nice focus window, and then a crash. Vyvanse lasted way too long, I had a fight-or-flight feeling in my chest nonstop, and then it made me depressed when it wore off, which lasted a while. Adderall was too short, and I didn't like crashing twice a day (2 pills). Adzenys XR-ODT is a good middle. Still crashes, still appetite suppression, but it is smoother and doesn't last 20 hrs like Vyvanse. The only issue I have with it is it is extremely hard to locate, and I have had to drive 40 minutes to a pharmacy to get it on occasion. It also comes in a large inconvenient box, instead of a pill bottle. The biggest struggle with ADHD medications is while they help me focus, they do not help me choose my focus. I can play Xbox for 5 hours straight or do housework for 5 hours straight, and I have to dictate the right choice myself."