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Venlafaxine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Brand names: Effexor, Effexor XR

Venlafaxine has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 2,730 reviews on 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Venlafaxine

  • OK2BME
  • October 4, 2013

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I was started on 75 mg of Effexor and then increased to 150 mg. I felt much better overall. Anxiety was about gone, I could think through my thoughts. However, I was not happy with the sexual dysfunction I experienced on the 150 mg dose. My doctor lowered my dose back to 75 mg and the sexual dysfunction resolved, and my generalized anxiety disorder is within tolerable limits. I recently added Vitamin D and B12 to my daily regimen with my Effexor 75 mg ER dose and noticed a huge lifting of the mental fog that I had known for so long. This combination has been keeping my thoughts from racing, my hope from tanking, and my perspective in a good and positive place. It works for me."

10 / 10
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182 Report
  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 12, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I’ve tried many different drugs for anxiety and depression, the last being Lexapro which did nothing to help me. Gave Effexor a try and I’ve noticed a big difference. I’m able to go out in public more without getting anxious, I rarely get depressed, and my mood has improved tremendously. No side effects. Just be careful to take it every single day and don’t miss a dose; my nurse practitioner said people feel terrible if they do."

10 / 10
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95 Report
  • No...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 30, 2016

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Panic Disorder "Prior to starting this medication, I couldn't drive in the car by myself anymore. I could barely go into the convenience store by myself without having a panic attack. After searching for a doctor that could help me, I landed the best psychiatrist who prescribed me Effexor. I started with a low dose and was also taking Ativan as a crutch to get through until the Effexor worked. Before starting this, I swore that I would never regain control of my life. Effexor changed my life and saved me from the helplessness that I felt. I am now off the Ativan and have not needed any since stopping it. There is freedom beyond panic and anxiety. This may not work for everybody but it worked for me."

10 / 10
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146 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • xyzpo...
  • July 31, 2013

Effexor (venlafaxine) for Depression "I have taken Effexor on and off for nearly ten years for depression and anxiety brought on by a sudden traumatic situation. It took a week or so for the side effects to disappear when I first started. I felt so well that I weaned myself off it, which took at least a week with side effects. I have done this twice, thinking I was very well and able to cope when I take the medication. However, I have come to realize that I need to stay on it, and my husband now understands that it keeps me well, happy, and balanced. If I miss a tablet, I feel quite nauseous and a bit unbalanced, even though I only take 75mg once a day. I have come to realize that there are a lot of people out there, including many high-profile people, who need Effexor."

10 / 10
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183 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 15, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Panic Disorder "Effexor XR is the best drug! I have tried Zoloft, Lexapro, and Prozac, and none of them helped me. I was nervous to start Effexor because of the reviews and side-effects if you miss a pill. I took a leap of faith and started Effexor, and I have been on it for two years now! I have never felt more like myself. Set a reminder if you are nervous you might miss a pill. Every body reacts differently to every drug, so please, give Effexor a chance! It’s a miracle drug for my panic disorder. Don’t let the reviews scare you!"

10 / 10
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81 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Gaute
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 11, 2019

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I see so many reviews here from people that gave up this medication after one day, five days, seven days. Guys, this medicine can take up to a MONTH to work. In the meantime, you might experience side effects like increased anxiety. Stick with it. It works for me - It might not for you, but please try it out properly (i.e. for at least a month) before you knock it."

8 / 10
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109 Report
  • Crazy...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 11, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I originally started on the regular Effexor when I was 16 after a suicide attempt while on Prozac. This was literally a lifesaver for me! Switched to XR when it became available. I was on it for about 3 years before deciding I no longer wanted to be anchored down by antidepressants. The withdrawals sucked, but didn't last long. I'm considering going back on it and am now 37 years old."

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93 Report
  • MsSonia
  • April 1, 2012

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Hot Flashes "I had hot flashes every 2 hours. My face would turn beet red, my glasses would fog up, and always at an inappropriate time. Took my first dose of Effexor 37.5mg, my hot flashes are basically nonexistent. Mood is also awesome now."

10 / 10
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194 Report
  • Angiedt
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 21, 2016

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I've had unmedicated anxiety all my life which seemed to become worse as I got older. Though I lived with it, I also experienced my first migraine followed by almost daily tension headaches. My doctor recommended Effexor. I was very nervous to try it after reading many things online. I also mentioned my concerns about weight gain and sexual dysfunction. I was a newlywed at 40, working hard to lose weight. Despite my concerns, my doctor still recommended it. Within a few weeks, I started to feel better. Over time, I noticed I was calmer, had a clear mind, and slept better. I became more patient and even found improvements in my sex life. Fortunately, I did not gain weight, just experienced a little nausea at first."

9 / 10
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146 Report
  • Kano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 19, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I knew my IBS was directly affected by my anxiety and depression, so I went to a doctor to be put on meds to help with that. Effexor worked wonders! I was able to put back on the 40 lbs. I had lost from being sick all the time. And zero panic attacks. It's not as good at helping my depression, but it is noticeably better still. The only issue I have with it is that it absolutely WRECKS my stomach if I miss even a single dose, so I have to be really careful about that. But I mean, it's made my life so much more liveable that I consider that a small issue."

9 / 10
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88 Report
  • Nathan
  • October 21, 2019

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I have struggled with eating disorders (Anorexia and Binging) for about 4 years now. It started at 16 and slowly began to follow me into college. I’ve struggled with relationships and often find myself extremely depressed and more anxious than ever. I started Effexor about 2 weeks ago now, and the first few days were much like the experiences listed on here. I have done MDMA before, and it does feel like that for the first two days. However, after I got through that stage, each day has been getting better. Colors seem brighter, and my motivation has started to get better. Before, I had struggled with finding any interest in life, and everything seems a little bit more open each day I wake up. I do have some very vivid dreams and find that during the night, my depression gets a little worse, but it has slowly subsided, and I’m able to push away thoughts that normally frustrate me. I’m excited to see how each day goes moving forward."

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95 Report
  • Flapj...
  • June 20, 2014

For Hot Flashes "I've had intense hot flashes for 12 years. In addition to HRT (which worked fabulously during the 5 years I was on it), I tried Zoloft, Prozac, Remifemin, and Estroven with varying degrees of unspectacular success. So didn't expect much from Effexor, but within days of starting daily 37.5 dose, my hot flashes all but disappeared. Really, it's amazing. I've only been on it two weeks, so here's hoping it'll be effective for the long haul, which at this point, after 12 years, is looking like it will be the rest of my life. Geez, thanks, mom..."

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164 Report
  • Heb
  • September 5, 2013

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I have been on Effexor XR for over 15 years. I take a daily dosage of 300mg. It has been the most significant thing in my life! I am able to function normally, hold down a sometimes stressful job, be a great parent, and most of all be the best me possible. I have a hormonal imbalance which causes my depression, and no amount of psychological intervention was ever going to change that. Effexor XR did. Whilst there are side effects, my body has become accustomed to them, and believe me, they are nothing in comparison to the dreadful depression. I believe that it has saved my life and ensured that the life I lead is a good one. A couple of tablets a day, some minor side effects, and I can get on with a wonderful life."

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171 Report
  • NoName
  • June 15, 2018

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I am a 31-year-old female and work as a lawyer. Effexor is the first medication I tried. I took it for 7 years and it worked great. I decided to stop a few years ago because I thought it was affecting my libido. The reality is that I was just in a bad relationship, and I wasn’t attracted to the man I was with. Anyhow, I tried all sorts of medications afterwards, including Buspirone, Zoloft, and Pristiq. I am now back to Effexor, the only medication that ever worked with my anxiety. It is just day 1, but all I can say is that for 7 years, it worked like magic. Most of my anxiety symptoms were gone. When off Effexor, anxiety slowly came back and manifested itself in the sneakiest ways... it just takes over your life to a point where you can’t function anymore. I was at a point where I literally couldn’t function. Now I have hope. Finally, I can go back to normal and enjoy life. I have a wonderful family, boyfriend, and a challenging & interesting job."

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112 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 24, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Major Depressive Disorder "After 7 years of trial and error, This year I found a fantastic psychiatrist and I was finally told about 'Effexor'. From being tossed on so many different medications in the past and none of them working, I was SO desperate to feel better and also hopeless at the same time because I had felt like I had already tried EVERYTHING, but I gave it a shot. After 3 months, my entire mindset started to change for the better. Little by little, I started getting out of bed again, socializing again, I rarely have nightmares anymore, I feel a lot more calm, I don't overthink little things, and I genuinely look forward to waking up now. Do not give up on this drug if you don't feel better immediately, nothing will make you completely feel better but this is as close as I've ever gotten. Give it about 3 months to work and a year to fully work. I was a drug user and was at rock bottom/completely hopeless and because of Effexor I am alive today."

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77 Report
  • Miss...
  • September 21, 2013

Effexor (venlafaxine) for Depression "I am 46 years old and have taken Effexor since 2000. It helps me balance myself. It really works, and it calms me down and relaxes. But never miss it for a day or so, it will give you dizziness or nausea. I would like people out there to know that Effexor is the best antidepressant. It helps me focus on my life in every way. Thank you for saving my life, Effexor."

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169 Report
  • nickn...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 17, 2019

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "This medication needs to be illegal. It did not help my depression, it caused significant weight gain, and if a dose was missed by 1+ hours, the side effects were severe. The withdrawal symptoms are more intense than I ever would have imagined, and prescribing doctors do not warn patients against this. After beginning to taper off this medication, I experienced really dark thoughts and attempted suicide. I was in the ICU for a week and a psychiatric hospital for 4 weeks. Effexor almost cost me my life. Please don't risk yours by taking it."

1 / 10
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90 Report
  • Carol...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2016

For Fibromyalgia "I've been taking antidepressants for about 15 years, due to panic attacks, general anxiety, and situational depression, and they have worked well. Additionally, for 10 years I have had very severe leg pain, seeming to be sciatica/nerve pain and muscle pain, from hips to feet. I was told by two orthopedists, 'You're just old (59) so live with it.' It's been only a month since I changed to SNRIs—namely Venlafaxine—and since the very first day, I have been pain-free. I can walk again with long strides and quickly. I can stand for long periods. I can take hikes. I hadn't been able to do that for 10 years. My life is no longer dictated by how much pain I can endure. I don't know how it works, but I wish I'd known about it years ago."

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138 Report
  • Roden...
  • November 13, 2019

For Anxiety and Stress "This venlafaxine worked well for a long time, but about five years I became less active. I thought it was the natural process of aging, but after being on it for about 15 years, I subconsciously realized my brain had stopped producing as much dopamine, oxytocin, and probably endorphins as it used to. I became reclusive, until someone shattered that, then my brain said it had had enough. It needed dopamine to get me out and about, it needed oxytocin for me to cope with people and being out and about, and it needed endorphins to overcome the aches of daily life. All I had was what the drug supplied; the other processes had dried up. So I stopped the medication. I had no choice. Within 2 months, dopamine and oxytocin started coming back. I now feel as young as I did when I started taking it over fifteen years ago. It worked great, but it's important not to keep taking it, as the brain will readjust neurotransmitters to compensate in the long run, and then you are a hollow person, supported only by the drug."

9 / 10
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91 Report
  • Mickey
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 27, 2020

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "I have only been taking Effexor for a little over 2 months and noticed that if I was even an hour late taking my daily dose, I’d feel nauseous and anxious. I also began to notice that I was feeling nauseous anytime I didn’t have a full stomach, so weight gain was inevitable. I decided this drug was making my physical symptoms seriously distressing enough to outweigh any good it may be doing. I was shocked at how awful the withdrawal symptoms have been, even though I was only on it for two months at a dose of 75mg. I’ve been experiencing nausea and 'brain zaps' for two weeks now. My GP put me on Effexor, but after meeting a psychiatrist at a dinner function and casually asking her thoughts on Effexor, she said she doesn’t prescribe it, its withdrawal is so awful. I’m glad I’m getting off it, but alarmed at how nasty the withdrawal is. Can't imagine how bad withdrawal would be for those at a higher dosage and for much longer than my 2 months."

1 / 10
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87 Report
  • Dan
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 11, 2023

Effexor (venlafaxine) for Autism "I have autism, which is very exhausting keeping up with everyday life. I usually prefer my own company and a dark room. My autism affects my emotions, anxiety, and panic on a day-to-day basis. Effexor has begun to make me more extraverted, focused better at work, calmed my anxiety, and stopped my panic attacks. It's hard starting any type of drug when you are very sensitive to life in general, so be prepared to have everything intensify for approximately 4 weeks: sleep disturbances, fast heart rate, anxious, tense, panicky. If you don't see an improvement by the 4-5 week mark, make sure you report back to your doctor. Remember to start low and slow to minimize the side effects. I hope you find this information helpful, don't forget there are other options out there if Effexor is not for you. I also have done well on Paxil previously."

9 / 10
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25 Report
  • JLfro...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 9, 2024

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Depression "After 7 years on Zoloft, I tapered to 25 mg from 100 mg. Then depression hit. I tried titrating up, but dealt with sedation and many adverse side effects. I tapered off and quit for 30 days. Depression lingered, so I began 37.5 Effexor. I felt relief on the first day. I switched to taking it in the evening to offset morning sleepiness. Within 2 weeks, I went to 75 mg, and within 2 weeks, depression remitted. After 15 weeks at 75 mg, I'm on a staggered dose of 112.5/75 every other day. Here's the thing for me—I chose to start low and go slow. The Effexor gave a mild but noticeable lift in mood. Within 2 weeks, I felt hope. I didn't have to wait 4 to 6 to 8 weeks to notice nor suffer adverse effects for weeks at a time. Research supports the efficacy of Effexor, especially its ability to give noticeable, if not subtle, improvements within two weeks. Having gone 40 weeks suffering adverse effects of Zoloft, the impact of Effexor for me was, in fact, life-changing. (Male, 62)"

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11 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 3, 2017

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I have been taking Effexor on and off for the past 10 years. There is no better medicine for my anxiety than Effexor. The trick with Effexor XR is that you need to know exactly how to take it and not to take more than what you really need. I am now on a steady 37.5mg (minimum dose) and it works just fine. My doctor tells me that that low dose is hardly therapeutic but it works just fine for me. Of course, I need to practice many anxiety relief techniques, especially the ones that help get you back to sleep, but overall, Effexor XR at 37.5 mg each morning takes the severe edge off my condition. I do the rest. It's a good mix."

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126 Report
  • Thank...
  • January 28, 2010

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Hot Flashes "My ob/gyn recently recommended Effexor to treat my menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings) after having my ovary removed. I was skeptical because I have been treated with antidepressants in the past and the side effects were horrendous. I also suffer from GAD and SADD, but because I am such a wimp about taking pills, I have tried to tough it out. I was willing to try anything to help me get better. It has only been a week at the 37.5 dose, and I already notice a difference. Hot flashes are gone, I don't fly off the handle at everything and everyone, I am laughing, I can concentrate, I worry less, and am generally more calm. Side effects are minimal. A little spacey at times! Loss of appetite (which is good for an overweight woman). LOVE THIS MEDICINE!"

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204 Report
  • Coookie
  • January 20, 2017

Effexor XR (venlafaxine) for Anxiety "I had a nervous breakdown when I was 38. I literally felt as if I was going out of my mind. I had gotten pregnant when I was 21 and had terminated the pregnancy. I had a few years of depression with no meds. I left my husband and two children and went and stayed with my sister. She promptly took me to a psychiatrist who put me on Effexor XR 75 mg twice a day. He also gave me Xanax to help me with the breakdown. Effexor and my doctor saved my life. I have been on Effexor for 22 years. I sometimes feel the depression coming back and I now still have lots of anxiety, but I take my Xanax and it helps. I have switched to Prozac, Brintellix, Lexapro. None of them work. I always go back to Effexor. I pray daily that God will heal me."

10 / 10
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125 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.