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Sertraline for Anxiety and Stress User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Zoloft

Sertraline has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 808 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety and Stress. 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 16% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sertraline

  • Troub...
  • February 14, 2020

"Debilitating anxiety, depression for ten months. Panic attacks and an inability to keep high blood pressure under control. Resisted doctor's recommendation to take medication; began more exercise, regular meditation, and prayer – to no avail. Sought out a therapist but I am as suspicious of that industry as I am of Big Pharma and found no one suitable. Gave in to taking daily sertraline (25 mg dose). First days difficult: head swimming in strange, desperate emotions. But by day five I felt remarkably better, much more my normal self, capable of thinking clearly. Blood pressure also restabilized. Side effects: some decrease in sexual drive and difficulty in achieving orgasm, but well worth it as sex has become more 'real' and less 'escape,' and orgasms far more powerful. Appetite diminished; I have lost three pounds in the last weeks, without effort. Temptation to have one more swig of whisky before bed gone! Would be dead of heart attack without it."

9 / 10
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144 Report
  • Bella
  • February 29, 2020

"I thought I would share my experience with this medication as when I first started I found these reviews so helpful. I had been taking mirtazapine 30mg for a year and it did not do much, except help me to sleep and put on weight. At Christmas, I was put onto sertraline 50mg and stayed on mirtazapine 15mg. It has worked like a dream!! I hardly had any side effects, a few upset tummies and felt thirsty but that’s it! I also was waking up in the night for around 2-3 weeks. I feel so much better and finally back to myself before anxiety took over (anxious ruminating thoughts, low mood, etc)! Stick with it as I feel better week on week, and I’m now on week 8!"

10 / 10
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141 Report
  • Collie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 18, 2024

"I have taken Sertraline (100mg) for 4 years with one 3-month break during that time. It has been a life-changing experience. Before I finally admitted to myself that I needed help (age 35!), I lived with a constant low-level dread. Social situations and work commitments filled me with anxiety. I couldn't imagine the future and didn't see the point in planning for it. I was paranoid and nervous a lot of the time. When the anxiety finally peaked, I had panic attacks, couldn't sleep at night, or get out of bed in the morning, and eventually had suicidal thoughts. Life since taking sertraline has been completely different. After the first few weeks of taking the meds (which are tough, stick with it!), I felt a huge improvement. Since then, my anxiety is all but gone. I feel ready and able for challenges and am even excited to do things that once filled me with fear."

10 / 10
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12 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • John
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 28, 2023

"I've had moderate anxiety all my life. Six months into the pandemic, however, my anxiety went through the roof, accompanied by obsessive worrying, depression and insomnia. It was so bad I had to stop working. I thought about suicide - not that I wanted to, but I worried I might, if that makes any sense. I was terrified of taking an anti-depressant. Initially, it made my anxiety worse. But about two weeks in, the anxiety started to lift. I remember walking past a bakery and suddenly having the desire to buy a cinnamon bun - just to enjoy one of life's little pleasures. I am tearing up as I remember this, because it was a turning point. My obsessive thoughts, GAD and depression gradually eased, and I began to enjoy life at a deeper level than I ever had, without anxiety/obsessive worries getting in the way. I'm taking 100 mg. Main downside is delayed orgasm but I can manage by temporarily reducing the dose. To anyone suffering right now, there IS hope! I am living proof."

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • Ruby
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 18, 2024

"I very nearly gave up in the first week due to bad side effects. Bad headaches, anxiety, and strange dreams made me question whether sertraline was right for me. I spoke to my GP, and I decided to push through, carry on, and give it a chance to work. Admittedly, I did start to see some ‘green shoots’ of mood improvement, in parallel with the bad side effects, in the early stages. It’s week 4 now, and I feel like a teenager again. My energy and motivation are much improved, to the point that I have to watch I don’t overdo things. I feel like the Duracell Bunny at times. Given the other reviews, I’m expecting things could improve further still… My concern is the increased appetite and bad bags under my eyes. That said, it’s made me realize just how bad I have felt for the past decade of my life. Push through the initial bad stage, and you will reach a better place. Good luck!"

9 / 10
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7 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • teres...
  • October 22, 2013

"I began taking sertraline to help with panic attacks, depression, and anxiety. These symptoms were the effect of an unhealthy work environment and having lost 3 immediate family members within 6 months. I began taking 25mg and felt no change. After a month and a half, my doctor increased it to 50mg. I went from being angry all the time to crying all the time. We then increased the dosage to 75mg and that has done the trick. I cannot believe how well this medication works. I am more positive, HAPPY, and able to handle an extremely difficult working environment! I have not felt this good in years!"

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276 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 14, 2016

"Out of nowhere I got extremely depressed and had horrible anxiety! I was horrified. I even had to quit my job. I went to the doctor so many times, I just knew something was horribly wrong. I had blood work done, urine tests, CT scan on my stomach, and MRI on my brain. After all of that came back normal, I knew it was anxiety/depression. I tried Celexa 20 at first but it made me so weak I quit taking it. The doctor switched me to Zoloft and it gave me my life back. It took about 4 weeks to fully feel like myself again. I want you to know if you're reading this searching for answers, I was once you and I turned to these forums to help me. The Zoloft made me nauseous but it goes away, the side effects go away. Hang in there. I'm on 25mg."

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 24, 2022

"I'm going to be completely honest here: the first month and each time increasing was absolutely the worst. The side effects of heightened anxiety are not for the faint of heart, especially if you are going on these drugs for this reason. BUT if you stick it through, which somehow I did, you get your life back. They saved me. I hope this helps anyone who needs to hear the truth when it comes to expectations. Of course some have no side effects, and some it doesn't work at all, but if you are having good days or moments periodically (initially, which I called my breakthrough moments) there's a good chance you'll come out the other side if you hang in there. This is not a quick fix or a miracle. Good luck. If I can do it, so can you."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • emma...
  • September 3, 2020

"BEWARE sertraline made my daughters anxiety worse, suicidal thoughts, ineffective drug awful side affects. My daughter 15, has suffered anxiety for a few years. First few days she experienced, nausea, headaches, diarrhoea, insomnia, and severe panic attacks. Then she started to have suicidal thoughts Doctor said these were normal side affects, after 4 weeks of no improvement, he upped dose from 50mg to 100mg. Another 4 weeks went by, no improvement, at our review he referred us onto a psychiatrist. We decided to tapper off and pursue a more natural road to health. We can be certain that no matter what the future holds, antidepressants will never be an option. Building health through nutrition, counselling, exercise, and meditation far more positive path. More lasting, sustainable and empowering path. Antidepressants dont address the cause. After seeing a Naturopath we were educated about the importance of gut health. Did you know Serotonin is produced in the gut not your brain?"

1 / 10
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123 Report
  • Adam
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 6, 2023

"I took Sertraline last year for Anxiety with an element of PTSD due to the suicide of a family member. As seems common on here the first few weeks were really tough. I had the common side effects of nausea, increased anxiety, twitchy jaw etc. After about 4 weeks that began to settle and around 5-6 weeks the full effect kicked in and it was amazing. I said to my wife that my mind became a very pleasant place to be. I was able to just lie on the sofa with a smile on my face and just feel happy to be there. I felt more like myself than I had in years. More happy more settled and not at all emotionally deadened. If you are thinking of trying them I would wholly recommend you do, I wish I had sooner. the first few weeks might be tough but once you start on them then help is on the way. When the full effect arrives it will be worth every bad day a thousand times over. Dont give into despair you can do it."

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37 Report
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 1, 2021

"Read this fully trust me! This is my 3rd time trying sertraline for low mood/stress/anxiety. 1st time In 2010 stopped after a week due to loss of sex drive and panicked and stopped! 2nd time in 2020 same as above! 3rd time 5 weeks ago and still on it and I will stay on it for life! Let me explain to you why! I called the doctor explaining my situation about low mood and she said let’s try sertraline again this time KEEP ON IT for at least 2 months! First week 0 sex drive second week exhaustion, week 3 anxiety. From week 4 and onwards EVERYTHING is perfect! My sex drive is on overdrive! No racing thoughts, 0 anxiety and sleep like a baby! My mood has increased I feel happy and positive. Moral? STICK WITH IT! Takes a little while to kick in but it works AMAZING! I don’t feel like a zombie I feel super calm and clear headed! My sex drive is better than ever! I sleep perfectly! My mood is great, 0 anxiety. This is a miracle drug, and I will never come off it!!!"

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88 Report
  • Chick...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 17, 2014

"I was under huge amounts of stress. Divorce, lost my home, my car, and no child support. Then 2 of my kids left for college. I went on like this for 3 years and finally broke down. I couldn't function; I couldn't go out in public, I hated life. I felt like the worst person in the world and wanted to die. I finally went to the doc. She gave me 50mg and it made my anxiety skyrocket, helped my depression though. She cut me back to 25mg. No luck, went back to 50mg with Ativan as needed. Finally, after 2 months, I went up to 100mg with clonazepam as needed and now I am depression and anxiety-free, and no more clonazepam. No more negative ruminating thoughts, no more feelings of worthlessness. It has brought me back to life which I have not felt for years!"

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243 Report
  • Stacie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 3, 2023

"I recently suffered crippling panic attacks and anxiety to the point where I couldn’t leave the house. After months of going into a downward spiral, I asked my doctor to put me on sertraline. I knew to expect some side effects and oh my goodness nothing could have prepared me for the first two weeks on this medication. I experienced every single side effect, nausea, low appetite, insomnia (still have that now!), tingling, worse anxiety, sweating profusely, trembling/shaking, and peeing all the time. I felt awful, at one point I wanted to stop but reading the reviews on here kept me going. I’m so glad I stuck it out and now I am 6 weeks in and most of the side effects have gone (only insomnia remains and it’s mild!) and I feel back to my old self on 50mg. I am so relaxed and happy every day, and what used to worry me doesn’t anymore. I would say to anyone suffering through the first two horrendous weeks to stick it out, IT DOES GET BETTER!"

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44 Report
  • give-...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 27, 2023

"I, like others have mentioned, relied heavily on the comments section of this site when I was first starting to take Sertraline (Zoloft) a year ago. The first couple of months were very hard and being able to read other people's journeys was one of the things that helped keep me going. I'm leaving this review to say it's improved the quality of my life immensely and if you are just starting out, you aren't alone, and it's going to get better. The first weeks and months were like a rollercoaster of bad days mixed with very blah days. I had increased anxiety and felt that my OCD went from bad to....really, really bad...when I first started out on the medication. My doctor warned me that it would be a bumpy ride until my body started leveling out and getting used to the Zoloft. Slowly, after a few months (I'm being vague here because it really is different for everyone), I started to feel, well, more normal. You will too. The process isn't easy, but it's worth it. You've got this."

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33 Report
  • Hope...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 3, 2021

"Hello I started sertraline September 9th 25mg for two weeks, then 50 mg for two weeks, moved to 100 mg for two weeks and finally October 25 started 150 mg .All I can say first 4 weeks was horrible I experienced every single side effect (constant nausea, migraines, diarrhea, anxiety/panic through the roof, shakiness, tremors, heart palpitations, sweating, no appetite, blurred vision, dry mouth, no energy, insomnia) and sometimes at the end of the week five I started feeling improvement and for about one week now I feel incredible I finally got my life back this is old me that I didn't experience for last year and a half. I am so grateful for this medication I can say it's saved my life. All I can say stick to it don't stop talking medicine you will feel worse before gets better, keep contact with your doctor for instructions, and read what people are posting that's exactly what I did day after day and that's what kept me going."

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86 Report
  • Jane
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 3, 2020

"After giving birth to my little boy, I began to worry about everything. I lost control of my thoughts. I couldn’t eat or even concentrate on anything. I began to feel guilty for my son. I was prescribed sertraline, but I was terrified to start the medication. I researched all the side effects and other people’s experiences, and that scared me. Eventually, I knew it was time to start taking them if I wanted to get my life back. I had some side effects (night sweats!) and the anxiety may have gotten worse before it got better. On day 3, it was like a switch in my brain, and I suddenly felt better. I wasn’t sure if it was a placebo effect or real, but I was so happy to be feeling more myself. And it got better from there. I have now been on them for 2 years. I’ve tried to come off, but after a few months, the anxiety feelings come flooding back."

8 / 10
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113 Report
  • Lacey...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 7, 2023

"Sertraline and this website have changed my life. I have read it every day while I was starting Sertraline for (finally diagnosed) anxiety. I was so dizzy I could not function, literally it never subsided while I was sitting, laying down, eyes open or closed, I wanted to die I felt so useless. My doctor instantly started me on 25 mg, the first week was hell and I wanted to stop the medicine but I knew you had all been successful so I forged ahead. Gradually it got better, but after two weeks he bumped me to 50 mg and that was my turning point. After four weeks, I feel life is worth living again. Most important message, STAY WITH IT. It will get better. Finally I can shower without my husband being home, I can feed the dogs. Still not driving but my expectation is to do that next week. YOU WILL RECOVER, even when it seems impossible."

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42 Report
  • Atticus
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 9, 2021

"32 year old in a professional job, where poor mental health tends to be frowned upon amongst the alpha male types. I used to be one of them! 2 months ago, I had a horrific panic attack which looked like a mini stroke.I attended A+E convinced I had a stroke, ruled out by the staff. The next 3 weeks, I was continually waking up at 3am to severe panic attacks, genuinely feeling like I was losing my mind, I felt crazy and my thoughts became obsessive, and I had a deep rooted feeling of guilt and shame for things I have done and said in my life. This progressed into deep suicidal ideation. My partner hid my car keys for 3 days due to being so worried of my thoughts. GP prescribed me 50mg sertraline to begin with. At week 3 of this med my GP upped medication to 100mg. I am 90% back to myself, back to enjoying all the activities I once enjoyed but couldn't bring myself around to doing.Those first few weeks were matter how positive I tried to be, it felt like my mind was being possessed by a darkness I can't describe it"

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94 Report
  • Rachaus
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 30, 2022

"I am a mum, I work full-time, I study and I run a side business. It was during Covid it all became too much and I fell into a giant hole of anxiety. I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and OCD. I couldn’t eat, sleep or shower myself. I had intrusive thoughts on repeat all day long. After two failed attempts at meds and almost being admitted to hospital I decided to try the medication and stick with it. My GP started me on 50mg and after 4 weeks increased to 100mg. I remember saving the reviews that said it can take a while and would read them over and over. After 6 weeks on 100mg I increased to 125mg. My final increase was 8 weeks later to 150mg. I found each increase started to lift the fog. My intrusive thoughts started to fade. I started sleeping, got my appetite back and returned to work. 150mg is the right dose for me. I have been on Sertraline for 22 weeks and I am 95% back to myself. If you are starting the meds my advice is to keep going and be patient. It was a very slow process."

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74 Report
  • Annie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 20, 2024

"I was dealing with severe anxiety and experiencing sporadic panic attacks. My claustrophobia had severely increased alongside my anxiety, to the point where I found it distressing to use trains, taxis, and public toilets. I couldn't take the Tube without having a panic attack and having to get off after one stop. My doctor prescribed me 50mg of Sertraline with no hassle. The first week I had a fluctuating appetite, where I'd feel slightly nauseous then suddenly ravenous. In the following weeks, I began to experience extreme fatigue. This was my only bad side effect. It lasted for about 5 weeks, and I was constantly yawning all day and found it hard to focus. After about 4 weeks of Sertraline, I began to notice a difference. As the weeks have passed, my anxiety and claustrophobia have become so much more manageable. I'm sleeping better, I'm more productive, I can use public transport again. Sertraline is one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I don't know if I'd be here without it."

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • John
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2019

"Sertraline is unbelievable. I was experiencing anxiety and panic attacks for 18 months and refused to take medication for it, in the belief that it would make me weak as a male. I’d wake up daily scanning my body, thinking what’s wrong with me today. I went to the doctors monthly for a checkup believing there was something wrong with me. Then I decided to give the medication a go. For the first two weeks, it was horrible. I felt worse than I ever did before - sickness, head pressure, loss of appetite, increased anxiety and panic attacks, and feeling zoned out. After the two-week mark, I have never felt better. I have very little anxiety and no panic attacks, and actually enjoy life again. Please stick in there when you start taking sertraline; they are brilliant. Advice at the start is to take a couple of weeks off work as you will not want to go in. These will change your life and make you smile again."

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140 Report
  • lanners
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 29, 2014

"I'm 15 and since elementary school I've had anxiety. In December 2013, it started getting severe to the point where I couldn't get any work done or fall asleep for hours. I was extremely concerned about my heart because my chest was hurting and I was having heart palpitations (which worried me more). I finally went to a psychologist mid-February and started Zoloft 25 mg a day for the first week. Now I'm on 50mg/day. I have never been happier. My life has completely turned around. I function like a normal person, and I never worry about my heart anymore. I started noticing the Zoloft working at the beginning of the second week. Only side effect: decreased appetite for the first few weeks, but 100% back to normal now. Zoloft truly changed my life."

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218 Report
  • Anxio...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 17, 2022

"I was on sertraline 37.5 my daily 9 years ago due to several back-to-back tragedies. My anxiety was off the charts. All I could do was sit in bed and stare at the wall while my mind raced, my heart beating through my chest, sweating, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat. Sertraline saved me 9 years ago so much so that roughly a year ago a tapered off it. Big mistake. My anxiety recently returned almost as bad as before so just started 25mg daily and may increase to 37.5mg or 50mg if not seeing improvement at week 4. This treatment saved me 9 years ago so hoping it will save me again. I’m 45 years old and once I get my current anxiety under control I’ll be on it for the rest of my life. Folks that have never suffered through constant anxiety are blessed… lucky. Each time I count the hours until hopefully soon I can tell myself “today I feel ok… today the world isn’t crashing down around me. Today I feel like eating something.” Hang in there everybody!"

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70 Report
  • jimbob
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 22, 2020

"After years of suffering with anxiety and refusing to take medication, I had no option but to give sertraline a try. I'd been given the drug twice and never took them, but felt this was now my last chance and couldn't carry on. I started on 50 mg and the 1st week was terrible, worse than ever before, but I stuck with it. After 2 weeks, I felt better and realized things were starting to improve. I'm 16 days in and glad I stuck it out, and I'm ready to go up to 100 mg next week. Stick in there, it gets better. Just be strong and ride it out; you're not alone."

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102 Report
  • lauren
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 23, 2024

"I started on sertraline 2 months ago. I was started on 25mg for 1 week, then 50mg. I have really bad anxiety that when I leave the house, I'm having panic attacks. I can't walk anywhere by myself; I'm that bad. I have felt a little bit better, but now I have gone up to 100mg and hoping this will help me to feel normal again. This website is the reason I'm sticking with it."

8 / 10
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9 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.