Deblitane User Reviews & Ratings
Deblitane has an average rating of 4.1 out of 10 from a total of 10 reviews on 9% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 64% reported a negative experience.
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Birth Control | 10 reviews for Birth Control | 348 medications | |
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Reviews for Deblitane
- HORRI...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 6, 2022
For Endometriosis "I am halfway through my 3rd pack and I refuse to take this again. I was taking it for Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cysts. Not only is it causing me to have severe mood swings, crying fits, and severe depression. I’m now also bleeding for 2 weeks. This medication was suppose to help with my hemorrhagic ovarian cysts and avoid hysterectomy but I’m constantly on the ledge of committing myself to the hospital. The only thing this medication is great for is causing severe depression, excessive bleeding, and making me feel like I’m pregnant, hormonal, and crying over every little thing anyone says or does. This hasn’t fixed any problems other than make me want to give up on life. I did not utilize this for birth control. I can no longer take estrogen birth control because I had blood clots. This created WAY more problems. I’d rather just have a surgery to remove the problems than to take this pill that makes you feel this bad."
- Billi...
- April 10, 2016
For Birth Control "I recently switched my birth control from estrogen to the Mini pill which contains no estrogen but hormone progestin or "POPs". My doc said it was because of my age and smoking. I'll be 35 on may by the way. Within 2 weekes of taking these POPs I started experiencing complete numbness in my arms,hand and lower down there it was horrible. I couldn't sleep for about four days and not sure about my insurance I didn't go to Any urgent care or anyplace. So I stopped the pill and I feel fine. I'm just wondering if there is anyone else out there that had any kind of experience like mine if so I would love to hear about it Thank you Kbeth"
- Venus
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 20, 2020
For Endometriosis "I hate this pill! I took it for about 3 weeks. I know you are supposed to give it time but honestly, I didn't think it was worth "waiting it out" or giving it a chance, given that it made me feel like rubbish instantly. It made me feel like an apathetic zombie most of the time and when I did have emotion, it was either pure rage or distraught. My libido completely disappeared along with my natural lubrication and sensations. Didn't help with endo pains at all. Turned my stomach into a bottomless pit about an hour after taking it - I ate EVERYTHING in sight. Gave me nagging headaches. Only thing positive I can say is that I'm not pregnant."
- Anonymous
- April 18, 2018
For Birth Control "Anyone break out in a horrible unexplained hive rash for months due to deblitane? I have been suffering and am now able to maybe pinpoint the problem to this pill. I don't get a period which I'm glad about. I also gained a lot of weight from this medication. Anyone with a similar story?"
Are you taking this medicine?
- Sonny
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- April 1, 2023
For Birth Control "I’ve been on this pill for 10 months now. I would not recommend it. Although it has prevented pregnancy with unprotected sex I spot in between every period and it gives me anxiety. My cycle is now anywhere from 22-28 days and I still have a 5-day period. I have more headaches than usual and feel more bloated than usual. I can’t tell if I have more anxiety because I’m constantly thinking I’m pregnant or if the pill is causing more anxiety. I can’t be on the combination pill because of a past blood clot so I’m running out of options but I would not recommend this pill if irregular periods and spotting worry you."
- VAgirl
- October 21, 2017
For Birth Control "I'm new to taking birth control. Had a very normal cycle before, regular as clockwork for 27 years. I decided on this pill BC its a "mini" & thought maybe a good way to ease in to BC . 5 weeks into taking Deblitane I noticed my breasts were always sore and full. My skin was more oily & I've gotten the worst case of breakouts (big, red pimples on my cheek and a series of breakouts along my jawline). I haven't had a period. However leading up to when my period is usually due (I tracked my cycles for years) I started having cramps feeling bloated & lasted for a few days (almost a week). My mood was fine. Sex drive has been low. Finally called my doc and switching off it to something with out hormones mainly to fight this bad case of acne."
- Jory
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- November 1, 2019
For Birth Control "I have been on this Birthcontrol for a year and here these past few months my periods have been always been really heavy and migraines are bad... but now my periods have all of a sudden gotten really light and now this month I haven’t gotten a period... really weird. I noticed I’ve been spotting a lot past couple months after I’ve had my period. It’s weird how I’m having problems after a year of taking Deblitane."
- Spoon
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- June 8, 2022
For Birth Control "I've been on this BC since I was 12, so about 8 years now. Everything started out great, I did have a period for about 3 months straight when I started... However, my periods were lighter and frequent, I didn't have any weight gain, and my acne went away. I'd honestly recommend it anyone back then. Now things are going in the opposite direction. My periods are all over the place, every 7 to 45 days, and range from extremely heavy to spotting, my acne is back and worse than ever, and (could not be related but my doctor said it could be) I have been suffering from 'functional' cysts on my ovaries for the past 6 months. I will 100% be stopping this BC my next cycle."
- emma
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 24, 2024
For Birth Control "Honestly it works, I haven't had any noticeable side effects other than I had my period 3 times in a month for two months, 2 times for the month after that, and now I haven't had a period at all this month so I don't know what's going on."
- Moonw...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 7, 2023
For Birth Control "I was normally on Mylan's generic version of the Mini Pill and was pretty happy with it. But soon the company that supplied me with the mini pill (Pandia) changed it up and sent me Deblitane. Ever since I have been on this one I been spotting EVERY freaking day. I have to wear a pad so I don't ruin my underwear. It's been making my life miserable. I had to contact Pandia to tell them to stop sending me the name brand and to please switch back to generic. Sadly I have 3 months to go through this until the switch back."
- Crazy...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 31, 2022
For Birth Control "Well I see why there's only negative reviews here and I now have another one. I'm only on day 3 and I already cried I don't even know how many times today. It's making me so emotional."
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For Birth Control "HORRIBLE experience!!!! I’ve been on it 10 days and the side effects are so bad that I have to stop immediately (my gyno agrees). On day 2 I started having bad headaches off and on daily. Then developed brain fog, huge mood swings with anger flares and depression, exhaustion/fatigue… and today crying fits that now just won’t stop. I’ve never been unknowingly drugged, but I imagine this is what it would feel like – totally out of control of your body and emotions and so unlike yourself that there is no solid ground. I can’t believe how awful I feel and how quickly I’ve tanked. I wish I could report someone for making this drug, I feel like someone else completely, and people that know me well agree I am markedly 100% not myself at all. trying not to interact with people so that I don’t say or do anything that I regret, and praying that my body goes back to normal soon. I’m an inch away from calling the crisis team"