Macrodantin User Reviews & Ratings
Macrodantin has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 49 reviews on 35% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Urinary Tract Infection | 29 reviews for Urinary Tract Infection | 199 medications | |
Prevention of Bladder infection | 11 reviews for Prevention of Bladder infection | 29 medications | |
Bladder Infection | 9 reviews for Bladder Infection | 81 medications |
Reviews for Macrodantin
- Amb...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 7, 2020
For Urinary Tract Infection "Macrodantin was an utter disaster. Felt that I was getting better, then suddenly I had a raging upper urinary tract infection. Fever, nausea, vomiting, terrible pain. I had to be hospitalized with IV antibiotics. This drug is dangerous and should not be used as it gives a false sense of security."
- Anonymous
- December 12, 2009
For Prevention of Bladder infection "This is a miracle drug. I used to get a bladder infection every 2 weeks, until my doctor prescribed this to me for daily use. I've been taking it every day for 2 years now and have yet to deal with a single bladder infection. Plus, there are no side effects for me. Being on this pill has made my life a lot more comfortable."
Frequently asked questions
- jth...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- July 5, 2017
For Prevention of Bladder infection "Before starting on this drug, I was going through a nasty cycle of UTIs and thrush. I would get a UTI due to intercourse, and after taking antibiotics to treat it, I would then develop thrush. The cycle happened about 7 or 8 times over the course of a year, even though my husband and I were taking every preventative measure possible and following doctors' advice (wash before and after, pee within 5 minutes, drink lots of water, etc.). I even saw a urologist to try and get to the bottom of it. I couldn't break the cycle until I was prescribed this. I don't take it daily; after we have had intercourse, I take one as a preventative. Since starting this medication, I have not had one UTI. I have no side effects. It has greatly improved my quality of life."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 10 years or more
- May 30, 2012
For Prevention of Bladder infection "I am a paraplegic due to a gunshot to my spine incurred in Vietnam. I had taken Macrodantin for over forty years, and it helped to greatly curb my infections due to the need for intermittent catheterization three times daily. It caused side effects as I got older. I hadn't realized that this medicine was causing me to be continuously dizzy and generally unwell. I have since stopped taking it."
Are you taking this medicine?
Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Mon...
- September 12, 2012
For Urinary Tract Infection "Macrodantin, also known as nitrofurantoin, is a really good medication for UTI. I was struggling with UTI for a long time. I tried Cefalexin, and it didn't work for me. I did try Augmentin, as I never had a problem with this one, and it's really strong, but I started to vomit after 2 hours of taking the pill. Macrodantin can be a good choice for people with a sensitive stomach. I had no side effects."
- Mis...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 8, 2019
For Urinary Tract Infection "I felt the medication would have worked, my symptoms of UTI were easing. Unfortunately, after just 1 day of taking Macrodantin, I had the most awful sudden reaction: cough, uncontrollable shaking, chills, high temperature, body aches, and chest tightness. I didn't have enough energy to shower or leave my bed. I decided to stop and felt I was getting better from the side effects. Twenty-four hours later, I started the medication again. After the 2nd dose, I woke up during the night with the same symptoms. I had pneumonia years ago, these symptoms felt the same. I know I can never take this medication again."
- Hbs...
- April 5, 2017
For Urinary Tract Infection "I was experiencing back-to-back UTIs for 8-9 months. After trying some alternative approaches with my doctor, considering surgery, she decided to put me on a daily low-dose antibiotic: Macrodantin. It has been over three plus months and it works. I honestly am not comfortable taking a daily antibiotic, but I am far more uncomfortable having a UTI. No side effects for me."
- Amc...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 6, 2019
For Bladder Infection "I got prescribed Macrodantin before I read these reviews. I’ve been on it now for only 2 days, and I’m dying sick. However, it cleared up my bladder infection almost immediately! I have awful flu symptoms, exhausted, and no appetite at all. I’m cold all the time and just feel terrible overall. I’ve decided to come off the antibiotic because I can’t continue feeling this way. Seriously consider what this drug does to your body before taking it!"
- Mot...
- July 17, 2011
For Bladder Infection "This medicine changed my life. I used to get urinary tract infections during pregnancy, breastfeeding, after sex all the time, until a doctor prescribed putting me on this daily. Never have a urinary tract infection again while on it. No side effects for me, just pain-free pee."
- sic...
- September 23, 2014
For Urinary Tract Infection "After having a lot of urine infections for the past year, I am now back on Macrodantin 50 mg, 4 times a day for 7 days. Makes me feel yak, headaches, keeps me awake, slightly dizzy, feel tired a lot. Then doctor wants me to take a low dose of it for 6 weeks. Will keep you posted if it actually works this time. I have my doubts."
- Chr...
- June 29, 2013
For Urinary Tract Infection "Started experiencing pain peeing and went for a quick dip test after blood in urine was strongly apparent. Prescribed Trimethoprim for a week and cleared it up very quickly, however, it came back. On the sixth day, the doctor rang me urgently, saying I needed to take these 4 times a day for a week. No side effects at all. Possible constipation, however, this could be due to not wanting to eat/doing less exercise. No chest pains or anything, and very quickly cleared up any remaining symptoms. Thank you, Macrodantin!"
- Mar...
- May 23, 2015
For Prevention of Bladder infection "My daughter was put on Macrodantin to prevent kidney infections, and after 2 months, was struggling to breathe while playing football. Tests showed that her pulmonary function had reduced by 25% and she had developed an irregular heartbeat. I would think carefully before taking this drug, as you may be damaging your lungs to save your kidneys."
- MJa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 4, 2015
For Urinary Tract Infection "I am extremely sensitive to antibiotic side effects, so I avoid them whenever possible. Usually, I take D-Mannose for urinary or vaginal (yeast) infections, but I was out of it and needed something NOW. The doc called in Macrodantin because I cannot tolerate Cipro or most other ABs. Second day on pills and, so far, zero stomach pain or nausea. I have not noticed a reduction in the pain from the UTI yet, so hoping by tonight I will see relief. By the way: look up D-Mannose. I have used it for over 10 years, and it has stopped the UTIs and yeast infections if I take it as soon as I feel something. It is a sugar, so you can take it every day if needed without any complications. It works by detaching the bacteria from the body. Buy the powder. Two teaspoons per day."
- Joe...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 8, 2020
For Urinary Tract Infection "Was prescribed Macrodantin for UTI. Was extremely ill from day one with a headache, pressure in the left ear, muscle pain, back pain, and a general illness feeling. Was originally prescribed 5 days of 100 mg twice a day. Day 2/3 I couldn't bear it any longer and contacted the doctor to change it, he insisted I stay on it and changed it to 50 mg x 4 times a day. Gave up on day 3/4 as I couldn't take the side effects and low mood any longer. Still not feeling great on day 7, and the ear still feels full."
- aus...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 26, 2019
For Urinary Tract Infection "Took 4x 100 mg Macrodantin capsules for three days as set by my doctor. Cleared my UTI within two days, however, experienced chest pains and shortness of breath on day one. Didn’t realize (until reading this forum) it was linked, so continued to take until I ended up in the Emergency Room completely unable to breathe without pain. I’ve been off these tablets for 4 days now, and I still can’t take a full breath, have sharp lung pains, and am so dizzy. Really disappointed in my doctor for not letting me know the risks first."
- ggl...
- March 3, 2012
For Bladder Infection "I have been on this medication for 4 days now for an ongoing bladder infection. The only side effect so far is that I feel very nervy in the mornings until I get enough food into me to counteract it. I also went out last night and had one glass of wine, and my whole face, neck, and chest went bright red for at least half an hour and felt very hot."
- esm...
- July 7, 2013
For Urinary Tract Infection "I have suffered from recurrent urinary tract infections since I became sexually active. I would get an infection every time I had sex with my boyfriend. I tried countless courses of antibiotics, which apparently cleared the infection, but when I had sex again, I got another one. Finally, my doctor put me on nitrofurantoin, and this cleared the infection immediately. I have still to finish the course. I haven't had sex while taking the last few courses to make sure the infection has cleared fully!"
- Gig...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 17, 2018
For Urinary Tract Infection "This drug needs to be taken off the market. I have taken antibiotics for recurrent UTIs and never have ever had such a bad experience. I took this pill before bed and almost immediately had body aches. The next morning, I woke up feeling like I was hit with a bad flu. It was horrible! Took five days to get out of my system. Avoid this at all costs!"
- jes...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 25, 2013
For Urinary Tract Infection "I understand the good outweighs the bad, however, the past few days have been hell. I had honestly one of the worst urinary tract infections I have ever had. I need the relief, so I am going to continue with the meds. Within 24 hours of taking it, I had horrible diarrhea. I am pale, I keep drinking water."
- Hil...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 16, 2021
For Urinary Tract Infection "Scary experience. I started to get very ill a few hours after starting the medication, nausea, headache, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Two days later, a GP told me I may have the flu. I went home, went to bed. So weak, low fever, chills, could not get warm, still vomiting, horrendous headache. A few days feeling the same, I noticed a rash on my body. Went to the emergency department by ambulance. The antibiotic had caused acute liver failure. I had been on day five of a seven-day course. Lucky enough, the doctor in the hospital put the connection together, and the medication was stopped. It took a few months to recover from the fatigue, especially, but I'm lucky to be alive also. Another few days at home alone, I would probably have passed out. I was delirious most days, so they were blurry and confusing. No more Macrodantin for me. Even have an emergency bracelet if I need to travel outside Ireland."
- Lee...
- October 8, 2017
For Prevention of Bladder infection "Macrodantin was prescribed to me to prevent UTI. I only have to take one when needed. During one month, I got four fever attacks with chills, headaches, and muscle cramps. Very much like flu symptoms. It goes on for 2 days, then I am fine again. Eventually, I realized that it might be this medication since I took one on a Friday evening, and the next day when I woke up, I got these horrible symptoms again. I read about the side effects and realized that this might be the cause."
- Els...
- October 8, 2017
For Bladder Infection "Just caused the worst side effect to my lungs after using this for over a year. Where is the GP or specialist that must have warned me against these symptoms or kept me recorded in progress with this medication? According to my lung specialist, this medicine is poison to the human body."
- los...
- November 30, 2020
For Urinary Tract Infection "I was prescribed 50 mg Macrodantin capsules to be used over the course of 7 days for treatment of a UTI. Let me tell you right now that this medicine not only doesn't work and that I still have a UTI after completing the course; the side effects were like nothing I had ever felt before, and my infection actually progressed to a kidney infection. First off, I started to feel nauseous while taking this medicine and thought that it would be alright after a few days. However, by day 3, I was in agony with abdominal pain, chest pain, lower back pain, fever, and chills. The nausea was also still there. I decided to call my doctor, and they advised that I finish my 7-day course and then call back if symptoms did not stop by day 7. By day 7, I still had a UTI, as well as chest pain, abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, dizziness, fever, and chills, all of which only started to happen once I took these antibiotics. This medicine may as well be a placebo."
- Gan...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 10, 2020
For Bladder Infection "Prescribed Macrodantin for a mild bladder infection. 2 doses of 100 mg per day. I take them after a meal. The only side effect I have is a pounding headache. I've 1 tablet left to take, and I feel like my bladder infection is gone too. Still a dull ache at the bottom of my back, but that could be unrelated. The headache is real though."
More about Macrodantin (nitrofurantoin)
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- Drug class: urinary anti-infectives
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- En español
For Prevention of Bladder infection "Pills are very small and easy to swallow. I have no side effects from this medication. I use it to prevent serious urinary tract and bladder infections. I take it after sexual intercourse and it does prevent UTIs for me. I wouldn't want to live without this medication."