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Montelukast for Asthma User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Singulair

Montelukast has an average rating of 5.3 out of 10 from a total of 192 reviews for the treatment of Asthma. 35% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Montelukast

  • xalatoh
  • December 14, 2019

"I've had severe asthma for about 6 years now, and unfortunately, Singulair did not work for me. I have Asperger's and several anxiety disorders, and Singulair rapidly exacerbated my issues. Day one was fine, but by days two and three, I had weakness in my arms, was unable to focus, and became even more irritated by my triggers than I usually do. When I could sleep, I had unsettling dreams, woke up with a rapid pulse, and, lo and behold, asthmatic chest tightness. I refuse to wait it out to see if it gets better because I cannot let myself spiral back down into depression and suicidal thoughts, especially when there are other treatments for asthma available. The doctor who prescribed this didn't mention any side effects, so I did all the research on my own, as I normally do. I can't imagine all the people who go through this seemingly unwarranted because doctors won't inform them of side effects. I don't want to discourage anyone from trying Singulair; just be cautious."

4 / 10
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43 Report
  • GLano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 26, 2019

Singulair (montelukast) "I was prescribed this medicine to help with my reaction to my allergy shots. And it does help with that, but with a major side effect. I am an anxious mess the entire day. I have been walking around trying to avoid taking a Xanax, but after running, lifting weights, deep breathing, meditating, and laying down, I finally had to take it. I think next time I'll just deal with the reaction on my arms."

3 / 10
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44 Report
  • MayAG
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 2, 2015

Singulair (montelukast) "I took Singulair for a week because I was having trouble with my asthma and allergies. But I also have anxiety and panic attacks often, and Singulair made it so much worse! Every time I took it, my heart would race, and even the next morning I would still have a racing heart. I ended up having panic attacks every day and going to the ER twice in a week while on this. I will NEVER take this again, it's very bad for people who have anxiety. My asthma is still bad, but it wasn't worth trying because of the side effects."

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65 Report
  • Zaano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 17, 2021

"I wish I never even heard of this tablet. My daughter was prescribed this for her asthma symptoms. First, she stated with nightmares, was afraid to go to bed, was irritated very easily. I was putting it down to being tired. I started to notice she was developing tics, clearing her throat and a humming sound. I was at a loss. I was racking my brain, wondering what was happening to her, she never displayed anything like it. I thought I would check up on the new tablet she was given to check the side effects. To say I was horrified was an understatement (I wish I looked at it sooner). There they were, all of the above. I rang the doctor, he took her off straight away. She was on the medication for 7 weeks. I just wish I connected the dots sooner. She has been off the tablets for only 2 days. I am just praying to God there are no lasting effects. Please, if you are thinking of giving this to your child, research it."

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31 Report
  • Martyn...
  • April 7, 2016

Singulair (montelukast) "Since taking Singulair, my condition has improved dramatically. I no longer wheeze, and I sleep well. I have been a chronic asthmatic for 54 years. Now, I have been given a new lease on life. I am so happy and active. It's an emotional thing after suffering for so long."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • jolene
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2016

Singulair (montelukast) "OMG!! I've been taking Singulair for one week. I haven't received my Advair from the mail order pharmacy... But, Singulair is a miracle. I had shortness of breath (SOB) and tight chest - it felt like I was having angina. Really, after the first dose, I noticed I coughed less. Today I walked all the way from the back parking lot to my floor without stopping or SOB. Didn't even have to use my inhaler. Amazing!"

9 / 10
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  • suffi
  • March 28, 2021

Singulair (montelukast) "On this medication I could finally sleep at night, literally. It helped so much with my asthma and my allergies. I could take deep breaths again. I needed my inhaler much less. But unfortunately like many others.. after three months of taking this (it takes time to build up in your system) I developed severe depression and I was very suicidal. Thankfully, I have a support system that I alerted of this possible side effect, and they were there for me. I went to my doctor and she advised to stop taking it (as I uncontrollably cried in the office) and I felt better within a week of being off it. Don’t let my experience scare you, because I really went back to normal as soon as I got off it. I have yet to find a new medication that makes my asthma/allergy so nonexistent!"

3 / 10
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27 Report
  • alway...
  • August 24, 2018

"I took Montelukast for my asthma and allergies, and it definitely works to control both of these, but the side effects are bad. As directed by my doctor, I would go on and off of it during the bad times of the year. This caused severe exhaustion for several weeks. The worst side effect, which is not something they mention, is the weight gain and inability to lose weight. I really didn't notice it at first, as I started exercising regularly again at around the same time. Fast forward a year and a half, I am tracking everything I eat and the exercise I am doing-consistently 1000 calories/day deficit. My weight does not budge for four months. I start researching, and something I read mentions medication. Since Montelukast is the only thing I'm on, I look up 'Montelukast and weight loss' and find stories from people who had similar issues. I stopped taking it, and within a month, 10 pounds fell off of me while eating normally. Montelukast definitely works, but beware the side effects."

3 / 10
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41 Report
  • Xxoo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 8, 2015

"This medicine was poison to me. I had it prescribed to me following a mild allergic reaction to a bug bite. I have suffered from mild anxiety in the past, but within a month of taking Singulair, I went from mild to severe. Panic attacks, crying for no reason, racing thoughts, overall feelings of hopelessness. I was at the end of my rope after a particularly bad panic attack when my husband suggested it might be my medication. At first, I didn't believe it, because it was an allergy medicine... how bad could it be? Imagine my surprise when I looked it up and saw there are many, many people suffering the exact same side effects as me! I immediately stopped taking the drug, and now, 48 hours later, I can't even believe how normal I feel. Sure, the allergies are back, but I'll be thankful for every sneeze if it means I don't have to suffer the psychological effects of this drug. I would strongly caution anyone considering taking this medicine (especially if it is for a child) to do your research beforehand and make sure someone you love is monitoring your behavior. For me, it was a terrifying drug, and I am so glad I listened to my husband."

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53 Report
  • Raels
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 12, 2014

Singulair (montelukast) "I started Singulair 10 weeks ago. Since taking it, I have absolutely no wheezing and feel great. I have been very ill with asthma for the past 12 months, where I have been unable to come off prednisolone, and notice almost straight away when coming off it. I have been able to walk without getting out of breath for the first time in years. I must say my specialist has also at the same time started me on Xovial spray and will wean me off that in a week to see if it is the Singulair making me well!"

8 / 10
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55 Report
  • Patri...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 10, 2012

Singulair (montelukast) "Singulair is an effective medicine, but it can have significant side effects. I experience a foggy head and depressed mood. I have also experienced muscle cramps in my back while on this. I have noticed, in reading through the comments, that quite a few people are suffering from some form of side effect from this medicine. One recommendation: I talked to my doctor about cutting the dose in half, from 10 mg to 5 mg. I now take a children's 5 mg tablet. I still get relief but don't experience the same level of side effects."

5 / 10
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62 Report
  • Dallas...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 17, 2013

Singulair (montelukast) "I was prescribed this for asthma. I suffer from really bad cedar fever, which is a problem in Texas. I am a rather slim female, and at first, my doctor gave me the regular adult dosage. It was too strong. I had heart palpitations and almost called 911 once after taking it. I requested my doctor give me an adolescent strength dosage - which he did. That worked much better. It still is very strong, and it knocked me out, but I didn't have to worry about calling 911 or not waking up from it. Asthma is tough to treat. Medicine is necessary, but sometimes the meds are as bad as the disease. My advice is to start with the lowest dosage your doctor thinks will work. You can always take more if necessary."

7 / 10
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60 Report
  • Vnyc
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 6, 2023

"Like many others on here, Montelukast was a miracle drug for me in the asthma department. The wheezing, excess mucus, and difficulty breathing issues all vanished. However, this drug caused severe depression, panic, anxiety…it was unbearable. (As many have mentioned on here) I went down to the pediatric dose 5mg. Worked wonders. I got all of the asthma relief benefits, and the psychological issues disappeared. I encourage posters to talk to their dr about this dose as it seems that commonly the 5mg will work just as well for asthma relief without the mood changing side effects."

9 / 10
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11 Report
  • 77 te...
  • January 30, 2017

Singulair (montelukast) "Asthma all my life (40 years old) but wanted to cut down/get off the steroid inhaler (Symbicort) as it does lead to weight gain, hunger pangs, and bloating of the face. Offered Singulair - took one tablet in the daytime - wrong thing to do! Completely sedated feeling. Made a call to continue taking the following treatment: 1. Symbicort in the morning (Symbicort users will concede it's like drinking 10 cups of coffee) 2. Take a half of Singulair before bed (I have the best night's sleep every night due to its mildly sedative effect). Best of both worlds... I have never had broken sleep for 40 years... once I started with Singulair, I sleep like a baby and wake up completely refreshed."

8 / 10
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  • Alfred
  • October 7, 2019

"Day 4 of taking this and I decided to venture online to see if I’m crazy for feeling the way I feel. I feel as if I can breathe, but it feels difficult to. I have more anxiety and a fast heart rate. Before the medicine, I would wake up with a lot of phlegm in my throat, I do wake up without any on this medicine. Yesterday, I had bad thoughts about isolating myself from my family. Don’t think I will continue this medicine. At the end of the day, it’s chemicals we are putting into our bodies and nothing natural. Sometimes it would do more bad than good."

5 / 10
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  • Rano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 25, 2020

"When I first started taking this medication I felt my heart beat faster than normal, felt anxious, and battled constipation. These are all symptoms of low magnesium. I started taking magnesium, and all is well! I believe for some this medication may deplete magnesium levels, but with a daily dose of magnesium the symptoms can be resolved."

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  • Marcie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 17, 2024

"Like everyone else, I was scared to death to try this. As I moved closer to menopause, my allergies got worse, and asthma started. Antihistamines and inhaled steroids weren't helping me very much, I was very frustrated. Finally, I decided to try the Montelukast - that night I felt both nostrils open up for the first time in years! I've been on it for over a year now and am so thankful I decided to try it, for me, it's been life-changing. I can enjoy the outdoors again and rarely need to reach for my inhaler. I have the MTHFR gene mutations, so I worried about mood issues. In the first couple of weeks, I did feel more short-tempered, but that went away. I also take a methylated B complex. If you have allergies and asthma combined, TRY THIS!"

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • l2t233
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 5, 2017

Singulair (montelukast) "I was started on it after the first acute sudden asthma attack of my life, and the inhalers weren't working... which landed me in the emergency room and had some continuing lung spasms in the weeks following this. Once on it, for the first time in many years, I was no longer waking up wheezing and with shortness of breath at night. It's been wonderful! Fortunately, I have never had any of the side effects noted by others. I remember feeling early on that Singulair may have contributed to weight gain, but it was very hard to tell as I was at that age - late 40s - when this begins to happen naturally. If so, I certainly would have preferred not to gain weight, but the benefits of having a 'normal' life with Singulair have been fantastic."

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Asthm...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 15, 2013

Singulair (montelukast) "Went to the hospital during an asthma attack. I was only on albuterol, and it was not working during this episode. Long story short, I got prescribed Singulair. Made me feel very sleepy at first. I could barely get my college work done. After about two months, I became very depressed from being so tired, and then became extremely thirsty. I drank two bottles of water every hour and could feel my lungs becoming irritated. I was drinking so much water I was getting nauseous. I then went to my MD, and he told me to stop taking it. After three days, my thirst went away. After about two weeks, I felt myself again. Singulair is now listed on my doctor's chart under 'medicine allergies.'"

4 / 10
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  • Craig
  • January 23, 2013

Singulair (montelukast) "I found it really helped my asthma and has made a big difference in the quality of my life. However, what I would say is that it did cause mood changes with me; these were very noticeable for the first few weeks. It felt like I had drunk 10 tins of Red Bull. I was very confrontational; this subsided greatly, though, and in some ways made me more confident. I never take the tablets in the morning, though, always at night, or I will kick off for the slightest thing, which is totally out of character for me."

7 / 10
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  • Bizket
  • October 8, 2014

"After taking this medicine for 2 months for mild asthma, I noticed a change in my mental health. I have stopped this medicine after linking my side effects to this med. I noticed anxiety, depression, thoughts of hurting myself, dizziness, and nausea became oh so real. I have never suffered from these before in my life until this med. I have been off of it for almost 2 weeks and not looking back. Gonna go forward and hope I recover from these side effects. I'm sure it's great for someone who doesn't get side effects, but it's not for me."

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  • Keloggs
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 12, 2019

"My seven-year-old son was given montelukast from the age of 2 for his asthma. We were not told of any side effects at the time. Although since an increase in his medication from the age of six, we noticed a massive change in his behavior. He went from such a happy, outgoing child to the complete opposite. Constant mood swings, aggressive, angry all the time, hating himself, terrible nightmares to the point we can not get him to go to bed. We became that desperate trying to help him, we even looked into seeing a therapist when my mum just by chance saw a newspaper article on montelukast explaining someone’s terrible experience and how it changed them mentally and emotionally. We have just stopped him from taking the drug after all these years and seeing my happy boy coming back. Just wish I had read up on it sooner."

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29 Report
  • Mom...
  • November 14, 2018

"I took montelukast for about 8 months, and that’s when my nightmare began. I was so anxious and crying all the time with vivid dreams. It really did help my asthma, but the side effects make you feel like you are losing your mind. I am 42 years old and have always been active, happy, and the first to be up to do anything. It has been 4 months since I stopped taking this horrible medicine, and I am just beginning to feel back to my old self. I warn everyone, please be careful with this medicine. It works to control your asthma, but be aware of your mood changes and tell your doctor right away."

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30 Report
  • baker...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 27, 2023

Singulair (montelukast) "Asthma and allergies. I have both. I've tried every steroid and bronchial dilator inhaler and had awful side effects. I can only take tablet steroids short term for the asthma. Allergy-wise, I've tried Flonase, Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, all of it, and still have bad drainage and cough. So, my doctor prescribed Singulair. I vaguely remember being on it as a teenager, and I remembered I was taken off it. He said, "try it again now as an adult." Well, I had awful anxiety and panic attacks starting from the first dose. By a few days into it, I had been constantly battling the anxiety, and one night had a full hallucination. I thought, for sure, I heard someone in my house. I was up looking everywhere, freaking out. I'm a single parent, I can't be going crazy to feel better! So, within 1 week, I had to stop it. I did notice the post-nasal drip was a bit better, and my asthma cough at night was still there, but not as severe as it was. No idea what we will try next. It was scary and frustrating."

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  • Weidi
  • May 30, 2021

"I never had any asthma until I moved into a house with mold (green, black mold). After one year got my first asthma attack in the morning. After three years had more attacks in the morning while I am sleeping. Got a bad cough, woke up and couldn't breath anymore. A couple of weeks later I got a bad bronchitis. Couldn't breath anymore normal, walking steps was almost impossible. I was thinking it goes away. After 2 weeks it was so bad that I went to a doctor. She said OMGoodness how can you breath. Your lungs are full of mucus. She gave me an injection so I can breath normally again. Also gave me Seretide and Montelukast. I recover after I was moving to a new house without mold. After one year in the new house my symptoms almost gone. But I lost my smell and taste, stuffy nose all the time, crazy dreams, fatigue, gain weight almost 30 pounds, Stomach pain, dizziness and numb arms and hands when I ride my Ninja, Thanks to god I found this website. I will immediately stop now Montelukast."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.