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Mesalamine for Ulcerative Proctitis User Reviews

Brand names: Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Asacol, Delzicol, Canasa, Asacol HD, Rowasa, Canasa Pac Zaldyon Rowasa Sulfite Free …show all brand names

Mesalamine has an average rating of 7.0 out of 10 from a total of 22 reviews for the treatment of Ulcerative Proctitis. 59% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Mesalamine rating summary

7.0 average rating out of 10

22 ratings from 23 user reviews.

Compare all 14 medications used in the treatment of Ulcerative Proctitis.


Reviews for Mesalamine

  • Col
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 19, 2023

Salofalk (mesalamine) "I was diagnosed recently and started on Pentasa enema (night) and Salofalk suppositories (day) but found the Pentasa made little or no difference and I found it difficult to sleep. My nurse changed to Salofalk rectal foam and tonight is my first time using it. I followed the instructions but inserted both doses but then was unable to hold it in for longer than 20 minutes. This site and the reviews have been a pleasure to read :) especially the review which included information about side effects, including jaw pain. I was thinking 'now something else is wrong with me' but didn't want to tell the GP as I wondered if it's psychosomatic, so it was a relief to read that I'm not alone. I really wrote this to say thank you to everyone for sharing their personal experiences. I have found this diagnosis to be somewhat isolating and sometimes I feel I should be embarrassed to speak about my symptoms, so thank you all and I pray for us all to be well x"

8 / 10
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8 Report
  • Anish
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 17, 2019

"I was originally put on mesalmine Salofalk 1000 mgs suppositories. It caused a burning sensation in my rectum and caused severe abdominal cramping. It increased my bowel movements to up to 20 bloody movements a day and I lost fecal control. My doctor then put me on mezavant tablets and later switched to the Salofalk mesalmine foam enema and then to the mesalmine Salofalk liquid enemas I have never felt so sick in my life. I continue to have very negative side effects and increased nausea now I am choosing to come off this medication and will be speaking with my gastrointologist in finding an alternative drug. This medication was absolute poison to my system. I have lost my quality of life and it is very debilitating."

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 27, 2012

Lialda (mesalamine) "Before trying Lialda, I was taking Canasa which was extremely helpful, however, it is a suppository. That was not pleasant, especially if I was going to have to continue taking that medication for the rest of my life! My doctor mentioned Lialda so I started taking it. It has been just as effective as Canasa for me and I have not had a flare up in almost 3 years!"

10 / 10
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21 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Missing...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 24, 2020

Pentasa (mesalamine) "I was diagnosed with UC last year. I was both on Pentasa 8x500mg daily plus daily Salofalk suppositories. I can’t say anything about Pentasa tablets but Salofalk worked very well. Unfortunately Salofalk is not available anymore and I had to switch to Pentasa suppositories which is the worst. I am wondering if any of this drugmakers ever used Pentasa suppositories. I bet they didn’t! It is very hard to use and I prefer bleeding a lot than being mentally depressed by using it (very irritating and very uncomfortable, plus doesn’t dissolve and irritates the area badly) I am missing Salofalk a lot!!"

2 / 10
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8 Report
  • Finally...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 14, 2013

Lialda (mesalamine) "I am 26 years old and have been battling with bad stomach problems for most of my life. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Proctitis about 4 years ago. My doctor put me on Lialda but I didn't stick with it. This past December, I had my first flare was awful. I lost 10lbs and just felt sick all of the time. I went back on Lialda (3 pills a day) in January. At first, I didn't feel any different but then it really started working. It has been 8 months and I feel like a normal person now. Still have the occasional stomach ache but nothing abnormal! Feel great!"

10 / 10
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16 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • David
  • December 30, 2016

Canasa (mesalamine) "When I first started taking it it didn't have any effect except minor stomach cramping which I wasn't even sure if it was from drug. I stopped taking it but my doctor told me to take once in morning and once at night. I also began taking Lialda which has same ingredients again morning and night two pills. After about a month or two I had a dramatic positive affect. I've tried getting off it but my symptoms return. It is effective for bleeding and liquid stool. I sometimes still feel the need to evacuate without anything there but as long as I consistently take it, I have little if any problems"

10 / 10
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12 Report
  • Alex
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 11, 2022

Salofalk (mesalamine) "Salofalk appears to work fine as did Asocol before it. My only gripe is the plastic covering of the suppository. They are produced in 2 factories, one has a black/white covering, the other red/white. The B/W is easy to open but the R/W much more difficult. The ends you pull apart appear shorter and whereas the B/W has ribbing so you can grip the R/W one the ribbing appears photographed i.e no grip at all. Have complained to the company, to no avail"

8 / 10
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5 Report
  • Cat
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 25, 2020

Canasa (mesalamine) "I had Ulcerative proctitis for 5 years before getting pregnant. Only 1 flare since diagnosis during that time (and it was while off the medication). Canasa suppositories worked within a week and completely maintained me in remission. Then a new doctor told me not to use suppositories if I got pregnant (I told her we were trying to get pregnant and I wanted to check if the medication was okay). I stopped it 2 months before I got pregnant and flared 2 months into pregnancy, but throughout the entire colon this time. I’m now on Lialda, Canasa, and prednisone. It’s been extremely difficult to control the flare, which is typical of flares during pregnancy. I wish I had never stopped taking Canasa. It might be too early to judge Lialda after 4 days, but Lialda has given me so much nausea it feels like I’m back in the first trimester. *for anyone wondering, you obviously can take Canasa while pregnant, if clearly needed and the benefit outweighs the risk, as I am currently back on it and 29 weeks."

9 / 10
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6 Report
  • Sweet...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 23, 2021

Canasa Pac (mesalamine) "I noticed improvements in less than a week. Two months out I have no pain, no bloating and feel almost normal. I have no complaints and have become comfortable with suppositories. No big deal when you consider the benefits."

10 / 10
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5 Report
  • mid30...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 16, 2014

"I've had some minor GI issues all my life, I just figured that's to bad and dealt with it. Over the past 10 years it's been a little worse, but I rarely have problems always thinking out food poisoning. Over the past 5 or so years I developed somewhat reoccurring symptoms, but in general very good health. Diarrhea and bloody stool that would subside in under a week or two and happen a few times per year. A few months ago I ran into a problem I couldn't shake mucusy bloody stool all the time and loose stools always. It lasted more than 2 weeks so I had to get it checked finally. A few dr visits and a colonoscopy diagnosed me with ulcerative proctitis. I'm using the enemas nightly. In under a week of use I have no blood, no odd discharge, feel normal."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Amanda...
  • April 2, 2016

Pentasa (mesalamine) "I've been using pentasa 2 times a day a total of 4 pills it definitely helps! Sometimes I get headaches and feel sick sometimes and occasionally get pain and for some reason ever since I started taking them I get these weird skin patches"

9 / 10
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8 Report
  • Pecos
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 20, 2019

Canasa (mesalamine) "I can't afford Canasa. 2 doctors have prescribed it for me. I am on medicare and it will put me into the coverage gap in just a few months. Then I pay lots more for all my drugs. What a scam. I tried Apriso and it gave me tinnitus."

1 / 10
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4 Report
  • Pat
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 5, 2020

Canasa (mesalamine) "I have been using Canasa for 2 years first wasn't paying for it until I turn 65 yrs old last year. I now paid $75 copayment. 3 month ago I tried the generic brand and I notice lots of systems heart palpitations lots of bloating. Really bad pains. My blood pressure elevated, nervousness, muscle pain in my left calve. Pain in my left side. Really bad headache can't deal with it anymore, I am even loosing body mass."

3 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 3, 2012

Canasa Pac (mesalamine) "Pros: Symptoms started to noticeably decrease after about 3-4 days. Cons: Very pricey even with insurance and discount card and uncomfortable to use suppository during a bad flare-up Side effects: a few small headaches and severe stomach pains (had to stop using it). On a scale 1-10 stomach pains ranged between a 5-8."

5 / 10
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7 Report
  • Emily
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 27, 2022

Canasa (mesalamine) "I have had ulcerative colitis and proctitis is since I was 25 years old. It started after using Accutane for my acne. My GI doctor prescribed Canasa and it worked. After two weeks of use it went into remission and stayed there for years. Recently (I’m in my 50s now), it has been flaring up and when I use Canasa, it works every time. I use it nightly for two weeks, then taper off by switching to every other day for a week and then once every 3 days. It works well as long as I stay away from the triggers (dairy, caffeine…). It’s expensive so when the generic became available I used it last year. Not the same! I used for two weeks and no improvements whatsoever. I went back to Canasa and all is well again. The price diff is huge between generic and brand, but I have no choice and can’t afford to be sick all the time. Insurance used to cover the brand but now it doesn’t cover it entirely. This is unfortunate for those who can’t afford it."

9 / 10
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1 Report
  • Brenpeg
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 3, 2022

Pentasa (mesalamine) "I have a stoma now due to a blocked bowel ( Diverticulitis ) now have Proctitis..Pentasa suppositories definitely stopped the rectum bleeding, but as soon as I reduced then stopped it came back..Dr has put me back on it.x ."

8 / 10
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1 Report
  • Mesal...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 27, 2023

"After taking the generic version for 2 days the blood has resolved itself, but I have bloating, constipation, small amount of light colored stool and also had a migraine. I am now on day 5. I hope these symptoms go away!"

7 / 10
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0 Report
  • Marti
  • March 25, 2021

"This is the second time I have used Mesalamine in 2019 and 2021. The first month I took Mesalamine I thought I saw some improvement. and I have asked my Doctor for refills, after 10 days, I started to feel pain in the lower part of my abdomens, I now have been diagnosed with blood pressure. I starting to have rectal bleeding as well."

2 / 10
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  • prmae...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 23, 2024

Canasa (mesalamine) "I've been using Canasa for more than a year, and I definitely see a difference whenever I miss a dosage, so I try to stay on schedule. It's easy to administer and stops the discharge and cramps. My current concern is that Avenue will no longer be making it, and getting through the pharmacy is not feasible for me since I can't afford it. I'm bracing myself for having severe cramping and discomfort along with discharge. Hoping the suspension for production is temporary. Such a shame that I found something to work, and due to financial constraints, I have to go back to square one. Just the same, I appreciate the time I had with relief."

10 / 10
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  • Aano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 15, 2018

Pentasa (mesalamine) "Was prescribed the Salofalk suppositories first which worked a charm, but then the pharmacy ran out so I’ve been using Pentasa (same dosage) and they don’t seem to be working much at all."

4 / 10
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9 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 4, 2024

Salofalk (mesalamine) "Works fast and easy to use. Easy to store and no side effects compared to Pentaza. Was recommended by pharmacist."

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1 Report
  • poopy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 21, 2023

Canasa (mesalamine) "First time, it worked in 6 weeks. This time, it's taken much longer."

7 / 10
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1 Report
  • Patri...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 15, 2021

Canasa (mesalamine) "3 years ago I were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Was prescribed Canasa its works well. Before I retired I did not have to pay for it but now I have to pay $75 copayment. No side effects so far."

10 / 10
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0 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.