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Mirena for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 4)

Mirena has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1822 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirena

  • Mama
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 21, 2020

"I had a great experience with mirena! Spotting maybe once every 3 months. No period for 5 years has been great. Insertion was easy because I had it inserted a month or so after having my 2nd kid. Now my 5 years are up and I’m due for it to be removed and a new one placed. My husband wants a vasectomy so we don’t have to worry about birth control anymore. I want the mirena because not having an period is wonderful. I had no side effects from mirena that bothered me or I was aware of."

9 / 10
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25 Report
  • Rez
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 14, 2021

"I had the Mirena for 3 months. In those 3 months, I experienced the most horrific symptoms ever and it was definitely the Mirena as didn't have it before it and I was tested for many other things which all came back normal. I got it removed today and almost instantly my lower back pain disappeared, along with constant cramping and even the headaches I started getting from it has subsided today! I became HIGHLY, dangerously anxious on this thing. I got into a severe manic depressive state on it, had such bad anger problems and outbursts over nothing, not to mention the weight gain and sudden migraines/headaches, joint pain and pressure in my skull! I am actually furious as to how much this messed me up but I know not everyone had bad experiences on this.. which I find so shocking due to the things it did to me."

2 / 10
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19 Report
  • KJ1116
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 27, 2014

"I'm 40 years old with two teenaged children. I was tired of taking a birth control pill daily and had trouble remembering to take it sometimes. I had the Mirena inserted last month, and it was a painless procedure. I had some minor cramping for the first day or two, but no bleeding. I did not get my period this month, and I'm hoping I don't get one ever again! I highly recommend Mirena."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Britt
  • September 24, 2014

"Had it for years and love it. Changed it out after not having a period for years, and boy it was painful. My first Mirena was nearly painless - just a little tuck. This time it stabbed me hard a few times (quite painful), but each time it was over in seconds. I had menstrual cramps for an hour, and that was it. I didn't even get my bleeding back (just a little right afterwards). Yeah! My advice: if you choose the Mirena, be patient - the first year I constantly bled off and on, but then my period disappeared. Find a doctor who has done this a lot - I believe experience is the key! Also - have it done when your cervix is dilated during your period. I took Misoprostol for that the night before, but that did not help."

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • bmill
  • September 2, 2020

"I went on the Mirena IUD 5 years ago, I am now 21. It was great! No side effects except the most painful cramps in my life the first day I got IUD inserted. It just recently expired so I had it taken out about 3 months ago... The most terrible acne I've ever had in my life popped up about 1 week I was off the IUD and no one warned me. My skin has always been clear for the most part. I have developed tons of cystic acne on my CHEST! As a woman, I've literally become depressed, not being able to wear a tank top or anything that shows my chest in the last 3 months. my face also went a little nuts. 4 weeks ago I started Yaz BC, hoping it clears me up, no results so far. Looks like its all getting worse tbh. everyday I wake up, praying Yaz will do what its meant to do and clear me up! Be aware getting off Mirena has serious skin side effects, to me it made it not worth the IUD due to the treacherous hormonal outbreak immediately afterwards."

3 / 10
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22 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 7, 2013

"LOVE LOVE LOVE Mirena! I was on the pill for 6 years, which killed my sex drive. And after a while, it started giving me migraines, which became more and more frequent with time. Now, with Mirena, I am migraine-free! So nice not having to worry about either migraines or taking a pill every day since I am a busy medical student working crazy hours in the hospital. I knew it was time to switch, and I'm so glad I did!"

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • LexiG
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2014

"Went on Mirena as it was one of my only options for birth control due to hormone issues and aura migraines. It hurt pretty bad having it put in. I suggest 800 mg of ibuprofen a half an hour to an hour before insertion. I have never had a child. Right after insertion, I felt great, no pain for a few hours, then the cramps began. Nonstop terrible cramps with a little bleeding for 3 full days. I finally called the Dr., and she wrote me a script for Vicodin, so I could go to work. No sleep for those 3 days due to terrible pain. The cramps finally subsided, but then the stabbing pain started. Terrible stabbing pain in my abdomen. I think my body was rejecting it. I had it removed. Feel much better."

3 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Sharkie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 10, 2014

"I had this birth control in for 2 years and have had it removed. The only benefit was the fact that I didn't have to take the pill every day. I spotted all the time on this and got really random heavy periods. The side effects were unbearable (they creep up on you)! I didn't notice any major problems at first, but by year two, I thought there was something medically wrong with me (I have been seeing a specialist, my normal doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong with me). I had really emotional PMS, the sharpest, worst cramps (I could feel the Mirena poking me from the inside), and no sex drive at all. I had difficulty focusing, was tired all the time, super sore body, and I gained 27 pounds with no major lifestyle changes. Insertion and removal hurt!"

1 / 10
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  • Aspeas
  • November 10, 2013

"I had the Mirena IUD for 2 years, and I LOVED IT! Yes, getting in was a tad painful, had cramping the rest of the day to where I just wanted a hot pad and to lay down, but after that, I was happy that it was in, never had to remember to take a pill. I did feel like it upped my sex drive, my husband never felt the strings at all. I'm not sure if this was part of it, but I felt like I lost weight easily, my periods were sometimes nonexistent, and when I did have them, they were never heavy at all. A pantiliner was all I needed, and my period seemed to last a couple of days vs. 5 days to a full week. Cramping when it did appear was a little painful at times, but nothing a hot pad couldn't fix. After having a baby, I'm going for it again!"

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • irons...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 14, 2014

"This amazing device has well and truly changed my life. I used to suffer from extremely heavy periods with cramps and sickness that meant I had to take a minimum of half a day off work a month. I now barely have periods and no longer have to plan my life around those few days each month. I have only given it a 9 because it was pretty painful to insert, otherwise, I would have definitely given it a 10."

9 / 10
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43 Report
  • Cherie
  • January 20, 2021

"I can honestly say that the Mirena IUD almost ruined my life and even now, 4 years after having it removed I'm still having problems that I never had before I got it inserted. I had the Mirena IUD for a year. I noticed drastic changes in my mood. I had the worst depression of my life and it shattered my sex drive entirely to the point I didn't even want to be hugged by my boyfriend. Not to mention the string never softened as I was told it would and constantly cut my boyfriend during intercourse. Within a month of removing it my mood drastically improved, but I didn't start getting my period again until 2 years later. I now suffer from incredibly irregular periods that I didn't have before. Sometimes I go half a year without one. Recently I had a horrible month long period where I was bleeding through the highest absorbancy tampon you could buy in less than 45 minutes as well as menstrual cramps where the pain reached all the way up to my chest."

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • zjamai
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 17, 2015

"I just got my second Mirena inserted today - I will seriously never do anything else. I've tried other methods (patch, NuvaRing, pill), and nothing compares to Mirena if you want longer-term birth control! Yes, it is fairly painful upon insertion, but it lasts for only about 40 seconds max, but it is so worth it! Both times I didn't have bleeding or cramping afterward. My first time I didn't even have spotting, my periods just completely stopped for all 5 years. I am crossing my fingers for the same this time! I never had weight gain, and my skin was amazingly clear. For those who are interested in low-maintenance, long-term birth control, I cannot recommend Mirena more!"

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Sami...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 7, 2017

"I've had the Mirena IUD for 5 months now, and so far, I've loved it! I haven't had any weight gain or acne symptoms that everyone talks about in their reviews. I bled for maybe three days after the procedure and haven't had a period since. The procedure sucks, but it's bearable. It felt like intense cramping for maybe a minute, then it's over. I suggest taking 800 mg of ibuprofen before and after because I did have cramps and dizziness for the whole day. I switched to Mirena from oral BC because oral BC made me absolutely crazy (crying at every little thing, irrational, emotional, blowing up at people for no reason, etc.). Ladies, don't let the reviews scare you because every body reacts differently. You truly have to try it out for yourself!"

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • melgu...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 1, 2014

"Had my Mirena inserted July 30, 2014. I am giving it such a high rating at this point because I have nothing but positive experiences so far. Unlike most people, I had it inserted after having no children. The insertion was slightly painful but just felt like a bad cramp that went away quickly. The cramping stopped 2 minutes after insertion, and then I had some mild cramping later that day. Spotting is minimal to null, only noticeable on bathroom tissue. For anyone thinking of getting on before they have had a kid: I was given misoprostol vaginally to soften the cervix and took ibuprofen for 24 hours before to help with cramping. The misoprostol did not cause me cramping or discomfort as I feared it would."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • Kenzie...
  • February 2, 2016

"I'm a 20-year-old woman who has never had kids, and I'm here to tell you how to get an IUD so you don't have a terrible experience like some of the people who rate this drug badly. Don't listen to the bad reviews! They will just freak you out. Plus, complications are extremely rare, especially if you ask the doctor (not a nurse) about his/her personal stats. Side effects like moodiness, weight gain, and acne are impossible! Less than 1% of the drug gets into your bloodstream, so it can't have the same side effects as most birth controls. The cervix softener and ibuprofen really help with pain, while lorazepam helps relax your muscles. Make sure you take them! It will hurt like a strong cramp, but it is brief and worth the 99.7% protection, plus no periods."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Jeans
  • June 27, 2014

"I had Mirena inserted two years ago, after I had my fourth child. When it was inserted, I did not feel anything at all, I even had to ask the doctor if she was finished, lol. For the first year or so, I had unexpected periods-some short, some long, some heavy, most very, very light. For a short while, I was able to predict when I was going to get my period because my mood swings would go crazy. Now it's been two months that I get less than a day of periods. It is only a little spotting done. I feel good, I have not gained any weight, no pain, no more mood swings. It does not interrupt my sex life with my husband. I would recommend Mirena to anyone."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • TRMmo...
  • March 10, 2013

"I got the Mirena in August of 2012 after having our 3 little blessings. Since then, I've had weird periods. One month, I bled almost a month, then wouldn't have one for 2 months, and when I did have a period, it lasted over 10 days. The past few months, I bleed after intercourse, and it is very painful afterwards, and hubby doesn't understand why I don't want to anymore. Also, sharp, constant pains in my lower abdominal area."

3 / 10
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  • catchri
  • April 6, 2014

"I am a 21-year-old, no kids. I was on the pill for a couple of years-absolutely nothing wrong with it except for the fact that I hated worrying about taking it every morning (especially on trips, weekends, staying over at my boyfriend's house, etc.), such a hassle! So I got Mirena about 3 weeks ago. I absolutely love it so far. It was semi-painful to insert, I felt cramping for a couple of hours and very tired all day long, but woke up the next morning and felt almost 100% normal! The cramping and expected bleeding/spotting stopped after about a week, and I literally have noticed no side effects since. Also, I have dropped 5 lbs, I believe, due to the lack of hormones from the pill, so I'm back to my normal weight! Love this and would recommend it to all."

10 / 10
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  • Andrea...
  • December 31, 2014

"I feel like the people who say that they had a painful insertion are only the ones who have either never had a baby or never had cramps. When they put mine in, it was only uncomfortable, not painful. There was some minor cramping afterwards, but I am noticing that I am struggling with losing weight. After my second child, I was able to drop my weight pretty well, but now after my third and having this in, it is really hard, and I feel like I retain a lot of water."

9 / 10
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  • Dont...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 4, 2015

"I'm so glad I didn't read these reviews before getting the IUD inserted- I would have been terrified! Everyone is saying how it's so painful.... Umm? No. I'd say minor discomfort for a few seconds, and that's it. I've had a little spotting since it was inserted, but nothing crazy."

10 / 10
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  • Natasha...
  • November 18, 2014

"I wanted to share my experience with the procedure. I am 19 and never have had kids. When they put in the Mirena, it didn't hurt like many women on the reviews said. It felt like a quick cramp, and then it was all over with. It's been about three days, and so far I have had light cramping about 3 times a day and spotting."

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Patch...
  • December 13, 2014

"I had Mirena inserted 3 years ago. Only a little cramping after insertion, periods stopped within 2 months, no acne, but a little lower back pain and weight gain. Mirena is still worth it, though. Very happy with this product."

9 / 10
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  • jessi...
  • October 18, 2014

"Love, love, love it... Coming up on year 5 and about to have it replaced. Tiny pinch getting it placed. My periods were painful and heavy before, and well, I haven't had a period in 3 years. I lightly spot for a day or less every month when I can feel changes and a period is supposed to be present. No weight gain, no moodiness, higher sex drive... Only one downside is that my husband says he can feel a sharp poke when he penetrates deeply. Reason being the OB that placed it cut the threads too short, so instead of wrapping around the cervix, they stick out straight... Also, some cramping after sex on occasion."

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  • xrach...
  • September 23, 2013

"Having read all the reviews here, I nearly canceled my appointment to have Mirena fitted. I was terrified not having a high pain threshold. Anyway, I decided to go and have a chat with the doctor first. I took 500 mg of naproxen an hour before my appointment. My description of it is this: to start with, it feels just like a smear, then slight stomach cramps (not as bad as my usual period pains), then another bit of cramping, then done. I was so shocked at how quick it took and how little it hurt. I really was expecting to be in a lot of pain. Now, 2-3 hours later, I've got no bleeding and a bit of a dull ache like period pain. I'm really glad I plucked up the courage to go, it was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting."

10 / 10
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  • gmbmw...
  • December 13, 2014

"I had Mirena inserted 5 months ago and am still having very heavy periods with horrible cramps. Periods are lasting about 3 weeks, and then I only get a 2-week respite before it starts again. I've also gained quite a bit of weight these past 5 months. Thinking about having it removed. After reading and hearing others' comments, I have noticed that those who have not had children are having more issues and side effects than the women who have had children."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.