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Liletta for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 2)

Liletta has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 587 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 38% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 36% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Liletta

  • Mom...
  • April 2, 2021

"Had this Liletta IUD put in January 2020 because of irregular and heavy periods. The insertion was not bad. I experienced cramps for a day or two. But the spotting that followed was unreal. It lasted about 5 months accompanied with my regular, irregular periods. Additionally, I have gained 15 pounds which is frustrating considering that I have maintained a consistent weight my whole adult life (except pregnancy) due to following a strict exercise and diet regimen. My sex drive is also completely gone, and been replaced with headaches, mood swings, anxiety, and depression. I am grateful to have found this website to learn this is not all in my head and others have experienced the same side effects. It’s not worth it anymore, and will be having the IUD removed shortly."

4 / 10
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  • Kate
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 27, 2018

"I have had Liletta for a year. I had Mirena for the 5 years prior but switched jobs, and my company would not pay for IUDs anymore. My doctor suggested Liletta ($700) because the out-of-pocket cost was less than Mirena ($2,000). The insertion was the same-painful but bearable. I did not have any issues with Mirena and went on it initially due to heavy bleeding and severe cramping. I stopped a period altogether for about 4 years with Mirena. Since Liletta, I have had: 1. Breakthrough spotting and severe cramping 2. Panic attacks each month while PMSing 3. Severe PMS mood swings: emotional outbursts to raging anger. I never had these symptoms with Mirena or previous birth control. My gyno doesn't think they're related, but my onco believes it's the hormones from Liletta. I 100% agree. I don't feel like myself. My husband has seen a change in me over the year, from personality to sex drive. It's coming out this week, and I'm reporting the symptoms to the FDA."

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  • Berna
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 15, 2019

"I’ve had my liletta since I was 18 and I’ve had it going on a year and three months now and it’s pretty great. Getting it in was slightly traumatic but in reality it was just a huge period cramp basically. Yes it hurts duh, but only for a minute so just tell yourself not to worry it’ll be over in a second. Or take a deep breath and it’ll be over. Afterwards I cramped for about a week and I waited to have sex again until I was comfortable. Minus some minor cramping after sex I love it. I got put on birth control pills a month ahead of getting liletta so the doctor could schedule my period and the pills broke my skin out and made me nauseous. With liletta my skin is clear and I haven’t gained any weight. I’m only extra moody around the time I’d usually have my period. I’ve only had one period in the past year + and I’ve only spotted less than a handful of times. Plus I’m not pregnant! Don’t let bad reviews talk you out of it, everyone’s experience is different"

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Frequently asked questions

  • ljano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 10, 2019

"I had Liletta inserted 5 weeks ago by my gynecologist. She had me come while I was on my period for easier insertion. The insertion was painful but the pain was over as soon as she was done. I bled lightly a few days after and then spotted last week during my period. Overall, I like it but I have noticed more mood changes than usual. As long as they don’t get worse I will definitely keep this for the whole 3 years! No weight gain but I eat healthy and work out anyway. I was very nervous about the side effects, but everyone’s body is different so you can’t rely on any reviews to tell you how your body will react!"

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 25, 2017

"I absolutely freaked out today when I went to get my IUD because I read every single review on this website. Girls! Don't freak yourselves out! My pain rating was in the negatives! And it completely stopped my very heavy period in 12 hours. I know everyone's story is different, but don't rely on reviews when it comes to your body :)"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • EmJ
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 27, 2019

"I thankfully did not have any of the extreme side effects of weight gain, constant bleeding or severe acne. I actually did not bleed at all after the initial insertion (which ended up making me more paranoid than I anticipated). HOWEVER, I had constant nausea to the point where there was not a single day where I was able to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner because I always felt so sick. The worst part though is that my mental health completely deteriorated. I constantly felt anxious and depressed and did not feel like myself AT ALL. I had two full-blown anxiety attacks on my honeymoon and started seeing a therapist until I realized it was potentially linked to my IUD. I had my IUD removed about a month and a half ago and went back to hormonal pills and everything about me has completely gone back to normal. Each person is different, but I personally would never use this again."

2 / 10
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  • meano
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 8, 2019

"I have the Liletta for one year now. Anyone who reviews an IUD sooner than 6 months hasn't yet had the full experience of an IUD. Yes, it wasn't pleasant getting it inserted, but childbirth is much worse. I bled for 6 weeks straight after insertion. During the first several weeks I would a random painful cramp that would last around 10 minutes. It was semi regular after that. At 6 months it was so light it was hard to say it was a period and not moderate spotting as only a liner was needed. This month is one year. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I am now 39 and done with children, done with pills, and done with condoms."

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More FAQ

  • Ahlei...
  • May 5, 2021

"So I got this put in after my 2nd child, 6 years ago and this is not what I wanted. I was supposed to have my tubes tied, I had my daughter at 24 weeks & during birth my placenta ruptured & had to be removed ( horribly painful) my OBGYN decided it would be more safe to get the IUD because of the trauma I had just went through. I delivered when I was 137lb now I’m 182lb and nothing has changed except the IUD. I really hadn’t put it together until a friend told me her experience with liletta. I’ve also had terrible depression & I’m on medication for depression (Wellbutrin)&(Topamax & Fiorecet) for migraines. I wrote my experience to urge women to pay attention to yourself, I may have connected the dots sooner if I did. I know not all are bodies are the same, so do what you think is best just pay attention. Also by all means this IUD did keep me from becoming pregnant again so it did do it’s job in that department.I just want to return to my normal self physically and mentally."

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14 Report
  • Relie...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 10, 2021

"Ok so I didn't understand why I'd been feeling like rubbish for the last two years until now. I was tired all the time in a fog depressed even though I literally have everything a girl could want (except having to work full time haha) but seriously depression would sneak in and take over out of nowhere. I've been short tempered and wow the anxiety has been awful to say the least. My arms have broken out in chicken skin and because of it I now have scars from popping the pimples, gained 15+ lbs and bloated all the time, I even often felt dizzy or light headed. I have had it out for 4 days now and let me tell you my whole world has turned around, it's as if a giant weight has been lifted off my chest."

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  • SWLA...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 15, 2019

"WEIGHT GAIN on Liletta!!! I had been on birth control pills since I was 15 except when coming off my my two pregnancies. I am currently 37 years old and have been experiencing high blood pressure. My doctor suggested Liletta IUD. Insertion was ok. It cramp for maybe a minute. I had bleeding for 1 week. The only pro is that I haven’t had a period in 1 year since the insertion. The BIG NEGATIVE - I gained 12# in 6 weeks. I am very active. I exercise 5-6 a week. I monitor my macros. My diet has not changed. I’ve had blood work done to check my thyroid, etc. All clear. My body has NEVER fluctuated in weight like this. It continues to climb in weight and now I am heavier than I was at 9 months pregnant. I’ve had enough. Will be calling the doctor in the morning to have it removed. This is a major side effect that is not listed. That needs to be changed."

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  • Fay
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 18, 2018

"I have had Liletta for Past 1 year and 7 months and nothing seems normal anymore. I have gained 30lbs despite eating clean and working out, absolutely no sex drive at all, sex is very uncomfortable and the bleeding after sex is very scary. I get my periods anytime sometimes twice a month, it’s very heavy and lasts anywhere from 6-12 days. I have become a different person always very moody, angry, very depressed and just don’t want to leave my bed- I’ve never felt this way in my 40 years! I’ve discussed this with my gynecologist, ultrasound shows the IUD is displaced and needs to be pulled out ASAP! My fibroids have increased in growth and size and MD is quite concerned. I will have it pulled out on Monday 11/19, Am hoping things will get better after this.."

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  • Bano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 30, 2019

"I had Liletta inserted last week but I have had several other IUDS prior to this one and all insertions hurt, followed by extreme cramps for a few days, however this is the first where I did not bleed forever afterwards. I bled only for a day and a half after insertion and mostly only when I wiped. I have noticed an insane increase in my sex drive that almost too much. I honestly don’t know if I’d call that a complaint or not but so far so good otherwise."

10 / 10
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  • Jade
  • December 14, 2019

"I've had Liletta IUD for a little over a 2 years. It was the worst experience! The insertion was so painful. I had contractions for days! My body kept trying to eject the IUD out throughout my cervix the entire time I had it. Sometimes the cramps were so painful, I felt my knees buckling. From the time I had Liletta in, I felt like my body had prepared for 2 pregnancies and was preparing for the third. I constantly felt pregnant. My BP skyrocketed and so did my weight. I gained 59lbs!!!! I had some severe mental health issues. I was severely depressed and suffering from suicidal thoughts and I did not know why, I thought maybe I'm overly sensitive - to everything. My body wasn't mine & I felt like I had to gain back control over whatever this IUD was doing me. At this point having a baby was better than this. I had my IUD removed a week ago & I'm still spotting. It's light but I will never ever recommend an IUD. It's been a week and I've lost 4lbs with no change in lifestyle."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 14, 2020

"I had the Liletta put in about a week ago. I was on my period when I had it put in. First, having it put in was the worst pain EVER! (And I have had 3 kids! And the last one was all natural). I screamed several times. Every time my doctor tried removing the inserter the IUD would pull down so she had to keep re positioning it. Finally it stayed in place. I was very crampy for about an hour after but then all the pain went away. I woke up the next morning and my period had stopped all together, and I should have had another 2-3 days left. I have had very mild cramps since but nothing else. It’s like it’s not even there. Let’s hope it stays that way!! I chose this because I have very heavy, painful periods."

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  • Anonymous
  • June 4, 2017

"I got the liletta inserted in the beginning of March 2017. I have been bleeding ever since. Not a full blown period, but enough to be annoying. I also get a random, quick, sharp pain in my abdomen at least daily, which has never once occurred before getting this IUD. No wonder it's such an effective birth control... because you bleed for months straight so you can't have sex "

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  • Hnz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 12, 2020

"Horrible sexual dysfunction I haven't been intimate with my husband for 2 months when he gets near me I feel so annoyed even though I used to love sex, now I cant even get aroused. I'm taking it out if it continues"

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  • IowaMom
  • January 23, 2020

"I chose an IUD (Liletta) after we had baby#2. I had horrible periods and cramping. Like unbearable at times. Insertion was painful for about 2 mins then cramping once it was in. I bled for about 3 mo. everyday. Sometimes light, sometimes heavy. Mild cramping as well. I’m 34, taller, overweight but athletic. After the initial bleeding went away, I started seeing the benefits of Liletta, no periods & no worry of getting pregnant unexpectedly. I’ve had it for just over 1 1/2 yrs. I have been dealing with very low energy and very low sex drive and I’m at my heaviest I’ve been. I was chalking this up to stress at work but had something in the back of my head saying “check what others are saying” so then I came here and am reading everyone’s story. Majority have had the same side effects that I’m experiencing. I will discuss with my husband and see what our next step is because as a BC it’s working and I like no periods but my mental health and relationship are suffering."

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  • SHS
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 23, 2020

"I’ve had this in for a year to help control my endometriosis. After insertion I bled heavily for the first week, and then continued to bleed daily for six months (it ranged from light to heavy). I have always struggled with anxiety, so I can’t say definitively that this made my anxiety worse. I did experience what I would describe as more of a “mental fog” for several months. After almost a year my pelvic pain had become unbearable to the point where I was no longer able to complete normal daily tasks. I underwent surgery to remove endometriosis, and the surgeon also found and drained 20-22 cysts on each ovary. He said the cysts were most likely caused by the IUD. I’m not sure if my severe pain came from the cysts, the endometriosis, or a combination of both. However, I am having the IUD removed because I refuse to end up in that level of pain again if I can help it."

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  • NotFo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 16, 2020

"The Liletta insertion wasn’t horrible, I had a 6 week old baby so it was perfect timing to have it inserted. There was a sharp pain and mild cramping. I will preface that I have PCOS and active cystic ovaries. The first 3 weeks where great, I had an incredible sex drive and stable moods. However I never quit bleeding, and bloating. Some days where just heavier than others. The middle of the 3rd week is when I started to experience horrible pelvic pain, cramping and nausea. After 3 days this became debilitating. At my removal appointment I discovered I had gained 16 pounds in 3 weeks which is not normal for anyone let alone someone who eats healthy and lives an active lifestyle. I noticed relief within 12 hours of removal, 48 hours out and I’m having a normal period and feel back to my normal self."

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  • Kano
  • February 3, 2020

"I had the Liletta IUD inserted in January 2016. I am scheduled to have it out tomorrow. My period was light after insertion for the next 4 months then it stopped completely. Insertion wasn't pleasant but wasn't as terrible as I feared it would be. I have had irregular periods/hormonal issues my whole life and things didn't seem to balance out after insertion. I would recommended trying an IUD out if you are considering it. PROS: No period! Great contraception! Great skin. CONS: Stubborn weight gain. Gained about 50 lbs since insertion & it will not budge. A lot of it feels like water weight as I am so bloated. My breasts (already a large DDD when I got the IUD) have gotten much larger & very cumbersome. They constantly feel swollen and are very tender. It feels like I have two bowling balls strapped to my chest vs the two mid-sized melons I had been used to."

7 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 23, 2019

"My insertion experience of Liletta insertion was HORRIBLE despite taking 800mg of ibuprofen and a drug to dilate my cervix. I had sudden, short term cramping for the next three months and light irregular periods for the next 6. After six months, my periods stopped all together. For the first 8 months, I experienced issues controlling my bladder. After a year and a half, I have all but forgotten that the IUD is there however. I have no periods, I do not experience any pain, I haven't gotten pregnant, and I have not gained any weight. If you can get through the first year of back and forth side effects, I would say it is worth it in the end."

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  • Haley...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 3, 2023

"I’ve always had depression problems, but they increased after getting the IUD. I thought it was just hormones still adjusting bc I was less than a year postpartum and from recently stopping breastfeeding so I just continued my antidepressants and tried to ignore it. Now I’ve had it 4 years, and I’m seeing that everything about my health has spiralled out of control since its insertion. My anxiety and depression has steadily increased to the point where it’s causing job loss and relationship problems. My skin hasn’t been right since insertion either. I got on spironolactone and tretinoin in late 2019 and had little result, so they put me on oral contraceptives for 3 months in addition to the IUD to try to correct my skin which also didn’t work. I’ve gone from 150 lbs to 230 lbs. I’m extremely fatigued. And in hindsight it all began or dramatically increased after the IUD was inserted. I’m about to remove it!"

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  • A B
  • June 4, 2020

"I had Lietta inserted on day 17 of my cycle in hopes of helping with extremely heavy bleeding (cycle length 25-28 days, bleeding 8+oz one day 1 alone). Despite eating a meat rich diet and taking iron pills on and off I remained anemic for 5 years (worse after I had my second child). I was trying to correct naturally but finally drew the line. Insertion was nothing. I don’t know if it was because I pumped myself up or because the doctor gave me a numbing shot down there- but it was no worse than a Pap. I did take one ibuprofen before hand too (super sensitive to meds). I don’t recall any noticeable cramping. I did have some facial flushing likely from whatever local they gave me (again, sensitive), but I went home and worked in the yard and made dinner and had just a few drops of blood on the pad. No spotting since. My next cycle starts tomorrow and I’ll try to update with the bleeding progression that follows in the coming months. Keep your fingers crossed for me!"

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  • nobab...
  • December 6, 2018

"I had my liletta inserted a little over 2 months ago. I’m 20, healthy BMI & had it inserted a day or two before the start of my period. I went to planned parenthood & I was SO anxious before hand knowing that it causes a lot of pain but it was nothing more than a slight* pinch & super quick! I had some slight bleeding the day of but didn’t experience my normal period & haven’t since. I bled for maybe 3 full weeks after (more like spotting, nothing awful, maybe 2 days of a normal actual period), had some back & breast pain for a few days, my belly button also randomly cramped up a couple times but just in the first 3 days & ever since I’ve been fine. I’ve experienced no weight gain or acne (I’ve always struggled with acne & don’t exercise), sometimes have random pelvic pain that only lasts a few seconds & then will disappear for a few weeks, I MAY have experienced some mood changes but that might be stress. Will update if anything changes but so far it’s been great!"

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  • neec
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 18, 2016

"prior to Liletta I had Depo for 1 year which caused minimal almost to nonexistent sex drive. My doc recommended Lilleta and Li agreed. With depo my periods were nonexistent and eating anxiety. So switching to IUD didnt make much of a difference as far as the periods but I dont have the eating anxiety and my sex drive is back on and poppin. I was scared at first reading all the different reviews and side effects. But definately cant complain."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.