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Fremanezumab for Migraine Prevention User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Ajovy

Fremanezumab has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 313 reviews for the treatment of Migraine Prevention. 39% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fremanezumab

  • Tori
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 27, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "Went from 15 headaches a month to one a week. Am able to enjoy things I used to not be able to. Go on vacations and no longer lose a day or two to migraines. No side effects. A complete game changer for me."

9 / 10
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47 Report
  • Pindy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I was given a sample of Ajovy on Wednesday by my doctor. Gave myself the injection Thursday morning. By Thursday afternoon, I was hit with a wave of absolute exhaustion and slight dizziness. Friday was mostly the same. Woke up this morning (Saturday) with horrible dizziness which is making me nauseous. I take no other medication and nothing else has changed. Definitely will not be continuing with this medication, no matter how it works for my migraines. This isn't safe or healthy. I can only hope it works its way out of my system quickly. Is there some way to flush this out?"

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Poo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 19, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I was diagnosed with vestibular migraine in 2018. Mostly dizziness, vertigo, mild headaches, etc. I had a bad episode in August 2020, along with a migraine. In September, my neuro gave me a sample injection of Ajovy, which broke the VM cycle and migraine. I was so happy. After a few weeks of being on cloud nine, the following symptoms started: severe back pain, neck pain, bloating, constipation, racing heart and palpitation, agitation, anxiety and panic, joint and muscle pain, fatigue (more than normal with VM), chest pain, difficulty breathing. It takes about 5 months for your body to clear one dose. I have 2 more months. My back still hurts around my kidney area. Adding fuel to the fire, I got Covid-19 at the end of October 2020, which made all the symptoms worse. I'm happy and thankful to God that I'm feeling better. Overall, if you suffer from chronic VM or migraine, I think it is worth a go, no pun intended. It may be very successful for you."

5 / 10
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40 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Julula
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 19, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I started Aimovig injections in August 2018. I took 3 doses (2 shots each) monthly. I believe it made a dent in the migraines (I suffered from 4-5 migraines a week). I had issues with pain at the injection site, felt like I had a mild flu and constipation. My doctor started me on Ajovy, and the injections were better, but I was very constipated, bloated, and gained a couple of pounds without a diet change. I did not take my Feb. 28th inject last month. I have had horrible headaches--like I've never had--and I have extreme heart palpitations two or three times daily since last week (approximately two weeks after I should have had an injection). I haven't changed anything else in my meds, diet, or stress conditions. My gut is that I am going through a type of withdrawal from this drug. Would love to know if anyone else has experienced something similar. These palpitations are very disturbing."

4 / 10
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53 Report
  • Beanzy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 23, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "After 20 years of suffering almost daily headaches and migraines, I was so damn excited to be told by my neurologist that an injection was now covered under the PBS in Australia! I picked up Ajovy straight after my appointment and injected myself later that day… Two days post injection I broke out in hives. The rash was mostly on my legs but I was itching from head to toe. I was prescribed a short dose of corticosteroids which settled the rash and helped with the itching but that was only the beginning. One week post-injection, I woke up with severe pain in my wrist and knee. This pain has moved around to different areas of my body but it’s mostly in my joints. It started in my wrists and knees then moved to jaw and now arms and hips. It’s absolute agony, worse at night and I’m struggling to get out of bed in the morning. I am so fatigued and also filled with anxiety about how long this pain will go on for. No migraines or headaches - but at what cost?"

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22 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Hopeful
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 14, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I took Ajovy for 2 months. Although it worked almost instantly, it came with side effects. It was as if there was a band pulling at my stomach tighter and tighter. The pressure was too much for me. I also gained almost 10 pounds in that short period. I’m now back on Aimovig. It worked for 2 years but not as well as Ajovy. Just less side effects for me. Unfortunately, as we all try these medications, we find more side effects than listed. Some are worth the try. Good luck to all."

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37 Report
  • Gigi
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I took my first dose of Ajovy on January 12, 2022, at my doctor's recommendation because the Aimovig shot I had been taking was no longer covered by my insurance. Let me also state that I had excellent results with the Aimovig shot. Not so with the Ajovy shot. I have been absolutely miserable since the day I injected the shot. Aside from the injection site redness, which is annoying but tolerable. My migraines have increased so much that I have had a migraine every single day since I took the shot! My other migraine meds work for a short while, but the migraine always returns. My neck and shoulders are in constant pain, I have joint pain, foggy brain, and memory issues that I haven’t had before. My caution to anyone considering taking this medication is to really think about all the reviews and side effects we are writing about. This is my first and last dose. Not worth the pain I am going through. This company is not honest about all of the possible side effects."

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 19, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I have suffered from migraines since childhood, I am 51 and recently started trying different medications for prevention. I took Nortriptyline, Topomax, Emgality, and Ajovy. My biggest issue has been severe constipation which was solving one problem for another. I usually read and research meds but I didn't for this one. I took the injection and within hours started to feel disorientated and dizzy, I woke the next morning feeling the same, and an hour later I had a panic attack with rapid heart, chest tightening, uncontrollable crying, and shakes. This came in waves for the next hour which led me to the ER. It was after I started reading the reviews and saw the percentage of people that had success was lower than all the negative reviews. It's been 2 days and I am on vertigo meds and Xanax to help manage until this leaves my body, I can't drive due to the dizziness and I feel out of control with my mind and emotions. After this experience, I will only take tablets. This was worse than any migraine."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • Bird
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 2, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "By the second month of injecting 225 mg, I have had a miracle response. No more migraines. And I was having them on a daily basis. Suddenly, after the third injection, I am lethargic, spacey, can’t recall simple words, and experiencing significant anxiety. My injection site is very red, inflamed, tender, and itchy. I am scheduling to be seen by my doctor because I am very worried about the sudden appearance of side effects. I will not be using Ajovy again."

6 / 10
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49 Report
  • Mrsmi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 13, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "Injection #1 slight nausea/fatigue 24-48 hrs then amazing results. No help with visual disturbances. Did lessen seizure episodes 80%. Injection #2 bad nausea/fatigue lasting 3/4 days. Depression, anxiety got bad, had to go on meds/see therapist. Last week was only time having any migraine like it was wearing off. Started having Alice in Wonderland syndrome. Injection #3 horrible - felt like I had the flu for a week. Constant fatigue/3.5 wks. The worst seizure, migraine pain, and tremors. Week 1. Bloating (look prego), turns out is fluid in abdominal cavity due to the problems it has caused my liver and kidney functions. Memory issues gotten worse. Please ask for a liver function panel from your PCP after injection 2/3. Medications can be hard on your liver. This proved to be too much for mine and the primary cause of fatigue. Also had a small area of skin cancer that should not have spread but is now spreading rapidly. If you can tolerate Ajovy without serious side effects, it really is a migraine miracle, and I wish I was able to keep using."

6 / 10
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47 Report
  • Anita
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 12, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "After many years of suffering head pain I was started on Ajovy Injections after botox therapy had started to become less effective. I was told NO Side effects whatsoever. It was a miracle medications breakthrough. I tried to find out about any problems with this injection but couldn't find anything significant. I am always very cautious when I am told 'no side effects' with any drug. However I had the ajovy injection and within 24hrs I was experiencing terrible side-effects. Palpitations, profusely sweating, bad stomach, severe bloatedness, dizziness, mental health weakness in my legs that I was unable to walk properly, blurred vision, fever, nausea. It was absolutely horrendous. Promised this all had nothing to do with Ajovy and told to take the 2nd injection which I did but same to worsening side-effects. Weight gain instant. 7lbs in a month. Tummy huge bloating. Totally horrified by this drug. I have never experienced being so ill on a medication as I have with Ajovy."

1 / 10
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24 Report
  • Wobbly...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 5, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "Within 24 hours of my first injection, I was in a constant state of dizziness. The following day, I was not only dizzy, but nauseous with a horrible migraine and vomiting. That lasted 2 days, I phoned the nurse advise line, and she instructed me to just ride it out. The symptoms began to dissipate, so I thought I was over it. Nay-Nay. Day 7 after the injection, the dizziness has returned, I'm hoping the running to the restroom is not returning as well. I am very anxious to have this medication take its course and leave my body. I've had migraines for 45 years, this has been the worst. I'm happy for those that it does offer relief, I am not one of those. I posted this because these symptoms are not even listed on the packaging, and I want others to know they are not only possible but VERY real. I am unable to score it a negative number, so as you read it, please place a negative in front of the number 1 in your own mind."

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • prefer...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 26, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I’ll gladly keep my migraines if I can just get this awful drug out of my system. It has only been four days, and side effects seem to be worsening each day. I felt like I was falling asleep immediately after the first shot in the doctors office. I was told that’s not a side effect when I reported it. I also told her I felt very dizzy and was told it’s in my head. I’ve spent the last 4 days in bed feeling nauseous, depressed, and extremely anxious. I can’t sleep. I can’t function. I have a history of anxiety and depression and my neurologist told me that wasn’t a concern. Yet, my anxiety and depression are the worst they’ve been in years. I am miserable. Oh, and I have a migraine too. I wish I could get it out of me now because I am terrified of more side effects over the next month."

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Rae
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 31, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "It's a godsend. I've had migraines for about ten years, due to a combination of Lyme disease and/or Bartonella and/or Ehlers-Danlos and/or CSF leak. I was fading in and out of migraine on a daily basis and utterly incapacitated. Botox helped soften them, but the migraines continued. Then I tried Ajovy. The first time I got a 3-month pack, I didn't refrigerate it, and it had little effect. The second time, I did it properly, and wow! As long as I get enough sleep and avoid very loud places, I'm fine. Rainy days and caffeine are fine. Sometimes I can feel the migraine trying to happen, but it just doesn't break through into a real full-blown migraine. Right around my period and right before I get the next shot is when I'm most prone to minor migraine, but overall, it's been amazing. I've got other health issues, so I might not be noticing side effects that others do. I'm willing to take most any kind of side effect in stride if it means I can be without migraines."

10 / 10
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43 Report
  • Super...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 6, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I am a 59-year-old male and have been on Ajovy for 6 months now, and here's my experience. It works great for 2 weeks after the injection, then on day 13, 14, or 15, the migraines are back and severe. I have been suffering from severe fatigue and must rest/nap after 9 or 10 hours awake since my 2nd dose of Ajovy. Now at 6 months, I am starting to suffer from vertigo if I stand or move too quickly. Although I have fewer migraine days per month, I am not nearly satisfied with the results and side effects. I will be looking into other options."

3 / 10
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39 Report
  • Lisa...
  • May 30, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I'm on my 6th injection and beginning to notice bad side effects. The first two months really reduced migraines, but was anxious and had a stiff neck. As the months go on, my migraines are increasing! My neck is in severe pain. Now, I also think it has made my arthritis more painful! My quality of life is worse now than with frequent migraines. I honestly hurt all over. Unfortunately, I just spent $120 on a refill, but don't think I'll use it. I'm waiting to see if these other mysterious symptoms go away. Oh, I'm also on blood pressure meds now!"

3 / 10
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30 Report
  • Sligo...
  • December 2, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I’ve had four injections for Ajovy so far. I’m really unsure about this injection. It has definitely helped my migraines. But the side effects are horrible-bloating, rash at the injection site, extreme fatigue, brain fog, pain in hand joints, and palpitations. Ajovy nurse has told me to stop as I’m at risk of anaphylactic shock, so it’s back to neurologist for me. Make sure you research this drug before taking it and consider pros and cons."

6 / 10
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33 Report
  • Nohelp
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 25, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I started with Emgality, but had a severe injection site reaction, so neuro switched me to Ajovy. Had a horrific migraine the next morning and all weekend. Have had double the migraines this month, and they last longer and are not as receptive to Maxalt. Increased nausea and dizziness as well. I will not take this ever again."

1 / 10
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40 Report
  • Jenna...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 8, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I tried Ajovy in February after failing on numerous drugs and Botox for chronic migraines. Although it worked very well to reduce the migraines, it also rendered me inactive, as my joints were extremely stiff and sore. It was not compatible with my very active lifestyle, and I quit. Now I am taking a natural butterbur and magnesium supplement with phenomenal results, and I can race again!"

4 / 10
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41 Report
  • Anne
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 6, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I've done 5 months of Ajovy injections, and I'm feeling horrible. This past month, I have had an increase in migraines! My weight continues to go up, and I have uncharacteristic daily bouts of crying. I cry every single day, which is not at all normal for me. I'm dizzy and unsteady from another health condition, however, this feels worse."

3 / 10
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34 Report
  • Hopeful...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 22, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "Migraines for 6 years intensely, occasional ones before that. Tried everything except the injections. Had my 1st Ajovy beginning of August. No side effects and not a single migraine since. 2nd Ajovy had 48 hours of mild nausea, fatigue and took half a maxalt. 3rd Ajovy and I'm a mess. Severe nausea, vertigo, fatigue, severe anxiety. Never know when then nausea is going to hit me. I’ve got two new jobs that I’ve had to cancel days already because of the nausea. I’ve got severe constipation too. After thinking I could finally enjoy life again, do things I hadn’t done in years, I even booked an overseas holiday for 2023, I’m now shaking in my couch waiting for the next ondanstran to kick in. I’d rather have the migraines than this and it makes me panic even more that I have weeks of this left before it’s out of my system. I don’t feel like I have any hope left!"

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • tonip...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 19, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I have a 20-year history of migraines, with them becoming daily/chronic for the last 9 years. They have not responded to any meds I’ve tried. So, I decided to try Ajovy. I took the first dose on 6/1/21. Within one week, I had excruciating migraines not responding to any rescue meds. They calmed down eventually and went back to my usual. I have had elevated BP, palpitations, increased anxiety and depression (which had been under control), and aches and pains in my feet now as a result of taking the Ajovy. Like everyone else, no one believes it’s due to the Ajovy. Needless to say, I’m done."

1 / 10
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28 Report
  • Migra...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 15, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "I'd previously been on Aimovig for over a year, and my insurance decided not to cover it and made me switch to Ajovy. After the first two months, I had an increase in the frequency and duration of migraines. I had to miss work for the first time in over a year. My depression became severe. My neck was so tense and tight that my range of motion was limited even after massage. I had to increase my antidepressants and get a prescription for a nightly muscle relaxer. My neurologist now says that he'll fight my insurance company to get me back on Aimovig."

3 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 10, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "Took my first shot 10/6/2020. NOT ONE migraine for the whole month! Towards the end of 30 days, I started feeling a small headache coming on, but nothing like a migraine. Second shot 11/8/2020. Within a few days, tendonitis. I have never suffered from this condition. I saw my ENT today, and there is a hearing loss in one ear. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with Ajovy. It's been a month now since that 2nd shot. No migraines, but the ringing won't stop! I'm really hoping it does. For now, seeing my ENT and neurologist to get to the bottom of this issue. This drug is still just too new to experiment on people."

2 / 10
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32 Report
  • Medic
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) "My neurologist started me on this medication. Migraines have stopped thanks to my other meds, but I'm still getting the 'auras' without headache. I took the sample injection yesterday without any issues. I took a shower this morning and instantly got hives all over. I didn't change anything else other than the new medication. This afternoon, I had the worst migraine ever and lost vision for about 2 hours. It finally got better, and I thought everything was over. Tonight, I got out of the car and had a sudden onset of severe dizziness like vertigo. It has been going on for about an hour, which brought me to this site. It has to be side effects of this medication. I will never take it again!"

1 / 10
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30 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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