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Fremanezumab User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Brand names: Ajovy

Fremanezumab has an average rating of 5.5 out of 10 from a total of 331 reviews on 39% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 40% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fremanezumab

  • rossbow
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 3, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "At four weeks after 1 injection: A reduction of 3 migraine days (usually approx. 16 days monthly). Vivid dreams; difficulty in falling asleep; extreme, incapacitating dizziness; breakthrough migrainous symptoms (nausea and vertigo) fading then reoccurring within seconds; strangely, no sharp or throbbing half-head pain; word finding/speaking coherently difficult; usual triptan and metoclopramide not as effective."

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • Guy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 8, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Ive been taking the monthly injection of Ajovy since 2019 and I have none of the side effects I see other people are experiencing. My headaches are down from 5 a week to 1 a month. My weight is stable, no brain fog, hives or constipation. Some people must react differently to others, it’s worth a try to see how you react. I was taking 20 to 30 x 20mg Nurofen a week, so I feel Ajovy is safer than that. I live in the UK and started taking when it was just released so have probably had more than most people. I tried a 3 month break last year and they gradually came back. I considering taking an injection every 2 months to reduce any possible long term risk."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Hey...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 13, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Miracle drug!!!! No side effects and have gone from 9 terrible migraines per month to less than 2. Randomly ended up getting my first injection to coincide with the beginning of my menstrual cycle, which is when headaches are the worst, and did not get ONE headache through the first cycle. Second cycle (and haven’t done my second dose), still NO headaches!!! One headache was from eating a trigger food and the second was minor. Both required only half a dose of sumatriptan to recover. I honestly feel like I have a new life. Someone said they were a super responder- I don’t know if that is a technical term, but I would say that I qualify for that term. Unbelievable results!"

10 / 10
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27 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Grace
  • November 25, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Ajovy has being a very bad experience unfortunately. Prior to Ajovy I had migraines 3 times a week with usual photophobia.. After Ajovy migraine daily..often twice daily..I now wonder will they go back to 3 times per week when Ajovy leaves system completely after 5 and a half months. Weight gain 2 stone so far from ? Ajovy and Extra triptan use V Disappointed"

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24 Report
  • Cath
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 17, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I have been on this medication for a year and I got my life back until this month. I had around 10-15 migraines a month and had tried everything else. My life improved immensely and I could ignore the constipation and weight gain. In month 3, I had severe nausea for 3 weeks and then went to half dose or 3/4 dose every 4-6 weeks. In May this year, I went back to full doses monthly. Last month I felt a bit off balance, like I was about to have vertigo but it never eventuated. I had 2 migraines (out of 16 since I started Ajovy) so had the full dose 28 days after the last one and dizziness and vertigo have been the worst I have ever had in my life. In the last 7 months I have also had increasingly bad localized reactions. This last injection, the reaction went from my elbow to my underarm and once it went down after 5 days, the severe dizziness kicked in. Emergency visit to the neurologist tomorrow. I want to keep this fantastic migraine-free(ish) life but this is not worth it."

7 / 10
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8 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Wanna...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 23, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "54 y/o W. F. After Caremark/CVS denied my appeal to stay on Aimovig (which had been a miracle med - after 14 years of 8-14 days to 4/month migraine), I was told I had to 'fail' on 2 other meds. Certainly met the mark for me with Ajovy. Horrible nausea and GI distress starting a week after injection, then psoriasis and related arthritis flared up, missed more days than I worked this month. Now I have to again go off the med to try another if my neurologist cannot get the appeal approved. I am glad it has worked for others, but will not ever take it again."

4 / 10
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26 Report
  • JCL
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 17, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I've suffered from migraines for 50 years and have tried most everything out there, including Botox. I started Ajovy 15 months ago and it worked wonders. On Ajovy I average 3 migraines a month which for me is a miracle. After about ten months I started to get vertigo (which I had checked to rule out any medical causes) and the past two months I've been suffering from bloating and constipation as well - all out of the ordinary. I am going to stop the Ajovy to see if this all clears up. I love not suffering with the migraines for the first time in 50 years, but I need to know for sure if Ajovy is causing what I believe to be these side effects."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Jojoba
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 19, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I had two rounds of Ajovy because I was having constant vestibular migraines. Until I took Ajovy, my symptoms had been unabated for over two months, but they hasn’t been particularly painful: severe dizziness, significant cognitive impairment, tinnitus, and discomfort of the eyes. After the first shot, I added regular migraine symptoms to the list: light sensitivity, sound sensitivity, and pain. After the second shot, the symptoms morphed again, and I started having a sensation that is very hard to describe: it was as if my brain was being squeezed from different directions and it was crackling under the pressure. About 8-10 weeks after the last shot, the weird sensation went away, but I still had the mix of vestibular and regular migraines."

1 / 10
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20 Report
  • Jeano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Like someone else has commented...nightmares. It's so strange. After one dose of this, I'm unable to have a good nights sleep. I now have these high anxiety nightmares. I wake feeling emotionally drained, anxious and worn out. Also, I experienced an increase in my PVC'S. I'm really upset that this is in my system for a month. I'm still getting headaches. I wish I never got it."

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11 Report
  • Side...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 2, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Side effects included numbness in legs below knee, blurred vision and scaly dry skin on face. Headaches lessened considerably but I discontinued use after 4th shot due to worsening side effects. I find it troubling that my neurologist said with confidence that this medication carried with it no side effects and the website claims the side effects are very mild. This was not my experience."

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15 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 21, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Ever since the injection for two weeks now I have one of the worst migraines of all time. I have used the other two top injectable which work for about six months until the manic wears off but this stuff has been absolutely awful for me."

1 / 10
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  • Pepper
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 26, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Took 3rd dose of Ajovy today. I suffer from what I deem a "cluster" migraine plus just migraine. If I get one my clusters it will put me down for days to weeks solid pain, nausea, light is a no go. All of it... I do have other migraine meds like maxalt and immtrex but hate the side effect ( makes every cell in body ache literally) and I would max out my dosing and end up in ER for something stronger. So enter Ajovy...only one migraine since but was able to take one of my maxalts and I was good to go.. No more missed work due to migraine at least!"

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Woody...
  • July 15, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Daily headaches have improved! I’m really only getting headaches during my period, which is an improvement, but I gained 12 lbs within 3 months of starting the drug. I’m 8 months in and may discontinue or switch to one of the others and see what happens."

6 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 4, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Prior to taking this medication I got migraines about two weeks out of every month - sometimes more. My headaches after injection have literally gone to zero. I’m surprised this med doesn’t have a better rating because it’s changed my life."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • TayWi...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 4, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Not a fan of this medicine Ajovy! It helped my migraines a little at first... but then stopped helping. I also experienced a TON of bad side effects. Bad nausea, vertigo, hair loss and weight gain. I’ve weighed 112 pounds for years and I now weigh 120 pounds and haven’t changed eating habits or anything. I feel like crying because I’ve gained this weight for no reason and it won’t go away but I’m not going to get any more injections so hopefully my body will go back to normal."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 5, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Absolutely life changing. I have gone from chronic migraine to experiencing very rare migraine. Any pain I do get is controlled very quickly with ibuprofen or panadeine. I have definitely put on some weight but I will take that over migraine any day. Definitely worth trying. I have my life back."

10 / 10
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10 Report
  • Banshee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 30, 2018

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I have had daily headaches & migraines for over 7 years. My doctor started me on Aimovig first. After two doses, she switched me to Ajovy. I took my first dose in October. So far, I have had no redness or pain at injection site. I've had no constipation, as long as I drink water. Now, it has not helped my migraines at all (I have a min. of 15 a month). For my daily headaches (range 6-8 on a pain scale of 0-10 (10 is worst)), I've noticed a slight decrease in intensity (range of 5-8 now). I do have a couple of concerns. I feel like I'm a guinea pig. I've noticed a decrease in healing of my accidental wounds & scratches, as well as a possible interaction with my Sulfa antibiotics. I am trying this med, because I'm desperate to get rid of my pain, and I've tried everything else out there."

7 / 10
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25 Report
  • Nanner
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 15, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I started taking Ajovy in September of 2020 for migraine prevention. After taking it the second time I noticed that my hair growth had slowed down and that I was losing more hair than normal. After taking the third dose of Ajovy I really noticed that my hair was thinning and falling out much more. I lost hair from my eyebrows and all the little body hairs have fallen off. At this point the hair on my legs and underarms has stopped growing as well. I called my neurologist to tell her what was happening and that I wanted to stop the medication. Ajovy was not helping with the migraines after 3 months anyways. I honestly wish that hair loss was listed as a possible side effect of this medication by the FDA because I definitely would not have taken it to begin with."

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  • Anyar
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "So I’ve had migraines since I was about 12. Nothing has ever really worked for too long so my doctor had me try Botox injections for my migraines and I had a severe allergic reaction. So that was a no go. So he had me try the Ajovy, well I had even worse severe allergic reaction to this! My throat closed up and I had to inject my epi pen. So I would say if you are allergic to Botox injections then I wouldn’t try this."

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22 Report
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 13, 2024

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia since 2018 and I never did my research on it, but I was getting awful headaches, pains, and sore eyes. Last year, I went for an eye check-up but couldn’t really see out of my left eye and had awful head pain (I’m not someone who suffers from migraines or so I thought). I was referred to an ophthalmologist who sent me to see a neurologist, and she was CONVINCED I was suffering from migraines as apparently people with fibromyalgia are at risk of chronic migraines. I tried Propranolol and Candesartan, but they never helped. I was then told to try AJOVY and I had my first injection on May 8th, 2024. I’ve not had one migraine since, I can function, I can carry on with daily tasks without having to worry about migraines, my eye has cleared up, no more sensitivity to lights or sounds. This has been a miracle drug for me, my family can’t believe just how much my life has changed in this short period of time."

10 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 5, 2022

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "I took Ajovy for 2 months. I’ve been suffering from migraines for eight years. This medication gave me progressive dizziness, vertigo, nausea, ringing in my ears, and heightened anxiety, especially at night. I felt very out of control and especially the 2nd month. First month was ok. Yes it did help my migraines to be more mild and manageable but there’s no way I could live with these side effects. Don’t believe the “no side effect “ from the manufacturer, simply untrue. Even Tylenol can have side effects so this serious medication definitely does."

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10 Report
  • Leena
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 22, 2019

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Ajovy has been very helpful at not only keeping migraines at bay but everyday headaches as well. I just wish I could use it every three weeks. The last week before my next shot is due is noticeably worse. Peace"

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Miami
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 1, 2020

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "“I’ve been taking Ajovy for 6 months . I’m stopping because I have circulation issues in my legs, knees, feet and hands. Also it causes anxiety and chest pain So, I’ve decided to Stop using Ajovy even that I will miss be without migraine"

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18 Report
  • Puppy...
  • January 21, 2021

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Did my first injection of Ajovy December 2020. I previously researched it and knew it was possible my headaches and migraines wouldn't go away in the first month. What I didn't read were the side effects such as nausea like no other every day for hours. It also never said my neck would be stiff, sore, and seize up randomly. I'm trying one more month for the migraine purpose and will go from there."

3 / 10
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16 Report
  • Alex
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 23, 2023

Ajovy (fremanezumab) for Migraine Prevention "Have had chronic migraine for 10+ years, constant facial/neck pain and pressure, pounding heartbeat, light sensitivity, fatigue, and brain fog with 3-4 acute episodes per week. No relief from Ajovy after 3 months of monthly injections, symptoms slightly worse overall, side effects: mild constipation, increased anxiety & depression. Auto-injector was fine, slightly painful but easy."

1 / 10
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7 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.