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Advair Diskus User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Advair Diskus has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 108 reviews on 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Advair Diskus

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 17, 2019

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have suffered with asthma my entire life so I am familiar with many drugs used to treat this disease. Advair was prescribed to me 30 years ago and I have loved it from the beginning. I no longer had to suffer with the jitters and hyper behavior, like ALL of my prior medications. I take this daily/as prescribed and have no complaints or awful side effects. Sometimes my breath smells bad as a result but I can breathe so I can't really complain. Thank you-now if only I could get my insurance provider to cover it."

9 / 10
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16 Report
  • Ell...
  • March 3, 2010

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been using Advair for about 5 years. When I first noticed my wheezing and coughing, I thought I had a cold, but the doctor said it is bronchial asthma. He started with Prednisone and Advair. I soon felt better. I stopped the Prednisone, and I am on Advair 250/50 since. Recently, I was advised to see a chiropractor. He promised to help take me off all medications and I would be okay. What a mistake? In order for him to do this, I had to stop my Advair, because he said he can't fight with it, I must first stop taking it. The end result was that I spent about $400.00 for twice-a-week visits. I saw no results, on the contrary, my wheezing came back full force, with the tightness of my chest. I had to start all over again with the medications."

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34 Report
  • THE...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 11, 2015

For Asthma, Maintenance "This medicine changed, on a fundamental level, my quality of life. I went from nearly always being out of breath due to asthma to practically never needing a rescue inhaler. It made my asthma vanish."

10 / 10
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25 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • watzk...
  • September 14, 2010

For COPD, Maintenance "Used it before, but then had it changed to Symbicort. No way of telling which one is better. I seem to get a lot of head colds and sinus drainage with both. Now my MD is putting me back on Advair 250/50, but I doubt it will be effective at all. I walk 5 miles a day in an hour and 13 minutes. So if my time improves a little, then maybe it does help more than Symbicort did."

6 / 10
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33 Report
  • MLU
  • December 5, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "Was using Pulmicort for years for asthma maintenance; I found it made a difference but would stop working for periods of time. I asked my physician to switch me to something else and she put me on this. A marked difference. This has a steroid as well as a stimulant (to open your lungs upon inhalation, much like a rescue inhaler, which Pulmicort did not have). I forgot to refill my Advair this month (I mail order three months at a time with my insurance, WAY cheaper) and have been without for about 4 days. I can definitely tell the difference. My rescue inhaler use has gone up, and subsequently goes way down (to almost nonexistent) when I'm on Advair. Highly recommended."

9 / 10
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20 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Cooti...
  • September 28, 2017

For COPD, Maintenance "On medicare and hit the donut hole in August, Have to pay $185. for one month. Way to much for something thats helping me breathe. Something I have to have. When is a generic or something affordable coming out."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Nervous...
  • April 30, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "I had told my Dr. How when I walk up my stairs in my house how I'm out off breathe and how my chest had been feeling tight over the last few months and I just use my nebulizer or my ventolin pump and it helps me feel better .But then she suggested Advair Diskus and within the 2nd day I felt the tightness in my chest like I was having an asthma attack and then my throat started to feel swollen so I stopped the medicine . Since using this medication my throat is sore, swollen glands,hurts when I swallow . I'm very nervous and will not use it anymore"

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 21, 2008

For COPD, Maintenance "I have been on Advair Diskus for only 2 days, and already I feel like I have much more energy, and I don't wheeze like I used to. Haven't had to have my inhaler in 2 days either. Time will tell, let's hope I have found something that works, and I can get back to a normal lifestyle."

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Life...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 14, 2020

For Asthma, Maintenance "I’ve been using advair for 5 years works great for asthma first time asthma felt controlled but side effects of a tight throat and change in voice is concerning. Now I had to stop this medicine as throat issues have become worse the occasional sore throat is now at least once a week and my throat feels like it’s working so hard like the muscles in the neck are actually sore from the tightness. Not really sure what is happening and not sure what to do with an asthma prevention alternative now. Also had a major asthma attack and took about a month to recover so if your throat starts feeling funny and you voice box and larynx feels sore beware and talk to your doctor it just came on so fast"

7 / 10
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12 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 11, 2008

For Asthma, Maintenance "No doubt that Advair was effective at clearing up my lungs so that I could breathe (most important). However, I did have the noted side effect of nausea... so as far as eating is concerned, I don't enjoy eating (can't taste anything) while I am on this medication."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • March...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 9, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "I've been using Advair 250/50 for about 7 years. I developed asthma after several respiratory infections. After months of having no energy and wheezing and coughing, the doctor finally confirmed asthma. I started on 4 puffs per day for a week, and then went down to 2 per day. In the summer, I can often get away with only 1 puff per day. In the winter I usually need 2. The main symptom I get if my asthma is not fully controlled is a gurgling sensation in my lungs. With Advair my asthma symptoms have mostly disappeared. It's a really effective medication."

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Voice...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 20, 2017

For COPD, Maintenance "By the third day I had lost my voice, developed pneumonia, been unable to cough out production from my lungs, scarred my lungs even further. I would expect this product to be removed by the FDA soon. If the condition lasts, I'll be seeking legal council."

1 / 10
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17 Report
  • Rodley
  • January 11, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "Since I started an Advair diskus regime many years ago - I rarely have to use my rescue inhalers. In fact I lose more of them than I use. The only negative is the cost - over $200 for a month's supply - that wasn't a big issue when I had a sweet low copay but all that has changed since the Affordable Healthcare Act (A nice oxymoron there !). I was surprised to see Advair (actually under a different name, but still GSK's product) in Belize at just $55USD for the same dosage. Can't wait for generics to hit the market."

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • M Pan...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 19, 2015

For Asthma, Maintenance "Have been taking it for 15+ years - its been a life saver. Don't remember the last time I had an attack or ER visit (which were mostly triggered off by dust and seasonal allergies, at least once or twice a year until I started Advair). Because of the high price, I end up extending to 60 days, sometimes over that. I use it once a day rather than twice - it works wonderfully as a preventative dose. My PCP is comfortable with this lowered dose, so the only risk I run is with the side effects and the delayed use of the disk. FortunatelyI don't feel much side effects. I did, however, end up developing an early cataract (at 42) and getting the surgery done and my eye doc has me on glaucoma watch, so it will probably catch up with me one day"

9 / 10
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19 Report
  • Living...
  • February 11, 2016

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have been on advair for over 10 years. I have never breathed better. Before I couldn't even walk without being out of breath. I do experience a lot of side effects such as oral thrush, and headaches; however, being able to breathe outweighs the side effects. I would recommend this medication to anyone with asthma."

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • Ange
  • May 8, 2008

For Asthma, Maintenance "Before Advair I had to go to the hospital many times because my asthma would become very severe. Since I have been using Advair I have not been to the hospital in 3 years. My asthma has become very mild and I have never felt better. I have no side effects."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Toni...
  • January 8, 2012

For Asthma, Maintenance "I don't know about others, but this is a god send to me. I have very, very bad asthma. Walking up a few stairs can wind me, as can walks (which I love doing), and exercising is extremely difficult. The pains from asthma problems can hurt quite a bit. I got on Advair and my dependency on my albuterol inhaler dropped from 2-3 times a day to maybe once a week. I was off of it for years because of insurance companies dropping it, and then not having insurance. I'm back on it now (after Primatene mist went off the market), and I'm doing great again. It hasn't kicked in to effect fully, but I can already feel its effects. The side effects can be bad for some people, but I'm a testament to how awesome it is."

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Inspe...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 23, 2015

For Asthma, Maintenance "I was prescribed Advair in combination with Spiriva after a bad asthma type attack in 2010 (1 of 3, the 1st in 2001; 2nd in 2007). I finally went to a Pulmonary Specialist in early 2010. The inhalers combined with a series of oral prednisone helped me to recover fully. At the advice of my new doctor I continued using the Advair and Spiriva daily. In 2013 I developed Virtigo and continuous bladder infections, determined that was related to the Spiriva, so I stopped that one. Several times during the 5 years,I have attempted to stop using Advair. I think it is addicting in nature; I am unable to breathe without it! THAT SUCKS....Especially since I was doing fine without any inhalers prior to continued use of Advair."

5 / 10
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18 Report
  • Lulub...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 20, 2015

For COPD, Maintenance "I have severe COPD, and have been on Advair 50/250 for 11 years. I am also diabetic due to being overweight, and not being able to exercise. My FEV is 15%. Advair helps, BUT it has played havoc with my blood sugar. I lost 65 pounds since being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a year ago. My blood sugar went down to normal levels since I had to quit taking the Advair (temporarily) due to the high cost. My breathing worsened, so I refilled my Advair, but I my blood sugar went back up over 200. I'm in a dilemma now. The insulin is $600/month. The Advair is $200. If I don't take the Advair, I hardly need any insulin. I do take Xopenex/ipratropium via neb, but that doesn't last all day like the Advair. It's part B, so more affordable by far."

7 / 10
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18 Report
  • dandy...
  • September 9, 2009

For Asthma, Maintenance "I have use Advair 500/50 for a little over three years. It has helped control the Asthma, but there are some side effects. I don't have much taste sensation anymore, my throat feels raw, and I cough from the throat which I don't remember doing before, and I lose my voice. This dosage is too much after awhile, I get the shakes and feel week, sometimes have terrible headaches. I have tried using 500/50 in the mornings and 250/50 at night. That is only good for a short while. I need something between these two."

8 / 10
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26 Report
  • Linda...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 26, 2017

For Asthma, Maintenance "After using the Advair disc for less than a week. Realized that I had lost ability to taste food within 2-3 days of starting. Sense of taste has never returned. I reported this to Glaxo and physician. Neither followed up beyond my call."

1 / 10
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14 Report
  • South...
  • December 16, 2017

For COPD, Maintenance "I've been on Advair Diskus 250/50 for almost one month since being out of the hospital where I coded from COPD. Needless to say I have quit smoking after 30 years (cold turkey) I can actually breathe & no more wheezing. Only drawback is financially it cost $530 & I now have a thick mucus in the back of my throat that I remember having when I once had pneumonia. My throat stays sore & I am so afraid of coming down with pneumonia. Because of this I am going to try using Advair once a day instead of twice a day. I also have nasal drip all night as well."

9 / 10
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14 Report
  • Chicago...
  • May 25, 2011

For Asthma, Maintenance "I've been on Adviar for more than 2 years and have had no problems with it. My asthma developed because of my newly discovered allergy to cats and it has allowed me to keep my pets without any breathing issues. It did give me some heartburn at first but, since I was overweight, I lost 20 pounds and that seemed to do resolve the heartburn issue."

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • dsger...
  • March 16, 2011

For Asthma, Maintenance "I am giving it a 9 only because I have only been on it a few days. It works. I used to get so tired just doing my grocery shopping and have to sit 2 or 3 times during and feel like I can go for miles now. I do notice in the reviews the different ways people are using it. I was told after inhaling to rinse mouth thoroughly as the medicine can cause thrush. Anyway, I have a little chest tightness and get a bit of a headache at first but that goes away after about 30 minutes. "

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 19, 2009

For Asthma, Maintenance "After years of asthma I actually have thrown away full expired bottles of my fast acting inhaler because I DON'T NEED THEM NOW THAT I HAVE ADVAIR. I tried to stop it once and noticed the difference, one dose first thing in the morning and I am good for the whole day."

10 / 10
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24 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.