Cymbalta for Generalized Anxiety Disorder User Reviews
Cymbalta has an average rating of 6.6 out of 10 from a total of 120 reviews for the treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. 59% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Cymbalta
- Bet...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 13, 2019
"One year Cymbalta honest review. I started Cymbalta about a year ago as I have struggled all my life with social anxiety and general anxiety. About a month before I started taking it, I started getting really bad anxiety attacks every day and had my first ever panic attack (which prompted the doctor's visit for help). The first week was OK. I had no appetite and felt anxious all the time for no reason. Then, suddenly, my whole mood changed, and I became a lot more cheerful and talkative person. I actually wanted to do things, instead of staying at home. Note to everyone with bad reviews: this doesn't work overnight. It takes time for the chemicals in your brain to balance. I would say it takes 2 weeks to see some effects take place, and at least a month or two to experience the full positive effects. But, it is so worth it! I highly recommend Cymbalta to those struggling with depressive thoughts or anxiety disorders! I have only had ONE anxiety attack since taking it, and no panic attacks."
- Hap...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- April 8, 2014
"Wow. Cymbalta changed my LIFE! Prozac made me a zombie, as did Paxil, Xanax, & Klonopin. I have depression & anxiety. Prozac seemed to have made my depression worse! But then...Cymbalta saved me. I'm so happy to be able to actually GET OUT of bed, not yell at the kids, etc. I experienced a mild euphoria at first, now, (it's been a week) I just feel happy and energetic! I really hope it keeps working!!"
Frequently asked questions
- 8 Cymbalta Side Effects: Should I be Concerned?
- What helps with Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms?
- How to sleep while taking Cymbalta?
- Does Cymbalta cause weight gain?
- Lej...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 22, 2015
"I have struggled for years with pain from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I could not have normal relationships with family or friends and became a recluse. The constant pain caused me to be deeply depressed, and I often planned my suicide. I wrote a will because I knew I could not live this life anymore. I tried many antidepressants and took Dilaudid by the handfuls. I started taking Cymbalta 13 days ago. I no longer take Dilaudid. I am planning on giving up gabapentin. My mood has gone a complete turnaround. I am able to function. I am walking again, swimming. I am laughing, and for the first time in 15 years, I feel hope!"
- Mr ...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 26, 2019
"Was hesitant to start the drug with all the horror stories, but I guess that's with any drug that's not right for that individual. I had a horrible experience with Prozac. I suffer from GAD, fatigue, and was dealing with back and neck pain. The drug started to work pretty quickly. My doc switched me from Zoloft to Cymbalta when Zoloft stopped working after a year. I had some dizziness and felt off for a couple of weeks, but nothing like Prozac. I started out at 30mg during the transition but jumped up to 60mg after 2 weeks when I stopped Zoloft. The drug has worked well so far. I can see a significant reduction in anxiety, which has given me the energy to start exercising again. It's also put me in a good mood and reduced pain by 80%. I'm on week 2 of 60mg so I hope it continues to improve."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- rgl...
- February 21, 2014
"Cymbalta was a miracle for me. I was paralyzed by anxiety and couldn't function in daily life, and it made me feel better than I've ever felt in my life. I've tried tons of anxiety/depression meds - Xanax, Klonopin, Buspar, Ativan, Zoloft, Celexa, etc. - and they all barely worked, just made me catatonic, or had really serious side effects (listlessness, decreased libido, etc.). Cymbalta made me feel like my true self minus anxiety, rather than a dulled version of myself. It actually increased my libido because I wasn't too depressed to have sex for the first time. I also lost weight while taking it, which wasn't desirable for me, but I know it is for some people. The only negatives I experienced were nausea and decreased appetite at first."
- Aus...
- October 22, 2013
"I have been on Cymbalta for 7 months, and it has changed my life. I have OCD, GAD, and severe anxiety over health. I haven't felt like myself in 4 years until Cymbalta. I do get night sweats BADDDDD, but it's something I have gotten used to. I take 60mg a day, and I never want to get off it. I am a 26-year-old healthy mom, and anxiety now doesn't rule my life... I do! :-)"
More FAQ
- How long does it take for Cymbalta to work?
- What do Cymbalta brain zaps feel like?
- Can I take Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Trintellix (vortioxetine) together?
- SSRIs vs SNRIs - What's the difference between them?
- Boo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 15, 2020
"I have only been on this medication for a week but I already notice a huge difference. I suffer from depression and anxiety as well as panic attacks. I noticed a difference on the 3rd day. My mind isn’t racing 100 mph and I can concentrate. Anxiety is still there a little bit, but no panic attacks. I had some nausea and diarrhea but I’m not sure if that was from Cymbalta as a bug was going around. The first few nights I had sleep issues, but those have passed. No sexual side effects thus far. I was on Lexapro before and I hated it. Felt like a zombie. This is altogether different. I know each drug is different for everyone, but so far Cymbalta has done wonders for me."
- Dan...
- June 17, 2015
"I have been on Cymbalta for a week now, 30mg twice a day. I have no side effects at all! From the first dose, I noticed a huge difference, it calmed me right down! Before this med, I was mad at everything, almost in a constant panic mode, not sleeping, and in a lot of pain. I have low back nerve pinching, bulging, degenerative discs, and fibromyalgia. I can't say enough good about this medicine, it has really changed my quality of life, my outlook. I feel like I did 20 years ago, before my anxiety took over my mind. My blood pressure is also back to normal. Being stressed at every little thing made mine go up. I love this medication, I wish I had gotten it a lot sooner, better late than never!!"
- the...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- December 18, 2018
"I have tried a long list of antidepressants, including older ones, newer ones, and most of the meds in between. Cymbalta is the only one that has helped me. I have only taken it for about a week, but I already feel the effects for my GAD and Panic Disorder. I am so thankful for this drug. Bless you all, don't be afraid to try meds, and keep on fighting if you haven't found one that has worked for you yet. Hugs, The User"
- Ipp...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- June 6, 2021
"I’ve been on Cymbalta since it came to the market in 2000. It was a lifesaver for me, I felt better the very first day! I was on 60 mg for about 10 or 11 years, then my anxiety came back as if it stopped working or my body got used to it. I tried to increase to 90 mg, but it just made me so tired. So we tried to switch to a multitude of medications, but nothing worked like Cymbalta, so I went back on it. Coming off it was a complete nightmare, and I am so much better on it than off. I’m just now trying to up my dose again to 60 mg after just being on 30 mg for the last 6 years. Before Cymbalta, I wasn’t even able to drive a car without complete panic and hysteria. I’ve suffered with this crippling disease since I was young, this was the first medication to give my life back. I don’t know what I would do without it. Honestly, medications are different for everyone, but for me, it saved my life!"
- Rem...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 20, 2014
"While the first 3 weeks were no fun at all, I have since seen and felt an improvement in my anxiety and panic attacks. I am very sensitive to medication, and other medicines would make me dizzy, upset my stomach, or make it impossible to stay awake. The Cymbalta only made me tired and caused me to lose weight the first three weeks. I am on my fourth month on 30's once a day. I take mine right after dinner as they tend to make me tired, but by morning I am good to go. I have since gained my weight back, and I feel better than I have since my anxiety and panic attacks started 7 years ago. In 4 months, I have not had any panic attacks and only feel the starting effects of anxiety, and then it goes away."
- Fin...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 14, 2015
"I'm a mom in my 40s and though my life should have been happy (great husband and kids) I was constantly worried, paranoid, combative, and quick to anger. It took months to convince myself to call a psychiatrist but finally I did. At first she put me on Effexor but I hated it (brain zaps, teeth clenching, nausea, lethargy). I tried to hang in there but after 6 months I asked for something else. She gave me Cymbalta. WOW is all I can say. No real side effects, and most importantly, I'm laughing and smiling again. I don't feel angry all the time anymore, and for the first time in years, I'm calm. I also suffer back pain, and it is seriously lessened with Cymbalta. I pray my insurance continues to pay for it."
- Liv...
- April 6, 2015
"I lost my 16-year-old daughter in a tragic car accident four months ago. They first had me on Lexapro, then Remeron, and neither did anything for me, except the Remeron did make me suicidal. My doctor told me to try Cymbalta 30 mg. It was a lifesaver, literally. I was ready to kill myself, I had enough pain and didn't want to feel that daily pain of losing my daughter. My doctor just increased my Cymbalta to 60 mg, I'm very excited about this. I have not noticed it helping the panic or the anxiety, it definitely has helped my mind and my body constantly from hurting due to depression. This medicine truly saved my life. I'll never be me again, but this medicine has got me back to the closest old me. Thankful for Cymbalta!"
- DAD...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 17, 2016
"Started taking 'Cymbalta' (Duloxetine 60mg daily) just under one year ago. I was suffering from SEVERE and debilitating anxiety, every day, all day for months. Prior to that, I had been suffering with anxiety mildly for about 5 years, with the occasional anxiety attack every few months. It rapidly changed to a severe problem where I was battling anxiety attacks daily, even multiple times a day. I was sure I could 'beat' anxiety with exercise, therapy, better work/home life balance, and being an overall healthier version of myself. But I quickly learned that there was no 'beating' anxiety. So instead, I reluctantly decided to treat it with medication. And it has SAVED my life. I actually have a life now."
- cee...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 14, 2015
"My personal journey with Cymbalta so far is a positive one. Severe anxiety/depression has been present in my life for approximately four years, and I've found that Cymbalta has immensely suppressed my anxious symptoms. Through my experience, Cymbalta took on its full effect about 3 weeks in. I am beginning to enjoy life again! I highly recommend this medication to others, especially if immense anxiety is a part of your life. I am most impressed with this medication's ability to deplete anxiety! Good luck! I hope the best for anyone struggling with these miserable conditions."
- Nic...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 10, 2015
"I take Cymbalta for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and depression, something I've had on and off for 6 years (I am now 24). A lot of people are quick to write this drug off, and I admit the initial side effects can be tough like nausea and feeling so tired, but after taking 30mg for three weeks and increasing to 60, with the increase I noticed a quick change, my anxiety decreased rapidly, and instead of tiredness I began to experience an almost high feeling which sometimes makes me hyperactive, but surely that's better than anxiety and depression. I would recommend taking it, but give it a few weeks and take the proper 60mg dose before you judge it; it's really helped me, it's got me out of a really bad place."
- ray...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- October 14, 2014
"I've been on Cymbalta for 9 years. This has been a miracle for me. It helps with anxiety, my chronic pain, my fibromyalgia, and my bipolar. Now if I could just find something to help with anger, I'd be perfect. The only side effect I have had is nightmares if I forget to take it, that's it. I love my medicine."
- KRW...
- July 24, 2014
"I have been taking Cymbalta for two years now. It honestly changed my life. At the time I started taking it, I was a college athlete, and anxiety ruled my life. At first, I would take it during the morning hours, and I would immediately want to go to bed. That was my problem, I needed to take it about an hour or two before bed. I am still experimenting with the exact right time to take it (I sometimes wake up still feeling tired from it, but not sure if it's the medication or my routine now). I know certain medications work for some and not for others, but I would recommend this medication. I had slight symptoms at first, besides the tiredness - decreased appetite and no sexual desires or emotions. I still feel great! (30mg once daily)"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 6, 2024
"I had been diagnosed with OCD and general anxiety, this med changed my life. I’ve been on it for 7 months now. I went from survival mode and avoidance to actually feeling ‘normal’. I never thought it would be possible. My only issue is that my sleep isn’t as solid as I’d like. But other than that, my life has changed for the better."
- Erz...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 24, 2016
"I've just been on 60mg for 4 weeks and the improvement has been great. My anxiety is all but gone, and I can't tell you how good it feels not to worry about every single thing in life. I enjoy things more and can focus longer as a result, absorbing things better, instead of just randomly seeing everything. I was a bit nauseous to start and tired, but it's all but gone as well. I've also lost 2 pounds. Very happy so far!"
- Anx...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 12, 2019
"I used to take 120mg of Sertraline. It made me gain 50 lbs. So I stopped after 2 years. I tried going back on it after 9 months when my anxiety returned, but it gave me worse anxiety! Now I'm on Cymbalta. I love this medication. I'm on 60mg for 4 weeks now. The first 2-3 weeks were rough, but all side effects went away. Just stick with it. My doc said to use 0.25 mg of Xanax initially to help get through the rough first weeks. Now I only take Cymbalta. It made me drowsy in the morning, so I take it at 2 am when I get up anyway to go to the bathroom. This helps me go back to sleep, and I have no problem getting up in the morning. Lastly, I can stay up later than I used to, and I get more done. Another side effect is less arthritis pain and no more bladder leaking. After 3 kids, I dealt with bladder leaks and thought I had to have surgery, and now it's gone! Good luck finding what works for you."
- Jas...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 18, 2019
"Had a great 12 years with Lexapro 10mg. It stopped working. For the last 3 years, I’ve tried Wellbutrin, Prozac, Effexor, Vybrid, Trintellix, and Cymbalta. With all of them, I felt a floaty, sedated feeling all day long. Cymbalta is starting to work. I believe it's the norepinephrine component of the drug that’s helping me stay more focused and energized during the day. I’m on 60 mg daily. Psychiatrists and GPs alike don’t know the effects of withdrawal unless they’ve experienced it themselves. Not every patient’s cure comes out of a medical textbook, and doctors need to understand that you’re not neurotic and these drugs affect your delicate brain chemistry. Rapidly tapering from one drug to another can be disastrous for some. My thoughts are with those going through this, trying to land on the right med."
- Cra...
- September 16, 2015
"I started taking Cymbalta when I turned 30! Literally no side effects, no brain zaps, bad thoughts, anything! I take 30 mg once a day to keep my body from seizing up. I do that during an anxiety attack, and at first, they put me on Zoloft and lorazepam. That experience was horrible! I was so scared to try anything else because of that. Until one day, a doctor handed me the pill and said take it, take it now! I did and called my mom all in a panic. I am very reactive to medicine too, which is also odd. Within 30 mins of talking to my mom all panicked out, I just felt my whole body relax and said to myself, why am I freaking out? This medicine has truly saved my life! My abilities to do things without being afraid!"
- Ron...
- December 20, 2015
"Cymbalta ruined my life. If I forgot to take it one time, it would be like going through heroin withdrawal. Not to mention my brain feels like mush when taking it, forgetting things, and doing odd things. Don't get me wrong, the first 2 months were great, but everything slowly started getting worse. Emotional outbursts, angry all the time, overwhelming feelings, unable to control my emotions, suicidal thoughts, blood pressure dropping all the time, and the list is endless. I ended up making my doctor take me off this medication, I felt like I was losing my mind. The withdrawal from Cymbalta is absolutely horrible. I have never posted a review on anything online ever! But people need to know how terrible this medication is."
Learn more about Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Antidepressants: Options, Advantages, and Precautions
- Anxiety Medications and Alcohol Interactions
- Benzodiazepines: Overview and Use
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- FDA approval history
- Drug class: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
- Breastfeeding
- En español
"I have anxiety, panic disorder, autism, ADHD, sensory processing disorder. Overall, I have had a very positive response to duloxetine. Side effects: There is the initial fatigue & a lot of yawning. That went away after about 3 weeks. I had difficulty peeing during the night. This faded over time. Difficulty to orgasm after I went up to 90mg, this faded after a few weeks. This medication makes my brain work better & gives me a better quality of life and an opportunity to live rather than just survive. If you identify with any of my symptoms & have been recommended duloxetine by your doctor, I say it is worth giving it a try. When it is the right medication for you, it is life-changing! And please don't rush to come off them. If you need them, you need them and that's okay. They are your friend. I feel grateful that science has given me this opportunity to support me."