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Ciprofloxacin for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection User Reviews

Brand names: Cipro, Cipro Cystitis Pack, Cipro I.V., Cipro XR

Ciprofloxacin has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 7 reviews for the treatment of Skin or Soft Tissue Infection. 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 29% reported a negative experience.

Ciprofloxacin rating summary

6.0 average rating out of 10

7 ratings from 7 user reviews.

Compare all 140 medications used in the treatment of Skin or Soft Tissue Infection.

  • Syl...
  • June 13, 2019

"I was put on this for a cat bite - bacterial infection. Please don't let bad comments scare you. I'm allergic to penicillin and have limited options. My doctor gave me the warnings, and I was terrified. You may be dizzy for a few hours the first time you take it, but then you adjust. If you have a sensitive stomach, have crackers and ginger ale on hand, it helps. Ruptured tendons concern. I researched and found that athletes and people over 60 (I'm 54) are more susceptible because they are magnesium deficient, and the fluoride molecules in Cipro bind with magnesium to make you even more deficient. Disclaimer: I'm not a health care professional, please research this yourself. I started taking Cipro, and within 2 days, my heels started hurting. I found out about magnesium and started taking supplements. The pain went away rather quickly. Remember to take at least 2 hours after your dose or 6 hours before, or it will interfere with absorption of Cipro. Bottom line, this drug worked well for me, and the side effects were manageable with magnesium supplements."

10 / 10
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  • MJ ...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 6, 2015

"Had feeling in my lower abdomen and scrotal/testicle area like I'd taken a blow, but I hadn't. Went to docs after a few days, as pain wasn't getting any better. She prescribed trimethoprim for a UTI. Took it for four days, and the pain didn't get better. Over the weekend, pain and sensitivity around the penis, scrotum, testicles, perineal area, and my back got significantly worse. Went to docs on the Monday. He said it's epididymitis. Prescribed me ciprofloxacin to take 2 a day for one week. I saw dramatic improvement with the first 1 or 2 tablets. I was able to sit down and was no longer in constant pain, and I could enjoy life again. I still have some sensitivity, but I imagine the swelling will go down in another week. This drug works quickly and very well."

8 / 10
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  • Bet...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 3, 2018

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "I have a pretty mean case of cellulitis. I was prescribed Cipro 2x daily. The first day I took it, some of the redness seemed to lighten up, my body had aches all over, but I was still willing to proceed to get rid of the deep, nasty pain of the infection. Cannot use NSAIDs on Cipro - so Tylenol 4 times daily it was. Tylenol only worked about 2 hours, and the pain was back plus. 3 days in, the redness was growing and an ulcer had now formed. I kept taking it. I called my doctor on the 6th day and was told to keep taking the Cipro. 8 full days and 1 half day later, I was in the ER. They scanned my leg, an abscess was forming. WBC is higher than the previous week - it is doing nothing but making more pain all over my body. D/C Cipro and now on to Cephalexin 500 mg 4 times a day. Man, I hope something works fast!"

1 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Jaz...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 6, 2017

"I'm giving this medicine a rating of 4 out of 10. I was prescribed this when I went to the doctor with a horrible ear infection. The right side of my face was swollen and my ear was almost swollen shut! I had already felt dizzy and nauseous because of my ear infection so when it continued I just thought it was my ear infection. My ear infection cleared up and I still had day left of the meds. As soon as I took my morning dose I got extremely nauseous and shaky. I do not recommend these to anyone. I've never had an anti-biotic make me feel this sick. I even tried taking it with food and it still didn't help. I've also been extremely bloated, and have had diarrhea since I started taking it. I know everyone is different but this is horrible."

4 / 10
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  • nof...
  • January 28, 2016

"I had this for pelvic inflammatory disease. I immediately experienced fatigue and was extremely sick to my stomach for weeks afterward. Soon after that, I got crippling leg pain and migraine headaches on a regular basis. The headaches continued to get worse till they were every day. I also have pain in the tendons around my eyes and pretty bad stomach issues from this medication. I've been on a downward spiral that keeps getting worse because of the mitochondrial damage I've endured. I hope to recover, but it's been 7 years since taking it and haven't been the same since, just keeps getting worse!!!"

1 / 10
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  • Kit...
  • March 10, 2016

"I had it for a boil. It worked very quickly. I had 500 milligrams, 2 times a day for 1 week. It was very effective."

8 / 10
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  • gin...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 30, 2016

Cipro (ciprofloxacin) "work well for arm but arm started swelling"

10 / 10
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