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Sublocade for Opioid Use Disorder User Reviews (Page 5)

Sublocade has an average rating of 8.5 out of 10 from a total of 123 reviews for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. 82% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 10% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sublocade

  • Heather...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 17, 2022

"I am about to get my 6th sublocade shot. I did 300mg the first shot and the rest of 100mgs. I took suboxone for 4 years and tried stopping many times unsuccessfully. I could never taper off properly, if I had the pills I would want to take the full dose and it was hard mentally to get past that. Once my doctor recommended sublocade I was all for it. The first shot is pretty strong but wore off after a day or two, and then I felt fine up until the last week. I had slight withdrawal just runny nose and sneezes but my doctor did offer to supplement with pills until my shot. I haven’t needed anything since that first month. I feel normal, sleeping great, have my energy back. It’s amazing to not have to wake up every morning needing to take medicine or fear the pharmacy running out or going on vacation and not having enough. I wish I would have switched to the shot way sooner. I think the hardest thing is getting over the hand to mouth reward system from taking the pills."

10 / 10
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  • Spurs...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 24, 2018

"I just got my first sublocade injection I'm praying it works. It is actually 6mgs less than what I take daily so I hope I don't start having withdrawal symptoms it would really suck because I have been doing so well on zubsolv."

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  • Honest...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 18, 2021

"If u guys are wondering if u should get the Sublocade injection do it!!! I myself was addicted to Heroin for 15 years. I literally wish I would have found out about the sublocade injection sooner. I have tried everything I've been to 12 different methadone clinics 10 rehabs and literally tried everything to get clean. After hitting bottom I got on suboxone and decided I was going to get my life back. After being on the subs awhile my dr at the clinic told me about the sublocade shot. Decided to give it a try got the first 300mg shot 4 months ago. Went back a month later got another 300mg shot. I've literally had no withdrawals at all. It’s been 4 months since I got my first shot I got two 300mg shots and one 100 mg shot and I’m not going back to get my 4th I’m ready to be free from all substances and have my life back. The sublocade injection works and stays in your system for a very long time so there should be no reason for u to get any withdrawal symptoms after stopping the shot. Good Luck!!!"

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Frequently asked questions

  • Miche...
  • August 26, 2021

"I've been on Suboxone for nearly 3 1/2 year's wanting to get off for good. Today I got my first sublocade shot, just felt like a bee sting and gone. I've read so many good things about it and I'm hoping in a few months to be completely finished with opiate based anything...whoo hoo!! Will post about how it goes. I would suggest this to anyone who wants to switch from subs, or wean off as I tried to with Suboxone but had a really difficult time. I want my life back. Good luck!!"

10 / 10
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  • JDano
  • July 2, 2021

"Sublocade was a game changer. I was on oral meds for 4 months. I hated taking something every day so I could function. I would take extra if I was stressed, same behavior from when I used heroin. I was in sober living, working a NA program and still never felt "clean". I finally got my insurance to cover the injection. I read that it hurt. It did. I got a new DR who would use ice, inject lidocaine and THEN the sublocade. It helped DRASTICALLY. I also read about people getting a necrotic wound. I got one. My Dr suggested I go back to oral meds after it happened and I refused. I wasn't going back on tablets EVER again. I got my last shot after 22 months on sublocade. Hoping for no withdrawals after seeing so many others not have any. The painless detox is what brought me to sublocade in the beginning..My Dr said I needed to go back to tablets and taper but I refused. I'll for sure withdrawal from oral meds. I'll take my chances with just stopping the injection."

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • hoops
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 26, 2023

"I am on Sublocade and it works amazing for me. The loading dose holds me the whole month with no cravings whatsoever. I also have no withdrawal symptoms when it's close to the end of the month. Sublocade saved my life. I highly recommend it."

10 / 10
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  • Melbo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 9, 2022

"Sublocade saved my life! Everytime I was hanging out I wished for a miracle cure to my heroin addiction and this is exactly that. If you’re ready to stop for good and serious about it, you can go to the doctor and have this miracle injection and never think about heroin again instantly. I had four injections and never went back and haven’t even looked back. My whole relationship with heroin has changed and I don’t feel anything when I think about it anymore. Couldn’t be more grateful and it’s free. It’s a no brainer"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • MALH
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 9, 2023

"After 3 1-2 years on Suboxone I decided I was done with the pill, I wanted off of it. Talked to my psychiatrist & told her I wanted my life back. Tried Sublocade and have just had my second shot - it does sting like hell. But, it’s so worth it! I feel FREE! Once a month, she told me she recommends at least 6 months on it. So only 4 more months of this. I feel amazing & I think everyone should take it into consideration! Suboxone saved my life, but I have a young child & was tired of being addicted to another pill. It is very expensive almost $2000 a month, THANK GOD for insurance. But the pain is temporary, the memories I get to make with my baby SOBER will last a lifetime! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!"

10 / 10
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  • Bill
  • February 5, 2022

"I've been on suboxone for over 10 years and the withdraws so bad I couldn't quit, they were terrible. I have been on sublocade for 4 months and caught covid and couldn't go back to get my shot and noticed I wasn't withdrawing, so I didn't go back and get my shot. It has been over 2 months now and I'm going to continue to try and stop everything for good. I hope this works but so far I'm doing good and hope this is it."

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  • Rosey
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 24, 2021

"One of the best medicines invented. I want to thank mg doctor and everyone involved in the invention and manufacturing of this medicine. You all have given me my life back, and for that, my most sincerest thank you. Thank you."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 22, 2021

"Its funny, ive said to so many people this injection saved my life, and now coming here I read it over and over :) This should be more thoroughly pushed on people, but unfortunately it seema the government makes too much money to push people towards an end. I used pills then fentonyl for 10 years, I tried methadone then went got patches(fentonyl), I was deep, and I took TWO injections only to forget I needed a injection due to having my life back and once I was told id need to restart (you need to take suboxone tablets for 7 days prior) I decided heck with it, its been 47 days (the max is 42 days before restart) "I'm clean", and with the passion and desire to be clean, I dropper those quotations soon after. I'm near 7 months clean now!!! I pray more people find this!! If I could rate higher than 10 i WOULD!!!!"

10 / 10
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  • TrOyB...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 19, 2021

"G'day all I got my 1st injection today and took my last suboxone last night. I have read most of these reviews and I really hope it works for me. I was on 8 suboxone a day for 5 years. I'll try and keep you updated so wish me luck :-) I just hope I feel as normal as possible considering suboxone was working great."

5 / 10
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  • Mark
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • April 9, 2021

"I started opioids after my toxic reaction to a daily chemo pill for Leukaemia (CML). I seemed to have no choice if I wanted a semi ‘normal’ life. My tolerance increased over the last 5 years from Tylenol 3, to a fentanyl patch, to morphine, to hydro morphine. I then switched to methadone then suboxone. Six months ago my blood levels were stable. I stopped taking the suboxone. Shortly after, I I went on sublocade. It has been two months since my last 100 mg injection. WD have been intermittent. Question- how long will it be until all WD symptoms are gone?"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 29, 2022

"I was excited about Sublocade after hearing so many success stories of getting off the suboxone. I was on 10-16 mg a day. I had to supplement with 2mg of suboxone the 1st day after the shot. I had the 300 mg 3 weeks ago, now I'm supplementing 6-8 mg which seems like a step backwards. If I don't take subs I feel like I'm dragging, blah, and in mild withdrawal. I was going to get another 300 mg shot just to see if I needed a higher sustained dose but I'm afraid I will feel worse."

1 / 10
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  • Denver...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 2, 2023

"I have been on a steady dose of fentanyl for the last 3 plus years with little breaks here and there, but no real hope of a long-term life without using. I don't even use Suboxone correctly. I tried to taper off, but the addict in me kicks in and I just go off the rails and start right up again. I have a job operating heavy machinery, and I can't count the number of times I've nodded out and almost crashed and killed myself or someone else. Because of my addiction, I am dependent on this job to keep up ends, but to feel good enough to work, I feel like I have to be high. The cycle is going to kill me or land me in jail. It's just a matter of time. I got my first injection of 300mg of Sublocade yesterday. They used lidocaine on the injection site, so I barely felt a thing (hopefully this helps someone else out there if the pain of the shot is too much). I actually used fentanyl before and after the injection, which I wouldn't recommend. Day 1: feeling okay... hopeful"

6 / 10
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  • Stacey
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 15, 2022

"Was addicted to smoking fentanyl and tried methadone and suboxone. The subs made a bunch of my hair fall out plus going to the pharmacy daily in my ritzy neighbourhood stressed me out so I’d use coke more. The dr offered Sublocade so I gave it a try. Everything seems great and all. I’ve had my 2 months of 300mg and 3rd month of 100mg. Now what? I am due for my next shot or what idk? I don’t want to keep taking stuff. I wish I could stop. I am terrified of withdrawals and it says you may have them but not for weeks to months after. Well I am going on the reviews I guess and wish me luck. I wish I could talk to someone to see just seems too good to be true but here I go. Not going back. I hope. I’ll come back in a few months to report"

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  • Kat
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 5, 2022

"I was an opiate user for 20 years prior to beginning Suboxone treatment in 2017. After 4 years it became apparent that I wasn't going to be able to come off Suboxone without awful withdrawals so I figured I was stuck on it for life. Then I heard about the Sublocade injection from a friend. I figured I had nothing to lose. So far I have had 2, 300mg shots and I feel great. No withdrawal, no cravings. I just feel normal again. My next injection is supposed to be 100mg but at this point I'm holding off to see if I'll even need it. The only side effects I've experienced from Sublocade are sleeplessness the day of the injection and some discomfort at the injection site for a few days. Also constipation which I'm used to from the Suboxone anyway. If you are looking to break the daily habit of needing to take something Sublocade is absolutely the way to go. It has literally given me my life back!"

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  • Addic...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 29, 2022

"I was on suboxone for about 5 years tried many times to get off and it was impossible started sublocade shot. 2 months at 300 mg then 3 months at 100 mg. It has been over 3 months since my last injection and I have had no withdrawals. A little achy here snd there but nothing I can’t handle. It’s been a lifesaver I would highly recommended"

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  • Scotty
  • December 3, 2021

"I was on suboxone for 6 years. 24 mg daily after having a terrible heroin habit. Suboxone gave me a life back. Allowed me to keep a full time job. But in saying that, being on the program is a pain in the ass. Having to go to the chemist 5 times a week. Running into all the addicts. Just still being dependant on a drug. Swapping to sublocade. Or buvidal in aus. Was the best thing I did. Holds you better and for longer than my 24mg sub. And I found I lost the dependency of having to go to the chemist every day. 9 months on buvidale, starting on 128mg. Now I am 2 weeks through my last 64mg dose to come clean and I tell you what I don't even feel the muscle cramps. Nothing. I've heard it is easy to come off. And I believe at this stage cause I feel great."

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  • Davi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 1, 2023

"I recently decided to make the switch from Suboxone to Sublocade. I have been on the generic sublingual 'strips' for 5 and a half years, and I have tried and tried and tried to get off of them on my own. Without going into further detail as to what alternative medicines I was preparing to use to get off of the stuff sans withdrawal, I can tell you that when I saw the ad in my doctor's office for Sublocade, I was excited about the concept. This is a medicine where you have to be serious about recovery. If you aren't, I pray you have the chance yourself to get well. Sublocade is a medicine you can't abuse. You are serious about recovery when you take this. I have had zero withdrawal, only minor side effects on the first day, and the 'pinch' I felt when my doctor injected it into me was rather extraordinary, but it stops hurting in just a few minutes and you FEEL the medication then. I have had no problems since and I am thankful that the price is the same as my strips were, $5. Thank you."

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  • Jay...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 17, 2023

"I abused Heroin from 2013-2022. Start of 2022 I had finally made up my mind to stop using H. An old friend of mine who just beat his 15 year old Heroin addiction literally forced me to get this injection. My dr first gave me 10mg strips for one week and then gave me one weekly short to test how it went. Since then I’ve had the lowest dose every month, which is like 64 mg if I am not wrong. As soon as I got my first injection, It felt like I was never an addict. Sublocade gave me my life back. Never thought I will in my lifetime genuinely say kind words about one of the pharmaceutical companies."

10 / 10
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  • Jason
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 17, 2022

"I had to do a month of suboxone and it was a struggle because I am an addict and if i could manage pills I wouldn't need it. It wasn't steady and it was very up and down. I love the shot. Once a month with a steady flow of meds. The shots are painful for about 10 minutes. I have gotten 3 shots so far. 2 300 mgs and one 100 MG. One of the 300 mg hurt pretty bad for 15 minutes. The 100 MG shot was almost pain free. Even if it does hurt, it goes away quick and you are great for a whole month. Plenty of energy with almost no cravings. I was against meds since I was and still in AA but after a relapse and getting on New Heroin in 2022, I had no choice. I detox off old heroin easily but this new fet heroin is deadly. I was also using other drugs too. I was scared I might die in a detox. This saved me. I am living a normal life again. I fully recommend this. I do have side effects of having a hard time going to the bathroom and some sexual side effects but if you do what I did, then u know."

10 / 10
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  • sarah...
  • July 1, 2022

"Sublocade is great I love it don't have to take the tablets anymore u don't even think about it I was on Suboxone for 9 years and two tablets a day switch to the shot and thought that I would mentally be addicted to taking my medicine and it was going to be a problem but it really wasn't .it's great I don't even think about taking any other medicine or anything I highly recommend this."

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  • E nel...
  • May 10, 2022

"Ok so I'm on day fifteen totally clean of heroin and Fetty. I did a MAT detox for a week. I learned about the shot in the facility. I got out and found a place that offers it. and low and behold they told me I have to be on Suboxone for over a week before I can get it. The ideology of the shot is amazing and I have high hopes that it will help my brain make that transition. But I didn't like the fact that I wasn't on anything and just wanted the shot. But I have to be on something to get it which seems slightly flawed but I'm going through with it. In a week I will have my shot."

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  • Anonymous
  • March 8, 2022

"Well I was on Methadone for 14 year's and was terrified to come of coz of the withdrawal symptoms but on Dec 11th 2021 I went on the Buvidal injection. Took the 1 week one then the monthly one after and didn't go back to my addiction worker. Had not one withdrawal. It sure is a miracle drug."

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