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Adderall for ADHD User Reviews (Page 4)

Adderall has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 385 reviews for the treatment of ADHD. 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 19% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Adderall

  • Anony...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 22, 2017

"I stopped taking this medication 6 years ago because I built up a tolerance to it. But, it seriously was the best thing to ever happen to me. I've always had untreated ADHD, and when I finally received treatment, I flourished. Now, after 6 years, I am giving it a try again. So far, it's working great. The two things I don't like about Adderall are that I talk WAY too much, and share WAY too much information. In fact, I call up family members and talk to them to death. I had to write myself a note and tape it to the phone to not call or text anyone! And the second thing is the comedown, by the time the medication wears off, I am drained!"

9 / 10
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75 Report
  • BeenT...
  • March 22, 2015

"Once getting on Adderall, I found it gave me just enough euphoria to put down everything from alcohol to opiates, while giving me the drive and ambition to seek an engineering degree. I must warn people Adderall is a stimulant. It's out of your body rather quickly (1-2 days), so addiction in the 'physical withdrawal' sense is not much, although years of taking it will keep you relying on it - that's a PROMISE. Depending on the dosage, you'll be severely lethargic and wind up sleeping for a few days. Beware of the day's end - you'll likely need something to sleep or relax, which can cause problems. Despite the caution, you'll be a morning person and love it. Just remember the word 'moderation,' and you'll be a new you!"

8 / 10
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88 Report
  • Joe...
  • July 6, 2014

"I have run the gauntlet of ADD meds, starting with Concerta then tried Vyvanse which worked well in the beginning, then my doctor switched to Adderall XR, then to IR, which works best for me. I take 20mg twice a day, it definitely helps with non-stop thinking, racing thoughts, and just simply getting motivated. I have been on the IR for about a year and the highs are finally outweighing the lows. 39 years old and can see light at the end of the tunnel."

9 / 10
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92 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Sof
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 11, 2016

"I knew I struggled with ADD in college but refused to go on medication because of the stigma associated with Adderall. My father has ADD as well and refused medications. Now at 56, he is homeless, can't hold down a job, can't control his finances, health, or any responsibilities. When I graduated college and started my full-time job, I realized that I was heading towards the same path as my pops. I love my job and am very passionate about it, but following instructions or staying on task during an 8-hour workday was IMPOSSIBLE. 5mg of XR/day (2x on my v. busy days) saved my job and life! I feel like I finally have a clutch to support me with my disability now. It has improved every aspect of my life: social, financial, academic, etc."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Blondy
  • October 3, 2012

"I've been taking 60mg of Adderall a day for 14 years now. It's a miracle! I don't think I would have made it through high school or college without it. I started when I was 14 and starting high school. I loathed getting up early, but shortly after taking my pills, I was awake and motivated to get ready and go about my day. It made boring classes seem more interesting. It gives you this focus and drive to be productive. I don't feel like myself without them. I'm cranky, unmotivated, eat and sleep a lot if I don't take it. Just be cautious with dosage. You do develop a tolerance to it over time. If your blood pressure goes way up and you feel jittery or shaky, you're taking too high of a mg. People should start with 10 or 20mg at first."

10 / 10
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101 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • a god...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 10, 2023

"Adderall saved me. I went back to college and was finally able to start passing school, my depression started getting better, my mood has become more stabilized, and I can enjoy things without getting "ADD freeze" as I like to call it. I started getting better at my job too. I love this medication! Thank goodness for adderall!"

10 / 10
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19 Report
  • sTAR...
  • September 11, 2019

"So, I have had ADHD since I was young. I never liked the pills they gave me when I was younger because I was already a thin kid and then taking Adderall I would eat even less. So I stopped taking the medication. When I was taking this medication, I got Most Improved Student! I went without the drug for years, until just about 2 years ago I started taking it again, and it has helped me so much! I am very thankful for this drug. I suffer from fatigue and many, many other problems. This drug is one of many I need to think straight and to not get out of control. It also helps me big time with my anger issues. Hope this helps someone! Star Kid is out!"

9 / 10
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More FAQ

  • jaime...
  • April 2, 2008

"Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) immediate release has greatly (95%) improved my symptoms of ADHD including concentration, focus, memory, attention span, retention of information, and to some extent my energy and grades. It's a very strong stimulant, so it does have temporary side effects. Most will go away in two to four weeks, like euphoria, anxiety, and teeth grinding, but the dry mouth and insomnia if taken late will not subside for months. However, it has helped me A LOT."

10 / 10
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126 Report
  • Tom
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 31, 2018

"AHDH medications sucks.They don't treat ADHD believe me. They just delay it till the crash comes and you feel 40 times more worse.They have destroyed the lives of hundreds of people due to prolonged use. They are just street meth.Believe me I have ADHD and the best medicine I would suggest are a non-stimulants like welbutrin and strattera.If they didn't work for you then never ever use stimulants they will ruin your life. Just rely on adaptogens eg rhodiola, ginseng, good diet, exercise and meditation. If study is a problem for you then use you hyperfocus and study something that you are interested in.You may have found some good reviews about these stimulants however these people are new and they are unaware of there consequences. I have tried stimulants for 15 years so I am confident and sure about what I say."

1 / 10
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62 Report
  • kristin
  • May 22, 2015

"I was diagnosed with ADHD unexpectedly when I started going to a counseling center a couple months ago, after I got in trouble for bringing marijuana to school. I was also diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. I am 15 and this all came as one big unexpected shock to me. I felt useless and pathetic knowing this. I was put on medication for all of the mental disorders, including Adderall. I have always been a good student, but now I am actually able to focus in school and now, I'm excited about going to classes and doing homework. I actually feel like I'm worth something for once."

9 / 10
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81 Report
  • local...
  • January 8, 2016

"I am 25 years old, married with a 6-month-old son. I was diagnosed with severe ADHD at the age of about 10. I'm talking horrible behavior, bad grades, constant moving, etc. My mother told the doctors no medicine at that age. Then around 12, my mother caved in and gave me the Adderall. I hated it because of the instant side effects for me. I continued to take it until about 14, and I made a 100% improvement. At 14, I learned to cope with the ADHD on my own. But now, 11 years later, in the real world with many stresses, my ADHD had gotten worse than ever, to the point that my wife wanted to leave me because she couldn't handle it. I got my prescription back, and my life is amazing. 30mg IR 3x a day, 1 in the morning, 1 after lunch, 1 on the way home from work."

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • TiffieD
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 22, 2017

"I am 51 and have been on Adderall for 15 years. I take 20 mg twice a day. It helps me concentrate and stay focused. I skip taking it for one day every week, this helps me see where the Adderall helps in my life and was suggested by my doctor to help my body not build a tolerance to Adderall. At this time, I personally don't believe Adderall is 'addicting' when taken properly. While on vacation, I went a week without it and never felt any withdrawal from the Adderall. I keep my Adderall and other meds in a metal lockbox that locks onto a shelf in my fridge because people do abuse Adderall."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • skitt...
  • October 6, 2013

"I've taken Vyvanse extended-release and Adderall extended-release. I didn't like the mood swings and irritability I suffered when they would wear off. My doctor has since put me on Adderall immediate release 30-milligram tablets twice a day. I've taken these tablets for 2 years now and love that I can focus and I am not having mood swings or irritability at all. I have experienced dry mouth and some jitters as well as trouble sleeping. I take Ambien to sleep, and it is no longer an issue. I have to take a vitamin supplement due to a huge weight loss, though. I was overweight when I started Adderall and now am at a healthy weight and maintaining that weight without issue."

10 / 10
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91 Report
  • Adoman
  • January 21, 2015

"Good with increased mental focus and fewer distractions by activities that were going on around me. I have nothing negative to say about the Adderall. It has improved my ability to control my attention and give me greater intensity in thinking and reasoning."

10 / 10
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82 Report
  • Matthew
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 19, 2023

"I have no problem with generic Adderall. I get 60 30mg tablets by Alvogen and it works fine for me. I used to get the Teva brand but times are rough, as we all know. I'm very grateful for this medication because of my Tourette Syndrome and ADHD. It makes life hard to function, so I praise this medication for helping my tics and verbal stutters. It's incredible what Adderall can do when taken properly."

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • Matt
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 3, 2016

"ADD is NOT a made-up condition. I'm 26. Without Adderall/Vyvanse, I have no mental energy or focus to do anything. And it has been this way my entire life. School has gone from being an F and D student to being an A and B student. It has nothing to do with 'being lazy' and everything to do with having a real chemical imbalance in the brain. Anyways, I have been full-time for 2 years until 7 weeks ago. I convinced myself it wasn't working anymore and I didn't need it. Big mistake! I am ready to start up again next week. I can feel the old me coming back, the me I hated. If you truly have ADD/ADHD, this will change your life for the better. Some negatives are sleeping less, decreased appetite, and often weak erections on it (despite high libido)."

9 / 10
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73 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 21, 2008

"I have been taking Adderall for 2 years now (3 of the 30mg tablets a day). It's a great way to get your work done in school and anything else you may need motivation to do. It also makes me more social and interested in things I wouldn't normally be interested in. The bad thing about it is that if you go even one day without it you eat 3 times more than you usually would and you feel irritable and agitated. Overall, couldn't live without it."

9 / 10
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116 Report
  • Jojomac
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 21, 2013

"I'm a 57-year-old male that has been clean and in recovery for ten years now. I have abstained from anything stronger than aspirin the whole time. Chronic pain had made it necessary to begin a closely monitored treatment schedule, but I was still losing a lot of focus on tasks at work and any motivation for anything but sleeping at home. After talking to the doctor, we added 20mg Adderall 3 times a day. The difference has been amazing. I normally work pretty long hours and had been having trouble staying awake in the morning going to work and evenings going home. No more. Properly scheduling the doses keeps me active and focused my entire day. Didn't take long to find out that it increased energy and desire in other areas also. All others."

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85 Report
  • Cherr...
  • September 21, 2013

"Finally, I was diagnosed with ADD as an adult after struggling my whole life with ADD. I was put on Adderall, and my life changed 100% for the better. I think this is a wonderful medication for those with ADD!"

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84 Report
  • Jordan
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 23, 2023

"I take Adderall XR 30 mg and it has always worked for me until this last batch. It's a Teva batch and it makes me feel horrible. Out of nowhere, I get high blood pressure and I can't focus. I get fatigued and it feels like I'm gonna pass out sometimes. Something is truly wrong here. It's scary because I need this medication to hold down a job because without it, I'm a hot mess. I pray this gets resolved soon. Thinking about switching to Desoxyn. Really good reviews and no shortage."

5 / 10
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13 Report
  • Danatee
  • May 20, 2015

"Yes, this medication does work wonders, at first. Diagnosed ADHD (by a Psychiatrist) at the age of 26. The first 3 years it worked quite well and felt like a godsend. I took 5-6 days a week and my life demonstratively improved. Focus, completing tasks, mental clarity, improved was good. Adderall, like other CNS stimulants, tends to become less effective after time and I noticed this more pronouncedly by my 5th year. At that point, I felt trapped by the drug and tried to stop. The problem was that even after a month or more without Adderall, none of the discontinuation symptoms were improving. While I continue to use Adderall for maintenance, I derive little benefit. Be aware, the effects won't last indefinitely!"

2 / 10
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73 Report
  • Cap
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 8, 2021

"I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and got my first prescription for Adderall, hoping it would help, but I felt nothing. Started at 20 mg, then tried 40 mg, and finally 60 mg today and only noticed a slight quieting for my racing thoughts (but it could've been some brain fog since they still were pretty bad), still felt restless, etc. Came on here to see others' experiences and saw that Lannett was a really bad generic manufacturer, and so I went to check my prescription and BOOM, Lannett. Knowing that this mfr has been garbage across the board with people has at least been comforting and gives me hope for the next medication attempt (which I will be making sure my psychiatrist puts the name of an authorized generic and that it must be from that mfr)."

1 / 10
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30 Report
  • Souls...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 8, 2014

"Adderall has been a blessing to me. I take 30mg twice a day, and my thinking has become so much more clear. I am now able to pay attention and absorb what is going on around me. I have had no negative side effects except for an occasional night where it might take me an extra 30 minutes to fall asleep. I still have a healthy appetite since taking Adderall. This medicine has made my life so much better."

9 / 10
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76 Report
  • Dielawn
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 10, 2015

"I was diagnosed with A.D.D, and I've been using Adderall for just over 2 years now. My 9th year of school, I finished with a very low GPA, just over a 1.0, and finished most of my classes with either Fs or Ds. But this past year that I was able to get my medicine, I was awarded AB Honor Roll and passing every class with an A except 2 Bs. The massive improvement of my ability to focus and actually want to work actually made the principal think I was cheating since I've had such a bad school record (for grades)."

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71 Report
  • Drkat...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 1, 2018

"Adderall (amphetamine) will seem fantastic the first time it is prescribed. But as the years go by and tolerance increases, you will need more. It also down-regulates dopamine in the brain (which eventually means that it has been associated with dopamine depletion in the striatal area of the brain and frontal cortex). Dopamine effects pleasure. When it becomes low (the brain will compensate by lowering dopamine when taking amphetamine, because Adderall increases it). When this happens, you will need to continue taking it or you may experience what is called anhedonia (look that up). This is a very dangerous drug that can permanently change brain chemistry."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.