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Viibryd for Depression User Reviews (Page 2)

Viibryd has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 561 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 33% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Viibryd

  • weste...
  • August 10, 2014

"I have been taking Viibryd for 25 days and I love it. I can tell a big difference in my overall attitude. This medicine makes you feel back to 'normal' (the happy state before feeling overwhelmed with depression). I am a lot more motivated than I have been in the past and I have lost a little over 10 pounds. I am taking a 40 mg pill each day. I highly recommend this medicine to anyone. Obviously, talk to your doctor first. I hope this helps. Remember everyone is different, it may take a few medications before you find the right one. I hope this helps!"

8 / 10
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171 Report
  • squid...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 11, 2015

"I have fought depression all my life - 60 years. I have tried pretty much every medicine available. My care provider put me on 40 mg Viibryd and 100 mg Lamotrigine. After about 6 weeks, I woke up and could face the day. I have the desire to live and no longer have to try to pull myself out of a deep pit every day."

10 / 10
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164 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 20, 2011

"I've been taking Viibryd for 3 weeks now, up to 40 mg, switched from Zoloft. I find that I have to take it at night to avoid being drowsy during the day, but every day around 7:00 p.m., I start getting what feels like little electric shocks throughout my body."

6 / 10
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196 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Phosf...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 19, 2014

"I was one of the unlucky ones, and experienced a ton of negative side effects from Viibryd: sleep paralysis, falls, insomnia, increased anxiety/panic, loss of concentration, a carnival of digestive effects, dizziness, loss of appetite, forgetfulness, etc. Each increase in dosage made the side effects worse. If I'd had a fraction of my usual judgment, I would have asked to be taken off of it after the first week. I'm currently tapering off, and for me, the withdrawal symptoms are totally preferable to the side effects. Viibryd is great for a lot of people, and that's awesome. If it is making you feel worse than when you started, stay in close contact with your doctor and do not hesitate to question whether you should stay on it."

1 / 10
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164 Report
  • CANT...
  • September 10, 2011

"I have battled depression with this 30 years. I've taken every medicine on the market. I now take this medicine with Xanax. Yes, I have diarrhea, but I've only taken 1 tablet and I feel better already. Please keep working. I can't believe the difference after just one pill."

10 / 10
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191 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Workout...
  • September 30, 2014

"I've been on Viibryd for 4 days for Generalized Anxiety, Mild Depression (Dysthymia). Can tell a difference already. LOVE it! Best SSRI for my body so far. Tried Lexapro, but had gastrointestinal issues. Paxil was better than Lexapro, but not 'the one'. Only tried 1 dose of Cymbalta, and felt like I had the flu for 4 days (and I rarely get sick). So far, so good with this. NO side effects, but on the lowest dose (10 mg). My Dr. said this is a fairly new medicine, and it seems to be getting good reviews from many people. Clearly not all things work for all people, but my experience has been good!"

9 / 10
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155 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 29, 2011

"I've taken Zoloft. Made me feel spacey and disconnected. Took Celexa and it pooped out on me, making me extremely drowsy and fatigued no matter what time of day I took it. Added Wellbutrin to combat the energy and motivational issues. Turned me into a bipolar irritable basket case. Stopped taking Wellbutrin after 3 weeks, titrating off Celexa, and starting Viibryd. It may be expensive. On day 2, the sexual dysfunction I experienced with all 3 other medicines had disappeared. Dare I say it, my libido was through the roof. Borderline nymphomaniac. And I have yet to feel the drowsiness that people are speaking of. Granted, it's now day 4 and I'm already taking it at night."

10 / 10
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187 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 6, 2011

"I felt better right away on 10 mg. My problems were not overwhelming me anymore. I stopped obsessing. However, side effect was not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep. I am now up to the 20 mg dose. Still doing alright. Doctor prescribed Ambien. When I skip a day of Viibryd, anxiety and agitation comes back. I am in a bad marriage and am contemplating divorce after 43 years. No wonder that I have anxiety and felt like I was falling apart."

8 / 10
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187 Report
  • Femal...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2014

"I have been on Viibryd for two weeks now (20 mg) for generalized anxiety and moderate depression, and I feel exceptionally better. I tapered off Lexapro about 2 years ago and was off antidepressants for the last couple of years. It was an emotional roller coaster every single day until I got on Viibryd. I experience some symptoms like dizziness and nausea/diarrhea, so I take it at night right before I go to sleep. I am a student athlete in college with an extremely busy schedule, and this medicine has helped keep me motivated. The feelings of hopelessness and emptiness are almost completely gone, and I feel like I can get through every day without the constant negative thoughts I was having."

10 / 10
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146 Report
  • Calif...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 11, 2015

"I had underlying anxiety - constantly wanting to hide in bed - random crying - high intensity job - mind wouldn't shut off. Told doctor - she said this had helped many clients - by my 2nd day on 1/4 of the largest pill size - I felt at ease and pretty carefree. My life is 75% easier to take and I'm able to get through life with a smile. Very happy."

9 / 10
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135 Report
  • RajTh...
  • February 14, 2014

"I'm a 70-year-old male, in excellent physical shape, and retired. The problem is depression and bipolar-2 condition, both of which have haunted me pretty much my entire life. In 1994, my depression became just unbearable, and I started on worked for a while...then it didn't...then we tried something else...then something get the drift. My doctor and I decided to try Viibryd; this is day 10 and I'm taking 10 mg in the morning. This medicine is life-changing. The best news is I don't feel any sexual side effects--actually, my sex drive seems somewhat on the increase. Who's complaining about that?"

10 / 10
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136 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 18, 2011

"About 3 weeks now, I feel a little better, but I almost feel like I'm on speed. It increased my anxiety and heartbeat so much, I could not be comfortable. And I couldn't sleep that well. Not working for me!"

4 / 10
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158 Report
  • Livin...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 7, 2014

"I began taking Viibryd in October of 2011, at the age of 37. I've had problems with Dysthymia and nervousness my entire adult life, but I started having panic attacks, depression, and insomnia. Within a week after beginning the 20mg dose, I came out of my funk, was able to sleep soundly throughout the night, and panic attacks were nonexistent. I recently had a traumatic experience involving my daughter which forced me to take a more structured job in an extremely hostile work environment. The panic attacks returned and I felt like I was slowly losing my grip on reality. Three days ago, my doctor increased my dose to 40mg daily and I feel fantastic. No more panic attacks, and I have an overwhelming sense of calm - almost euphoric feeling."

9 / 10
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126 Report
  • 123
  • September 5, 2018

"I take this for severe anxiety after a long trial and error process of different SSRIs (Celexa, Lexapro, Zoloft, etc). None of them seemed to work. My doc did some genetic testing and it came back with Viibryd as a match. Started out on 5mg, then 10mg, now on 20mg, and I finally feel like myself again - very little anxiety, no depersonalization/derealization (DPDR), no more panic attacks. DPDR and panic attacks were my main symptoms, and I was suffering severely. $10 with a coupon card. And I am forever thankful. This has changed my life. I’m a RN, and now I am able to function and enjoy life once again. Please don’t be ashamed to take something your body may desperately need. There is so much research on anxiety and other mental illnesses. There is no need to suffer in silence. Please go get help if needed and never be ashamed."

10 / 10
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85 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 30, 2011

"I have depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Had both positive and negative effects. First the negative (Gastrointestinal (diarrhea that goes away in time), numbness down arms and hands at night, insomnia, tingling in forehead in initial stages, swelling of face, hands, stomach, ankles, initial anxiety that subsided, up a few lbs but cannot say it is the medication yet, closely watching diet to see but do seem to get very hungry in evenings). The positive is I feel better, not as negative or anxious, dealing with my mother's Alzheimer's disease better."

7 / 10
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145 Report
  • Ashley
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 25, 2020

"Been on this Viibryd almost a month. Was on Zoloft, but it really didn’t do much for me. I started the starter pack, and my Dr. raised me to 40 mg. I took it in the afternoon, around 2:00, and it makes me so tired by 5:00 PM, all I can do is lay down. Last night, I took it at 12:00 PM, and by 3:00 PM today, I can’t keep my eyes open. Has anyone ever had this overwhelming feeling you need to go lay down and sleep? I don’t think this drug is for me!"

1 / 10
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62 Report
  • Tris
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 30, 2014

"It has been a good 12 months since I have been taking the 40mg. I can say that I feel better when I am on this and also the important thing, after about the 8th month or so all the side effects are pretty much nonexistent."

9 / 10
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114 Report
  • Neonu...
  • October 4, 2020

"I’ve been on several medications for anxiety/depression. I get severe anxiety with occasional depression. When I first started Viibryd, I was extremely irritable and constantly crying. I stuck it out for a while (at the time, I was too depressed to go to the doctor to fix it), and it ended up getting a lot better. The side effects went away, and I was okay. I’ve been on Viibryd for about 2 years now, and I would say the worst side effect is the sleep issues. I work third shift, and I generally take it in the morning (around 7:30 am) when I get home from work. If I don’t take it around that time on my days off, I feel like I’m in a coma and can’t get up. I’m like sleeping but aware. And I feel like I’m constantly trying to drag myself out of bed, and it takes several tries before I feel that my mind is strong enough. Then when I get up and take it, I have a headache almost all day. If I take it at the exact time daily, it’s a pretty good drug. I hope all this makes sense!"

7 / 10
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55 Report
  • Karsty
  • February 26, 2013

"I was put on this medication one month after its FDA approval for Major Depressive Disorder. I was told it would probably take up to 3 weeks for a noticeable difference in my mood and behavior, but I noticed a difference on day 2. I felt like I was able to have emotions and feelings again. I was not as irritable or angry, and I felt like I had more energy and confidence. When I stepped up the doses, I had the GI side effects, but those have been resolved when my body adapted. I still get restless legs occasionally at night, and when I forget to take my medicine, I get really itchy, irritable, and hazy. But the good outweighs the bad. I feel great! Try it!"

10 / 10
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121 Report
  • 3boys...
  • March 20, 2016

"I've been on Viibryd for a year now. It's completely changed my life. When I went to the doctor, I knew it was time to get help. I still have a bad day now and then, but who doesn't? No more crying, staying in bed for days, and hating life. I know medication works differently for everyone, but this is what worked for me. No matter what, don't give up, get help!"

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96 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 28, 2020

"I did the gene testing, and this was on my 'good' list. I have been on Celexa, 60 mg for 15 or so years. Have been struggling with depression and anxiety since I was a child. Thought I would try a new antidepressant and was feeling optimistic about Viibryd. Started out on 20 mg. Within the first 2 weeks, I started feeling very irritable and felt like I would cry over nothing. My doc said to increase to the 40 mg. I feel like I am losing it. My brain won't shut off. I spend 99% of the time on the verge of tears. I have been having really crazy dreams. I haven't felt this off mentally since I was in my early 20s. I am seeing my doc again in a few days, and I can't wait. I seriously have considered going to the ER and checking myself into the psych ward. I have not had any issues with digestive upset. I am sure that this med is good for some. As for me, I will not be trying anything new again."

1 / 10
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60 Report
  • Hannah
  • May 30, 2013

"My new doctor put me on Viibryd to help with my severe depression and anxiety 4 months ago. My previous doctor had tried many medications such as Lexapro, Celexa, and Cymbalta...and to be quite frank, every one of them was horrible! I gained 60 lbs between them over a year, which only deepened my depression. I felt like I was insane with those medications and hated myself and everyone around me even more and began to feel like people were 'out to get me'. All the while on those medications, I had to take Ativan and Valium for my severe anxiety. Since I've been on Viibryd, I feel like a new person! I did not gain any weight, and Viibryd helps control my anxiety without the need for other medications! It's expensive but worth every penny!"

10 / 10
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114 Report
  • APski
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 22, 2016

"I have been on 10mg of Viibryd for about a month. I have a low drug tolerance, and I couldn't get past the side effects of the other drugs I've tried. Viibryd had very minimal side effects that are now gone (vivid dreams and brain zaps). My anxiety has significantly lessened, and I'm out of that depression fog. What a relief to be out of that negative state and constant worry! It just goes to show that different drugs work differently for everyone. Viibryd isn't well reviewed, but the ones that are highly scored didn't work for me at all. Don't give up or be afraid to find your perfect fit."

10 / 10
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90 Report
  • purpl...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 16, 2014

"I've been on Viibryd for 7 days and it's been great. I'm only on 10mg right now and will be moving to 20mg in the next couple of days. I only had soft stools once, but other than that, no other stomach issues. Some of the side effects I am having are weird vivid dreams, super increased libido, and out of 6 of the 7 days I've taken Viibryd, I've awakened out of my sleep to very intense orgasms. Other than that, I feel much better. The real test will be when my PDD occurs. If it can control my lows during my period, then we have a winner."

9 / 10
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104 Report
  • Depre...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 3, 2023

"I took Viibryd (vilazodone) for a year at 40mg and started experiencing memory loss and other dementia symptoms. I had a scary experience twice where I felt confused, got lost, and had tingling and numbness on the right side of my body, as well as slurred speech. I went to the ER on November 17, 2022, where I was suspected of having a stroke but after getting several tests, the neurologist concluded that it was due to the medication. After stopping Viibryd, the memory loss side effects improved over time."

1 / 10
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24 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.