Tezspire User Reviews & Ratings
Tezspire has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 30 reviews on Drugs.com. 87% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 3% reported a negative experience.
Condition | Avg. Rating | Reviews | Compare |
Asthma | 30 reviews for Asthma | 148 medications |
Reviews for Tezspire
- fre...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 16, 2024
For Asthma "I have severe asthma, Pred high dependence, hospital admissions - nebulizers up to 8 a day, hospital drugs at home - coughing/wheezing, ruined my life. I am only 38! Used a wheelchair on and off for over 4 years. I wanted this drug so much, just had the 6th shot, they say because I have been so ill it will take the full year to feel good again. This drug is saving my life! Straight away less coughing - now fewer nebulizers, reducing steroids slowly but staying out of the hospital! Less wheezing, I will say by week 3 you feel it, wish it was every 3 weeks the shot. When I get the injection, I got a bad headache for a few days, I do get backache throughout the month, and some joint pain but that's absolutely nothing compared to not breathing every hour of the day. I choose to breathe! My asthma doesn't wake me up now, fewer drugs that ruled my life every hour of the day. I am planning some fun things now, I am excited for the future! This is why I am sharing my journey."
- t2z...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 23, 2023
For Asthma "Works great for about 2 1/2 weeks, but the effectiveness begins to wear off at about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks, and by the time of the next injection at 4 weeks come around, the coughing and rescue inhaler use rise dramatically. Injections should be every 3 weeks, not 4 weeks for best results."
Frequently asked questions
- What are 5 key Tezspire side effects to watch out for?
- Does Tezspire cause weight gain?
- How do I use the Tezspire pen?
- Str...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- February 13, 2024
For Asthma "Tezspire has provided me with nothing but positive experiences. I have been taking Tezspire for more than two years with hardly any asthma symptoms. I was experiencing asthma attacks three or more times per week before taking this medication. I am very pleased with this medication."
- Kri...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 24, 2023
"I was a healthy adult female, 52 years old. Then I got COVID-19 in May of 2022. I had a cough that would not go away and was constantly coughing up phlegm. The doctors just kept putting me on high doses of steroids. Then by the end of August, my breathing started to change, I ended up in the hospital for 4 days. Doctors and nurses all assumed I had chronic asthma/COPD for years! Never had either one. I ended up working with a wonderful pulmonologist, and he diagnosed me with asthma and bronchiectasis. At this point, I was having trouble walking to the bathroom without getting out of breath and coughing and trying to clear the phlegm daily. It was awful, and the only thing that made me feel better was high doses of prednisone. Once diagnosed, he suggested Tezspire. Within days, my symptoms were clearing up, in a week, they were gone. I am taking my third shot this month, and it has been a lifesaver! I am feeling better than I did before I got sick. I am so thankful for this medication!"
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Rac...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 4, 2023
For Asthma "My 12-year-old daughter has been taking Tezspire for 4 months, and the complete change in my daughter's quality of life has just been absolutely amazing. This is the fourth different injection medication that we have tried, and the best. I wish she could have gotten it sooner. I would recommend this to everyone. My daughter is finally getting to do things that she could not do for years!"
- She...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- March 4, 2024
For Asthma "I take the Tezspire injection every four weeks at my asthma clinic and it has been a game changer for me! My asthma went into severe mode in 2020 and it put me into the hospital several times. The doc first tried Fasenra, which worked for the first injection, and then the next six, it did not help at all. Switched me to Tezspire, and I can now go back outside, smells don’t bother me anymore, and I feel like I can be active again. Just started my second year of taking it, and I couldn’t be more pleased with it… well, except for the cost!"
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 7, 2024
For Asthma "I have had asthma since the age of 6. It was debilitating, and I frequently missed school for long periods of time. I only had relief at age 12 when a new class of drugs (rescue inhalers) became available, and I started allergy shots. So it was a horrific shock when, in my late 60s, severe asthma came back very suddenly and full force... once again, I was hunched over all day, wheezing, struggling for air... despite all the usual meds on hand. My doctor tried one of the new injectables, but it failed at the third month. Then we switched to Tezspire, and got great relief; I have been able to resume my normal daily activities, taking my other meds (inhaler as needed) and allergy shots."
- Jos...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- January 18, 2024
For Asthma "I was on another biologic for two years, and this medicine did more in three doses than the other did in two years. It's amazing, expensive with my insurance, but so very worth it. 32 years of severe asthma and now I almost feel like a different person. Can't wait to see what happens after this first year."
- Cat...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- February 2, 2024
For Asthma "Immediately reduced asthma symptoms as well as allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. I have experienced joint and tendon pain. Back pain, dry throat, dry eyes, some weight gain, and loss of hair or lack of hair growth."
- Dro...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 7, 2024
For Asthma "Have received two injections with a third one next week. Was skeptical of anecdotal stories from acquaintances, but after the initial injection, I had immediate relief from my respiratory issues. My allergy doctor suggested Tezspire after the treatments I currently used weren’t able to provide me the relief I was seeking. Works amazingly for me. I have noticed a recent change in how food tastes. Not sure if this is a side effect, but will bring this up to my doctor next week. Even if it is a side effect, I won’t stop the Tezspire injections. I haven’t felt this good in a long time."
- Daw...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 27, 2024
For Asthma "After a year on another medication, minimal help, and horrible reactions, I was started on Tezspire. Two days later, I woke up and immediately knew I could breathe again. Three months later, my pulmonary function tests had significantly improved. Tezspire not only improved my quality of life, but saved my life."
- tez...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- June 16, 2024
For Asthma "Have been using Tezspire for 6 months and it has changed my life. I have experienced significantly less asthma attacks since starting. I am able to exercise sometimes without the need for any pre/post-exercise reliever. However, there have been side effects. I usually experience a bad headache in the first 12 hours after taking the dose. I have also started getting back ache in the mornings. These side effects are absolutely worth the benefits of the medication in my opinion. I have noticed in the 4th week it feels as though it is wearing off."
- bab...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 20, 2023
For Asthma "This biologic is a strange thing. On the negative side, I cannot stand in one place longer than 5 minutes because my hips start hurting and I have to sit down. Also, during the night while I am sleeping my left knee will start hurting really bad for about a minute and then the pain goes away. Strange! I have not had any back issues, no sore throat nor any other side effects other than joint tightness so that's good. On the positive side, my asthma is so much better. I no longer cough in church, cold air doesn't bother me, but I still have to use my inhaler at night sometimes. Why? I don't know. I will get my third injection of Tezspire next week so I will see how it affects me...the same, better or worse."
- Ast...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 27, 2024
For Asthma "I found Tezspire works great for my asthma. Unfortunately, I developed a very bad cough on the second dose. I decided it was worth staying on, but after the third dose, the cough is crippling. The cough is so severe that I feel like it is choking me. Unfortunately, I will stop this medication. My asthma has been so good but I can’t live with a cough that keeps me up all night."
- Shi...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 9, 2024
For Asthma "I just received my second dose of Tezspire today, but about 2 weeks after my first dose, my breathing was no longer labored, and the severe cough I had endured for the past several months became almost nonexistent."
- 053...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 7, 2024
For Asthma "It has been amazing with a result in significant reduction in use of oxygen to no use for about 6 months. I was hospitalized 6 times and treated in the emergency room 4 times between the hospitalizations from August 2021 to August 2022 for COPD. I have COPD, but since 8/2022 the exacerbations have been few and symptoms are managed with oral medications and 2 daily inhalers. Is tinnitus a possible side effect?"
- Gsp...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- August 14, 2024
For Asthma "Only positive. I've personally not experienced any of the side effects listed... that I didn't already experience. I've experienced back and joint pain for most of my life since I was 11 years old because of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. So if the side effects aren't more prevalent than what I experience every day, then I wouldn't notice it. Since I got the disclaimer out of the way, here's why I like Tezspire: it reduces my allergic reaction to cannabis from attack inducing to mild irritation. Since no other allergy medication did anything for this, it's become a lifesaver for me since my state is about to legalize its use recreationally. So it might help others with other esoteric allergies as well. My only complaint about this medicine is that for me its effectiveness runs out before the 4th week is done. Otherwise, I'd recommend everyone who is still having problems with their asthma to try it under an allergist's supervision since there is a small chance of anaphylaxis."
- Mar...
- April 20, 2024
For Asthma "I started receiving monthly injections of Tezspire two years ago and together with Advair and sometimes prednisone, it worked well to control my asthma. However, the horrible side effect of Tezspire is that it makes you disabled. I cannot use my arms or my shoulders. It's terrible pain, I cannot sleep at night. I have to seriously talk to my doctor to stop Tezspire."
- Ter...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- March 17, 2024
For Asthma "It has helped with my allergies: dust, smoke, perfumes, and pet dander. During the first two days of my shot, I'd have some breathing problems. After that, all was good. When getting close to the next shot, I notice back pain, coughing, and sneezing starts back up. Waiting to take the third shot. I take 210mg every 4 weeks. Seems to wear off ten to 11 days before the next shot. Noticing I have not used my emergency inhaler since the second shot. That's a plus. Willing to give it a few more months to see what other results I may accomplish. For now, I rate it a five because I haven't been on it long enough."
- Mrs...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 15, 2024
For Asthma "I developed a vaginal yeast infection after the injection as well as body odor. I never had this issue before. I am treating my yeast infection with other medications, but it is taking a bit to clear up. On the other hand, my allergies and asthma have gotten better, now I am able to sleep without having to have five pillows in my back to breathe. I tried Faserna, but it did not work on me. This one is working, but I am concerned about the vaginal infection."
- Gsp...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- June 22, 2024
For Asthma "I'm actually quite satisfied with Tezspire. My only complaint is that my asthma symptoms regress during the fourth week before my next dose. The effects of Tezspire start working in my system within an hour and suppress the worst of my asthma within 24 hours after getting my next injection. I'm not sure if it's the placebo effect or one of my other symptoms where many medications don't operate normally with me. This is well documented, but this is my only biological allergy shot that I get, so it can be for multiple different reasons."
- Eri...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 23, 2025
For Asthma "I'll be getting my 6th Tezspire injection in February. So far, it has worked great. I felt relief after my first injection. I haven't had any side effects. Before Tezspire, I was using my albuterol at least twice a day, sometimes more. I haven't touched my inhaler once since the first injection. I am still taking Singulair and using Trelegy. I've been slacking on the Trelegy. I am going to see about getting off both at my next appointment. Give Tezspire a try. My insurance covers the injection, otherwise, it's pretty expensive."
- AMc...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 27, 2024
For Asthma "I began using after trying a different biological that didn't work for my reoccurring respiratory infections. After the initial month, I immediately noticed a change in my symptoms. My sinus symptoms began to disappear immediately. I began to use my rescue inhaler far less. I haven't had one sinus infection since I started Tezspire."
- Bid...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 6, 2025
For Asthma "Just had the first shot yesterday. I was a little apprehensive, as I have tried numerous puffers and pills over the years. I did try Dupixent late in 2024 without success due to some strong reactions. Last night, a rapid heart rate woke me from my sleep, and it took a little while to get it back to normal. I am not seeing any asthma improvements yet, as some of the other reviews have experienced. I will update my review as time goes on. The heart rate thing has me a little worried, however. Any cardiac contraindications are not listed on the Tezspire website or any written communication. I did an internet search, and one of the first things that popped up was about cardiovascular issues related to taking Tezspire."
More about Tezspire (tezepelumab)
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- Drug class: selective immunosuppressants
- Breastfeeding
For Asthma "After injection, I experienced severe back pain, and pain in other joints began along with numbness and tingling in fingers, severe muscle contractions, balance and fine motor issues, weakness in my gait, and unable to raise arms over head."