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Secukinumab for Plaque Psoriasis User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Cosentyx

Secukinumab has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 109 reviews for the treatment of Plaque Psoriasis. 65% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 24% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Secukinumab

  • Yvette...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 20, 2017

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I have just finished the loading phase and feel that I do have less pain but I feel itchy on my hips yet have no psoriasis there though just itchy skin. I am a diabetic and my blood sugar has become very high and I am having a heck of a time trying to bring it down, I use insulin, I keep taking higher and higher doses of insulin but I am not there yet. This is a worry as diabetes is a gateway disease for so many other diseases. Also, having a lot of pain around my ankles, not sure it is connected also having a creepy crawlies on my face that is annoying. Don't see my Rheumatologist until the end of January to ask him about this stuff."

8 / 10
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  • alli
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 12, 2018

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I started injections on Friday. I've got psoriasis all over body at moment. I took injection out fridge did not inject till room temp but it still stung and burnt. Can anyone help on what to do for comfy injection please :)"

3 / 10
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  • Steph...
  • May 12, 2023

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I took Cosentxy for 6 months for plaque psoriasis. It cleared up about 95%. I was very pleased as I had had it for 15 years. However, I then started having bloody diarrhea 6-10 times a day- misery. I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. My dermatologist told me this side effect is rare. I have noticed that now they have updated their website from "rare" to "can cause IBD." I would have never taken it if is know that. Do not take this drug. It is not worth it. I'm stuck with this disease for life now."

5 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Jackie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 1, 2020

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "Was on Humira for psoriasis plaques on elbows knuckles knees .That was first biologic and was wonderful tho never quite cleared it up. Also I take high doses of adderall and despite adding humira I never had abnormal blood tests. Super annoyed when corona started as apparently my doc office is getting paid off by novartis(cosentyx) bc they called me telling me to switch to cosentyx and stop humira. Pain in the butt but did it. Was going in the following week for my appointment and strangely the doc asked ME why switching? Uh I said you called ME and told me that the tumor suppressant is less broad in cosentyx than humira and I needed to change or take nothing because of covid. He was like hmmm thats interesting as if I'm telling him something when thats what HE was telling me via them calling me. Weird but blew it off"

10 / 10
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  • Mahesh
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 12, 2023

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "It's been 6 months and I am currently on my 10th dose. Very disappointed with the results and currently questioning the massive investment of time and money made not to talk about the stress caused. Very surprised since had read so many positive experiences with this one."

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lydia...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 23, 2023

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I decided to write here to share my experience since I've read a lot of positive reviews on here. On the positive, Cosentyx has 90% cleared my psoriasis which is better than anything I've tried before. I also like the convenience of not having to put lotions/topicals in my hair all the time anymore. Sometimes I will pair it with Clobetasol and my Psoriasis is completely gone. The negative however is pretty much a deal breaker, unfortunately. Like pretty much any injections for Psoriasis, it makes you immuno-compromised which is something I've dealt before in previous injections like Skyrizi. The only thing is that with Cosentyx, one year now on it, the amount of infections I have had has been worst than I've had my whole life. In one year, I've had 2 UTIs, 1 yeast Infection and 3 Sinus Infections. It has been horrible for me personally. Everyone is different but I just wanted to point that out if you want to try Cosentyx. I'm super bummed but I can't justify the trade off."

5 / 10
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  • Isam...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 4, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "Horrible . This company isn't out to help you. They advertise they will help you with the co pay but what they don’t tell you is they will stop it at any time while you are using it and get you stuck with a co medical payment what a disgrace. Patients need to be aware of their malpractice."

1 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Zazzy...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 21, 2017

"I started this product as a clinical patient and have very happy with the results. Before starting this program my legs were red sore and flaking so bad that I didn't even like to wear shorts because of the staring I got from people. It has been 6 years now and I now have one little spot on my shin but I can live with that."

10 / 10
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  • Ricksea
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 1, 2017

"I went on Costentyx after a miscommunication with the amount of time I needed to be off Embril, I started my 5 week dose and continued for 6 months, in that time my psoriasis was completely clear but the side effects were horrendous, hives hotspots breakouts of psoriasis on arms and legs exczema on my hands and feet. The two weeks following my injections I would itch and breakout in hives. The customer support was non existent I managed to find more information from the US support. I fianally went off it in October 2015 and still dealt with the side effects exczema and some itching. I have spoke to the nurse and was not impress with their knowledge of the drug, Embril had a much better support line!"

4 / 10
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  • Cosen...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 14, 2024

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I have been using the double dose (2 - 150 mg injections every 4 weeks) for 4 years. Before Cosentyx, I initially started with phototherapy which was time intensive 2 to 3 times per week. I had a great tan and much reduced plaques. But I started feeling the risk vs reward over time might not be worth it. I started a pill, Otezla. Over time, it didn't do much. Because I also experienced arthritic pain all over along with plaques, I decided to try Cosentyx. Let anyone reading this know, I am very pleased. My symptoms are greatly improved. There was a regression after having Covid. The plaques and pain increased about 50%. Now, it's been about 1-1/2 years since and slowly my symptoms again are much improved. If not for really good insurance, I might not be able to afford this medication. In 2 years after full Medicare kicks in, I may not be able to afford Cosentyx any more. I hope I will be able to continue this more 'normal' life."

9 / 10
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  • Ken
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 20, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I had chronic plaque psoriasis for 35 years. Did all the normal treatments, tar cream and wrap yourself in Saran Wrap at night, cortisone etc., etc. In 2010 I spent 6 months in the Dominican Republic and my psoriasis has been clear for 21 years. No drugs with numerous possible bad side effects. Sun is the cure."

1 / 10
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  • Ladybug
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 16, 2020

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I was diagnosed with both psoriasis and eczema, so the put me on cosentyx. So far I have had 5 injections but not much change yet and now I am getting new spots. I go to the dermatologist in a couple of days so I don't know what she will do next. I have had stomach upset after taking injection my nose runs like a faucet on and off. So we will see . I'm not sure what to think of this drug."

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 20, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "Cosentyx has helped me so much. Before using Cosentyx I tried so many different topical and medications.. nothing worked! I spent over 200 dollars on different products.. still nothing worked. I wanted to shave my head because it was in my scalp. I was embarrassed to go out in public because if I turned my head to fast you could see the skin on my shirt! It was awful.. Cosentyx changed my life! I have not had any issues for over 2 years. It is amazing! Thank you so much Cosentyx you saved me from shaving my head!"

10 / 10
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  • Azalea
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 27, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I used Cosentix for 2 years and started seeing good improvement on my psoriasis after the first 6 weeks but unfortunately didn't clear up my psoriasis 100%. In the lapse of the 2 years, I had psoriasis that never went away on my hands (up side) elbows, a big plaque on my back that remains there until today and a few here and there. After the 2 years of use of Cosentyx Express Script totally denied the approval for another year and Cosentyx lab approved free of charge for 2 years but I got it only for a few months close to the end of last year. Then they asked for another doctor's request after I was approved for 2 years. For the meantime of approval my psoriasis went mad and I am still dealing with it and trying to get the best treatment this time but I am not going to continue with Cosentyx this time. Cosentyx it works, but for me it didn't work as expected."

5 / 10
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  • Vanessa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2023

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "My dermatologist recommended Cosentyx 300mg after another oral psoriatic medication stopped working to clear up my plaque psoriasis and relieve psoriatic psoriasis pain. Thus far, little to no side effects from Cosentyx only a mild headache 2-3 days after the self-administered injection. No new plaques and the current ones are getting flatter."

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  • Ian
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 18, 2023

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I have been taking it now for just over two years and am free from Psoriasis but I do have the side effects of a cough that goes on forever. I can handle the side effects and be free of the condition. As a child, I got chicken pox very badly and the professionals believe that triggered it."

9 / 10
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  • Kimky
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 3, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "15 years my psoriasis has been so bad in my hand, I had fear of loosing it. At times it would smell of infection due to the layers of buildup. Painful and unable to use much of the time. I wore a glove due to unsightlyness. I began with weekly injections x 4 wks and now injections monthly of Cosentyx. I'm in my 8th week of treatment. The benefit has greatly exceeded my wildest expectations. I can see actual skin on my hand first time in over 5 years. Pain I have suffered for 15 years is gone. First time in 5 years I can leave the house without a glove. No side effects noted. I feel I owe my hand to this company which pays most of my treatment cost. From my company representative to my speciality pharmacy, everyone involved keeps check on me to see I'm on the right track. I cannot thank you enough for giving me my hand back after 15 painful, embarrassing years. I would not have believed had I not experienced it. Injections are packaged to be ease of use."

10 / 10
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  • Allie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 25, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "This medication was awful to inject and actually painful. It felt like I’d had a thumb tack poked in my leg. My scalp psoriasis came back it was 100 percent clear prior when I was on Enbrel. By the time I had swapped back to enbrel two weeks back after persevering with Cosentyx for about 3 years my scalp was the worst it’s ever been. Topical medications didn’t touch the huge thick plaques that have reformed. I am missing large patches of hair as well, especially on the back of my head. I don’t know why the dermatologist even changed me to this. I should have changed back sooner. It was not the right medication for me. Super disappointed"

2 / 10
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  • Timbo
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 8, 2023

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I have used Cosentyx for about four years and it really helps my psoriasis on my scalp. I also have joint pain but it does not help that. My scalp has cleared up, but sometimes my head still itches. My mother used to have psoriasis too. I would give Cosentyx two thumbs up for working when all of the other creams and old school stuff my derm used at the time. I had psoriasis for about 20 years before Cosentyx."

8 / 10
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  • Kathy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 11, 2024

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I have been using Cosentyx for 3 months and my skin is almost completely clear. I have had absolutely no side effects and find it very easy to use the injectable pen. This has been a game changer for me!"

10 / 10
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  • Gina...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 26, 2022

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "I used Cosentyx for 6 months, I was hopeful at the start as I noticed a slight improvement after a couple of weeks, it got a little better after a couple of months then started slowly coming back, it also gave me a nasty rash that was an absolute nightmare, I could not stop itching, it was that bad I honestly thought I had scabies, I went to the Doctor who said I was having an allergic reaction so prescribed me anti histamines which I am still taking 3 to 4 a day, depending how bad the itching gets, I saw my dermatologist again this week and I am now going to try Taltz, so I live in hope this one might actually work. I tried methotrexate and etanercept prior to cosentyx, they proved equally as useless for me"

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  • Bridubo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 25, 2019

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "Saw results after 2 days took the 5 weekly startup doses and just took my first monthly dose and I'm better than 80 percent better with no side effects."

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  • sintf...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 7, 2019

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "Side effects of cosentyx are 50 times worse than actual plaque psoriasis"

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  • kleem
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 13, 2019

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "After 5 other costly biologics and 35 years of plaques and swollen joint within 3 days felt better. A blessing from God"

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  • Aiden
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 2, 2020

Cosentyx (secukinumab) "This medication caused me serious bowel complications. My primary care physician took me off the medication immediately. I've been free of bowel issues since that time."

2 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.