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Fetzima User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Fetzima has an average rating of 5.0 out of 10 from a total of 196 reviews on 36% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 44% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fetzima

  • Asdfjkl
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 22, 2018

For Depression "I started on 20mg if Fetzima for one week and am now on second week at 40mg. Fetzima is NOT FOR ME, as side effects thus far include insomnia, major mood swings, uncontrollable crying over ???, tingling of body, heart pounding, muscle aches and redness of eyes, eyelids and skin around eyes. Using my facial lotions—which never bothered me pre-Fetzima—results in a burning sensation on skin. I also have constant ringing in ears, head rushes, and pre-seizure-like auras (I’ve had a few med-related seizures in the past). Feel angry and irritated like never before. I yelled at another driver (not that he could hear or see me), calling him an ** idiot. I rarely swear so this was quite a sign of “me not being me.” THAT SAID, I’m going to speak w/MD and cease further Fetzima intake pronto."

1 / 10
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  • Scott
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 27, 2019

For Depression "Tried many antidepressants. SNRI are far superior to all SSRI for my MDD, but at the higher recommended dosages. Effexor XR at 225mg had been the best fairly better than Pristiq and much better than Welbutrin. Won't take Cymbalta or any other hepatic side effects possibilities. Did try in for 6 weeks with no improvement. My insurance covers Fetzima 40mg not much help 80mg vast improvements and 120mg first 2 weeks no difference after that 15 to 20% improvement. Wellbutrin no help. Zoloft importance and no help after 4 weeks so no go. My advice try Effexor XR and don't give up on it until 4 weeks at 225mg. Especially if SSRI aren't working. I had no known side effects at any listed does and been on antidepressants for 17 years"

8 / 10
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  • depee...
  • April 9, 2015

For Depression "Didn't help my anxiety at all although it does have serotonin in it. However, did help me see reality a bit clearer and begin to feel good emotoons again. Sadly had to get off of it because it caused an allergic reaction after four days with hives and itching. Also made me feel foggy brained, shame after spending $87 on a months worth and having to quit after four days."

6 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Nickn...
  • December 10, 2015

For Major Depressive Disorder "By the afternoon of the first day I started Fetzima, my lymph nodes were swollen and tender to touch. It feels like it just keeps getting worse. I'm now on my 3rd day and have pressure in my face and ear. I thought it was a cold, but after reading some of the posts, I think it may be related to the Fetzima because I have no other "cold" symptoms. So, I figured I would share my experience so far it case someone else has experienced the same thing."

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  • Paulf...
  • November 25, 2016

For Depression "I too have experienced a lot of loss especially with my divorce. I started up on the Fetzima recently and I'm experiencing fairly persistent symptoms of nausea. I was at 40 mg, but I'm finding that I am having to titrate, because I just can't take the effects of the nausea. I'm trying to stick it out, perhaps go down to 20 mg a day and see where I'm at at this point. I've also tried many medications, and I'm feeling extremely frustrated and somewhat hopeless. Have other people had similar experiences on this medication as far as getting over the hump of nausea? There just doesn't seem to be a lot of options."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Tish
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 24, 2018

For Major Depressive Disorder "Well my wellbutrin stopped working after 4 yrs. Explained as tolerance. Switched onto Fetzima for 1+ yr. First 5 days, I took a lot of naps, dizziness, nausea, and surprisingly constipation. By week 2, it subsided and mood was better, but not fantastic. Fetzima was a crutch..cuz I was functional and could get around but not as well as I used to. But without this crutch I would be hopping around, if not immobilized so to speak. It did it's job..just nothing special. Better on it than off of it. But depression is back now. I don't recommend fetzima, but if it works, it works. Give it a chance. Wait 2-3 weeks to see how u feel. I tapered off it n I start back on Wellbutrin today (which for ME has been the best med I've ever taken). Best of luck. Remember each individual has a unique brain chemistry, so meds are always trial and error. If you don't like it, tell your doc and don't be afraid to switch, just heed warning to withdrawals and taper off accordingly."

6 / 10
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  • Rebs
  • April 10, 2017

For Major Depressive Disorder "This is the second time I have taken Fetzima ER and have been on it for 9 months. I quit the first time due to not being able to afford it. I have MDD, anxiety disorder, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and BPD. I take the 40mg a day. At first, when I started Fetzima, I was happy, almost euphoric and my depression and most of my anxiety completely disappeared. Recently, within the past couple months, my rage has returned, I'm easily agitated and highly irritable, I have had to take my Klonopin daily for extreme anxiety, my personality has changed, and my depression has gotten much worse to the point where I cry several times a day and feel hopeless. I'm not sure whether I need to decrease or increase or try something else at this point."

5 / 10
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  • south...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 22, 2016

For Major Depressive Disorder "I believe this medicine is making me more agitated. I am in pain as I am waiting to have knee replacement in a month, but I did not act this way with my first knee pain which lead to knee replacement. I am acting so extremely different, crying, cussing, being ashamed, sharply irritated, over and over. I say and think the ugliest things, then I'll cry over a commercial or something out if the blue. I feel like I'm going crazy. I believe part of this is due to my doctor instructing me to abruptly stop taking cymbalta 30 (was low level bc I have increased liver enzymes) to Fetizma 40. No tapering down from Cymbalta or ramping up on Fetizma. I have taken Cymbalta for years. Could this be it? If so, when will it end."

4 / 10
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  • Woman
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2018

For Depression "Trying this for depression, nothing major, lost my motivation and enjoyment for the usual things. Horrible vomiting a few hours after first 20 mg. Pharmacy says try Gravol with it. Tried it for 12 days, had Chills; my extremities are frozen, feet, nose and hands like blocks of ice. Nausea is debilitating, I felt exhausted 24/7. So I stopped for 5 days to allow the nausea to go away. Tried again after 5 days of break. Day one okay, days 2, 3, 4, and 5 the nausea is back and overwhelming. As soon as I try to get mobile the nausea sets in. Sleep is non existent. I don’t think this drug is for me. Back to the doctor I go."

1 / 10
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  • JTK
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2016

For Major Depressive Disorder "Started on Fetzima 20mg and increased to 80mg over two weeks time. Expected some weird feelings while coming off one med and starting another, but did not anticipate the horrible side effects that happened. By the time I got to 80mg, my GI tract was raw from mouth to anus. I am now on a PPI to repair my stomach. I also experienced dizziness, eye pain, blurred vision, sadness, forgetfulness, and weird dreams. I saw no benefit from this drug and am currently titrating off under doctor's supervision."

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  • Devdev
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 12, 2017

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have taken fetzima for 16 months and I have had mostly ups and some downs.The ups: fetzima has helped my social anxiety and with feeling worthless. Before fetzima, anytime I would get around a lot of people it was like I went into a brain fog and couldn't think. After fetzima, the best way I can describe it is, I can feel my anxiety starting and the feeling of it building up, but then it stops; it doesn't develop into wanting to retreat and be alone. I feel like I can do things that I mentally couldn't before fetzima. The downs: there have been times it seemed like it stopped working, as long as a month at a time. Early on I got nauseous which lasted about a year.I take adderall too, and I realized what time of day I take both matters as well."

8 / 10
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  • Jamie...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 18, 2017

For Major Depressive Disorder "After taking this medicine for six months now I feel much better I have a lot more energy I could think more clear. However when I first started it I had headaches for the first month and still to this day I sweat excessively but it's worth the side effects to know that my head is clear and my anxiety is half of what it used to be."

8 / 10
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  • The...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 1, 2019

For Major Depressive Disorder "After being on literally every other SSRI and SNRI available, I’ve realized that SNRIs are better for me. I tried them all before coming to Fetzima and I when I started it I finally felt like WOW, this is the one. I didn’t experience any nausea, but I did have a strange testicular pain as I have seen others mention. Not really a pain, but more like if you were standing out in freezing weather naked 24/7. Which is probably why it is very closely related to the number one side effect and reason I stopped taking it. Premature Ejaculation. Which is odd for two reasons: 1. Typically SSRI/SNRI cause the opposite (which was true for me), and 2: I have yet to find one other account of this happening. Anyway, I felt amazing mentally, perfect almost, but these two symptoms caused me to go off and then back to it 4 times in 3 years."

7 / 10
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  • Justw...
  • November 10, 2016

For Depression "I have suffered from hereditary clinical depression for several years. The death of my mother, two loved animals (horse and dog), a divorce that is endless and painful, have all added to my depression, and a new doctor prescribed Fetzima. Now I feel totally insane. My stomach hurts every time I eat; my heart pounds to the point that I wonder if I should go to an ER almost every day; I can't fall asleep and when I do I have stressful nightmares (never had bad dreams before); and every day I feel an anger and rage that makes no sense at all. I have to remind myself to take a deep breath and not act out this new mean personality on my dogs or my friends. No matter what my doctor's opinion, this poison stops tomorrow."

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  • Deemee
  • September 13, 2019

"My doc prescribed Fetzima 10 mg for my Generalized anxiety disorder and said I’d feel better in 4 weeks. I couldn’t make it past 4 days on this drug. I quickly started feeling extreme depression and I don’t even have depression, I cried constantly for days on end, I felt no emotion or connection to the things I enjoyed, and the moment that scared me the most was when I started having paranoid thoughts about my husband. I thought that he was the “enemy” I couldn’t think straight at all, I actually had a hard time formulating sentences and I felt drunk. My vision was blurry. I eventually told my husband if I don’t stop this medication I didn't now what could happen as I had became really worried about myself and he supported me stopping immediately. About 12 hrs after stopping I actually began to feel emotion coming back. I also had weird tingling feelings through out my body while on the medication as well. Have someone with you monitoring you. "

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  • bthom...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 30, 2017

For Major Depressive Disorder "Fetzima has to be the worst drug I've ever taken for my depression. I had been on moderate doses of Prozac for 8 years prior until the drug no longer affected me beneficially. The fetzima had positive effects at first, but I think it was a placebo effect. A month into taking the drug I still felt depression and frequently spaced out/felt a mental fog. The physical symptoms also presented themselves. I began to have frequent urgencies to urinate but could not. Always a false alarm. A few week later I developed a clear discharge which I thought was the result of an STD. My results came back negative for all STDs. I have been off the drug for about two months and all side effects are no longer present."

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  • Cloudy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 22, 2019

For Major Depressive Disorder "After over 25 years on every major antidepressant there is, I would find after a few years it stopped working. So this time my Doctor suggested Fetzima. I took 20mg first 2 days then 40mg for a week, now been on 80mg for 4 days. Although my mood is better for the most part I’m so nauseous and constipated I don’t think I can continue this. I see my doctor next week, in the meantime I’m going to go back down to 40mg. Disappointed as I has high hopes for this one."

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  • Kelly...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 29, 2017

For Major Depressive Disorder "Another fail. I had the opposite side effects as most people though. I was drained. I was the opposite of constipated. I got chills/goosebumps, but painful ones. I had some sweats, but mostly painful goosebumps. I already feel like crap with depression. I don't need another medicine to make me feel worse. Cymbalta had a similar effect on me. I was sick and drained. Effexor didn't have that issue, just some nausea and I did feel energized, but it would take me 10 minutes to urinate. Fetzima was my 20th antidepressant. I am looking into a clinical trial of ECT and Ketamine. I am over those useless medicines. I can't believe this garbage retails for 400/mo. I got it at no cost with the savings card for the first month."

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  • smort...
  • December 6, 2015

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on and off different antidepressant meds for years. I started Fetzima at 20 and ramped up to 160. Couldn't really tell much difference. I also take 400 mg Wellbutrin twice a day and Deplin (supposed to help stuff cross the blood brain barrier). I was only on Fetzima a few months (3-4?) with questionable improvement. Have now weaned completely off and now starting LIthium. Starting with 300 mg but will eventuall be at 900 mg. Changed Wellbutrin to name brand (NOT generic) 300 mg SR daily along with the Deplin. I just need something to help soon. I have been fighting this for so long, and I am almost at the end of my rope. I have been unemployed over a year, which just adds to the stress and strain."

3 / 10
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  • DoJo...
  • November 14, 2015

For Major Depressive Disorder "Was only able to manage a week on on this drug.. 40mg. The side effects where pretty intense and intolerable. Cold sweats, nausea, headaches, and sexual dysfunction where very strong. Maybe some other less noticeable side effects as well, didn't stay on long enough to pinpoint. I did not notice any benefits during my brief use. I am also taking buproprion and did not adjust my dose after starting fetzima.. which I now realize I should have considered. Fetzima has a 1:2 seretonin:norepinephrine reuptake inhibition ratio, most SNRI have between 20:1 to 5:1, so Fetzima is fairly unique and probably could have replaced my ssri and buproprion. Found something new and wont be trying again, the side effect were just too bad."

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  • Brett
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 18, 2015

For Major Depressive Disorder "Tried this med after failure with a few other drugs (paxil, lexapro, remeron, prozac, buspar). Figured since I really wasn't tolerating the SSRIs that maybe I had a dopamine or norepinephrine problem. I have anxious depression. Could only tolerate this medication for about a week and a half and I consider myself pretty strong and able to suck it up since these meds take time to work. My sleep became terrible (nightmares, even if I did sleep) and I was super anxious, dizzy, and shaky all day. Week and a half and I had to call it quits. Would not recommend this if you have anxiety but then again, some people get anxiety relief from similar norepinephrine drugs (Wellbutrin or Pristiq). Not for me. Oh, and the cost was insane. $300/mo"

2 / 10
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  • 323de...
  • September 28, 2016

For Major Depressive Disorder "I was diagnosed with Depression when I was 14 years old. Now that I'm 22 I decided to take control. I was basically a guinea pig by trying all sorts of different medicines to help me feel better. I was just recently diagnosed with anxiety and also PTSD. I started to talk to my doctor after my episode and she put me on Fetzima. At first when I started it it made me sick and nauseous and I was constantly so tired. She helped level the medicine out and put me on Wellbutrin to help keep me less tired. With these medicines,I have been on them for 2 months and I can honestly say I feel normal again. I still have negative thoughts but they only last a few seconds. I love Fetzima. It has seriously changed my life for the better."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 16, 2016

For Major Depressive Disorder "My experience with Fetzima has been terrible. I have never had so many side effects in my life with a medication. At 20 miligrams I felt a little sick to my stomach. After two days the Dr. told me to increase to 40. I felt more sick and then got a bad head ache. The pharmacist said this should go away after a couple of weeks. In about a week I started throwing up and sweating along with the head ache. My doctor told me to reduce the miligrams to 20 again. I didn't feel any better. Now I have gone off it after 2 weeks and 3 days. It's been another 4 days and I'm still deathly ill. Hopefully this will go away soon. The medication started to help the depression and anxiety but I can't live with the side effects."

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  • ch1982
  • November 28, 2017

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on every antidepressant made, it seems. This is the best one by far. Everyone noticed a significant difference within less than a week. I was up to 120mg a day due to my extreme anxiety and not able to leave my house. The 120mg had everything under control and I wasn't even having to take my xanax, but my doctor felt I had began to become "flat". He dropped me back down to 80mg and now all of my anxiety, irritability, inability to focus, have came back worse! I actually have a call in to him to see is I can go back up to 120mg. Even with the issues I am having now since my dosage was reduced, I still think this has been the best medicine I have taken."

10 / 10
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  • Luna
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 12, 2019

For Major Depressive Disorder "One of the only medications that has helped me with my depression with out making me feel exhausted or like a zombie. Needing to do something for anxiety on the side as well since it doesn't help much if at all with anxiety. But overall have had a lot more good days on Fetzima. My mood is a lot more stable and generally a lot more good days."

8 / 10
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13 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.