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Ibandronate for Osteoporosis User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Boniva

Ibandronate has an average rating of 3.2 out of 10 from a total of 88 reviews for the treatment of Osteoporosis. 19% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 72% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Ibandronate

  • Lynn
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 22, 2019

Boniva (ibandronate) "I took one Boniva pill and suffered severe joint pain. At first, I could hardly walk, but as time passed, the pain has settled into my right knee, which hurts most of the time. I took the drug 22 days ago, and the pain is still there. I do not know how long it will last."

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43 Report
  • Lizzy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 4, 2019

Boniva (ibandronate) "Reading so many negative reviews made me want to respond. I took my first dose of Boniva for osteoporosis 2 days ago. The first day I felt completely fine. That night I suffered from mild joint pain and chills. I slept most of the day yesterday, which worried me and made me consider not taking the second dose, because how does one work all day feeling like that? (Luckily I teach and am off for the summer...) Today I feel back to normal, so please know that symptoms do seem to go away quickly. Hope it stays this way for the second dose!"

5 / 10
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44 Report
  • Iverj...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 24, 2019

Boniva (ibandronate) "If you are considering this drug, be advised: I took my first and last Boniva oral tablet on 8/20/19. Today is 8/24, and it is my first day without a severe headache, chills, and fever between 100.5 and 101.2. I had stomach cramps with any food or drink. I felt like I had been poisoned. The drug insert tells you about 'flu-like symptoms', however, it fails to tell you that you may run a fever for four days. My body's reaction said it all. Not worth the risk! I plan on taking the nutritional route."

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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 11, 2017

Boniva (ibandronate) "After taking this drug for the past 4 years, my femur broke while I was walking. I fell and could not get up. There was no trauma causing this fall. I now find it takes an average of 8.5 months to heal, and healing may not be complete and pain-free."

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49 Report
  • OldAv...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • December 23, 2016

Boniva (ibandronate) "Got a call from my rheumatologist today advising that my recent bone density test showed no improvement in my osteoporosis. I've been taking Boniva, 150 mg tablet, monthly for five (5) years. Have had a few side effects with the drug but nothing that has been troublesome to the extent that I wanted to discontinue the therapy. My rheumatologist now wants me to discontinue Boniva and try a different drug. Needless to say, I was disappointed in having spent five years taking a drug that was not beneficial. C'est la vie."

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52 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Ann
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 1, 2020

Boniva (ibandronate) "After taking alendronate weekly for about a year, had to stop because of indigestion. Two years later, started taking Boniva (took the generic). Took it once a month for 11 months and again experienced indigestion. After stopping it, it took a couple of weeks for the indigestion to go away, but then I started feeling sick when I was hungry. Very tired, no energy, etc. Diagnosed with gastritis caused by the drug. I will never take it again and will have to find a drug-free way to manage my osteoporosis."

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30 Report
  • Kano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2018

Boniva (ibandronate) "I can’t say how effective it is. I've just taken my first pill yesterday. Started with lack of appetite, then a day later, back pain, joint pain, chills, and a temp of 100 with flu-like symptoms. Been in bed most of the day. I don’t think it’s worth feeling this bad. The other meds for osteoporosis all have the same side effects. For anyone that has experienced these side effects, how long does it last?"

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41 Report
  • Piper
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 11, 2018

Boniva (ibandronate) "Yesterday I took my first Boniva tablet. I had gotten up and took the pill with a glass of water as directed. I timed my 60 minutes before I could take anything else. I was standing and walked my dog. Within 15 minutes, I felt a reflux and felt weak and light-headed, so I went home and had a smaller glass of water. I remained upright sitting for 2 hours. I continued to sit upright until 4 PM. I felt like I had the flu: weak, nauseated, light-headed, and chills. I took a nap from 4-7 PM. When I got up, I felt better with only feeling still weak. Today I woke up feeling fine but have had loose stools all day. I have not yet spoken to my Dr. But I won't take Boniva a second time. I don't want to spend 2 days feeling ill. I will try other recommendations from my Dr."

3 / 10
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39 Report
  • lafera
  • December 18, 2012

Boniva (ibandronate) "I tried weekly Boniva and had severe flu symptoms each time, and I had to stop taking it. That was approximately 1 year ago. Now, I'm taking it once monthly. I thought it was okay, no flu, but I'm having diarrhea and pain in my upper thigh after taking it twice. I just had the 3rd one yesterday, and the diarrhea is bad."

3 / 10
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63 Report
  • Julire
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 28, 2019

Boniva (ibandronate) "Don't know why I didn't see reviews earlier. Been on Boniva for about 2 years now. I also experience skeletal pain for a few days after I take the tablet. What I have never considered up until now is that my hip pain could be a result of taking Boniva, but reading these reviews it is possible."

3 / 10
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32 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 19, 2019

Boniva (ibandronate) "My side effects from Boniva caused me pain, money, and aggravation. Two days into the first month, I had severe face, ear, and neck pain. This lasted for 5 days! The second month, I experienced the same face, ear, and neck pain, accompanied by toothache on both sides of my upper and lower back teeth. I awoke two nights grinding my teeth to the point that one tooth broke off. I did not take Boniva for the 3rd month; however, several days into the month, I noticed that one of my back teeth that I had experienced pain during the two months of Boniva treatment had loosened and raised from the gum. When I finally got a dentist appointment, I had to have one tooth extracted and am due for a 2nd extraction. I will never take Boniva again. This drug cost me $800 dental work! I forgot to say that all of my bones ached as if I had the flu. I was stiff and I felt fatigued. The fatigue lasted for 1 week."

2 / 10
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31 Report
  • jeffr...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 18, 2024

Boniva (ibandronate) "I’m 65 years old, had a knee replacement in February of 2023 and have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I couldn't tolerate Fosamax, so I went on Boniva in mid-November of 2022 - so I've been on it for 1 year and 2 months. During this entire time over these thirteen months, I have frequent periods of dizziness and disorientation. Recently, over the last several weeks I have developed severe neuropathy in my right shoulder and my right arm down through my hand. Therefore, I have decided to suspend taking Boniva for four to six months to see if these debilitating symptoms get better due to the side effects listed in this review. I plan to go back to Boniva by mid-spring of 2024. I will keep you updated on my progress in this review text chain."

6 / 10
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7 Report
  • aZGirl
  • May 25, 2021

Boniva (ibandronate) "I have taken Ibandronate (Boniva) for 4 months. The first month I did pretty well. The second month started showing some side effects, upset stomach, loss of appetite. The 3 rd month I got a terrible headache within 45 minutes of taking it. Then it seems like a cloud was coming over. I looked outside but there was no clouds. The headache and vision problems lasted over two weeks. Also I was dizzy. The fourth month (and FINAL) I feel so horrible. Along with all the other side effects now my heart rate has increased, my blood pressure is elevated, nervousy feeling inside like I'm shaking, I feel like I've been poisoned. I went to my eye Dr just to have him check my eyes because I have glaucoma. He said my eyes look fine but I still have the headache and vision issues. All these symptoms let up a little but then come right back again. Today is the 23rd day since I took the 4th dose. I'm just hoping I can purge this out of my system soon! Never again will I take this."

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23 Report
  • Upset
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 16, 2020

Boniva (ibandronate) "I have been on Boniva since 2016 with calcium supplements. Had my 3rd bone density in November 2019, bone decreased more. Had a spine fracture last summer, no apparent reason why. No falls. Now, Dr. wants me on once-a-day injections that still no guarantee it will work."

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29 Report
  • Blondie
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 27, 2020

Boniva (ibandronate) "This is the worst pill I ever took. I followed directions, and after taking the pill for a while, I would wake up in the middle of the night and start vomiting. At first, I thought I was getting a cold. I got up in the morning and felt fine until I started to eat. I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to see my doctor, and it turns out it was Boniva that was causing it, and the reason my food wasn’t going down was due to thickening of the throat. I had to get my throat stretched five times and now have acid reflux. I have to take three antacid pills a day now. Shame they produce such dangerous meds."

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28 Report
  • Miranda...
  • February 2, 2018

Boniva (ibandronate) "I started my first pill last Friday morning. All day Friday I felt good. Saturday morning I woke up with severe sternum pain and pain around my lower ribs. I hurt so bad I called the clinic. They said it was one of the side effects and just alternate between Tylenol and Motrin for the rest of the day. My hips hurt, my knee hurt, and from 9 AM to 1 PM (4 hours) I had horrible chills and my hands felt ice cold. By nighttime my arm bones hurt. Sunday my lower back started to hurt. Motrin again. Monday arms ached all day. Tuesday felt better. I never had the diarrhea. I'm surprised how many women said the same thing about the horrible sternum pain. My doctor says the next dose won't be so bad...wondering if I should even do a next dose. My mother is badly stooped over and I want to avoid that but am having second thoughts about this medication."

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36 Report
  • Duchess
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 11, 2019

Boniva (ibandronate) "I took one dose on Saturday morning. I followed the instructions given and had no problems the first day. I woke up early Sunday morning with terrible stomach pain, absolute exhaustion, and pain all over. I don't know if I will try it again....Hoping I can manage to get out of bed tomorrow to go to work."

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26 Report
  • Miranda...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 2, 2018

Boniva (ibandronate) "Ok. I went ahead and took the second round. I had no side effects this time. Honestly, I was very nervous considering what I went through the first time, but I had no problems. It must be working because I usually take Motrin or Tylenol for back pain several times a day, every day. I only had to take Motrin twice all month, and my back fractures haven't bothered me nearly as much. Hopefully, the Boniva is doing some good now. :) (Also, the doc put me on 3,000 mg of calcium /day)."

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28 Report
  • Ann...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 4, 2023

Boniva (ibandronate) "I was prescribed Boniva in June, 2022 and had bad diarrhea the next morning and joint pain the next several days. So then my doctor put me on Fosamax and I had diarrhea and developed burping for several months. I had never burped in my life that I can recall but would burp 30-40 times a day. My doctor said she had never heard of that but I found a study being done on the internet. So then, she put me in a Actonel and I had diarrhea for 2 days and overall bad feeling. Then she put me back in Boniva to try again and I had bad diarrhea and joint pain. I don't like any of it - I just might take my chances and not take any meds for osteoporosis- sigh."

2 / 10
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10 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 27, 2009

Boniva (ibandronate) "Boniva has helped me with my T-score of 3.8, which is very severe. I was prescribed the drug Nurtin for migraine headaches, which drained calcium from bones. Boniva I.V. has worked over one year to build bones. Mild side effect."

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46 Report
  • Dina
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 6, 2022

Boniva (ibandronate) "Having DEXA scans once a year for the past 5 years (age 57). The first scan showed Osteopenia. Took Calcium supplement but developed calcification in shoulder bone . Next year the DEXA scan shows improvement. Year after that, and following first two doses of COVID vaccine, DEXA shows Osteoporosis! Dr. prescribes Boniva and says I need to start it right away. Took my first pill in the morning following all the directions (on an empty stomach, can't lie down for at least an hour after taking it). Feeling fine all day until late in the evening when I started feeling a little light headed so went to bed. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling absolutely horrible. Cold sweat, diarrhea, vomiting, uncontrollable chills and back pain that felt like an electric current was passing through me when I tried to walk. This lasted for a few hours. Next day I was absolutely drained & just wanted to sleep. Never took the drug again."

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10 Report
  • Hope
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 19, 2023

Boniva (ibandronate) "Fine for the first 3 months, 4th dose caused headache, face flushing, upset stomach, major abdomen swelling. Side effects lasted for two weeks. Went to my primary care doctor and got diagnosed with gastritis. Was told it is very common with this medication."

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8 Report
  • Healthy...
  • March 18, 2022

Boniva (ibandronate) "I started Boniva 3 months ago when diagnosed with osteoporosis. Before taking it, although quite active, I had a constant dull, nagging pain in both hips. That pain has stopped. I feel great but am really watching for side effects. My only symptom has been that my sight has become a little blurry. If I get some of the symptoms others complain about I will stop. I am considering taking the pill every other month instead of every month. I have begun walking more and also am now eating plant based estrogen in ground flax seeds (I put it in my cereal) and true yams (not those orange sweet potato type) to help my body heal itself. Some say the loss of estrogen is what contributes to bone loss, so after studying this, figured I'd give it a try! I wish good health to you all."

8 / 10
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11 Report
  • AZGirl
  • August 14, 2021

Boniva (ibandronate) "I took Boniva (Ibandronate Sodium) for 4 times. Feb, March, April, May 2021 It is now the 14th of August 2021 and I am still not feeling well. This drug is feel like a poison. The first month I just had a tummy ache for the first hour or so and a headache. then the next month, I got a headache and feelings of unease. third time it affected my eyes like a cloud was coming over me and made my eyes blurry, increased my anxiety. Also my heart rate increased and so did my blood pressure. The fourth and final month everything just got worse. Severe anxiety, shaky, heart rate, BP, headache, blurry eyes... it is taking a very long time to get it out of my body. I have lost weight. I'm praying I will be healed. NEVER again will I take any osteoporosis drugs. I also tried Evista which made my legs hurt horrible. Don't take it. Just don't take it. Eat a healthy diet, exercise and do some weights and walking, jumping, etc."

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12 Report
  • mother...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 30, 2022

Boniva (ibandronate) "One year of taking it. First loss of appetite. Then few months later back pain at night. Leg cramps. Then some throat/easophagus pain. Feeling of food getting stuck. Worsening insomnia. 24.09 Gastroscope for diagnosis. 04.10 Boniva. Few days later 0 appetite, trouble swallowing. Everything is worsening with each day. Ar. 20.10 flulike symptoms. Fever. 30.10 still horrible pain swallowing and vomitting, only blended food goes through. On fluid IV now. we might end up in the hospital."

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8 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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