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Fluorouracil topical User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Brand names: Efudex, Carac, Tolak, Fluoroplex, Efudex Occlusion Pack

Fluorouracil topical has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 295 reviews on 68% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fluorouracil topical

  • Nina
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 8, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "I had a very tiny split on the side of my nose that wouldn’t heal. It was BCC. It was surgically removed. One of the most horrible experiences, emotionally. I used Efudex a year ago for a spot that appeared on my chest. It worked well, although painful and itchy. I am now using it on my forehead, nose, and upper lip area. I was shocked at how many spots appeared! Extremely painful when touched, but otherwise just a little itchy on occasion. I am grateful for all the comments here... it gives me courage to keep going. Week 2..."

7 / 10
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55 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 1, 2018

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Keratosis "I have been using Efudex now for two weeks. I have been putting my regular moisturizer on every day, and my skin stays soft. I use pure shea butter. I am having a little itching, but it's not bad. I thought users might try shea butter to help keep the area moist."

7 / 10
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65 Report
  • wheeler...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "I was prescribed Efudex for basal carcinoma on my leg. Used twice a day for 3 weeks. Excellent result. Now 6 weeks on and just left with a red area which I assume will fade with time. I was also told to treat AK on my face, used cream once a day for 4 weeks (stopped 3 days short). As with other comments made, I was not informed by the doctor that I would look absolutely monstrous. Immediate reddening of the entire face, followed by scabbing. Still at the scabbing stage. I could get a part in a horror movie. The cream seemed to migrate towards my eyes where I had not applied it. Would I have used Efudix if I had known what I would look like - probably wouldn’t have had the courage as people stare when I am out and about. Determined to continue with my life as normal. Think it’s better than it turning into cancer at a later stage. I await the results with bated breath, although I think this may be many months away."

7 / 10
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52 Report
  • Philp...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 16, 2017

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Skin Cancer "At 65 years old and a lifetime in the sun and numerous treatments including surgery, cryotherapy, etc., the doctor said I would have to use Efudex on my whole face as I had untold AKs plus Bowen's Disease. I was told it was a 'brutal' treatment. He was right. All I can say is that this treatment was the most painful experience of my life. By week two, I was in agony but forced myself to continue with the three-week treatment. A word of warning: under no circumstances get this stuff on your genitals. I did, and it was agonizing. The pain was so intense it sent me into depression for 3 months. Results were excellent, however, I have no regrets."

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • Jules...
  • July 30, 2019

For Basal Cell Carcinoma "I'm an 'efudex veteran,' having applied the cream to different areas of my sun-damaged face four times in the last 5 years. I've found it very effective in accomplishing what it's supposed to do. The cream does sting and burn for about ten days, but I find the discomfort manageable. Those planning to use this should recognize that the affected area will be somewhat larger than the area that is treated - apparently, the med travels subdermally to neighboring tissues. Also, recognize that for at least 1-2 weeks you will look like hell - take this into account if you need to deal with the public (or closely with colleagues) as part of your work. Once you've developed a nice crust on top of your skin and it's turned brown, apply Vaseline liberally - you will find that you can slide the dead cells off your skin, which is a somewhat gross yet pleasant sensation since it means you're heading to the endpoint of the treatment. Good luck!"

9 / 10
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54 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Rudolf
  • December 20, 2019

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Basal Cell Carcinoma "I was prescribed this cream to treat BCC on my nose. I had a red spot with suspected basal cell carcinoma. My dermatologist wanted me to treat my entire nose to get any spots that hadn't emerged yet. I put it on twice daily for two weeks. It took about a week for anything to happen, but then the spot turned red. Soon my entire nose turned pink. At day 14, my nose was red, with purple areas, blisters, and depressions. I had to put Vaseline on it to tolerate the pain. It felt like someone had burned my face with a hot iron. The skin was pulled taut, and I was afraid of scarring. It has been 8 weeks since the application stopped. It is still a little pink. Unfortunately, it did not get my spot, it is not superficial enough. The cream's redness lasts longer for me than I anticipated. It was an 8-week process for me, and I still have a pink nose. Hope it isn't permanent."

8 / 10
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50 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 3, 2009

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Keratosis "I ended up in the hospital with a very serious allergic reaction to Efudex. Started with nausea and diarrhea, went into hives, swelling in my lips, mouth, all over my body. I have been out of the hospital for a week, my voice is still hoarse, I still have a rash, not feeling well at all. I'm on Prednisone to counteract the allergic reaction."

1 / 10
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116 Report
  • SunBaby
  • February 23, 2014

For Keratosis "I was a 'beach baby', dropped off at the beach although high school us girls would plaster ourselves with baby oil and sun in our hair, spent time in sun tanning beds to get that California tan, but here I am 56 years old going through treatment. Like everyone here, yes it is itchy and unsightly to be seen in public. Feels like falling on asphalt scraped on your face, but it gets better. I finished treatment worried I was going to be left with a pinkish red scar across my forehead but from the time it started drying out and became itchy and rough like a bad sunburn I used Neosporin 'cream' with pain medication on it during the day and at night used Neosporin gel and little by little the pinkness is going away and it's only been a week!"

8 / 10
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89 Report
  • Zakatan
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 4, 2017

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Keratosis "I have applied it for three weeks, once a day. I increased it to twice this last week. My face is quite red and sore, and I am amazed at how many spots have come out. I will continue for a few more days. This site has encouraged me. I wasn't sure whether to keep going."

8 / 10
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66 Report
  • Red...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 20, 2015

For Keratosis "In week 3 of Efudex treatment and my skin is still raw and peeling, though less than at day 14. I applied it twice daily for two weeks; I personally could not have gone one more day past day 14. The first week was not too bad without much noticeable effect. Week 2 was a different story. My skin, especially on my lower forehead, nose, and cheek area adjacent to my nose, became extremely red and raw, like a severe sunburn. Also behind my ears and in the folds of my neck. I found it difficult both physically and mentally to apply more cream to those areas because of the pain. My doctor says everything looks excellent. Applying a prescribed cortisone cream now, but fading is very slow. Best I can offer is hang in there."

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81 Report
  • TJ Fly
  • September 5, 2015

For Keratosis "This was well worth doing. I initially did my face, and a year later, I am back doing my scalp to finish the process - should have done it all at once. It completely removed all brown spots and left my skin looking 15 years younger. It took three weeks before my skin started 'smoldering,' but it wasn't more painful than a sunburn. Looked very red, and I worked from home for about a week. This worked beyond my dermatologist's and my best-case scenario. Awesome!"

10 / 10
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77 Report
  • cowgi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2019

For Skin Cancer "I am on day 14. I am doing my whole face at once. Luckily, I work from home because it looks terrible. I refuse to go out in public, that is why I am doing the treatment in January. I did not realize how much damage was on my face until I started the treatment. I started out by putting it all over my face, then, once it attacked the 'bad' spots, I just put it on the areas needed (which is my whole forehead, nose, and some of my cheeks and chin). My skin feels tight and really dry, with some scabbing. Very slight burning, no pain. After 14 days, it feels like it is taking forever, and it does not look as though it will heal anytime soon. So, be prepared for a long process."

10 / 10
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53 Report
  • Madpeg
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 9, 2019

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Keratosis "Been using Efudex for 3 weeks now, applying it nightly on a small spot on the left cheek. The area of skin has been scaly, now really red and has spread to double the size. I have stopped applying it as the soreness has gone and will wait a month to see if it clears. The treatment gave me a funny taste, dicky tummy, and terrible itching on my back for ten minutes after a bath or shower. Scored 5 at the moment because my cheek looks a mess with the redness, but hope it will clear over the coming weeks. Applying Sudocrem, hope it helps!"

6 / 10
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48 Report
  • Sano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "I chose to apply my treatment over 2 periods separated by 6 months. Half of the face and right arm this time and in 6 months will do the other half. 53 years old, Scottish descent, growing up in Queensland, Australia. Too late to chip my parents about that. Skin: Fitzpatrick Type 1. I had a good (severe) reaction within 3 days, applying three times per day against the advice of 2 times per day. Within 1 week, yellowish crusting, weeping, etc. kept it up for two weeks in total, then stopped and another 2 weeks to recover. Good result. Pain intense, and I was fortunate enough to have a GP that prescribed some decent painkillers and a mild sedative (5 mg Diazepam) to help me get through the night. Tried to persevere without the drugs, but they proved to be a godsend. Would recommend to do this treatment in Winter and off work or working from home. (Trivial note: started treatment at the same time as working from home due to Covid-19)"

9 / 10
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43 Report
  • Grate...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 1, 2019

For Skin Cancer "The reason we treat our whole face is because if there is precancer, or worse, cancer, then the fluorouracil finds it! I look like someone beat me up, but it's better than the surgery. It is painful if you do have sun damage, but after a month, it should be better. Certainly, it's tolerable. I did have a few side effects: leg cramps, but better than cancer!"

10 / 10
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46 Report
  • Berma
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 14, 2023

Tolak (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "My first 3 days there was little evidence of use. I've now applied for 12 straight days and I'm very red and blotchy, with some signs of flakiness. I've been living with a burning sensation on my face but it was so bad last night I couldn't sleep. I'm struggling to make 14 nights but hope my dermatologist says I don't have to keep applying... I don't think I can keep going!"

6 / 10
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21 Report
  • So...
  • January 1, 2015

Carac (fluorouracil) for Skin Cancer "This is the 2nd time using this cream...more for a pre-cancerous treatment. I used it only on my nose 8 years ago. I am 10 days in on using Carac cream for my whole face. I thought there would be only a few areas but I have a lot of sun damage all over my face. Nothing on my nose (already treated), forehead less because I had bangs most of my life. During the day I use powder foundation to cover most of the dark red blotches so I can look normal. At night I take NyQuil to sleep. So far I can tolerate it all."

10 / 10
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78 Report
  • Mango
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 20, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Basal Cell Carcinoma "I am up to my last day of treatment, day 21. I have treated my entire face once a day with Efudex and would never do it again. After the first couple of days, red spots start to appear, after a week, my face looked like a severe case of sunburn and felt like it. The intensity of the redness increased along with constant burning. By day 12, I was ready to give up but reminded myself I was over halfway. I didn't know how I could bear to apply more Efudex, but perseverance and willpower have been on my side. It is a painful experience, which I would only recommend as a last resort. Even today, I dread putting the cream on for the last time, but after that, I know each day will be a slow pace of healing. I look forward to the end result and hope all the discomfort is worth it."

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43 Report
  • Didew...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 27, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Skin Cancer "Being a white Aussie girl who loved being outside, my skin was a mess. I’m now 58. I’ve used Efudex several years ago with great success. Started again due to scaly patches on my face that never went away. These reacted instantly and then disappeared. After having a break, I started using it on pigmentations on my face. These too reacted, interestingly, I started getting reactions on places I didn’t put the cream. So I started putting the cream there too. My face is a mess, very itchy, sore. I certainly wouldn’t recommend using this on large areas at a time due to the uncomfortableness of the process. I know it will be worth it, so I will continue on. I have some lumps on my head, once my face is done, I will be doing my scalp."

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Ding...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 25, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "I am on my 18th day of using Efudex. I am only using it on the tip of my nose. This morning, a horrible crusty scab of blistering came off, and it is now red and raw. I am still using it as I was told to stop on day 21. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to see how things are going and whether I should carry on for longer. No pain, just a sort of tingling, and I look like Rudolph the Reindeer, but coping fine. Sleep well and no real side effects."

8 / 10
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42 Report
  • Lindy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 26, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Keratosis "I am a 70-year-old woman originally from Britain. Used Efudex on chin, side of nose, and cheek. Went up a little too close to the corner of my eye, which swelled up. I used it twice a day for 15 days, which was enough to bear. Big crusty scab on chin. Very sore, itchy, and burning. Can't do the other side of my nose as it's too painful."

10 / 10
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39 Report
  • texsam
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 3, 2013

For Keratosis "I am on day 6 of a 21-day prescription, and am finally seeing and feeling the redness, tight skin, and itching all over my face. I am very worried about what I will look like at the end of August when school starts (first day of school will be 8 days after treatment stops); I am a teacher and don't want to scare off my new students. I am thankful for the relief suggestions posted here, and I am also thankful that I did not procrastinate and I am getting this taken care of. I have seen many people with parts of their faces - ears, noses - removed due to cancers, so I think of the 'after' to get me emotionally strong enough to bear these next few weeks. Thanks for sharing your experiences."

8 / 10
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83 Report
  • In...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 8, 2020

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "I spent years in the sun, scuba diving and hiking in Mexico and Arizona. For years, I've constantly had to use lip balm because my lips were so dry. I tried many products, and they never worked. My lips would crack and peel all the time. Just recently, I got diagnosed with actinic cheilitis. I have been prescribed Efudex 5% once a day for 3 to 4 weeks. I am at Week 2 and experiencing severe, almost unbearable burning pain because of deep sores with massive amounts of oozing and crusting and now bleeding, tightness, and severe dryness. I will try to endure another week, but I think I would rather have surgery any day than this."

3 / 10
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40 Report
  • TR100
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 3, 2019

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Actinic Keratosis "Used for 4 weeks to treat what the physician thought might be an AK (actinic keratosis) - a very tiny dry, scaly spot above my upper lip. Efudex was easy to use, not painful, just a gnarly scab that took weeks to fall off. Once gone, the skin was smooth but red. The red spot was 3X larger than the AK being treated (now the size of a pencil eraser). Hoping the redness will heal in time. Finished treatment two months ago, but the smooth red splotch remains. It looks far worse than the tiny dry spot I had before I began treatment. Regret using Efudex."

3 / 10
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43 Report
  • War...
  • March 20, 2015

Efudex (fluorouracil) for Skin Cancer "Used years ago on my arms and it was successful for a time, after healing. But my arms look like they once did. I have red hair and freckles from growing up in Arizona before sunblock was used! Now I'm using it on my forehead. It's miserable, but I hope it works. All I can say is take it one day at a time. Keep battling."

5 / 10
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70 Report

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