Marlissa User Reviews & Ratings
Marlissa has an average rating of 5.2 out of 10 from a total of 44 reviews on 40% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 45% reported a negative experience.
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Birth Control | 44 reviews for Birth Control | 353 medications |
Reviews for Marlissa
- Ano...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 24, 2018
For Birth Control "Had the most awful experience with Marlissa. Took it every day at the same time, and the first week was fine. Noticed boobs got larger, but not painful. Second week, and I started getting gassy. I'm a very healthy, fit, slim 34-year-old female who eats a vegetarian diet. I don't know this problem at all. Third week, and the bloating got so severe that I couldn't work out anymore, the pain from the pressure made me scream when I tried to push on the toilet. I became sick to my stomach and threw up several times a day. I missed days at work, couldn't eat anything anymore, even drinking water caused me to throw up. My blood pressure was so low that I had to stay in bed, or I would have passed out. Immediately stopped taking it, but symptoms persisted for two more days. Absolutely horrible!"
- kay...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 18, 2019
For Birth Control "I’ve been on Marlissa for about 5 months. Before that, I was on Levora, which is the same dosage and all, but I noticed after I stopped taking Levora and switched, I stopped getting acne! I’d get major pimples every month like clockwork, and I had no idea it was from Levora, but since I switched to Marlissa, I haven’t had a single pimple over these past few months. The only thing I have noticed is recurring yeast infections. I’m not sure if this is from the pill or maybe just the dosage of all these similar pills, as I think I started getting them before I switched. I also had a new partner, so I’m still trying to figure out what’s giving me the yeast infections. I do have pretty bad mood swings around PMS, but once again, I can’t say for sure it’s from this pill, as I was the same on Levora."
- Jul...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- April 21, 2021
For Birth Control "I love Marlissa. All I can say is that it helped me a lot with regulating my periods and also helped clear up my acne all in 3 months. No, it did not make me gain weight at all. I would definitely give this a 10/10, definitely recommend."
- nic...
- September 15, 2015
For Birth Control "This birth control worked in the sense that it prevents pregnancy, however, I suffered from horrible side effects. I had never struggled with bad acne before, but I began getting cysts around my jawline and breakouts on my cheeks (which I never got before). Not sure about any other side effects. I didn't pay much attention to that because my face was my main concern. I took this for 3 months, and I ended up switching to a different pill."
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- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 9, 2017
For Birth Control "I started on this a while ago. It was wonderful, actually. I never had problems getting my period on time, it always works, and my cramps weren't bothering me. I moved, and my pharmacy gave me Levora - same amount of active hormones, but Levora gave me godawful cramps all times of the month, made me miss my period for a month at a time, get 2 periods a month, and sometimes just get it in the middle of the cycle. Marlissa doesn't give me that issue at all - I am so happy to be back on it again! There's a reason why there are so many types and brands, everyone's body will respond completely different."
- 20...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 7, 2017
For Birth Control "I started taking Marlissa about 5 months ago, and when I first started taking it, it took about a month for me to adjust. I had mood swings, worsened anxiety and depression, and I was tired all the time. The pros of this pill were decreased acne, and my boobs got bigger! My period is also now 3 days instead of 7, and I have basically no cramps. The reason I started taking the pill was because of my extremely painful cramps, and it did its job of taking them away, which I am grateful for. I have recently realized I have been getting panic attacks a week before my period, and I am not sure if it is because of the birth control or just me."
- Jus...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 23, 2019
For Birth Control "Marlissa is one of the worst birth controls I have ever been on. I originally started using Altavera at 15 and used it all the way until the summer before my 20th birthday. I would be lying if I said I had any problems with it. However, almost immediately after starting this one, I could not stop eating. It got so bad that I would have to leave my dorm room so I wouldn’t graze in my fridge. Not only did I begin to notice weight gain (obviously), but excessive sweating a few days before I began my period. I could easily sweat through 2-3 shirts a day, and the smell was so pungent all of a sudden. It’s been so bad that sometimes I’m waking up in puddles of sweat with wet sheets... and not the good kind either. Overall, I would not recommend this BC and hope you ladies are stronger than I am and fight for the medication you want, because Lord knows how many times my doctor has told me that the medication I’m taking and the one I was originally on 'are the same.'"
- Jay...
- October 16, 2017
For Birth Control "I was on Marlissa for 6 months. I originally started taking it because I had very heavy periods, and I also became sexually active. Overall, it did its job. My periods became super light, and it did protect me against pregnancy. However, the side effects were terrible. I was sick to my stomach for the first couple of days of a new pack every month, my cramps got worse instead of better, my mood would constantly change, and there would be random months where my face would totally break out. I just changed to Apri, and so far, it's been better."
- AG4...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 2, 2016
For Birth Control "I was on Marlissa for over 6 months and loved it - my periods were regulated, no weight gain, no acne, boobs grew. And I didn't even take it at exactly the time I was supposed to every night! My only con is that my sex drive has greatly declined, but luckily I have an amazing boyfriend to counteract that! I would definitely recommend this birth control. I had to switch this week to Portia sadly, so we shall see how this one goes."
- Cap...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 18, 2020
For Birth Control "I was prescribed Marlissa when I was 18, so I’ve been on it for almost two years now. It has worked absolutely perfect for me with almost no negative side affects. (There was no noticeable weight gain, but do still notice obvious signs of PMS before my period (mood swings, etc.)) I take it at the same time every night, give or take a few hours. Before starting Marlissa, I had very irregular and painful periods. Since taking it, I get my period on the same week at the same time and have very minimal cramps. If I accidentally miss one pill, I take it when I remember the next day and there are never any side effects. I’m confused why so many reviews are negative, because I would 100% recommend this to anyone starting or switching birth control."
- Lyd...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 19, 2020
For Birth Control "I was on Levora, but my pharmacy didn't have that, so they gave me Marlissa. It should have been exactly the same, but I noticed with Marlissa I had mood changes and was in a bad mood constantly. When I switched back to Levora, I felt normal again. Everyone reacts to birth control differently. What works for some doesn't work for others. Do not be afraid to switch if it isn't right for you."
- ste...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 5, 2020
For Birth Control "I was on Marlissa for about 2 months. It was actually a really good birth control. My periods were very light and didn't last for long. My appetite was a little too intense at times, but I counteracted it with exercise and a healthy diet. One con I would say would be it was difficult losing weight on this BC. It could have been because my body was still getting accustomed to it. A really great pro was it softened my skin so much. I have keratosis pilaris on my arms and legs, and this medication actually treated them. So if you're suffering from it, then this will help! All in all, this is a good basic BC!"
- Man...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 16, 2019
For Birth Control "I haven’t been feeling myself, so I decided to look up reviews of Marlissa. I have migraines from the week before my cycle, continuing throughout my cycle on and off. I’ve become extremely depressed, anxious, emotional, and gained weight. I started having vaginal discharge that I’ve never experienced before. I usually don’t have acne problems, maybe a pimple before my cycle usually. I’ve been breaking out like crazy, and I wasn’t sure why until reading some reviews. I’m stopping this birth control. Even my husband has seen a tremendous change in me. The worst."
- Kiy...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 2, 2020
For Birth Control "I’ve been on Marlissa for a year now & I used to have really bad cramps to the point where I couldn’t get up & do anything. Every since I started taking Marlissa my period is much lighter & I barely get cramps. I was switched by an accident to another pill with another name & had break through bleeding, all types of side effects so I came back to marlissa & everything is back to normal. I haven’t gained any weight from it & I never break out barely any side effects for me."
- Anonymous
- September 18, 2019
For Birth Control "I have been on Marlissa for about 6 months now. At first my cramps were really bad but around the third month the cramps went to where they were barely there. Only on the day my period would start and still I could barely feel them. Did make my period lighter to where on the third day it was pretty much just spotting until he 6th day. The only down side I would say it has decreased my appetite a lot within these 6 months I lost about 6 pounds. Other than that I would say this birth control is good! Before I was on Levora and with that one I would start spotting like two weeks before my period so I would basically be bleeding all month so this has really helped."
- Rev...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- December 30, 2019
For Birth Control "This Marlissa birth control pill was by far one of the best pills I was on (for me personally). Everyone is different! It didn’t make me depressed, and I did not have any crazy side effects. I had cramps, but that’s to be expected."
- Anonymous
- October 13, 2017
For Birth Control "I've been taking this for 3 weeks and it's HORRIBLE. I recently just got diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, and I have new insurance so my doctor recommended this. The only thing it has done for me, is give me acne. It's made my skin worse. I was taking levora since I was 19, because I always had irregular periods, but it's because I had PCOS this whole time. I'm now 27, and my skin was always phenomenal when I was on levora. I Never gained weight and levora maintained everything perfectly. Now I have pimples every day, and if one heals I'll get 2-3 more, by the time it's healed. I haven't noticed any change in my weight even though, I do workout 4 days a week and watch what I eat."
- hel...
- April 1, 2020
For Birth Control "It was recommended I take Marlissa after the BC shot I was getting leading to constant spotting (6 mo). My doctor said it would take 3 months to regulate. Worked after 2 months. My side effects have been minimal - I gained 2 pounds over 2 years, mood swing the day or 2 leading up, acne breakouts the week of (dad had terrible acne, no way I can contribute it to one cause), and my periods have decreased in heaviness to normal (used to be heavy) as long as I stick to PA everyday. I’ve accepted the mood swings and give myself a day of self-care. SO, all of that was until 2 months ago. The new side effect is a diminished period. My period isn’t starting until 5 days off of BC pills - usually start on day 2. That comes with an insane amount of anxiety of missing a period. Previously my doctor recommended this is not a BC to stay on, as it has a complication of possibility losing a period entirely. I hope to schedule an appointment to switch to different BC in the summer."
- FAY...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 19, 2021
For Birth Control "On this for PCOS Positives: decreased sugar cravings, weight loss (~20lbs), light menstruation w/ no clots, no depression/anxiety (terrible on Ortho Tri-Cyclen) Cons: increase migraines 3 days before period, occasionally more intense cramps (about 3x yr), super tender breasts (only 1st month I took it and < 1 month a yr), sugar intolerance (I can't eat anything sweet or I feel sick) Birth Control is tricky in that each one affects people differently. Therefore, no one should just rely on a review, especially when it comes to BC. Give it a try to see if it works for you but DON'T be afraid to talk to your doctor to switch. It took three tries but I found the right BC for me."
- Chr...
- January 6, 2019
For Birth Control "I got new insurance 6 months ago ( before I had none and wasn’t on any birth control). I started taking marlissa and at first it was good! My periods got lighter and my mood improved, but the last 4 months I’ll cramp horribly the week before my placebo bills and my period is only lasting maybe a day and a half. And this month I’ve had severe stomach problems (bloating), acne, and fatigue! I can’t even drink sprite without my body swelling really bad. I will see if these irregularities slack off in a couple months, but, if not I’m switching birth control medications ."
- Do...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 19, 2023
For Birth Control "Do not take this. I only had one good week out of the month. I was extremely bloated and looked 4 months pregnant the other three weeks! I couldn’t poop or have normal periods. This birth control caused my b12 to be extremely low. It depleted my blood cells and caused my body to not regulate. Would be nice if men could take birth control instead of us women!"
- Ice...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- April 12, 2021
For Birth Control "While I completely sympathize with those who had a bad experience with this pill, I have to say my experience was the opposite of all of them. This pill left me with no side effects, it works in protection and the biggest plus for me was that I did not gain any weight on this pill. I like to change things up so currently I’m looking to switch to Lo Loestrin but if it doesn’t work out I am 100% coming back to this pill because of how much I enjoyed my experience. My periods were normal, I’d get a period every month during placebo week. The period would be moderate to light and last 5 days."
- Tay...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 30, 2020
For Birth Control "I began taking Marlissa birth control about a year and a half ago as a contraceptive and for my extremely heavy periods. I noticed a huge change in myself compared to the birth control brand I used before switching to this. I had never had acne before and I began breaking out pretty bad on my cheeks. I also had mood swings and felt paranoid/anxious a lot. I feel like I lost who I was for a bit and it affected my relationships. I also got sick every time I ate and always had a small appetite, which is unlike me. I have stopped taking it and feel SO much better."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 29, 2020
For Birth Control "I have been on this drug for more than a month, currently I’m struggling with eating. If I even see food it makes me sick. And I’m pretty heavy set gal, but for the last week it’s been miserable trying to eat."
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For Birth Control "I wish I would have read the reviews on this a lot sooner. I have been taking this contraceptive pill, Marlissa, for about a year now and am not happy with the side effects at all. Sure, the 3-day period and no pregnancies are great, but it’s not worth what it does to you physically and mentally. Everyone reacts differently to certain types of medication, but this was the absolute worst birth control I have ever been on. Throughout my entire time being on this drug, I have gained a tremendous amount of weight (30 lbs), have been severely depressed, very moody, anxious all the time, huge increase in appetite, fatigue and wanting to sleep all the time, and it feels like I am constantly bloated every single day. Please, stay away from this one."