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Slynd for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 5)

Slynd has an average rating of 5.6 out of 10 from a total of 336 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 44% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 39% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Slynd

  • Sweed
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 19, 2021

"If you are a young girl and do not have headaches or blood clotting disorders, DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL!! Even if you do have headaches, just get the combination pill and take an Advil. This pill consumed my life for six months. I had my period EVERY WEEK! My hormones were all out of whack since I was only getting progestin, so this caused me to become extremely depressed. When I told my primary care doctor about what my gynecologist prescribed me, she was baffled because this pill was made for women 35 or older! She put me on a combination pill and it’s currently working it’s magic to keep me protected (which the other pill was not as protective as this one for a girl my age) and it’s in the process of regulating my periods, which I still get irregularly for the time being."

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  • Snb
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 21, 2021

"Birth control reacts differently for everyone but Slynd is not for me. I have given it 6 months but I still only get one week per month WITHOUT a period. My Slynd side effects are that I have become anemic, weak, exhausted, lots of dizziness, I have to pee constantly and I’ve put on weight mostly because I am so bloated all the time. I get nauseous often as well. It seems to defeat the purpose of birth control considering I only get a good 5-7 days without bleeding. Switching to Yaz and hoping for the best because I believe that my body needs the estrogen in order to regulate things."

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  • Not...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 7, 2022

"I’m almost done with my first pack of Slynd and I’m miserable. I am tyaking it for PMDD, Peri-Menopause, but on this I started having hot flashes multiple times a day, my mood was all over the place and I felt low grade depression as well as my anxiety spiking. I sleep worse than before because now I also grind my teeth so bad (because my anxiety is worse) I wake up with my whole face tired and sore. I’m asking my Dr. If I can quit after this pack. My regular peri-menopause symptoms and PMDD were easier to deal with before taking Slynd and it wasn’t easy then! So it tells you how unhappy I am on this pill."

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  • Lane
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 5, 2022

"Slynd definitely doesn't work for me. My OB recommended it because I get really sick on my period the first day or two of every month cycle. She said she recommended this birth control for women in their late 30's early 40's (me), and that most women said it basically removed their period completely and they had no pain/sickness anymore. I went from having a 4 day period (with only one heavy sick day) to having a period the majority of every month... heavy for over 2 weeks at a time too! The first month I felt so sick on it, and had really heavy bleeding. I pushed through and was encouraged to stick with it for 3 months until my body could get used to it. I just finished month 3 and I am stopping. I would rather be sick one day a month than have a period almost every day of the month!!!"

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  • Net
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 7, 2020

"I am half way though my 3rd pack of Slynd pills and so far I really like this one. I was on norethindrone (mylan) for almost a year and had headaches, weight gain, mood issues. I stopped for a month then got on Slynd. I started it the first day of my cycle. I started my second pack and had spotting for 2 days (I'm assuming was a period) slight cramps. My third pack same thing, I had spotting the first day of the pack (when my period was to come) and slight cramps and felt like I had a period with mild symptoms. I'm hoping it stays like this but I know I'm still adjusting. No weight gain so far, no acne, my mood is much better than my other pill. I get it through nurx and my ins covers it luckily because so far so good!"

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  • Draino
  • October 30, 2020

"I have been on Slynd for about a month. I typically have heavy painful periods. The first month was great. I didn’t have a period and didn’t have any pain at all. The 2nd month has been horrible. I’m on day 24 of a heavy period with enormous blood clots. I stopped taking the pill and I am bleeding even heavier now and I’m also in pain. Not sure when this will be over."

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  • Liann
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 1, 2020

"I am into a month and a half. At first I had spotting here and there. The past few days it has been almost a normal period. The doctor said it could take up to 3 months for my body to regulate to it. So far, I have noticed more break outs, slight cramps, and some depression/anxiety however my body is adjusting so thats to be expected, especially since I already suffer from both. My doctor has me skip placebo pills and said I wont get my period anymore in a few months by doing so. I'll be back to update after a few more months. Just remember.. it takes your body time to adjust (could be a few months). Nothing unbearable."

7 / 10
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  • SM-27
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 19, 2022

"I'm 41 and I started taking this pill in June of 2022. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS, and I had been having some pain and an irregular period and I've never taken birth control pills before. The first month was horrendous, but it could have just been because of the PCOS. I bled very heavily for 23 days. I felt very light-headed bloated moody and was having to constantly go to the bathroom. My doctor when I called to say is this normal ended up upping my dosage to taking two a day until the heavy bleeding stopped. Day 23 after taking two pills a day for an entire week it finally stopped. And since then I haven't had a period, no cramps no bloating and I felt great. I lost weight I don't have any mood issues and I have so much more energy. Next week we decide if I continue it going forward and I love it so far. Works for me"

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  • Miranda
  • April 1, 2020

"My insurance covers it which is great. I took it for 12 days and Slynd is not right for me. I have migraines caused by estrogen, thus my Dr prescribed the Mirena in 2015. After 3 months I got cystic acne. It was awful. I eventually had it removed and took spironolactone to get the acne under control even after having the IUD removed. Fast forward to last month. I had been on Nuvaring for over a year and LOVED it. However, I was getting occasional migraines. My Dr suggested I switch to Slynd given that is it progesterone based but will not cause acne. I was hesitant but was willing to try it. I had extreme break through bleeding. I am not talking spotting, I am talking the bad kind. I also started getting cystic acne all over again. I had crazy dreams. My eyes were so dry. I did not have any emotional effects. My Dr told me to continue taking it to get over the transition but I stopped it. I would much rather have a migraine than the acne that took a year to get under control before."

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  • Cat
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 13, 2021

"Originally started taking this pill for terrible cramps and pain during period. After 5 months, Slynd has reduced my period to only 3 days and the pain has decreased somewhat. I was pretty happy with the shorter period and less pain, but the acne is terrible. I had an absolutely clear face and back before taking this medication. Now my face and back are always covered in pimples. I cannot take it anymore I will be switching off of this pill. Just to note I did switch from tri-lo marzia to Slynd and tri-lo is much more effective with helping with acne but useless for cramps. I will be trying Yaz next..."

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  • Bearb...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 16, 2022

"For context, I have PMDD and suspected endometriosis; I also have many mental health problems and my periods made existence unbearable. I recently started using Slynd (finishing the first packet this week), and wow, what a difference it has made! I had been initially taking Loryna for well over a year and *thought* it was working well for me with minimal side effects. I only switched to Slynd because I started experiencing migraines with aura. I was super nervous about the switch as Loryna had been the only birth control I had ever been on, but I'm so happy I did. Emotionally and physically, I feel like a new me. My PMDD-induced emotional meltdowns are pretty much nonexistent so far. I assumed how I felt while taking Loryna was unrelated, but now I realize it made me more anxious/depressed. I enjoy life again, and I'm glad I made the switch! I am not currently sexually active, but I take it at the same time every day, just in case."

9 / 10
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7 Report
  • Perim...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 9, 2022

"I'm 43, no kids, and started going through "the change" about a year ago. I'd never had heavy periods or cramps or anything before, but boy let me tell you, that stuff punched me straight in the baby maker last year! HEAVY periods (we're talking anemia) and cramps that would take my breath away (I now feel like ab idiot for telling other women that they were exaggerating for all those years!) Thankfully, the gods forgave my ignorance and my new gyno offered Slynd. My husband was confused at first (he had a vasectomy years ago) but once I convinced him that I wasn't cheating on him, lol, we researched it together and we're so glad we did! I haven't had a period since starting Slynd 9 months ago, no cramps, and I'm less angry. I say "less" because my seizure medications keep me from being a happy-little-tree ALL the time, but better is STILL better! Ps- I have migraines with auras, and my body violently rejected a copper IUD years ago, so I'm incredibly thankful for the option of Sylnd!"

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  • ATS
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 16, 2020

"I started taking Slynd after experiencing migraines with auras on my previous birth control. At the recommendation from a nurse practitioner, I started taking Slynd. I only took the medication for about 2 months when I decided to stop. I was experiencing awful mood swings that were far more emotional than before, bad cramping, and consistent spotting. I know depression is not a physical symptom, but my depression was far worse and more frequent in episodes while I was taking this medication."

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  • Han
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 11, 2020

"Just starting my third pack of Slynd. I haven’t had any spotting or bleeding since I started. I skipped the placebo pills on my first pack and took them with my second pack, but haven’t had any period symptoms, which has been strange. I was put on Slynd due to my blood pressure being a bit high, so my doctor said this pill Slynd does not affect it as much as other birth control pills. After reading some of these comments, I’m not sure that she was truthful in that statement, but so far it’s been ok."

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  • Krat
  • August 23, 2020

"Ive tried a lot of different birth control pills & an IUD. I've always had irregular periods & bad cramps. My doctor thinks I could have endometriosis so she suggested I try this last pill before proceeding with a laparoscopy. I hardly have any cramping since starting Slynd. I am on my third week of my second pack & it seems to be helping the cramps. I started bleeding during the third week of my first pack, and bled heavily for about 2 weeks. I finished the pack and the bleeding stopped. In the middle of my second week of my second pack my period started again. I've noticed more anxiety & mood swings. Also what is up with this acne? Ive never had acne in my entire life. Maybe a couple pimples here and there before my period but this is insane. Ive already gotten this far so I will finish out the 3 months."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 29, 2023

"Ok so after reading all of the reviews I wanted to post mine to WARN people about what can happen. I only did one month on Slynd and it was actually hell, I bled for 17 days with some of the worst cramps I have ever had. I’m not saying this will happen to everyone BUT be warned it can happen and it wasn’t fun. I was way too scared to even try another month."

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  • Jay
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 16, 2023

"I am a trans man on testosterone therapy, so I was looking for a birth control option that didn't have estrogen and would help regulate my hormone imbalances. Not only has Slynd helped stabilize the mood swings, cramping, and completely get rid of my periods (only taking the active pills - that was the goal), but I'm not pregnant and my hormone levels are great! I've had no negative side effects, the only time I had a bad experience was when I forgot to take the pill for about 2 days and had a 14-day period. That was user error IMO. I have a bit of hormonal acne but that could also be attributed to the HRT. Transmasculine people, this option is great!"

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  • Kayla
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 28, 2022

"I started taking Slynd June 9th of this year, I am now at the end of my second pack and so far I have no complaints. I was on a combination bc, Yaz and then Yasmin for PMDD and abnormal bleeding, the estrogen was wreaking havoc on my body so I had an endometrial ablation and then I started Slynd. The second week into the first pack I bled like I was dying for 8 days, and now no breakthrough bleeding. I have maybe had one day since then where I had faint brown spotting for a few hours, I am skipping the placebos until the end of my third pack so that the medication has time to get into my body but like I said so far no problems. I feel better, mentally no mood swings, no acne and no weight gain at all. I’m 34, my tubes are tied so I am not using it for protection but for PMDD and period regulation. I really recommend this for women who can’t handle estrogen and are going through severe PMDD in their mid 30s because this has really worked well. I hope it continues to do it’s job!"

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  • KP18
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 8, 2022

"I don't want to jinx it, but I've been on this birth control for over a year and it's the only pill I've ever taken where I don't feel like I'm taking anything. Just no period and no endometriosis. First month was rough but it's been amazing ever since."

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  • Lily
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 24, 2021

"I am on birth control because of my PCOS. I have been on this birth control because I received migraines with other forms of birth control. This birth control worked for the migraines. I am rating it such a low rating because the migraines are not as bad as the other side effects I had with this birth control. The side effects for me are the worst acne of my life, weight gain, and severe hair loss. I tried lo estrogen and I didn’t really like that because I got a lighter period but it was very irregular and I still had migraines. I am in the process of finishing this pack and then switching to Ortho tri cyclen lo again, it caused migraines but had no other side effects for me."

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  • Shit
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2021

"I will never use Slynd birth control again. This stuff caused heavy extended bleeding the first month. I am now trying to balance my hormones so I can stop this 17 day heavy period. Breakthrough bleeding is spotting not 10 days of full clotting and excessive pad changes. Never again."

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  • Jade
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 25, 2022

"I'm on my third month of taking Slynd. I'm really trying to stick it out at least another month or two but I'm having some bad side effects. The bleeding has not stopped since I started taking the pill. It began as light spotting and now I have to wear tampons every day. Forget about my sex life--that is no more. But I'm able to live with the blood, as I have read other reviews that say it disappeared down the track. The thing I'm having a hard time living with is the constant state of despair I seem to be in. It's given me depression. I don't normally cry that much but now I'll cry at anything. Outside of the pill I'm sensitive but I restrain myself. On this pill I've been blurting out my frustrations irrationally. I'm not very confident in this pill and I can't say I recommend it from my experience."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 12, 2024

"I am 38 years old, 5'5'', 104 lbs and was originally on Ortho Lo for more than 4 years. I have had migraines since I was 4 years old. I started to have severe and consistent migraines 3 years ago, 3 ED visits because they were unbearable. I tried Botox which offered temporary relief but the migraines did not stop completely. I met with my OBGYN and she suggested changing to a progesterone-only BC. I was reluctant because I didn't want to gain weight and was nervous about potential side effects. I finally switched to Slynd, 2 years later I have lost weight, no migraines, and I am very happy with Slynd. No acne, mood is stable. I took a month off, gained weight, and headaches returned. Slynd is the right fit for me and I am so happy my OBGYN suggested the change, supported my hesitation, and was supportive with prior authorization with my commercial insurance. Very happy with Slynd!"

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  • Olivia
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2023

"I started on Slynd after having my first daughter and straight away noticed a lot of hormonal acne around my mouth. For reference, I never had trouble with acne prior to this, and despite a very rigid skincare routine, it continues to spread. I have also noticed issues with sleep maintenance, I find myself awake at 3/4 am with racing thoughts unable to sleep. I am steadily gaining weight on this pill despite eating relatively well and exercising often. And lastly, I am always bloating and have horrible gas. I have used this for almost a month and will be ceasing it."

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  • Ashley
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 20, 2021

"I've been on Slynd for two months and I'm not happy at all. My emotions are all over the place. And I bleed for 15-20 days. The cramps and headaches are horrible. I'd rather not take Slynd. I stopped last night and contacted my OB."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.