Ocella for Acne User Reviews
Ocella has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 23 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 61% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 13% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Ocella
- Anonymous
- March 12, 2012
"When you decide to take this drug, you need to consider whether clear skin is worth endangering your life. I'm 17, and I was on Ocella for a year. It cleared up my skin completely, and my periods were regular. It was perfect. Then I started having trouble breathing. I kept having doctor's appointments, and they were thinking I was developing asthma or allergies. After a few months of tests, I discovered on my own that I had a DVT or, basically, a blood clot in my left leg. By the time I discovered this, it had progressed all the way from my calf to my belly button. I also had 5 pulmonary emboli in my lungs and was functioning on 1/3 of my normal lung capacity. I had no other risk factors for blood clots. This drug is a devil drug."
- Miz...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 15, 2020
"Ok, so I want to start off by saying I was prescribed Ocella, but was given by my pharmacy a generic version of it. I was a little uneasy and nervous to take it because my previous experience with another birth control (Tri Lo Sprintec) was horrible! I broke out so bad all over one side of my face and chin and experienced the worst mood swings in my life. However, with Ocella, it has been smooth sailing. I’m barely starting my third pack, and my face has gotten so much better. I did gain about 5 pounds since being on this BC, however, that could definitely be from a lifestyle change. I would suggest a healthy diet/exercise as a good solution. I realized the pounds aren’t hard to lose if you eat right and run. For BC use, I wanna say it’s working because I haven’t gotten pregnant, but I don’t wanna jinx it. So, with that being said, good luck, ladies, I wish you the very best. May the odds be ever in your favor."
- Des...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 27, 2016
"I am 28 years old and started breaking out severely a few years back. I tried every OTC acne medication and cleanser. I finally went to the dermatologist and was diagnosed with hormonal acne. I was prescribed Ocella and tretinoin cream. I've been using both since April 2015, however, I noticed that as long as I take my Ocella every day, I do not need the tretinoin cream, so I haven't used it in a couple of months. My skin is so much better, and I have to remember to take my pill every day because the hormones wear off after 24 hours, and I'll break out if I miss it two days in a row. Otherwise, this medication has been heaven-sent."
- Ell...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 6, 2018
"I took Sprintec years ago, which initially worsened my skin and caused severe depression. Since taking Ocella for almost 6 months, I’ve had great experiences. My skin is great, I barely have any cramps (before, I had extremely severe cramps and heavy flow), and my flow has lightened. I am really happy with this birth control."
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- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 2, 2012
"All have been changed since a month after starting Ocella. Soft, clear skin and brighter complexion. No more yellow and dull face. Waking up with fresh skin, as if I just washed my face. More inclined to wear sunblock and makeup. My hair is no longer oily and stopped falling out. I did stop for 2 months due to dryness and no sex drive. A BIG MISTAKE. Ask your doctor the correct way to phase it out. I am retaking it again."
- Aim...
- April 12, 2017
"First few months weren't great. Had breakthrough bleeding the first month for 2-3 weeks, was very, very moody and irritated. Second month was a normal period, moods were fine, but still had bad breakouts. Third month, normal period and acne started to die down. Fourth month, acne is almost completely gone and normal periods."
- Kat...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- July 27, 2017
"I've been on Ocella for about 8 months now, and it's cleared up my acne pretty well (I'm on Accutane to kill the rest off). I also use it to stop my periods. It works well for that purpose. The only reason I give it 9/10 is that I spot if I skip too many, which didn't happen with Jolessa. But other than that, it's a great pill, and I have no side effects from it. I would recommend trying it for acne or to stop periods. I can't speak on its effectiveness for pregnancy prevention or other conditions."
- Anonymous
- October 21, 2011
"I got Ocella solely for the reason that I don't want to get pregnant, and I got it for free with my insurance. With starting my first pack, I was nauseous the first three days or so, but not so bad, I guess. Now I'm on my last week of my second pack, about to be on my third pack, and my acne has gotten a lot worse, unfortunately. I'm going to wait a couple of months to see if that changes, though, because other than that, I love it."
- MAa...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- January 26, 2020
"I went on Ocella about a year ago (freshman year of college, 18) to help with my hormonal acne that I had been struggling with since I was 15. I immediately noticed that I felt a lot more depressed/moody, but I was also adjusting to college. Three months in, my acne was the worst it had ever been, but I decided to stick it out. Suddenly, around 4-5 months, it started to clear up, and my skin has been clear since! I also noticed some weight gain and water retention, but that went away over time. I have also developed some issues with anxiety that I never experienced before the pill, but cannot really say whether Ocella directly caused it or not."
- Kel...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 9, 2016
"I've been on a few different kinds of birth control pills. Nothing really worked the way I wanted. One brand lowered my sex drive, another brand made my acne worse instead of better. Finally, I ended up trying Ocella even though I was nervous because of all the talk I hear about girls getting blood clots. But I must say, this works. I have mild cramps for a day or so, and it's only off and on. My periods are lighter and usually last about 4 days. My face is the clearest it's ever been. I should have been on this brand in high school. Once in a while, I'll get a pimple. And it hasn't affected my sex drive. It's an A in my book."
- Lov...
- February 1, 2021
"I’m 25 years old and I’ve been on Ocella for 6 months. I would take my pill every single night at 9 pm to reduce any side effects. I’ve been on birth control as a teen for acne and thought I’d try it again for acne and pregnancy prevention. CONS: This birth control has caused my acne to worsen, headaches, sensitive emotionally (I don’t cry easily btw but with this birth control I would cry easily) and lowered my sex drive. I gave it the benefit of the doubt to stick it out to see if my acne would clear up. In my case the acne cleared up on my forehead but moved from my forehead to my cheeks. The acne Ocella has caused are red pimples that are painful but not cystic because they have a white head. I wouldn’t ever breakout on my cheeks but mainly on my forehead and jawline. PROS: works well for skipping periods, no break through bleeding. No nausea. No weight gain. Fuller breasts. Prevents pregnancy for my husband and I."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- July 17, 2012
"I began using this birth control in January 2012 to treat cystic acne and to prep for beginning Accutane. My periods before this pill were bad, I had heavy bleeding with painful cramps. Once I began the birth control, they got lighter, and now I have absolutely no cramps! My face looks fantastic now, I only have the occasional zit. I can handle that since I used to have 20 at one time. I would say I started to notice side effects around May of 2012. I began having pretty bad headaches, usually every day when I wake up. I had a little bit of weight gain. The worst was how moody I began to be. I would really only like spending time alone. I also lost my sex drive completely."
- Rub...
- June 11, 2017
"I was given Ocella by my doctor to help cure my hormonal acne. My acne when from bad to very severe but I kept taking the pill hoping that all it was just an initial breakout. Seven months passed and my acne was at its worse. I finally gave up on the pill. What has cleared my face of acne is the regimen which I purchased online. My acne is gone but now I have acne scars which are deep pits in my cheeks. I'm now trying to get rid of the scars that Ocella caused me to have in the first place. DO NOT TAKE OCELLA!"
- Cal...
- January 15, 2015
"I have been on Ocella for about 2 months now. I originally was on Zarrah and had the BEST skin - my light acne cleared up within the first 2 weeks and remained absolutely flawless for almost 2 years. I ended up having a 2-week period - nightmare, I know. I went to my gyno who had then switched me to Ocella. I explained to her that I loved the way Zarrah affected my skin and didn't want to break out on a new form of birth control. I'm almost finished with month 2 and have been breaking out with whiteheads all over my forehead, along with a few painful zits around my face. I use Clarisonic every morning and night and eat healthy and workout. My moods are great and I lost a few pounds, but I may not continue Ocella for this reason... remaining optimistic!!"
- Chr...
- September 29, 2015
"I started ocella my freshman year of college and had horrible under the skin acne all through high school. I'm now a junior in college and love it! My skin cleared up except for a few during my period. I also gained a couple pounds and my boobs grew a whole cup size. Highly recommend"
- NoS...
- September 5, 2010
"I started taking this for acne, which Ocella cleared up really well (except for the period week, during which I'll get minor acne breakouts), but I must add that now I've been experiencing a huge decrease in my sex drive. I'm starting to wonder if I should get off of it just to feel like a normal sexual adult. This is just getting weird."
- Pba...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- December 4, 2014
"Prescribed Ocella for PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), which can cause severe cystic acne that I had. Have been on it for 10 years. It was a miracle, acne is gone. To prevent the mood swings and acne flare-ups during the inert week each month, I had my OBGYN write a prescription for 3 months straight. Now I only have my period and mood swings 4 times per year instead of 12. Other pills caused anxiety attacks, I have felt most normal on this pill. The downside is I have no libido, but I am 40, so I guess I should expect some decrease at my age anyway."
- Emi...
- April 10, 2018
"I majorly broke out eventually to getting pimples every day not hormonal acne but lots of zits and redness. I’ve tried a birth control before ,but now that I’m on ocella let me just say it’s a miracle for me , no side effects what so ever . Although each first day of the new pack I wake up having an upset stomach and anxiety it eventually goes away that same day. I used the pill for my awful - I mean excruciating cramps and acne which have helped honestly 100%. I have no cramping anymore. I’m on my fifth month now and it has cured my acne. I’m not entirely clear but I’ve reduced my pimples to 2 pimples a month and those pimples always show up the week before my period so my periods to blame for this. It was the best pill for me. But like I said this cured and helped my acne soooooo much have gotten so many compliments on how smooth my skin is . A miracle pill is all I’m saying (:"
- Dds...
- January 20, 2018
"I noticed after 9 months my stomach became very sensitive-but I could never find a trigger food or figure out why I would eat one thing and be fine, and then eat it another time and have to RUN to the bathroom. After 2 1/2 years it finally crossed my mind to stop Ocella and see how I felt, and it was a total turnaround. My stomach is no longer sensitive and I haven't had an episode since I stopped. I am leaving this review because I searched high and low to see if anyone had an experience like mine- and there weren't any. Though Ocella cleared my skin, having my sensitive stomach control my life was not worth it to me."
- Anonymous
- October 27, 2009
"I have been on Ocella for 2 cycles and have experienced lighter periods and no side effects except a slight headache during menstruation. My skin is slowly clearing (I had small bumps from hormones around my jawline). I am concerned it has been changed from a generic per posts. I just picked it up at Walmart yesterday and paid $10, so I am confused...?"
- Mia...
- February 18, 2018
"Took for acne for 14 months, very effective for my hormonal acne. It almost completely cleared it. No nausea or headaches. Side effects include weight gain of about 6 to 8 lbs in 1 year. Slightly larger breast in the first 2 or 3 months only. However at the end of 13 th months I had some symptoms that led me to be disgnosed with gallstones. I read that taking birth control pill does increase the risk so I just stopped. Dermatologist gave Spironolactone but within two weeks I have some skin rashes which may be a side effect. Hope to lose the weight gain and stop the gallstones from getting worse."
- pin...
- October 31, 2010
"I was on Yaz about two years ago and decided to take some time off of it because it made my periods about 10 days long. Once my acne started getting worse, my doctor recommended me for Ocella. The morning after I took the pill for the first time, I was very nauseous and threw up. Now, I have been taking the medicine for about 4 days and every night, about 6 hours after taking the pill, I have to run to the bathroom to throw up because I am so nauseous. I have been feeling very tired too. But sometimes I feel really hyper as well. I really hope that this birth control clears up my acne. By reading the other posts, I am very scared to gain weight. But I work out daily so that probably wont be a problem. I have already lost weight from the nausea."
- ban...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 10, 2023
"To preface: I was on this birth control pill for roughly two-and-a-half weeks. I understand that with every birth control pill there is an adjustment period. I have taken other birth control pills in the past mostly for acne and/or birth control purposes. This was the only pill that actually made me scared. I didn't have any side effects until maybe three days in; I realized that I couldn't sleep. One night I just laid in bed until the sun came up (not on my phone, just laying there trying to sleep). I eventually had to start taking sleep aids so that I wouldn't be sleep deprived. After about a week, I was having trouble breathing and my chest felt heavy most of the day. I felt like someone was sitting on me. It became so bad that I started struggling to sleep on sleeping aids because my heart would be racing and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I immediately stopped taking the pill and all side effects went away. Didn't take it long enough to see a difference in my acne."
- Eml...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 27, 2015
"After only a month on Ocella, I have noticed my skin clearer than ever! I have a higher sex drive than ever, and I have actually lost a couple of pounds. More than happy with this birth control."
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"First off, let me say I am a Pharmacy Technician. I was on Yaz for about 5 months. It was okay. It wasn't strong enough to stop my periods until about 4 days into a new pack, it didn't do much for my skin, and it was $40/month because there is no generic. I only kept taking it because it didn't make me nauseous (I am very sensitive to nausea). After $40/month was a little too much, I went to my doctor and wanted to be put on Ocella because it would only be $10/month and it has the same hormones as Yaz, which didn't make me sick, but it was 0.01 mg stronger, which made me a little nervous. But I tried it, it didn't make me sick AT ALL, cleared my skin up, periods start and stop on time, no cramps, cheaper generic, and I lost 17 lbs! LOVE IT!"