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Isibloom for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 5)

Isibloom has an average rating of 5.4 out of 10 from a total of 275 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 40% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 37% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Isibloom

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 15, 2022

"Been on the pill for just over two weeks and the bloating is terrible. Motivation and drive to do and get things done has steeply dropped. My breasts are always extremely sore. Orgasms now come with pain and I cramp all throughout the day regardless of where I’m at in my cycle. This should be taken off the market. It’s garbage."

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  • January 15, 2020

"I started this BC 3 months ago after losing insurance, it was cheaper than the Nuvaring. After finishing my 3rd pack of hormonal pills I start having withdrawal symptoms (jaw pain, shaking, hot flashes, heart palpitations, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, extreme mood swings). These symptoms lasted for 1 week straight.. 24 hr/day. I wasn't feeling like myself & I took myself to the ER 2x in 24 hours due to side effects. You know it was bad when I went to the ER 2x w/ NO INSURANCE! After my placebo week I started back on the Nuvaring and feel 100x better & like myself again. I was prescribed anxiety medication to help me through this awful week. I've never had anxiety or depression before, or heart palpitations. I'm having a heart monitor put on for a month when I get health insurance to ensure that I'm no longer experiencing heart rates of 90-175 EVERY DAY. Figured out this medicine is double the dosage of hormones compared to the Nuvaring. This explains withdrawal symptoms. Beware."

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  • Kay
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 14, 2020

"I saw a few reviews on here saying to ignore the negative ones and that it really wasn’t that bad so I gave it a go through pill club! The worst mistake. I stayed on it for 5 months because I thought the side effects would go away and they never did. I bled for three weeks at a time at random intervals, sometimes only a few days apart before it started again, I had constant suicidal depressed thoughts that I hadn’t struggled with before the medication, and my nausea was insane. Think twice and talk to your doctor before starting it because I wish that I never had. I didn’t get pregnant though, so if that’s your only concern go right ahead."

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  • Misty
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 12, 2020

"I’ve been on this pill for three years now. I started bc I was having heavy periods and my doctor recommended this to help slow down. After a few months it did. This pill comes with a lot of consequences. I’ve gained about 40 pounds on this pill. I’ve had anxiety, pains in joints, bloating, night sweats, I thought I was really sick with something else, but every time I would go to the doctor for a symptom everything would check out ok. This pill is ok when you first start but the longer you take it your body starts to show effects. I have stopped and am currently looking into other options."

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  • Joana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 25, 2020

"I have been on Isibloom for 6 months and that has been my only use for preventing pregnancy and has worked great for that. The first 3 month was my body getting use to the pill. I was feeling nauseous and my mood swings were all over the place. I was worried it wasn’t going to change. Now at 6 months I feel normal. That second week I still get emotional, not depression but every little thing will make me cry like “I love my boyfriend too much” or “awwww that’s so cute” kind of cry’s. Other than that it works great."

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  • Nicole
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 25, 2020

"At first I was terrified to start taking Isibloom birth control due to all of the horrible reviews I read. However, it is working pretty good for me. It cleared up my acne, I have no weight gain and I also don’t see any depression side effects. I was nauseous the first few days taking it but I’m pretty sure that was just my body reacting to something so new. I’ve also been on it for 6 months"

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  • lexaa
  • January 23, 2020

"I found thepillclub in which they prescribed me isibloom. It was cheap and the reviews looked fine online so I went for it. After being on this for a few months, I began to realize I had mood swings. Anything could make my mood change from happy to miserable within a matter of a minute. I lashed out on everybody and I couldn't figure out why. My acne has gotten noticeably worse while being on it, and my weight has dropped a considerable amount. I know birth control comes with some side effects in general such as mood swings, but this was just out of control. I cried constantly. I take my birth control everyday at 8 am, without failure. When I started this birth control, I had my period for a MONTH straight. My period has not regulated at all with this birth control. And I have had pregnancy scares along the way. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT take this birth control. Using this brand as a contraceptive is not worth the emotional and physical struggles that come along with it."

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  • LCano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 31, 2019

"I’ve been on Isibloom for one cycle. I’ve experienced some side effects including increased appetite (few lbs weight gain) , bloating/ water retention, tender & swollen breasts— I’ve gone up a bra cup size— really didn’t want to as they’re already too big for my frame... Moodiness, pimples, the only positive is that I get to skip my period, but I am definitely considering stopping the pill. I wish it worked for me but I don’t think the side effects are worth it."

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  • Halles
  • May 20, 2021

"I’ve been using Isibloom for about 2 years now and the only bad side effects I’ve had are cramps and acne. I never had cramps before taking this birth control, but they’re not terrible , I can still manage to work and be fine. As for the acne, not sure if its caused by this birth control or not, but once my period starts, I start to see a few. Other than that I’ve had no other issues and I'm going to continue to use this because I am scared to try anything else. The reviews on this website for other birth controls and this one are kinda scary."

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  • Bray
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 3, 2019

"I was bleeding for 4 months before I started Isibloom. I’ve been on it for a month and it was one of the best things I’ve done so far. I haven’t had my period yet (skipped first months placebo). My only complaint are my cramps and the decrease in my appetite and the occasional mood swing and vomiting. Being someone that suffers from endometriosis, PMDD AND menorrhagia I’ll take those systems lol. I take this at night right before bed along with another vitamin and it works perfectly."

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  • Ames
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 5, 2019

"I got Isibloom through The Pill Club. During the first week, I took the pill in the morning and I would get very nauseous, have headaches, and tender breasts. After reading some reviews, I decided to start taking the pill at night, and symptoms went away. After taking it for two months, I've noticed that my appetite changes every day - sometimes I'll be very hungry or not hungry at all. However, I haven't gained any weight from the pill. Also my mood swings calmed down by the end of the second month!"

6 / 10
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  • jano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 30, 2019

"Almost on my last row of isibloom and I wanted to share my experience so far... The first two weeks of taking it I was having pretty severe nausea at night. I take my pill at 6:30pm and around 10-11 I would start to feel very nauseous and it would last until 1pm the next day. Now I haven’t been feeling too sick but I have been getting random stomach cramps I'm guessing because my period should be here soon. I feel as though I have been a little more emotional lately too and having random mood swings and also I’ve noticed some eyebrow hair loss. Other than these small inconveniences I've really had no other problems. Hoping everything starts to become normal and my body gets used to it."

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  • Dee
  • August 15, 2019

"I have only been on Isibloom for a week or so. I have had Horrible experiences with other birth controls. The Mirena, the nuvaring were both horrible for me. This birth control is totally different. I'm usually extremely moody during my ovulation time and rite before I get my period. This has totally mellowed me out! I can't be more happier with it! I'm going to continue to use it and hopefully it just gets better for me!"

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  • SMN
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 20, 2019

"I’m a month and 2 weeks into using this birth control. Take it the same time everyday never missed and I skip the “fake” pills and go to a new pack. While I didn’t get pregnant on this birth control... I’ve been bleeding HEAVILY (think large pads every half hour) with VERY BAD cramps and large clots in my flow for 15 days. I was advised to stop taking the pill yesterday once my Dr realized it wasn’t just “spotting”. I didn’t experience any crazy mood swings or anything of that sort a little wore out but it’s also 115 outside! I did throw up a few times from the cramp pain but that’s the cramp life!! Got on this to avoid pregnancy with my partner and I can’t even imagine having sex with the cramps I’m having. I can’t even use a tampon without the cramps getting worse. Hopefully going off of these will fix my problem. Everyone is different hoping others have a better outcome!"

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  • Rhy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 17, 2019

"I started Isibloom in April and I wanted something that would stop my period. It works I'll give it the benefit of the doubt the pill does it jobs. But in the beginning I experienced mood swings and nausea. Which is understandable because your hormones are changing once you begin. But one thing for anyone looking at taking this pill I will warn you about now. Don't miss a single day. Doesn't matter if its past the time you're supposed to take it, still take it. I missed two days and I'm having the worst cramps and heaviest period I've ever had. And for me that's insane, I used to vomit from pain and had heavy period before the pill but this takes the cake. It's a sharp persistent pain, almost to the point I want to see a doctor. But so far that has been the worst thing to have happen to me. So if you want to take Isibloom, do so. But be warned about the side effects of missing even just one day."

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  • Lacey
  • July 23, 2019

"Isibloom turned my minor crams into SEVERE cramps so bad that I would throw up. It made my period even heavier than it had been. I wore a super+ tampon AND a pad (I never wear pads on my period, tampons had always been enough) and have had to change both the pad and tampon every two hours! I have been bleeding for SIXTEEN days now on this period and the past two months, I bled for fourteen. I thought it was just my body getting used to the new medication, so I didn't mention it to my OB who had prescribed it, but when I went in for my annual physical, I mentioned it to my primary and she was very concerned. She ran labs and I was severely anemic. In terms of mood, I have PTSD and will often get a little down and had been fairly depressed before but on this medication, my depression was by far the worst it has ever been. My therapist tracks symptoms like this and said I have had a noticeable difference the past three months (which coincidentally is when I started Isibloom."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 6, 2019

"I haven't even been taking this pill for two weeks. In this time, I am having extreme trouble sleeping (even with the help of sleep aid pills), back pain, horrible cramping, AND not to mention mood swings. I have been extremely irritated. I will be fine one minute, then start crying for absolutely no reason. I have no desire to be on a medication that completely alters my personality. This kind of depression is not okay, and in my opinion, not worth it."

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  • Cath
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 4, 2021

"I started Isibloom back in June 2019, I got prescribed it using The Pill Club. I’m now 19 and have had a pretty good experience. I haven’t had any crazy medical issues or bad side effects. I didn’t gain weight nor did this make my acne worse. I used to have back acne but once going on this, it went away and I do not experience any breakouts. I also haven’t had any pregnancy scares or food cravings (outside of being very hangry on your period lol.) I also noticed my periods have become much lighter— I used to have a 5 day period, now it’s been reduced to 2 days with very light bleeding towards the end. The one thing is that my moods have definitely changed. I’m not depressed or have anxiety but I get very angry really easily, and I’m sensitive now so it’s easy to make me cry. Other than that, it’s good."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 24, 2019

"I had started this pill only 4 days ago and ever since than I have been In bed due to severe nausea! I feel like I have a stomach bug, I know starting a new pill can cause that but NOT this bad! I am going to stop taking this pill and hopefully I start feeling better soon! ):"

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  • Mirac...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 5, 2019

"My husband and I were looking for a birth control that works without too many major hormones being involved, and something that isn't so complicated to use and keep up with. My doctor prescribed the isibloom to me, and I started taking it on the first day of my up coming cycle. Since then I haven't stopped bleeding. I have been spotting (Breakthrough bleeding) Since my period was supposed to end. Since then I haven't been able to have sex, which sucks because my sex drive has been through the roof. I have no changes with my acne, and I have been dealing with consistent migraines daily. Not really sure I'll continue using this medication if these issues persist. Currently 3 weeks in with this medication and I am really dissatisfied. Hopefully things change because I know that it does take a while for medications and things to figure out how to work with your body, but if things don't change I will discontinue my use. I will update soon! Good Luck Ladies!"

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  • Katie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 14, 2022

"Everybody will tell you there was no change when they changed the packaging from green to pink but I’ve been on this pill for 4 years and never had any problems until they changed the pack to pink. The bleeding is literally out of control. Period starts an entire week before the inactive period pills and goes all the way through an active week of pills to stop bleeding (literally only have a week out of the entire month with no bleeding). If you want to wear a pad/tampon the whole month this is the brand for you."

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  • Cheeky
  • December 14, 2019

"I've been on this pill for 4 months now and I have experienced zero side effects! This is my first time taking birth control, as I decided to go on a bit of a spree lol and figured it would be a good idea. I went through my spree and now a serious relationship with no pregnancy scares so far. I ordered this from Pill Club without insurance and only had to pay $40 with the copay for a year supply. I DID request a pill that would stop my period and isibloom does no such thing, but that's on the Pill Club, not the pill itself. It did regulate my period which is something I haven't had since I started it, so at least that's something. My periods are pretty much the same as they were prior to the pill, my acne is back and forth on how bad it gets, but no weight gain, mood swings, or change in behavior. All in all I like this pill!"

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  • Panda...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 26, 2019

"I have been on Isibloom for 4months I noticed a big difference in my eating habits I eat less and lost about 15 pounds since starting. I have had major mood swings in the beginning where I even scared my family. I wouldn’t recommend this too teens just young adults the hormones make me go back and forth with my acne but only around my regular period time and I still get ovulation pain while on the pill so I’m not sure it’s actually doing what it’s supposed too. My advice research as much as possible about what you want to put into your body and talk to your doctor or nurse about it they will put you on a better track than looking at reviews."

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  • Kaylee
  • December 18, 2019

"I am on my third pack of Isibloom and the first 1.5 months, acne was crazy! Especially around my chin. Now that I’m onto my third pack, that has cleared up a bit. Secondly, my libido decreased a lot in the first month. My sex drive was high before Switching to Isibloom so I was shocked that it made a huge difference. My boyfriend was aware of the situation so if this ever happens, have some lube on hand! Thirdly, my period was quite heavy with this BC pill. But before I even started taking BC pills, I always experienced heavy bleeding so it was nothing new to me. Lastly, I didn’t notice a change in anything, appetite, weight, mood change, nothing since I first started taking Isibloom. I decided to skip my period from second pack onto third pack and it was a smooth transition! I’m on my second week in my third pack and it’s nice not having a period! No pregnancy too!"

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  • walke...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 3, 2021

"I got prescribed Isibloom after I had complications with an IUD. I took it at night around 7-8 pm the first day, and I was up all night with nausea and vomiting. I felt severely nauseous the next day, as well. I decided to see if it would get better after a week of taking it. I missed 3 days of classes because of the nausea, but no vomiting. I thought it was getting better, but I couldn't eat really anything since I had started taking Isibloom. Taking it later at night didn't really help either, as I would wake up the next day still extremely sick. I ultimately decided to stop taking it after the vomiting started up again after two weeks of taking it."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.