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Bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline for Helicobacter Pylori Infection User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Pylera

Bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 208 reviews for the treatment of Helicobacter Pylori Infection. 36% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 26% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline

  • Anonymous
  • June 11, 2017

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I am on day 5 and all I can say is I hope this pylera helps. I've been getting bad taste in my mouth, insomnia..which makes it so hard to function. Also headaches, stomach pain, extreme fatigue, mood swings, dark stools and urine, loss of appetite etc. But I am hopeful that this works versus all the other antibiotics I've taken. It seems like a never ending battle just about a year now and getting aggravated with this and being so limited on what to and not to eat to upset me. Hoping for the best. Good luck to all.."

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  • Minny
  • April 29, 2014

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Today is my 9th day on this medication, the first day I had no symptoms as the days went by it got worse very nauseous everyday after that, I am extremely tired and have a metal taste in my mouth all day that makes me even more sick to my stomach, I recommend chewing gum, some cramping and black stool. I hope this medicine takes care of the problem. Taking breathing test in a month, fingers crossed."

4 / 10
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  • wendy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 25, 2023

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Before starting this meditation I was really scared after reading the reviews. I also want to preface this by saying that I have Lupus Nephritis and was already taking additional medication, so adding Pylera meant I was taking over 20 pills a day. The only side effects I had were dark stool, abdominal cramping (sometimes between doses), and slight joint pain. My diet could’ve played a large role. I ate mainly fruit and vegetables from home, drank A LOT of water, and always ate a full meal with doses. Please listen to the instructions and DO NOT lie down after taking this medication for at least 30 minutes. Also avoid foods with added calcium like cereals, bagels, milk, etc. Read your food labels and try your best to avoid highly processed foods for the course of antibiotics. I still don’t know if my H Pylori is gone but I do feel better than before I started taking it."

8 / 10
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  • Sarah
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2022

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Taking Pylera is a wild ride and I would suggest everyone to plan time off work for the 10 days of treatment. I‘m currently on day seven and had/have many of the side effects. They do come in waves though, so there are moments in between where I feel really good and even noticed improved h.pylori symptoms, which makes me hopeful that this is actually working. I know many said it here before but I‘m going to say it again: Do not take Pylera on an empty stomach!! On day 4 I took my last dose really late because I had slept all day due to side effects. I was not hungry so I washed down my capsules with half a banana….. woke up 4 hours later with the worst stomach cramps and burning I ever had in my life and that continued for at least 12 hours! Since then I made sure to eat a complete meal before taking the capsules, just a little snack didn‘t work for me. Man do I hope this works, I wouldn’t want to do it again. Yet thankful this treatment exists. Will report back with results!"

8 / 10
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  • Marlew
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 6, 2016

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Ok, I'm back to share my experience with Pylera. I completed a 10-day dose of 12 pills/day. Glad that I read reviews before begining or else the side effects would've concerned me. From. day 1, I experienced daily nausea even though I ate a small meal with each dose, had a slight headache for about 3 days, my feces turned blackish brown by day 3 & lost its stink! No kidding! I also felt a little off, i.e. a feeling not quite right & a little tired. I drank a lot of water with each dose just as stated. I wont know the results for another 2-3 weeks. In the mean time I am taking Omeprazol 2x daily & a Probiotic."

6 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Mfaught
  • June 10, 2015

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I had been experiencing sever stomach pain for about a year and a half that included nausea, stomach pain, always bloated, and pressure under my ribcage. Dr perform Urea Breath Test; tested positive for H. Plyri. I completed day 10 yesterday. I was lucky enough not experience any sever side effects. I did experience multiple migraines while on it and I always felt very tired. But just after taking the first full day of it, I definitely felt a difference. Today is my first day without having had taken them and I feel a 100 times better. I actually have an appetite! It's harsh and long and I wanted to give up, but in the end I thought it was worth it. Now to wait 4 weeks before I can get retested to ensure it's gone."

8 / 10
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  • Morgm...
  • January 22, 2018

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Talk about a medicine with side effects. I tried prevpac which failed to eradicate h pylori so here I am. Before I start, remember not everyone's body reacts the same to medicine. Some are sensitive to these medicines while others are not. First day of medicine no side effects. Second day I started with a really bad headache. Third day headache, fourth day nausea and very tired. 5th day, aches, pains, nausea and weak. Rest of the days very nauseated, my blood pressure dropped and was very light headed, and shaky. Tried to sleep as much as I could. I am on day 8, and CANNOT wait for this to be over. Praying it works because I don't think I can go through it again"

3 / 10
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  • Edm
  • August 7, 2018

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I’ve had stomach pains off and on for a few years. Just recently I went to a new gastro which ran some tests that included blood work and stool sample along with a abdominal ultrasound. Everything came back fine except I tested positive for H pylori. I was prescribed 10 day pylera along with omeprazole. Besides having dark stool it was going smooth for the first couple of days but on day 6 is when all hell started braking loose. I began having sharp abdominal pains, dizziness, nausea and I was very tired. The only thing that helped was eating, as soon as I ate my pains and symptoms went away temporarily. Two and a half more days to go and I’m done. Hopefully I won’t have to go through this again."

6 / 10
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  • Paula...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 5, 2016

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Just finished 10 days of Pylera. This is my second treatment in the past few months for h-pylori after it coming back 2 weeks after finishing triple treatment. Well this has to be the worst medicine ive ever been prescribed in my life. I was bloated first few days and looked 6 months pregnant. It got worse.... the symptoms that followed were insomnia, itchiness everywhere especially my nose, anxiety, racing heart, weight gain, mood swings and just a general feeling of not feeling with it, im still bloated after 4 days after ive finished and dont feel great."

4 / 10
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  • Elmo
  • October 17, 2017

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I've tried everything available with or without a prescription. The best medicines for H pylori is dill and fennel ...3 teaspoons of dill and one of fennel you boil it in 1l of water and you drink 3 small cups a day . Within a week you'll say bye to H pylori and all the stomach problems."

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  • Scared
  • February 22, 2022

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I'm taking pyelera for Hp is over nine days today; I feel like crap. My skin is dry; my anxiety is at its highest stomach discomfort, anal discomfort, headaches. This treatment is a challenge, honestly. Please stay safe"

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  • Val
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 31, 2019

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Well, I had a 120 pills course in Germany from 7 till 16 January. I had a black stool and dark urine and went to bed after 10pm, although usually I do it around midnight. No other side effects though. And during taking Pylera my stomach felt pretty comfortable. Now I the feeling is not that comfortable. I do not feel pain, but I experience some discomfort in my stomach. Maybe this is due to the fact that Pylera killed all the flora in my gut. I will have my next gastro in the beginning of February."

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  • Anonymous
  • October 26, 2011

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I have been taking Pylera for 6 days and besides dry mouth general feeling of being ill I noticed my tongue is getting dark (a known side effect) this is a very difficult medication to take for 10 days, however, I will continue in hopes the H. Pylori bacteria will be eradicated."

4 / 10
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  • navym...
  • May 14, 2015

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I'm on day 4 and I can't wait until this is over. The dark runny stool, headaches. I'm over it. I don't like yogurt but if it'll help I'll try it! Note: if you feel the urge to pass gas - go to the bathroom asap."

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  • Frank
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 13, 2018

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I'm on day 7. I've been eating a strict diet of no-sugar, no-wheat, no-dairy, no-red meat. Basically, everything that takes digestive robustness or helps bad bacteria. I take the Pylera with a half sized meal and eat the other portion of the meal a couple of hours later with either a probiotic supplement or a healthy scoop of live (not pasturized) sauerkraut. I've been drinking lots of water by sipping it all day and I force myself to hit the elliptical for 20 min every other day. My poop was dark and like the consistency of wet clay on day two. Day three was a LOT of green loose stool. Now, I'm pooping every other day and it smells like fresh grass! I get tired just past lunch and I have a pretty steady headache from about 10AM on. Still better than dealing with this infection. Excited to rebuild my gut after and see how I feel without H. Pylori."

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  • HPylo...
  • August 12, 2016

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Picked up a nasty H Pylori strain from an casual blind date, I know I should have gotten to know the person better. Took a while before symptoms showed up. Had severe upset stomach, occasional diarrhea, nausea and slow but steady weight loss. Took a long time and several doctors to diagnose my steadily worsening condition. Tried PrevPak first, seemed to work at first but my infection came back. The new GI then prescribed Pylera after my 3rd endoscopy. Pylera has worked, it's been a year and I am still H Pylera negative. But it's been brutal and a very hard long road back to recovery. Had severe side effects from tetracycline (in Pylera), my skeletal bones seemed to have absorbed it. Am still not completely detoxed, steadily improving."

5 / 10
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  • Hvhtech
  • June 4, 2013

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "On my 5th day of treatment. The bloating and discomfort in my stomach is pretty intense. I hope I can follow through with my course of medication. My doctor did not mention to take a probiotic while on medicines. I will ask tomorrow and hope I get an answer. I have already called once asking if this feeling is from the medication or the upper endoscopy ."

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  • Jonny
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 9, 2019

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I'm on day 9 and apart from a constant metallic taste in my mouth (not so bad) then I have no other side effects. I have cut all dairy and alcohol as recommended for the ten days. If it kills the bacteria and I feel fine taking it then I'm a happy camper!"

9 / 10
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  • Earbuds
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 31, 2018

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Last day on Pylera and I am happy for this to be over. Overall, not bad at all. Diarrhea the first few days followed by odd smelling black bowel movements 3 times a day, everyday. Weird taste in my mouth off and on. Today, I will say I am exhausted. I work a physically demanding job outdoors and of course the heat was high all week but I was able to push through it...not bad at all, honestly."

7 / 10
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  • Glo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 30, 2019

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "The most horrible feeling in the world tired, nauseated, black stools, depressed and I just wanted to feel normal again. What helped me was eating big meals, try to eat your first meal as early as possible so that you can take your last pill not so late and get your sleep. I had mints in my purse always helps with the bad taste in your mouth but most of all sparking water was by my side constantly it helped settle my stomach and kept me hydrated. I never again can I go through that! Day 10 was yesterday today I’m meds free and I have a sour stomach and heartburn I hope this goes away soon."

2 / 10
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  • R3b
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 29, 2019

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Hey everyone, I have been taking this drug for 2 days now, and the side effects I am dealing with at the moment are( dark stool, weird taste, tiredness, bad mood, and anxiety) other than that everything is good I hope this medicine will be effective, my doctor prescribed it for 20 days :(."

8 / 10
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  • Useof...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 25, 2023

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "I want to write my experience with this medicine for the benefit to prevail. I was suffering from a strange pain in my stomach, and I always suffer from heartburn, even in the early morning without eating anything, let alone the unpleasant gases. I went to a doctor who diagnosed me with helicobacter pylori He explained to me that it was better to take this new medication paylera than the old combinations, the quadruple combination I decided to take it and literally applied the doctor's instructions. Some of the symptoms I suffered from were heat, black stools. After completing the medication, there was slight diarrhea, but it increased significantly until after two months I did not see stools when going to the toilet. The reason is that the medicine killed all the beneficial bacteria that help the colon form stool, and thus the case is to bring back the beneficial bacteria and my condition has improved a lot. A difficult medicine, in fact, if you suffer from pain, take it"

7 / 10
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  • Phil...
  • May 12, 2018

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Hi I am 34 and never had vision problems until taking Pylera for about 8 days. Please don't take this medication because it is causing me to go blind in both eyes. Now my vision is very blurry I can't see anything with clarity. At first I thought it was a temporary side effect until each and every day my vision got worse now it's even worse from then..I can't deal being with out my vision"

1 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 19, 2019

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "Omg. On Day 3 - 7 more days to go of Pylera. I feel so weak and sleepy. Makes water taste terrible. I don’t have ulcers but I’m diabetic. H. Pylori raises blood sugar. I need to get rid of this bacteria. It was found through regular check up with endoscopy. Hopefully my sugar levels go back to normal after killing the bacteria. Good Luck everyone"

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  • Angie
  • November 14, 2018

Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium / metronidazole / tetracycline) "My Pylera experience: 12 antibiotics daily was surprisingly easy, No side effects, just black stools. The only disappointment was that it didn't get rid of the h pylori, so I'm once again on tetracycline & Flagyl+pantaprazole. The Pylera was like taking nothing compared to this. And btw,I 'm still h-pylori positive."

6 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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