Clarithromycin User Reviews & Ratings
Brand names: Biaxin XL
Clarithromycin has an average rating of 5.4 out of 10 from a total of 836 reviews on 37% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Clarithromycin
- Twi...
- July 22, 2019
For Sinusitis "I am currently prescribed 500mg clarithromycin twice a day for 10 days. I had a sinus infection. I'm on day 4 and still feel a bit of sinus pressure. I cannot tell you how much this metal taste in my mouth has taken my sleep away. I am woken up by this terrible taste, never experienced anything like this. I feel I can only go max another 2 days with this as I just cannot take this taste anymore... it's taken over my life."
- Shu...
- March 29, 2017
For Bronchitis "You people are obviously not sick enough to be grateful you have a medicine that works. It's not even close to that bad. Take it with food. And you won't even have side effects. Take pain meds. And brush your teeth. This medicine is the best and does what it needs to do. Stop complaining it could be worse you could die."
Frequently asked questions
- What is the best antibiotic to treat strep throat?
- What are the best antibiotics for pneumonia?
- Can Biaxin cause headaches?
- Can I drink alcohol while taking clarithromycin?
- Mik...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 25, 2017
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "If you're reading this post then odds are you've been scouring the internet freaking out and learning about H. pylori, and coming across so many negative reviews about the medication. Look guys, you've got a bad infection that basically has two layers of protection. You have to attack this bad bug hard and heavy to bust through and kill it. I'm on day 7! And yes, the first day I was scared because of the new feelings in my body... weakness, somewhat bad taste in mouth, a little brain fog... but it is NOT THAT BAD! By day 3, I felt like I'm cured! After the first day, it gets easier and easier, just take with food, and when the side effects show up, be calm and cool, and relax, if you just relax, it's simple."
- Rel...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 2, 2020
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I'm on day 7 of my treatment plan which consists of: 1-omeprazole, 1-clarithromycin, and 2-amoxicillin 2x/day, and bismuth subsalicylate 4x/day. I deal with anxiety terribly and was fearful of this treatment plan after dealing with 4 months of a diagnosis with symptoms of GERD. A sense of relief came when I had to be tested and found that H. pylori was causing all of this. Don't get me wrong, I hate that it has come to this but I'm relieved that it is something that can be treated without having to undergo long-term treatment as I would have with GERD. I weighed my options and decided to overcome anxiety and take the meds to get rid of this thing. I have experienced the metallic taste, loss of sleep, back pains, dark stools, and brain fog. Push through!!! You can do this!!! The thing I've learned is to make sure that you have a well-balanced meal when taking your meds to avoid feeling jittery, eat small meals more times within the day, stay away from foods that will cause acid reflux, and drink lots of water."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Joe...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 5, 2017
For Bronchitis "I have just finished a 7-day course of 500mg tablets, twice a day for a chest infection which two other antibiotics failed to clear. This antibiotic worked much faster than others I have tried, with symptoms improving rapidly after just one day. I had no side effects at all, not even the strange taste. My wife has also had a course of the same drug in the past, again with no side effects. Reading through these comments, you would think that practically everyone has adverse side effects from this drug, but in actual fact, it is a low percentage (under 10% according to the packet). I think more people tend to report bad side effects than none, hence the large number here. Don't be put off by this."
- yva...
- October 5, 2014
For Sinusitis "I too woke up in the middle of my sleep because of the bad taste in my mouth. I thought I needed to eat, but whatever I eat, it doesn't go. So I googled about it and found this site. I ate a salty meal, candies, chocolate, carrot, and nothing works. I've only had two tablets so far."
More FAQ
- Ano...
- February 25, 2013
Biaxin (clarithromycin) for Sinusitis "I have had MANY sinus infections over the years, and Biaxin is the only thing that really gets rid of them. Yes, you have a horrible (metallic) taste in your mouth, are a bit loopy, and tummy isn't the best, but those side effects are nothing compared to serious sinus pain. I'd rather be thirsty than feel like my head is in a vice all day!"
- Bab...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- March 14, 2018
For Sinusitis "I felt compelled to write a review here after looking on here at the start of my course and being horrified by what it seemed awaited me. I am taking 2 x 500mg tabs a day (one morning, one evening) for an acute sinusitis not cleared by a course of amoxicillin. It took until day 3 to start to work for me but the difference is amazing. I have a two-week course and am feeling really hopeful for the first time in 3 weeks that I'm not going to spend the foreseeable future feeling absolutely awful. I had absolutely no side effects at all - I was very tired the first two days and slept a lot, but that is likely because I was ill! Since then, no GI problems, no anxiety/restlessness, and no horrible taste in my mouth. I hope this gives some reassurance to someone else that it's perfectly possible to take it and have no side effects!"
- Liz...
- February 12, 2017
Biaxin (clarithromycin) for Bronchitis "I had to leave a review for this medicine because I consider it to be a wonder drug. I am prone to bronchitis and I've tried everything: amoxicillin, augmentin, ampicillin, z-pack, omnicef, etc. Biaxin is the only--and I mean ONLY--drug that will work on my bronchitis. The worst side effect for me is hunger to the point where I feel like my stomach is eating itself, but I'll gladly temporarily put up with that rather than cough myself to death! This is an amazing medication--it gets the job done when nothing else will."
- Sam...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 24, 2021
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I had been having persistent heartburn and bloating for a month until my doctor suggested an endoscopy. The result came positive for H. pylori. I’m currently taking clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and omeprazole for a 10-day course. On the first day of taking it, my chest pain reduced, but I was having panic attacks every now and then. Now, on my third day, I’m feeling weak, experiencing shortness of breath, and a metallic taste in my mouth. The heartburn and abdominal pain are gone, but now I'm just feeling super weak. Can’t wait to finish this medication and be smiling again. Stay strong, loves, we can get out of this."
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 24, 2021
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Taking this medicine was the worst experience ever, however, I completed my 2 weeks to rid my infection. Now I’m at day 15 since I took my last pill, and I’m still dealing with side effects. I’m still having heart palpitations (only one episode a day), increased heart rate, and 3 days ago, I developed a rash on my face. I’m now able to sleep all night, and I’m no longer awakened by my heart pounding out of my chest. I wish I would’ve read these reviews prior to this treatment. I have an appointment next week to find out if it worked. Good luck to all of those who are taking this drug now!"
- Bex...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 22, 2013
For Sinusitis "Wrote on here yesterday. Just updating. Doc advised me to stop taking clarithromycin after I took only one 500mg last night. My experience- awful taste in mouth, vomiting, lower back pain, aching all over, severe stomach pain, couldn't sleep, dizziness, severe anxiety, dull heavy headache (similar to a hangover) and very dry mouth. All this after only ONE tablet. This medication is EVIL! Take with extreme caution people. Good luck x"
- Anonymous
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 6, 2019
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Very strong medicine. Before I was diagnosed with H. pylori, my symptoms were bloating, belching, and acid reflux at night. I took this because of slight H. pylori with slight erosion on my stomach found while having an endoscopy. 500 mg clarithromycin (Klaz) tablet, 500 mg amoxicillin (Himox) capsule, and 20 mg omeprazole (Omepron) capsule. Taken before meals, 1-0-1 omeprazole, 2-0-2 clarithromycin, and 1-0-1 amoxicillin for 14 days. From the 1st day, with the 1st dose, effects not that much, just a metallic taste, stomach cramps, feeling slightly bloated when I took it. From that night, the metallic taste turned bitter. On the second day of medication, I got anxiety in the early morning, bitter taste, still bloated and belching. On the 3rd day, my stomach kept growling, bitter taste, and I developed insomnia and minor brain fog, still bloated. I'm on my 4th day now, insomnia is hitting hard, bitter taste, slight bloating, and keeps belching. All I can say is every day you will experience different symptoms. I will update soon about my condition."
- Sin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 28, 2019
For Sinusitis "Have had sinus infections for over twenty years, and although two operations have helped, they can still recur and are very nasty. Usually, along with the sinus pain, I lose my voice with nasal drip, and my breathing is affected with accompanying chest pain. Clarithromycin was recommended by my consultant years ago, and although my GP was reluctant, he did agree to write the prescription when needed and has continued to do so. This drug is amazing for me. Literally, within a few hours, I can feel the pressure lifting from my sinuses, my voice starts to return, and the weight lifts from my chest, and I can breathe properly again. Within a few days, I am back to normal. I ALWAYS take the tablet with food as per the instructions. If you don't, you can get into all sorts of trouble as listed by others here. I have worried that I may become resistant to it as I probably take it twice a year, but if anything, it seems to be more effective for me as I get older. Not sure why."
- oli...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 4, 2015
For Sinusitis "I would like to know what this drug is made from. The horrible metallic taste is making me gag. I have tried everything you can think of to get rid of it. It's waking me up at night from the taste. I don't know if the H. pylori symptoms or this is worse. I have 5 days to go on this and am dreading every tablet I have to swallow. I feel it's poison."
- All...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 6, 2019
For Sinusitis "I was put on a high dose of clarithromycin when a sinus infection became complicated and went into my parotid gland, causing severe swelling and pain in my cheek and jaw. The horrible metallic taste is normal with this med. Sucking on lemon drops or other hard candies can help. This med will cause stomach upset and cramps, etc. unless you eat lots of yogurt-any kind, and even the sweet, not-so-good-for-you yummy tasting kind will work too. So you need to take it with the yogurt, you will need to eat a full meal, then take the meds. This really will help keep stomach issues at bay as best as possible. The med helped clear my infection up fast and was totally worth any inconvenience, seeing that I tend to be allergic to everything."
- 25s...
- August 14, 2013
Biaxin (clarithromycin) for Sinusitis "I too have had multiple sinus infections and surgery twice. In addition, I am immunosuppressed because of a medication for rheumatoid arthritis. Biaxin has always worked for me. I really have no side effects other than the metallic taste, which is tolerable. I make sure I take it after food, otherwise, it is really hard on the stomach. I take Biaxin XL 500mg, 2 tablets once a day for 14 days."
- Fia...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 7, 2021
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I feel so much better having read the posts both good and bad. I had a nasty bout of campylobacter, and when the stool sample was analyzed, up popped H. pylori. So, 500 mg clarithromycin 2 a day, along with 500 mg of amoxicillin and 20 mg of omeprazole. Within hours of the first tablet, I started to feel off. My heart was bouncy all over the place, it seems to settle during the day when I'm busy, so I’m distracted unless it goes completely Tom and Jerry. But night is awful, I can’t sleep for all the skipped beats, anxiety obviously making the whole thing worse, fear of death and a bitter grapefruit taste again worse at night. I’m on a 7-day course and have 5 doses left. And I cannot wait until it’s finished. I’m terrified, but thank goodness I’m not alone, and that has calmed me more than I can express. Good luck, guys, it’s just a moment in time. Stay strong and dig in. xxx PS I’ve given an average rating as I don’t know if I’m cured, but I’ve found this deeply horrid."
- Han...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 13, 2021
For Sinusitis "Run don’t walk away from this medicine. I have a terrible metallic taste in my mouth and the awful nausea that goes with it. I would honestly rather have the worst sinus infection in the world than take this medicine for another day."
- Mar...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- August 20, 2019
For Sinusitis "I was sick with extreme flu symptoms for over a week, so went back to the doctor and was told to take clarithromycin 'just in case' it got worse and it developed into a chest infection. Prescribed dosage: 2 x 250 mg a day before food. I was reluctant to take them as I react to most medications and cannot take Augmentin as it makes me pass out. Mind you, I’ve only begun reacting to medications in the last 5 years. I felt so ill that I thought I have to take them hoping to feel better! Well, only 3 days in and I feel worse! Will never take them again. Brain fog, tinnitus, severe fatigue, muscle aches, dizziness. Feel like sleeping all day and insomnia all night. I also feel like my insides have been poisoned. Obviously, every person reacts differently and not everyone will be affected in this way. Though, for me, this medication is pure poison."
- Tho...
- June 8, 2010
For Dental Abscess "I never had a tooth abscess before. I think childbirth compares, but it went on for days. Finally, I called my dentist. He prescribed Clarithromycin, and it worked wonderfully. I'm taking it again right now for a sinus infection. I requested it when I went to see my doctor. On day 2, the terrible headache with the infection is gone. Clarithromycin will be my antibiotic of choice from now on."
- Tin...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- July 29, 2020
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "You're probably on this page because you're anxious, and you want to find out if your side effects from clarithromycin are normal or if you'd have to face anything worse. I'm on day 8/10 of this medication. Day 1 through 3 was really awful, like everyone else is saying here. I have shivers, bad nausea, excessive salivation, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. It stopped from day 4 to 6, and the nausea and diarrhea started again. The diarrhea is so bad that it hurts when I pass stool now, and I don't have an appetite again. I guess we just have to really watch what we eat and hope this goes away soon. Take care, be strong, and don't give up. We don't want to be put on a higher dose, now do we? Good luck, guys."
- fit...
- March 28, 2014
Biaxin (clarithromycin) for Bronchitis "I was full of itises: bronchitis, sinusitis, and pharyngitis, and I felt miserable. The doctor prescribed Biaxin, and I started to be on the mend a couple of days after starting treatment. On day three of taking it, I felt good enough to exercise (not super intense, but enough to at least get the blood flowing and feel like a human being again). Biaxin has been hard on my gut. It helps to eat a lot of food before taking it. If my stomach starts hurting or cramping, I eat more food, and it helps relieve it. Unexpected side effect: Biaxin gave me energy and increased aggression/agitation. It did what it was supposed to do and knocked out my infection. All in all, worth it for me."
- Nat...
- November 23, 2016
For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I was prescribed Amox-Clarith-Omeprazole for 7 days for my H. pylori. Before taking these antibiotics, I read these forums to learn about other people's experiences, and it SCARED ME! So much! My understanding is that this combination has 80% effectiveness on H. pylori (which I've been suffering from for 10 years undiagnosed). My experience with these drugs: awful metallic taste in the mouth... that's it! I'm on day 2, have had no stomach problems; in fact, I think I feel better. My message is: for those who are about to start these medications; PLEASE don't be scared, it's worth it to be cured. Try it; if it's really unbearable, then stop them, but try them; for me, they really aren't bad. I'm just hoping I'm part of the 80% and they've worked for me!"
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For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "I’m on day 14/14 of this clarithromycin medication for H. pylori. The first few days were good. My only complaint was that the pill was bitter. I used a trick to make sure the drug didn’t touch my tongue: fill mouth with a bit of water, set the pill in your water-filled mouth, swallow immediately. Even with this, I noticed the bitter taste in my throat after a few days, but it was better. Week 2 I wasn't feeling as good. I had shortness of breath, racing heart, belching, dizziness, brain fog, nausea in the morning, trouble sleeping, muscle pain in my chest and back, and felt weak. I checked in with my doctor and everything was in working order. It was just the meds. My advice: DON'T take on an empty stomach. I tried once and threw it up. Float the pill in your mouth and swallow. Stay off Google. Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about your symptoms. Anxiety only makes things worse. Take it easy. Your health is important, so get the rest you need. Happy healing everyone. You’ve got this!"