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Amitriptyline for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder User Reviews

Amitriptyline has an average rating of 8.1 out of 10 from a total of 14 reviews for the off-label treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 79% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.

Amitriptyline rating summary

8.1 average rating out of 10

14 ratings from 15 user reviews.

Compare all 16 medications used in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


Reviews for Amitriptyline

  • TEX...
  • March 24, 2017

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I am 52 years old. I've struggled my entire life with anxiety, phobias, depression, intrusive racing thoughts, etc. I was diagnosed with PTSD, MDD, and panic disorder. I have tried every kind of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, sometimes with absolutely horrible side effects. I am disabled with disc and bone disease, my pain doctor added amitriptyline to my meds. I never would have imagined my pain doctor giving me a drug that could change my whole life, especially at my age. I gave up on finding a medication that really helped. I have been homebound for the past 3 years, I have become a recluse. Now, I look forward to getting out of the house! I actually feel happy! THANK GOD!!!! AND IT'S ONLY $4 CASH!"

10 / 10
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101 Report
  • ez_...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • January 3, 2018

Elavil (amitriptyline) "I've had Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) for 30 years, then a random workplace mass shooting gave me PTSD about 16 years ago. I was on many different drugs from a psychiatrist (probably getting kickbacks). After I lost my job, ability to work, house, wife, etc., I was fortunate to be poor and prescribed a drug I could afford by a nurse practitioner with advice from a neurologist. To add to my Klonopin, they prescribed Elavil. I slept like a baby for the first time in years. It helped with anxiety and depression, improved my libido, and I will be happy to take it the rest of my life. I have been on it for over ten years now. I still struggle, but I would never have managed without it. It gives me a fighting chance at a real life. SSRIs and antipsychotic drugs are demonic."

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79 Report
  • Ann...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 25, 2020

"I was in a car accident a year ago, mild traumatic brain injury, back injury, I have fibromyalgia, and I was having panic/anxiety, pain, was not sleeping, waking up 3-4 a night! Started taking amitriptyline 25 mg for 2 months now! It has changed my life!"

10 / 10
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40 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • mel...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 28, 2019

"Throughout my life, I've been prescribed so many different medications for my C-PTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), and every single thing I tried seemed to make things worse except amitriptyline for C-PTSD. 31 years old and in the ER for being suicidal when this awesome doctor tells me about amitriptyline. It took a few weeks to notice a difference, but once this stuff kicked in, I noticed a massive difference in the way I felt. I got some actual sleep for the first time in as long as I could remember. My emotions leveled out, my brain fog cleared up, my ability to deal with everyday life situations improved. I mean, it's just unbelievable. The med isn't without downsides. If for any reason you suddenly stop taking this and have to go without for a couple of days, you're going to be a horrendously awful person to deal with because of the withdrawal from this med, causing an emotional rollercoaster of anger!!! It's pretty crazy. I don't ever want to be without this medication again. <3"

9 / 10
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46 Report
  • ras...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 20, 2015

Elavil (amitriptyline) "1st started taking for depression and PTSD and anxiety. Then I got in an accident, now I take it for the above as well as headaches, leg pain, nerve pain in legs. Great old school drug. Oh, also helps insomnia."

9 / 10
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58 Report

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  • Pra...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 22, 2017

"Dear God, thank you!!!!! PTSD causing insomnia and crippling panic attacks!! Have been on every SSRI, made the panic worse! Basically, I just can't take SSRI and SNRI. They led me to panic disorder as if anxiety and insomnia weren't bad enough. I suffered for ten years until I crashed. Then I started 0.25 immediate relief! By 8 weeks, no panic, and by 9 weeks, I am sleeping. I have no side effects for me other than next day brain fog. Just kind of like duhhhhhh, lol, it went away. I should've, could've, and wish I would've done this sooner!!! Very cheap, older med of the tricyclic antidepressants. I also tolerate trazodone, hence my PCP going for this! Never give up, peeps!!"

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Mil...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 3, 2016

"Was prescribed 25 mg for post-traumatic stress from a motorcycle vs. drunk driver wreck I survived. I also have insomnia and panic/anxiety attacks as a result. I had negative experiences with Xanax. So I started amitriptyline 25 mg, it did nothing for me, kept me awake, even. 50 mg helped a little (5-6 hours of sleep). I went back to the doc, and he said, 'A guy your size, try taking 2 50 mg before bed' (I weigh 215). I took 2 while making dinner and could barely keep my head up while eating. I slept 10 hours straight! This is fantastic as I have 'interrupted sleep cycles' where my body comes out of REM sleep from the PTSD. Doc says I need 10-12 hours of sleep on a good night. I like that it's not addictive as well."

9 / 10
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39 Report
  • Ger...
  • June 8, 2019

"My doc prescribed amitriptyline to help me sleep. I have high anxiety, or I am stressed out, or in panic mode. So took it for two or three years, three or four pills a day. I think it was 25 mg. My heart started pounding out of control. In the ambulance, my bpm (heart beats per minute) was 160 plus. The paramedic was injecting some drug to slow my heart down, and he asked what drugs I was taking. I said amitriptyline. He said that drug causes the organ that controls the heart rate not to function properly, and he said to stop taking it. They were now aware of what it does to the heart. So after the first injection, I felt my heart slow way down. Then a few minutes later, still driving to the hospital, my heart ran over 160 bpm again, so he injected the IV with a drug I can't remember the name of. It slowed my heart again to normal. Thank goodness for that paramedic's training and quick action. Look, I would not recommend this drug to anyone. I have never had a heart problem ever. I quit taking this that day and never took it again."

1 / 10
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25 Report
  • squ...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 11, 2015

"I suffer from post-concussion headaches, no other medicine helped. Seemed to make everything worse: sensitive to light headaches, pain in eye and neck. One little pill and it's gone, slept like a baby. Highly recommend."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Opt...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2023

"Law enforcement for 28 years. Started on 10 mg - 100 mg per day. 50 mg at night. I noticed that my hyper-vigilance and OCD dampened to a more manageable level. Sleep like the dead. Note, with the CPAP trial and no Amitriptyline, I was miserable. With the Ami, the CPAP is more tolerable, but it took 6 weeks of Ami before I noticed a benefit. Only 4 months in, but I have also made an effort to change my diet and exercise. Does NOTHING for pain. The nerve pain (like a hot poker / wasp stings) comes and goes less frequently, but this is not a drug for pain relief in my experience."

8 / 10
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7 Report
  • Hig...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 20, 2016

Elavil (amitriptyline) "The first time I was aware of the existence of this drug, a gastroenterologist gave it to me for sharp stomach pain. The cause was idiopathic and/or overdetermined by a variety of problems, especially some damage to the hypothalamus. That was in 2001, and it worked IMMEDIATELY. Stomach pain? Gone. Only had about a 2-week supply and stopped with no ill effects. In fact, it perked up my mood! I always remembered that this was the drug that solved a serious pain problem. In 2015, I had severe anxiety, and my appetite was completely gone. I knew what I needed. The psychiatrist gave me Elavil, even though he was inclined toward Effexor. I ate! I felt good again. I am still on it. I am concerned regarding withdrawal. Short-term use recommended if possible."

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Grr...
  • June 10, 2017

Elavil (amitriptyline) "Keeps you from wanting to kill yourself, makes you feel more comfortable, just mellows you out, keeps me from having flashbacks. First time, I didn't like bad side effects, the doctor gave me 50mg a day, but I take 50mg at bedtime, then I cut the pill in half late morning and early evening. First time taking, makes you sleep really well. I have no side effects. I like it, keeps you calm."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Thy...
  • February 9, 2019

"Hyperthyroid, PTSD. Have been on benzos for years to control 'panic disorder, unspecified,' and while Xanax kept me functional, in PTSD therapy I realized an old incident might have caused my thyroid to go nuts and put me in the ER a lot. I didn't want to be 'stuck' carrying Xanax for instant relief of unexplained panic attacks (I'm not in the least bit 'anxious' or depressed, but have been prone to 'panic' daily for years and didn't know why). Everything else made me more anxious or put me in the ER (even with Xanax). When I was finally diagnosed with PTSD, I begged for Elavil after researching, and immediately felt the difference. I don't know how it works, but Elavil's the ONLY one I've felt could take the place of Xanax. A little worried about 'swapping dependencies,' but this kind of 'calm' seems worth it. I still have Xanax (and propranolol for high heart rate, which I had moments after swallowing Elavil), but am taking them 'in taper mode.'"

9 / 10
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21 Report
  • Mag...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 3, 2021

"I was on this drug for 7 months - it was amazing at first. It turned me from someone who was triggered and in severe emotional pain constantly into a fully functional adult. BUT it really messed with my cognitive ability, I couldn't remember certain words, I forgot how to spell despite always being great at English... it was really concerning. I've since found out it has anticholinergic properties, which can affect your memory. It also messed with my heart - I had a prolonged QT signal, and my resting heart rate was around 120. I've now changed to mirtazapine, which I've heard great things about, please be careful with this medication."

4 / 10
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10 Report
  • Bru...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • August 16, 2016

"I've been in law enforcement for almost 24 years. I've sustained two broken hips, a dislocated SI joint, eight concussions, and numerous stab and knife wounds. I've been given amitriptyline before, with no help for PTSD. On June 16, 2015, I received my eighth concussion. My PTSD intensified as this injury is a severe one, and I was given klonopin for PTSD as the amitriptyline did nothing. Since then, I've been on both as I required surgery to remove two nerves in my neck as well as surgery to remove scar tissue from my spine. At 50 mg, the amitriptyline has done nothing for PTSD, but works for the remaining nerve pain, though no help in sleeping."

5 / 10
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14 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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