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Ulipristal for Emergency Contraception User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: ella, Logilia

Ulipristal has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 684 reviews for the treatment of Emergency Contraception. 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Ulipristal

  • Aano
  • April 3, 2021

Ella (ulipristal) "Just wanted to write this review for anyone worrying right now. I had UPS a week before my period was due, and I was worried this would mess my cycle up, and OH BOY. IT MESSED ME UP. I missed my period completely for Feb and March, my January period only ended at the start of Feb, and I am very regular; with each cycle lasting 31 days without fail. This got me worried sick. I was taking 2-3 pregnancy tests a week, I had PMS symptoms for about a month and I was convinced I had a ectopic pregnancy. I also had hormonal lumps in my boobs which I hadn't had since puberty. The stress probably didn't help with delaying my period too! In short, I finally got my period, but Ellaone made my cycle last 64 days and my period 34 days late. I will not be taking this ever again to avoid the 2 months of complete stress induced nightmare. It probably will stop you getting pregnant, but it will freak you out for 2 months as punishment."

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16 Report
  • Limel...
  • April 22, 2016

Ella (ulipristal) "I had unprotected sex and took Ella One on third day. I didn't get my period and fell pregnant. I had some implantation issues, Vasa Previa (baby blood vessels blocking cervix). I can't help but think, although no concrete evidence that Ella One caused this. I now have a beautiful healthy baby boy which was born by csection due to this. Would change him for the world but wanted to say Ella One didn't work for me."

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  • Anony...
  • April 29, 2023

Ella (ulipristal) "Girls don’t freak yourself out like I did. I took this pill 3 days before my ovulation according to the app. I didn’t have any side effects, apart from a late period. My period was 2 weeks late and I was freaking out, Googling stuff which was freaking me out more. I took 2 pregnancy tests, as soon as I saw that they were negative I calmed down and got my period the next day. This pill does work, and don’t believe the “7days max delay or else you’re pregnant”, that’s not true at all."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Kaydorr
  • October 18, 2016

Ella (ulipristal) "I was reading the reviews the other day, and I was very nervous about whether it would work for me! I had unprotected sex back in mid-September (a drunken, foolish decision) and nipped to the chemist the following morning to get the MAP. I was in the middle of my ovulation window. I took it within the 1st 12-hour window, so I was assured by the chemist I had the best chance of it working and thought little more of it. I track my period using an app on my phone, so when I was due, I got a notification. Four days later, and still nothing. My head started to go crazy, so I took a test, and it said negative, which made me relax a little, but when I still didn't get my period, I was stressing. This morning, it finally arrived 18 days late. I've never been so happy."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 1, 2020

Ella (ulipristal) "So I took Ella straight after UPS (9/6) two days after ovulation according to my period tracker and I was supposed to get my period (9/18) but I still haven’t and he never finished inside just outside but still very close. I had PMS during the projected time of my cycle so even though I know everything I took a pregnancy test which was negative but I plan on taking another soon. I keep freaking out because I’ve never missed a period before. According to my tracker I’m 13 days late the first time I took Ella I was 8 days late so I’m hoping for the best"

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Stress...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 23, 2020

Ella (ulipristal) "Hi ladies! I love that we can all come here and share our experiences and I would like to say thank you everyone that shares their stories! I took ella on Dec.26 and still have not gotten my period. I'm cramping a lot and have had a very slimey discharge, 2 negative tests and 4 kids under 8! Needless to say I'M FREAKING OUT! I really hope ella works.."

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  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "It helped me when I was waiting for my period to come on this review site, so hopefully, I can help you too. I took the drug 3 days after I had unprotected sex. I had 0 side effects afterwards. The hardest part was when my period was late, my mind was running through all my options and I felt very alone. At the end of the day, it's our bodies that have to bear it, whatever decision we make. My period came 14 days later, and it was very normal. It wasn't more painful or heavier than usual. Not sure how much/ how long this will mess with my cycle, but I'm really glad it worked. Bless you. I hope it works for you x"

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20 Report
  • Habit...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 18, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "I suffer from pretty severe anxiety and as a result I was terrified when I had accidentally had sex on the day I ovulated and then had to take EllaOne. I felt slightly sick for a couple of days after I took it, then my period came as normal and has carried on doing so. Don't be afraid, it can work even if you have sex at the worst possible time!"

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  • EllaOne
  • August 22, 2024

Ella (ulipristal) "All girls struggling out there - believe in this pill. I took EllaOne after 40h from UPS. I was 4 days before ovulation in a fertile window, which freaked me out. After taking a pill I had no side effects, my period came 4 days late. I made 1 pregnancy test, which was negative. I was never on birth control and my period is always on time. I was craving junk food, had a back pain and moons swings. But these are usual symptoms before period for me. So in general, this pill was really gentle for me. I know that it’s a huge stress to wait for the period, but please be patient and don’t make yourself stress more."

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  • Crystal
  • October 11, 2018

Ella (ulipristal) "Ella One does work!! Before taking ella, I did took plan b two weeks before that. Two Days later after my period had just ended, (Aug 27th) I had unprotected sex again that had lasted only 10 second and since I was afraid of pre cum, 40 hrs late I took Ella . I’m usually very cautious of what I do. But sometime, you make mistake that you totally regret. I wasn’t suppose to get my period until Sep.17. During those 3 weeks, I had experienced diarrhea, bloating, stomach pain, mood swing, couldn’t sleep and the week I was suppose to get my period I had brown, bright red, white discharges all week. I also had a clear watery discharge. I took a pregnancy test at the clinic on the day I was suppose to get my period and it came back negative. Until Oct 9 so 4 weeks after missing my period it had finally came. But the pills definitely had work but it may delay your period for a few weeks and make you feel as if like you were pregnant."

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • acm
  • August 10, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "My boyfriendand I use the "pull out" method/spermicidal lube. Which I know is not enough and completely irresponsible of us, especially since we both don't want children. My last period was April 19 and on May 24 I took it, not wanting to push my luck more than I already had. My period was due any day. 3 weeks went by, another month and still all my tests came out negative. I was worried I was a special case were I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was halfway through it. I had tender breasts, extreme fatigue, produced white discharge, & had intense cramping. There was absolutely no morning sickness or cravings though. After 3 months of this went by I decided not to worry anymore because there wasn't much I could do. On August 2nd I finally got my period. Almost 4 months later. So yes Ella One works. The emotional stress became a bit much but this was my fault and lesson learned. Hope this helped anyone who is worried. Don't stress yourself out and use protection."

7 / 10
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  • Lia
  • August 5, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "I took Ella approximately 72 hours after I had "unprotected" sex (non penetrative) around the time I expected to be ovulating (7/13). It was either take ella or suffer in anxiety for a whole month. I'd read every review and every forum on the web thinking that the lack of side effects meant the drug didn't work and that I could possibly be pregnant. I was literally freaking out. The week before my period was supposed to start (7/28) I felt swelling in my breasts and milky white discharge, and a faint dull feeling you get in your lower stomach area before your period starts. But it never came, so I took 2 pregnancy tests, (1 midday and 1 the next morning) and both came out negative. Then a few days later I got some light bleeding and finally this morning I got my period, after 8 days!! Point of this story is that ella WILL make your period late so don't freak out and you will be totally fine."

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  • Lele
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 18, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "I took ella immediately after me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex in my fertility window. I was supposed to be ovulating in that day according to my menstrual cycle. Few side effects, only fatigue and some dizziness in the first couple of days. After a week I had some white discharge just like when I’m normally ovulating. After another week I started spotting for a few days, just when my period had to come. My period was 5 days late, so don’t worry ladies, everything is going to be fine."

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  • Angela
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 5, 2024

Ella (ulipristal) "Hey girls, for anyone that has been stressing about this pill, I get it. I know exactly how you feel because this pill gave me the worst anxiety I have ever felt. Anyway, I had sex on the 14th of January, 4 days before ovulation, and I took the pill the same day. I was quite worried because it was my first time and the condom broke, but he didn’t ejaculate in me. However, my period came just one day late, so don’t stress. I know that’s easier said than done, but good luck."

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4 Report
  • Moons...
  • July 11, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "You might be reading this, feeling super stressed, just like I was couple of weeks ago. The condom broke and my boyfriend came inside of me on my ovulation day. My periods are pretty regular and the chances are big that the ovulation app Flo was right and there was a high chance of getting pregnant. Anyway, we saw what happened and ran to the pharmacy to get EC and bought Ellaone - they said this one works better than plan B if you are ovulating. I took it like one hour after our contraception failure. There were no symptoms during the first day. The next day I felt cramps and urinary burning, overall fatigue and my breasts were extremely sore. For the next 2 weeks I was stressing out so much, losing sleep and reading about all kinds of scenarios. I got really bad acne rushes and my breasts are still aching, but today I got my period!!! It came few days earlier. Girls, if you are stressing out after taking Ella — give her a chance! It really messes up your hormonal balance and the cycle. But it does its thing and for me it worked — not pregnant."

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  • anon
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 14, 2022

Ella (ulipristal) "So I had UPS the day after my last period (August 14th) and I took ellaone as a precaution to be safe (August 15th) I had no side effects at all but realised I was a week late out of the blue (around 22nd of September) I instantly took a pregnancy test which came out negative and then 2 days later another which was also negative. At this point I was confused constantly reading up on why this was happening and going completely crazy, called my GP and they told me to wait till the start of Oct for my second period which still hasn’t come but I’ve had swollen breasts, lower back pain, the WORST cramps of my life, thinking this was pregnancy symptoms. I took another pregnancy test again negative. As much as this product works, the side effect are TERRIBLE, I really don’t recommend, my anxiety has been thru the roof."

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  • Tay
  • June 19, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "For whoever who's panicking because of a late period, it's normal. I had sex with my partner, yet, the condom broke by accident so I took Ella one. My period was late for 60 days (I already have an irregular one). I was very anxious and took 2 pregnancy tests, yet, they were negative. Today my period started so ladies don't panic, it's normal. I assure you that Ella one works."

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19 Report
  • Worked...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 19, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "I never leave reviews but reading other people's comments helped me so thought I'd share my experience with Ellaone. I was prescribed it by my GP after my husband and I had a split condom 2 days after I ovulated. I was in such a panic as had read that Ellaone only works if you take it before you ovulate! I felt extreme tiredness and exhaustion almost instantly! I had swollen, sensitive breasts just like I did in pregnancy! The week after I was nauseous and dizzy. One morning I thought I was going to faint! I did a pregnancy test 2 days before my period was due which came back negative. Then I tested again the morning my period was due and again it was negative. That afternoon I started having mild cramps and later on my period came. The pill definitely is effective but has some scary pregnancy like symptoms!"

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  • User
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 4, 2019

Ella (ulipristal) "A condom broke during sex and it was most fertile time and I either had ovulated already or was about to ovulate. I took Ella 13 hours after sex. Had no side effects except for increased white discharge. My periods are now 2 days late, pregnancy test was negative. So it may delay your period but you really may not have any disturbing side effects."

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  • LoriMS
  • July 30, 2015

Ella (ulipristal) "Works like a charm. Made a mistake during peak fertile time, took ella 36 hours later. No cramping, mild nausea. Period started a week early. I weigh 220 lbs, so Plan B would not be an option. Recommended."

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27 Report
  • txcaj...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 7, 2022

Ella (ulipristal) "If any of you are like me, you've been reading and re-reading these posts for a sense of relief and hope. Since discovering this page, I've read each post daily trying to find someone similar to me. I had unprotected sex on November 13 and took Ella on November 15. Because of my BMI being over 30, I knew that Plan B wasn't an option and I did not want to take any chances. Since taking Ella, I have felt every pregnancy symptom - breast fullness and soreness, fatigue, nausea, a weird cramping in my pelvis area, and the need to pee more often. I'd gotten to the point where I'd basically accepted that I was pregnant and was considering my options. My periods are very regular and, after 3 days of cramping, it began today as normal. It has been heavier than usual for day 1, but I have never been so happy to see it."

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  • Ella...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 8, 2023

Ella (ulipristal) "I promised myself I will leave the review to help girls who had this pill keep themselves sane, so here I am! Well, long story short: IT WORKS even if you take it during the fertile window! Had UPS on 18th June, took the pill within 8 hours. No side effects except cramps on the following day. My next period is due on 4th July. Well, time passed by and my period is not here on time (it’s always super regular). So, I googled and turned paranoid because it said the pill won’t have an effect if you’ve already ovulated. Did tons of pregnancy tests, ALL NEGATIVE. Finally today, 4 days late, I got my period!! Ella one WORKED! If you are unsure and under a lot of stress, take a test. If it's negative, just WAIT! Don’t google too much (stress is also a factor which would influence your cycle). TAKE CARE GIRLS, your period will be there! Sending positive energy to all of you, stay safe!"

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6 Report
  • Georg...
  • April 23, 2021

Ella (ulipristal) "I promised myself that I will write about my experience with this pill when I get periods. So I had sex and the condom slipped so I had to take a pill. Before in my life I took a different kind of emergency pill. But this time in the pharmacy a girl recommended me Ellaone and I bought it. I took a pill the same day when the accident happened. Then 2 weeks later another accident happened and I decided to take Ellaone again because it was recommended in the instruction. And let me tell you, I will never take this pill. It made me feel like I was 100% pregnant. I felt dizzy,I had pain in my lower back, one day I woke up from a terrible cramping and I thought it was implantation bleeding. I had A LOT of white mucus all the time for 3 weeks. I was depressed, tired, sleepy all the time. I was sure I was pregnant. This is how this pill makes you feel like. Thank god I got my periods after this awful stressful time and I was the happiest. Yes the pill works but it gives really bad side affects."

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13 Report
  • Mar
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 4, 2020

Ella (ulipristal) "I took ellaone after about an hour after having sex during which the condom broke. Having never used emergency contraception I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't notice anything outside the ordinary afterwards that was until a week later when my period was due. I had some light spotting 9 days after taking the pill. This was unusual in itself as my period have always been heavy. Having read the instructions I thought this might be normal. Then I started to get this awful burning and itching sensation in and around my vaginal canal. The spotting I experienced was actually my period and lasted 6 days, the itching sensation lasted for 4 days. Overall I think the benefits of ellaone outweigh the side effects."

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  • 102c
  • December 11, 2020

Ella (ulipristal) "Had IPS on November 23rd. Last period November 8th . Took Ellaone 48hrs after. I'm in my late 30s I have a teen and 2 under 4. I have a 33 day cycle . My period was due today 11th of December . I've had swollen breasts lots of pregnancy symptoms. After reading reviews on here I felt much calmer . Today I got 2 positive pregnancy tests. It's not the end of the world. A little scared now hope all will be okay. I was waiting for my period to get coil inserted. I guess I was ovulating and with my 2 small ones we tried and I got pregnant straight away. Best of luck to all xx"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.