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Epclusa for Hepatitis C User Reviews (Page 3)

Epclusa has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 306 reviews for the treatment of Hepatitis C. 66% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 12% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Epclusa

  • exhau...
  • August 14, 2019

"Was diagnosed four months ago with Hep C, it was a complete shock. Terrified, but my Dr assured me it would be fine in time. The med at first caused extreme fatigue, restlessness, inability to sleep. Late in the day I would feel more energetic, so I began to take my med at 8pm to sleep through side effects. It helped tremendously. I returned to almost normal levels of energy. I am four weeks post treatment, terrified because I am so exhausted that doing ADL’s is about all that I can manage most days. I am terrified that the treatment was more destructive to my body than the disease. My review is mixed, my viral load is undetectable that is-success"

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 2, 2020

"I have now completed Epclusa!! I am 2 months post treatment!! I am still NEGATIVE!! So it does work!! I wanted to share my experience because some of you who are concerned about the side effects should be!! Yes I am treated but now the COVID is going around. I have been left with near to no immune system to fight anything else off!! I don't know for sure the epclusa did this. But I got a yeast infection during treatment. Probably from the epclusa and fought for 2 months to get rid of it. I ended up at my doctor. After test results from the past 3 months of blood work from 3 diff docs. I have found out my WBC is down to a 4 and has remained there sense I completed treatment. I am now susceptible to catching basically anything and having no immune system left to fight it off. During treatment I did not sleep for 3 months!! I lost 20 pounds was left with migraines every night. Night sweats and the list goes on. I am still weak everyday in my arms and legs!"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 4, 2019

"First couple days on Epclusa I had joint pain in elbows and knees. Mild headache in the mornings. Energy same. Week 3 now experiencing swollen neck glands and sore throat. Drinking 4 bottles of water daily. I also take medication before bed. Please share your experience. There's not a lot of info and the experts are very vague about side effects."

7 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Gypsy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2019

"Week 5 of treatment with Epclusa and blood work results from week 3 of treatment; viral load count down from 1.5 million to 40/Forty! Doctor said blood work from week 5 might come back as non detected! I get those results next month, along with my Fibroscan results. Blood work has my liver damage score between 1-2. Doctor told me that will reverse with completion of treatment. Side effects have been minimal and tolerable."

10 / 10
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  • Grate...
  • September 20, 2019

"I’m on my fourth day. So far no side effects, no headache, fatigue, nausea, insomnia or diarrhea, nothing. I put this off after my trip thinking I was going to feel terrible after reading all the reviews. Maybe it’s too soon to tell, I’ll update later."

9 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Dee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 15, 2019

"3 months after finishing Epclusa medicine, blisters on body, aches n pains worse. Headaches too. I personally am scared out of my mind. I might be cured of hep c, but Epclusa has caused other issues and getting well from side affects is another thing. I will update after last blood test in two weeks, if they let me. I hope you all recovered after cure."

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  • Jules
  • September 14, 2020

"I caught Hep C about 11 years ago from a BF when I was an active IV heroin addict. When I found out & told my BF - he just said I FIGURED YOU ALREADY DID, BECAUSE I'M SURE I DO. Well Thank You so much! For the next 12 years I didn't give a 2nd thought to the Hep C or what it was doing to me. I am now coming up on my 3 year sobriety anniversay!! My mom has been on me about starting Hep C treatment. So I did. I found out today that I will be taking Epclusa. I'm really scared about the possible side effects. I was recently married & have a 17 months old son too. I'm so worried about side effects & how I will take care of my son when my husband isn't home. I have had some side effects from the Hep C like an enormous protruding stomach, & my entire body is constantly bloated. My feet & ankles look worse than when I was pregnant. My hands get so swollen i can hardly bend my fingers. I get numb toes too. I really hope this medication will cure me of Hep C & help with my other problems from it. Wish me luck!"

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More FAQ

  • Gerald
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 12, 2023

"I started taking Epclusa in mid-April 2019 for three months. Within a week of starting the medication, I noticed a major drop in my energy level which continued throughout the duration of the drug course. Prior to starting Epclusa, I had been training for the BMO Marathon since December 2018 and was in incredible shape, as confirmed by my peers. However, I barely managed to complete the marathon and lost almost all my energy. This lack of energy has persisted to this day. Additionally, I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. My lifestyle has drastically changed since being diagnosed in March 2020. I have been taking Prednisone and using Diclofenac 20 ml for all my aches and pains, just so I can at least walk. I now have high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, osteoarthritis all over my body, and experience swelling every day, resulting in a low quality of life since taking Epclusa. I have also experienced depression, and aching, and gained 25-30 pounds. At the time of and prior to taking Epclusa, doctors, sports therapists, etc. all told me I was in better shape than most."

1 / 10
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  • DoTho...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 9, 2022

"I started taking Epclusa about a year and a half ago and the symptoms have still not gone away. I have this horrible dysphoric restlessness in my legs which causes me to rapidly crossing and uncrossing my legs while crying out “oh God please take it away ”over n over again” Plus my stomach feels funny and I’m nauseous all the time. My hands and feet feel tingly and I’m extremely depressed all the time it feels as though my hormones are unbalanced and the restlessness in my leg feels like I am withdrawing off of opiates or benzos x10. The doctors just say that Epclusa couldn’t have caused this. I feel as though I’m doomed for life."

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  • Rvc
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 18, 2022

"I am a male 64 years old. I contracted hep c when I was 19. If I had not been as young as I was it would have been fatal. I passed on all the treatments like inteferon etc. In 2005 I had a liver biopsy and it showed mild fibrosis. In 2017 my gastroenterologist ran test and CT scan and determined F4 fibrosis. After further testing he recommended Epclusa it had none of the problems inteferon had. So in May 2017 I started my 90 day $72,000 journey to a place that was not told to me. Yes I am virus free but in 4.5 years of no virus I went from stage 4 fibrosis to stage 4 cirrhosis and liver took 40 years to get to stage 4 fibrosis and only 4 years after Epclusa to full blown cirrhosis and cancer, all for a mere $72,000. The thing not told is that once the virus is gone all the long slow moving damage accelerated because the virus was keeping its self in check, when the liver did not have to fend off the virus anymore the damage grew by 10."

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  • Reid
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2019

"I was really scared to take the treatment at first but got into it .I have tiredness everyday and a few headaches but manageable .I took it every morning @ 9 am for the 12 weeks .I was lucky I had a very good nurse and pharmacist on my team . Hope I get the all clear on my last blood test in Dec 2019 ,things are looking good so far . I hope you all have a good journey . Good luck to all"

7 / 10
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  • JAano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 30, 2019

"I've just started my first pill 3days ago, I was really scared trying this pill coz of the side effects that I've been reading. Day 1 was really bad, headache and felt really tired. Day 2 was a bit better, no headache but still tired. But I realized that I just didn't get enough sleep that's why I felt tired. Coz after I took a nap in the arvo during day 2 I felt really good. Hopefully it gets better. Will post more if anymore side effects kicks in. All in all I just want to live a healthy life for my wife and kids.good luck everyone"

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  • Angeltn
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 6, 2019

"I took my last dose of Epclusa on Aug.13,2019. I had hepC/geno3. Last tested to see if still carrying virus was negative. I did very well on this medication. I'm still having an upset stomach but energy has returned,,,my bruising and the overall color of my skin is great. I do feel much better. I was very anxious throughout taking medication and Im still worried about it returning ,,or some side effect to attack my body. I believe I should have been on a nerve pill as I did have trouble sleeping with racing thoughts,,,and being worried. But happy about being negative. Very much recommended"

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  • Emma
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 1, 2023

"Day 15 of taking Epclusa and I am stopping treatment. On day 1 I began with sulfur and metallic taste when medication was being ingested. Day 2 was a massive headache with nausea. On day 3 I decided to investigate Epclusa ingredients. I discovered a mix of basalt, high levels of a variety of different salts, magnesium stearate, talc, and titanium that are researched on the spleens of laboratory rats."

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  • Brubank
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 29, 2017

"I just started my Hep C treatment. I have genotype 2, I'm going on my second week taking epclusa. I contacted Hep C using drugs intravenously, I been infected 48 years. All the time I've had it, I never felt fatigue or had any other symptoms of Hep C, I'm 67 years old, anyway I haven't had any side effects, I don't want to talk to quick, but I feel better. I do a little exercise to keep myself strong. So far I feel much better. "

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  • SexyS...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 13, 2019

"I’m 37 yrs old female I been on Epclusa for 5 days and I have missed almost everyday I’ve had to work. I have literally slept the whole time, I really hope this sleepy and nauseous feelings GO AWAY! I’m gonna lose my job as I’m so tired I can hardly write this! I’ve been drinking tons of water. I’ll let everyone know how I am later if I’m awake to tell you."

2 / 10
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  • Gypsy...
  • February 13, 2019

"I was diagnosed with Hep C 12/19/18. My healthcare provider was just as shocked as I was, no history of INDU or IVDU, no blood transfusions. Never had any bloodwork with elevated liver numbers or anything to cause concern. Several tattoos and piercings done in my youth could be a source and shared grooming tools with ex partner. Specialist said I’ve most likely been infected 5-10 years. I have genotype 1A, viral load of 1.5 million. I’ve been taking Epclusa for 7 days. I read most of the user reviews on this blog and was somewhat skeptical about starting. The success rate of being cured far outweighs any doubt I have. The only side effects thus far have been nausea, (waves within an hour) headache, (I then followed the increased water intake advice which seems to help) and unusual tiredness,(increases each day) and the strangest effect-I have lost my sense of taste! It’s maddening. All of these symptoms/effects are tolerable."

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  • Chi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 12, 2021

"Day 5 on generic Epclusa. Haven't experienced any side effects. Sleeping very sound at night which I haven't done in over a year. My liver feels tender at times I think it's because it's been working so hard over the last few years and is trying to heal. I've been clean for 3 years and currently taking Suboxone. Extremely gratefull there is a cure and will chime in again after my treatment is completed. Idk what stage my liver is in haven't seen my doctor since I had my liver ultra sound and fibro scan. Will ask these questions at my next appt."

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  • Thank...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 3, 2018

"I am on day 4 and I feel GREAT! And had to check right back in because I haven't felt like this in years! The medication makes me tired but not as bad as my HepC. I am geno type 1 and don't know my viral load . I am soo thankful for Gilead's scientists for developing this LIFESAVING medicine. Words cannot express how grateful I am for being able to finally get this medication. Yesterday I was able to finally take my grandchildren to the store and buy them a present. Before the medication I could not even leave my house and yesterday was a gift. THANK YOU ! I hop and pray everyone with HepC is given this opportunity to receive this life saving medication. Hopefully the cost will go down so everyone can have a new lease on life. I will check in after my first blood test. Good luck to everyone I am truly THANKFUL! And thank everyone for your feedback especially the drinking water part it truly helps!"

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  • SammyJ
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 19, 2019

"I was diagnosed with Hep C in February 2019. 56 year old male. Started Epclusa April 22nd. After 31 days had blood work. No signs of virus. I will finish the 90 days in July. Only real side effect, tiredness and fatigue about 2–3pm each day. One pill Daily at 7am. Miracle drug ! Very happy. My insurance covers it all!"

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  • Amber...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 15, 2016

"I am on week 11 of 12. Almost done! I have genotype 3a. I have only had hep c for two years, but it's been a rough two years. I already have stage two liver fibrosis, as well as fatty liver disease, not to mention my liver enzymes had consistently stayed in around 90 and 200. I learned that genotype 3 can be very aggressive. Even though my doctor told me this medicine, should work great for me, I was still worried it wouldn't work for me. The first couple of weeks taking epclusa I was more fatigued than usual, but that side effect subsided. I haven't really had any other side effects at all! since 6 weeks in, my viral load is undetectable, and my liver enzymes are back to normal levels for the first time in 2 years!"

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  • Blessed
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 27, 2020

"I’m on week 6 of Epclusa and other than the hairloss (I had ever since getting hep c almost a year ago) and ears ringing it’s not been bad for me at all. My first checkup my liver enzymes are back to normal and HCV is undetected. (Genotype 3 which is the hardest to treat) so I was so nervous about this not working. Hope it stays negative! I haven’t experienced no nausea and I take in morning without food. Will update later once I’m further into treatment"

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  • Indig...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 13, 2017

"Follow-up to 2/13/17 post. I am 3/4 of the way through my 12 week treatment for Hep C Genotype 3 with Epclusa & only 2 weeks into the treatment my blood work was already showing the virus as "undetectable" & all my numbers back in normal ranges. I've been back for blood work twice since the first blood work & virus is still undetectable & all #'s excellent! Less than 4 weeks to go & hoping for the best! Good luck to all!"

9 / 10
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  • Fizbim
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 27, 2017

"I am into day 36 of 84 day (12 weeks) treatment. An hour after taking my first dose, I could definitely feel the medication coursing through my body. The first 14 days were the worst. Some headache, slight depression. I started feeling much better after the 3 weeks. I had blood work done after 30 days and ALT and AST are way down. I feel much better and the incredible burning itches I had before treatment started have stopped. It can tire you but a nap can really help. My appetite has gone through the roof, which is a good thing for me. I am really optimistic about beating this. I have had HCV since the mid-1980s. Here's hoping that the rest of my treatment goes well. Good luck to everyone!"

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  • Austr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 29, 2019

"I'm 7 weeks into my 12 week course of Epclusa after having Hep C genotype 3A for about 10 years, and I'm 44. I had not been aware of my Hep C until a month before I started Epclusa and had some aggravating symptoms: lethargy, general malaise, sore eyes, slight memory lapses and reduced motivation. Since starting my course, I was initially much more energetic, which subsidised to what I consider feeling normal after a week or so. I have been having mild sleeping issues, almost like very light sleeping. My eyes are nearly back to normal again. I have tinnitus which can be annoying, but is generally bearable. 60% of the time I wake feeling unrested and find it difficult to get out of bed, but a quick strong coffee cures that. I take my medication at 9:30am sharp, which works for me. In general, I feel much better, I am back at the gym 6 days a week and haven't felt the desire to skip gym days through feeling tired or unwell at all. Highly recommended."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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