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MetroGel-Vaginal User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

MetroGel-Vaginal has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 141 reviews on 54% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for MetroGel-Vaginal

  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 21, 2020

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This is my 4th time getting BV, I don’t use crazy soaps down there or do anything crazy so I'm not sure why I keep getting it. I tried the pill version of the metronidazole medicine but it made me literally throw up every meal, so now I'm using the gel. This is my 4th day and I've been getting tiny, but many, white clumps of discharge. Not clear, completely white. I'm not sure what this is but I hope it goes away. I went to an urgent care a few days ago for the BV and UTI and Doc said my cervix was inflamed and told me to get a pap smear. I have an appointment Monday, keep in mind I'm only 18. Gel made odor go away but weird discharge."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • yoo_B
  • April 1, 2020

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I’m not gonna lie... I was so scared to take this medicine because of the review. TERRIFIED. Let me start off by saying I took this same medicine in pill form back in August 2019, and from what I remember, it did make me super nauseous. And I was taking other medication at the time, so that also didn’t help. But right now I’m on this gel for 5 days at nighttime. I put in a full applicator last night, and after 5 minutes, it felt a little tingly, but it went away instantly. This morning, nothing came out to my surprise! Pee looks a little darker, I also feel a little bloated. But nothing crazy! I’m also on fluconazole. Hopefully, this goes away by the time I’m done taking the gel, cause it’s super annoying, especially when you have to go to work. I’ll update my progress!"

7 / 10
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29 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 30, 2016

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Garbage. It takes it away for a little while and right back again it comes. I been going through this for 15 years now. As far as I'm concerned this medicine causes it to reoccur which I feel like the government and pharmaceuticals purposely did to make MONEY."

1 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 2, 2010

For Bacterial Vaginosis "When I use MetroGel, I don't have to worry about bacterial vaginitis coming back easily. It helps faster, and it's very effective. When I take the oral medicines, bacterial vaginitis recurs within weeks. That can be a major pain. The only bummer is the yeast infection that can sometimes occur."

9 / 10
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65 Report
  • HopeT...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 3, 2013

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I had bacterial vaginitis. It was very unpleasant, as one would expect. My Dr. prescribed MetroGel and Diflucan. Did the gel for three nights. About two weeks later, itch occurred, so I took the Diflucan. I've had bacterial vaginitis twice and, subsequently, a yeast infection. MetroGel-Diflucan combo worked great for me. Gave an 8/10 because I got a yeast infection after the bacterial vaginitis treatment, but Diflucan cleared it up."

8 / 10
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55 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Justine
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 3, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Haven’t taken this gel before in my life BUT was prescribed it but read reviews before I did & was not about to make my body go through the side effects until I tried natural remedies & I have to tell you, eating yogurt with L- Acidophilus helped A TON! I’ve had BV for 7 months & tried everything but nothing worked & I promise this did. After eating Greek yogurt for 3 mornings straight, the smell & discharge lessened by A LOT! The smell especially not at all as bad as it used to & I’ve been going about my days comfortably. I don’t like plain Greek yogurt so I add honey or berries. I don’t want to eat it every day but will probably do it 3/4 times a week. Plus it’s good for you! I researched crazily & everything points to the yogurt adding back the healthy bacteria in the vagina so I’m hoping it continues to help. I read probiotics work wonders too so I’ll be buying the pills soon! Hope this helps! It has been a horrible 7 months! (28 yrs old)"

1 / 10
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28 Report
  • PlumD...
  • March 27, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This is my first day on this medicine, so I just wanted to share my first day and time experiences using it. Mine is a 5 day treatment, once a day. There is no burning/itching with it like I get using monistat. I'm a super sensitive person when it comes to using vaginal medications or soaps. Its also not discharging like crazy for me. No serious side effects besides cramping. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I didn't experience any vaginal bleeding. I have a yeast infection medication ready to take with this because my Doctor prescribed it, and because the packaging states you will most likely end up with a yeast infection after use. I did wake up with a sore throat and a bad cough. Don't know if these are related though. I'm waiting to see how this works completed for my BV and then I'll post back a final review. I just wanted to share my first time personal experience. Because I was scared to use it at first."

9 / 10
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29 Report
  • nycka...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 19, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I've had some form of bacterial vaginitis (BV) and a yeast infection for a few months now. I went in for a pap and tested positive for both so my obgyn prescribed metro gel and Diflucan. I think both have helped but I noticed a lot of discharge with the gel. I would have discharge the size of a quarter, and thick, multiple times a day. The symptoms of a yeast infection seem to be gone so I'm not sure if its from the gel or yeastie. anyways, I didn't get the headaches or dizziness. Hoping this helps."

8 / 10
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26 Report
  • Izzy...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 29, 2018

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Cleared up my BV first night. Took away smell and discharge, amazing. Tonight is my last dose. CONS: • Very, very tender breasts • NAUSEA • Dizziness • Gave me a bad cough & severe sore throat since Day 2 • Triggers anxiety, badly • Causes irritability • menstrual-like cramps on/off. The side effects were crucial for me. Affected me immensely :( but it cured me. These are my experiences. I always keep tabs on how I feel before starting a meditation and how I feel during and after so that I can properly evaluate and give feedback to my doctors or other ladies."

6 / 10
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32 Report
  • Scars
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 15, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Seems to be working. After the first application the smell went away. And to my surprise NO leaking. But I’ve got a headache from HELL. I had no idea that it was a side effect till I went online. Also feeling super lazy. But that maybe cause I am lazy? Just not usually this bad. Once the headache goes away it will be worth it. I can go out in public and not worry of someone can smell me."

8 / 10
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27 Report
  • Kay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 5, 2020

For Bacterial Vaginosis "AVOID THIS DRUG IN ANY FORM. I got diagnosed with a BV and started taking the oral metronidazole pills. By day 2, I was having horrible side effects: nausea, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, tingle sensations in my body, cramps, metallic taste, dry mouth. I literally had a panic attack and was on my bathroom floor for hours. The doctor then prescribed the gel, and the side effects were the same!! I barely slept, felt disgusting, and I had shortness of breath from being anxious. I’ve never had a drug make me feel so bad, and I’m unsure if I had an allergic reaction or not. (I am allergic to penicillin. Also if you have anxiety, it will elevate from this product."

1 / 10
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24 Report
  • Sj84
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 30, 2018

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I was diagnosed with BV at 13 weeks pregnant. I was prescribed the metro gel 5X nightly. I asked my midwife why she prefers the gel over the pills, and she said it makes sense to treat something vaginally through the vagina. Makes sense to me. I took the medication as prescribed and didn’t seem to experience any real unpleasant side effects. I didn’t have any symptoms to begin with, so I can’t speak to whether it cleared them up. I was tested because I am pregnant. I have noticed some of the gel leaking out in the morning along with some thicker white discharge. But from what I’ve read, that is normal. All in all, despite being very skeptical about doing this while pregnant, it was not a bad experience at all."

8 / 10
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31 Report
  • Kkizz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 10, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I have suffered from reoccurring BV for a few of months now . The metronidazole gel never works . And almost always causes yeast infection. I don’t know if I’m mad at my doctor for continuing to prescribe it or me for using it again. I plan to use alternative methods from now on . I’m fed up. Don’t know how this is the only medication they prescribe for every vagina in existence . Good luck to whomever is having issues"

2 / 10
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26 Report
  • Vanessa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 17, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Read some negative reviews about this brand I was scared to use the gel ,I was very nervous. Laid on my back and it was easy to insert I did it right before bed when I wasn’t going to get up again for the night. The next morning when I went pee the gel didn’t come out I was surprised and there has been nothing on my panty liners throughout the day which was a relief because I’ve been dealing with discharge the last couple weeks from BV. ( I was prescribed Penicillin pills those are worse they smell foul make my urine smell like the pill and have me feeling exhausted plus I can’t think straight and effects my memory ) so using the MetroGel was less stressful and I would use it again if I had to due to the great experience and overall simpleness of it."

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Baile...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 17, 2016

For Bacterial Vaginosis "My doctor took several vaginal samples and tested for yeast, all STDs, and bacteria. The only thing that was positive was G. Gardnerella, which is bacteria. She gave me Flagyl 500 mg daily for 7 days and told me to use MetroGel 2x a week for 4-6 months. Still not better and just finished 5 weeks of the gel, which is 10 doses. I have zero odor, never had any, but my discharge is like acid. My skin around the vaginal opening is extremely red, and it burns, and sometimes I itch. I'm majorly frustrated. I have used Desitin and Vaseline to try and keep the discharge from burning me so bad (doc's suggestion), but those tend to make me worse! I'm truly so depressed, I just don't feel like this is ever going to go away. No sex for 5 months now."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 6, 2018

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Used metrogel for 5 days every night before I went to bed. Before using I freaked myself out with the reviews but I really only experienced a headache and some stiffness in my neck which was tolerable. On the third day smell and discharge was gone. Been a few days since I’ve been off of it it worked good overall :)"

9 / 10
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27 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 19, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Do not use this gel, three days in and I now have a yeast infection and the most painful bumps around my vulva. I’ve stopped the treatment; can’t believe this stuff was approved with so many side effects."

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23 Report
  • Ssano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 2, 2020

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Am 42 years old. Started with BV issues over the last 12 months. Tried antibiotics. Did not work. Lactic acid gels work but just temporarily. I used the metro gel for 5 days. I had zero symptoms other than a little white discharge. Have been finished it for 5 days. A bit of white discharge still but no Odour Not sure how long it will last for. "

7 / 10
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21 Report
  • Ughhhh
  • October 6, 2016

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I've had BV off and on for 3 years, tried the 7-day course multiple times. Always came back in a couple of days. Was told to do MetroGel twice a week for 6 months. This has kept it at bay but never got rid of it. I was tested positive for group strep B, was told I may have had this overgrowth infection since I gave birth to my second son... 3 years ago... and that it could be the cause of the BV or the symptoms of BV. After the penicillin treatment, I've noticed a slight difference but still having to use the MetroGel to keep it at bay. I take a raw probiotic twice a day as well. I wish this medicine worked like it has on everyone I've known to use it. This BV stuff is so crippling."

2 / 10
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30 Report
  • Overuse...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 24, 2015

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This gel is amazing, and I have used it on and off for years, but now my body is paying the price. I first noticed that each time I used it, my hands would go numb, then my vision began deteriorating with astigmatism. Now it's at the point where my hands go numb quickly within a half hour of using this. Just be aware and careful. I used it about six times a year for 15 years. Cannot use anymore."

6 / 10
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33 Report
  • Giggles
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 22, 2020

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I'm 28 never had BV before, the Metrogel was easy to use but I would have some slight cramping after inserting it. I used it for 5 days, I do have this white clumpy discharge and a slight odor but it isn't fishy or foul. I'm just hoping this gel hasn't messed up my vaginal pH or going to cause a yeast infection."

5 / 10
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19 Report
  • Pat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 28, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I was due for a Pap smear and after a couple of weeks my physician's office called me advising I had an overgrowth of bacterial in my vagina. I couldn't understand that as I never complained of any itching, odor, or smell, I just went in for a pap smear. After 5 days of administering this gel I developed a severe pain when I urinate. I called my physician and I was told to drink cranberry juice and take the cranberry supplement by AZO this didn't work, now I'm taking an antiobiotic Ciprofloxacin Hcl 500 mg for 10 days, twice a day which caused intense itching. Thursday is last day for pills and then I take the 1 day pill Fluconazole tablet 150 mg. What a horrific experience with the gel, it burns my clitoris"

1 / 10
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19 Report
  • Suh
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 20, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I got bv from stupidly using body wash in the nether regions, completely regret it! I’ve never used antibiotics but my doctor gave me metrogel. So far no irritation and the smell is gone completely. Currently, I am experiencing discharge but no cramping so far. The only thing I fear is that I may get a yeast infection but hopes are high."

8 / 10
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19 Report
  • User
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 15, 2021

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I have suffered with BV now for over 6 months and it has caused a lot of issues with my mental health and sex life. After being tested for every STD under the sun ( just to rule out as we didn’t know what it was at first) It was misdiagnosed as thrush from a doctor at the clinic. The symptoms persisted as what I was given for the thrush didn’t clear it (as it wasn’t thrush) I went back to 3 doctors who told me it was BV. I have now taken 3 courses of oral antibiotics and they don’t work for me. I was then prescribed metronidazole gel (5 day course) and wow ! Just wow ! The results after the first dose are incredible. No more overbearing smell, no funky discharge. Not having to change my underwear and shower like 4 times a day. One thing I will say is just be aware that the gel WILL GIVE YOU A WEIRD STRINGY LUMPY WHITE DISCHARGE! it’s just the gel working and flushing out the infection. I was scared by this at first but later found out it’s normal xx"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Hambu...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2019

For Bacterial Vaginosis "I’ve been suffering from BV non stop after high school. I’m 22 and it is very annoying I feel like I’m not clean if that makes sense but the doctor did tell me a lot of women have this issue just because we’re women. They prescribed me metrogel one dose every night for 5 nights I can’t tell if it is clearing up my discharge because I have the medicine coming out when I wake up it looks gross but I read it’s normal. I’m done with my gel and took one dose of diflucan (anti yeast) after my gel and on the 4th day since finishing medication I still have symptoms and the gel is still inside. I got discharge with blood and got scared but I read that’s a side effect. I guess I just hope my BV and yeast goes away I didn’t even know I had yeast to begin with. I’ll keep y’all updated hope this helps."

6 / 10
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20 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.