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Makena User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

Makena has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 153 reviews on 57% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Makena

  • Suz
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 17, 2019

For Premature Labor "I have gone through rounds of fertility treatment all requiring shots intramuscular and subcutaneous in nature. I have given them to myself, had my spouse administer, had provider administer. This is my second pregnancy with a p17 shot. The Makena shot that I am currently taking is a prefiled syringe that you administer in the back of the arm. This is hands down the most painful shot I have ever had. It is absolutely terrible. Is there a reason they are no longer given in the hip? It is a millions times less painful and equally effective. It leaves my arm in pain for DAYS!!!! In addition it’s absurdly expensive."

5 / 10
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  • Andrea
  • April 18, 2018

For Premature Labor "I had my first baby at 27 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. When I got pregnant with #2 my maternal fetal medicine Dr prescribed me these shots. I started them at 16 weeks (cervical incompetence happens between 16-24 weeks) I'm now 35 weeks and 3 days with no issues and one shot left . They work for your cervix and if you have an irritable uterus. Some of the reviews on this page have nothing to do with the side effects of this shot. Side effects I've had are: headache, appetite change, weight gain, body ache, and discharge. This is a medication so its different for everyone. Just as how the shot works is different for everyone. The people at Makena call every month for an update on how my pregnancy is going. My insurance covered my shots 100%, my OB said they're $3500 each. I would absolutely recommend these shots. I would take them again if I were to get pregnant again, but I don't intend to. They hurt, its a 20 gauge needle injecting a thick medication into your upper butt."

9 / 10
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  • Its...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 9, 2016

For Premature Labor "I had my 1st daughter at 33 wks & 3 days due to "unknown". I had no issues during the pregnancy and it was easy. I'm now pregnant with my 2nd daughter and went into pre term labor at 32 & 4 days, they were able to stop the contractions and have given me the steroid shots. I am currently 4.5 cm dilated with minor contractions throughout the day....I'm 34 & 5 days ATM. I think makena has taken me farther but I have had a lot of my pain from the injections that shoot down my leg into my foot periodically, not the same day I get the shot. If I had to I would take Makena again."

8 / 10
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  • MayRa...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 3, 2017

For Premature Labor "Had my first at 32 weeks. She was in the NICU for almost 2 months. Ultimately we decided to try again. My doctor started me on the Makena shots at 16 weeks. The shot itself didn't hurt going in because I would make the nurse pinch my arm. It burned going in a little. In the beginning I had site reaction of swelling, warmth, itchiness, and sometimes soreness like I was punched in the arm. Around the halfway point that all went away. I did experience some dizziness, nauseaousness, and fatigue, but now that I'm down to my last 3 shots no side effects. Also I recommend alternating arms. It hurts less than hips. Makena care connection is avail. If you can't afford."

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  • MomO
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 5, 2019

For Premature Labor "So my doctor recommended the Makena shot because I had my second daughter at 35 weeks and my last 2 children I kept having to go to the hospital and get shots for contractions for preterm labor cause I was dialating. I had pain in my arm from the shot and my arms itched and lumped up for weeks. I had to switch to the generic cause it was too pricey and the manufacturer ran out of the medication after my 4th shot. The generic wasn't much better. It left itching burning and lumps. Having the injection site in my upper buttocks was much easier. I am almost 35 weeks now and I've been to the hospital consistently since 24 weeks with contractions and such. Now I have a huge lump in my right buttocks that hurts real bad and itches. I feel like it has sort of kept me from going into full blown labor but only with the help from 4 other medications."

4 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Cecilia...
  • October 9, 2017

For Premature Labor "I began taking this@ 16 weeks and I have experienced blurred vision, water retention and most importantly, depression. It's beyond the norm of pregnancy hormones that are all over the place. I have mentioned it to my NP and she recommended Zoloft? I have PTSD and was on Zoloft years ago. I have been able to be med free after Zoloft and I feel like I have taken a giant step backwards with this medication. I am afraid to stop it and go into preterm ( 30 weeks) this is a hard choice. I don't like feeling like I'm crazy because I know I'm not :("

3 / 10
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  • Holy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 18, 2019

For Premature Labor "Insanely expensive - did not find this out until half way through my amount of injections that they were charging my insurance $1500 per shot! Insurance "covered" half leaving me with $750ish a shot. No one told me they would be this expensive. Hopefully I can save someone the surprise. I get them in the hip alternating sides each time. Some days it hurts others it doesn't I think it really depends on who is administering"

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  • Okoko...
  • August 18, 2017

For Premature Labor "I took this drug from 20-35 weeks because I gave birth to a premie 11years ago-unknown reasons. I'll refuse this drug in future pregnancies, the fact that the makena keeps the baby in longer isn't enough for me to say it worked or didn't. There is no specific information on how this drug works. It will make you feel weird sometimes crazy, angry, and super tired. It messes with your blood sugars and for me caused gestational diabetes, I ate extremely well and exericize yet somehow developed GD? The diet is ridiculously frustrating, one day I had enough and ate whatever I wanted, to my surprise my numbers were normal it was then I found the longer I went without the drug the more my sugars regulated."

2 / 10
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  • Mama...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 25, 2019

For Premature Labor "My son was born at 28 wks 4 days due to unexpected cervical shorten. He stayed at NICU for 72 day. And now he is a very healthy and happy kid which about to turn 5 in March. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant. Started my injections in 17 wks and having cervical length ultrasounds every 2 week to monitor my cervix. So far, everything is fine, cervical length is at 4 cm. The shots do hurt for couple days. My healthcare provider said it's less painful on the arm, but the pain lasts longer. On the other hand, it's more painful on the hip when shots are given, but the pain doesn't last long. I got my shots on my arms because I am a medical assistant and I know that if the person that is administering the shots on your hip and she/he hit the wrong spot, you can be paralyzed. Other than pain and itch, no other side effects for me so far. Finger crossed. Hope it all worth it and baby stay longer in my belly."

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  • Carmi...
  • September 26, 2017

For Premature Labor "I started these shots 16 weeks ago I'm now 35 weeks I've had many side effects retaining fluid twice headaches all the time nauseation and I had high blood pressure once. I think I would have rather try to do this pregnancy on my own yes I've had early term pregnancy but all pregnancies are different and I think I would have done better off without the Makena this time."

2 / 10
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  • Lou
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 20, 2019

For Premature Labor "I got the IM injections with my previous pregnancy. I didn’t recall any awful sides effects besides some hives that went away with hydrocortisone. I have a drug sensitivity to the progesterone but unfortunately there isn’t an alternative so I thought Id try a different form. So this pregnancy I got Makena auto injection SQ into the arms. It is extremely painful and causes nausea after the shot the I have a huge lump. No pressure can be put on that arm or it hurts an incredible amount. I still have a few left I’ll use but once I’m done I’ll go back to the hip IM injections. They were not anywhere near as painful."

4 / 10
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  • Becke...
  • June 18, 2018

For Premature Labor "My daughter was born 6 weeks early due to spontaneous rupture of membranes. For this pregnancy my perinatologist ‘suggested’ Makena, so I obliged, but I wish I had been more prepared for the cost. My Makena injections cost $43,240.20 ($2,882.68 per claim) and my insurance (BCBS of OK) has only paid $1,246.85 of it. The first order for Makena was made 1/6/17, my son was born 5/7/17 and today’s date is 6/18/18. So far, I have received bills from my specialty pharmacy totalling over $2,000 and I assume it will start to climb. I need to call my insurance. I’m not sure if there are any cheaper alternatives, or any alternatives for Makena at all, but do your homework if the cost could set you back. I have no way of knowing if Makena actually prevented premature delivery with my son. He was born at 39 weeks. I did not take my last 3 Makena injections because of the shooting pain down my legs."

5 / 10
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  • 3rd...
  • May 16, 2018

For Premature Labor "I just started this medication and I'm hoping it works as well as it has for other moms who have used it to prevent preterm labor. This will be my third baby and although the shots are uncomfortable her little life is more important to me than that. I am taking the new makena auto injectors so no shot in butt or hip ladies just in the arm so its supposedly less painful."

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  • Anonymous
  • May 28, 2020

For Premature Labor "Current price is just an outrageous and a pure greed. There is no doubt that HP helps but at that price I fear that many will risk taking the chances by not using it. I remember when I prescribed the usage at $12 for five shots. What happened?"

6 / 10
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  • missM...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 24, 2017

For Premature Labor "I used makena during my pregnancy and also had a cervical stitch put in at 17 weeks had a healthy baby girl would totally recommend it to any one in a high risk pregnancy☺. Just wondering if any one else who has used the injection experienced irregular period's lasting a lot longer than you had anticipated?"

10 / 10
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  • Hilow
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 22, 2019

For Premature Labor "I just started the Makena shots last week at 16 weeks and so far I haven’t experienced any depression or crazy symptoms I’ve read. My arm does hurt for days after the shot and the medicine is freaking painful but the needle itself does hurt lol. I had my son at 35 weeks so if this will just help me a few more weeks it’ll be great. I start doing them on my own next week and I’m super nervous about it since my first nurse hurt me and my second didny so she must’ve done something right"

6 / 10
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  • Cait
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 26, 2021

For Premature Labor "Makena is amazing . Yes the cost is outrageous but they worked with me to come up with a really good plan to pay way less. I hate the arm shots I would prefer the hip shots 10 times over the arm. My son came at 31 weeks five days due to prom. I started Makena with my second pregnancy and she came at 36 and 6 days !!! My sister also had an amazing experience with it and so did other preemie moms that I personally know ! Please do not take this off the market. What other drug do you have to keep babies in ???"

10 / 10
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  • Hazzy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 11, 2018

For Premature Labor "First child was born at 34 weeks- leaked fluid and had a baby 7 hours later. Painless, vaginal no med labor and gave birth to my daughter weighing 5lb 5oz and in perfect health. 2nd child they put me on Makena and. No issues. Last shot at 36 weeks and my water leaked again the day of my 36 week check up but was 36 weeks and 6 days- they considered me 37 weeks. Son born healthy and no issues at 7lbs 9oz. I am on my 3rd pregnancy and so far so good. Expecting to give birth to another son around 37 weeks again. Last shot should be at 36 weeks, so we shall see what happens. Only difference in this pregnancy is I have single umbilical artery (SUA) usually there is two. So we have to get an ultrasound every 4 weeks to measure baby and be sure he is growing well, and that heart, kidneys, brain, etc all look good. They want me to be induced no later than 37 weeks, but I opting to not be induced because this baby will come out when ready. Giving my body till 38 weeks to naturally induce before I let them intervene."

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  • mamab
  • January 7, 2019

For Premature Labor "I am currently almost 12 weeks pregnant with my second child. My first pregnancy I had my son at 34wks 4days. I talked to to doctor today 1/7/19 about the makena shot. I am very iffy about this shot. I usually NEVER put anything medication wise into my body but if this actually helps with premature labor its worth it. So with that being said from experience from other mommys does this shot work?? Is it worth the hassle of going to my doctors once a week to get this shot???"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 16, 2018

For Premature Labor "I’m currently 32 Wks pregnant with my 5th child. My 1st three children were delivered at 34, 36, and 33wks with my 4th child was born at 39 weeks because I was put on bed rest. With this pregnancy I was offered the option to try the Makena shot. I go every week to get my shot. The pain and discomfort is very little considering that I have the chance to have a full term delivery and bring home my baby once I get discharged. It’s heart breaking after going through all the morning sickness and the pain from labor and delivery to come home empty handed. I suffer from my migraine headaches and that the only thing is that I get them more frequently now. But all I got is 5 more shots to go. And I’ll be all done. I buy itchy cream.. I use cold or heating pads.. cause my baby life and well being has more value to me than a few bumps and bruises on my butt cheeks.. that will faded away in a few weeks.. I recommend. Good luck !"

10 / 10
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  • Made...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 5, 2017

For Premature Labor "Not worth it. I went into early labor with my first three pregnancies, which all got stopped with a pill Around 34 weeks. I ended up actually having them at 37 weeks, 37weeks, &36weeks. Now with pregnancy (4th) my doc encouraged me to use the Makena shots. I started them at about 18 weeks, not only are they very expensive but getting them every week was a huge hassle! plus they hurt when getting it injected and the longer I got them they became more painful and itchy and I even got a huge bruise one time. Plus they made me feel off and I felt shaky and and sore. Then to top it all off I still got random contractions and I started to dilate at 30 weeks. So in my book I feel like it was way more stress and hassle to deal with and a ton of$"

1 / 10
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  • Queen...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 20, 2017

For Premature Labor "I had to preterm deliveries. My son at 35 weeks, with prom at 34 w & was NICU baby 2 weeks, almost 17 yrs ago. My daughter almost 8 yrs ago was 35 w 6 d, but was good to come home. My doctor recommended makena, even though I felt it wasn't super necessary since both my kids were not micro preemie. However, I was willing to try it, I experienced small side effects from shot. I am now 38 weeks today with a baby girl. My last shot was at 34 weeks. Was supposed to go until 36 week, but read many women had to get induced past their due date . I am glad I stopped taking the injection when I read about it because I didn't like the fact my body not going into natural labor. I am regretful of taking this drug, possibly looking at an unnatural induction."

8 / 10
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  • Nikki...
  • September 14, 2017

For Premature Labor "Today is my first day taking the shot. I feel nauseous weak and the place where they gave me the shot hurts and I took it @9 this morning and it's already 4pm. Is it normal to feel depressed or cry for no reason during pregnancy. I had a baby 4 years ago whom passed away due to a cervix being thin had her at 20 weeks and now I'm pregnant with my second child and I'm 16 weeks. I hope everything goes well and I stop feeling like this"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 29, 2017

For Premature Labor "Hello everyone My first born came at 35 weeks. She weighed 6 pounds. Had high level of jaundice so we had to stay a few extra days. My second came at 36 weeks, which is still consider late preterm. She weighed 5 pounds and 7 oz. Only issue was her weight. And both had problems keeping down breastmilk. They would spit up after feedings. I switched my OBGYN and she suggested using the Makena injections with my third. I am 38 weeks pregnant and I cannot be happier with the results. Makena does work. No complications. When given the injection, it is painful and may get red and itchy where the shot was given but that's normal. They are also other side effects which your doctor should go over with you."

10 / 10
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  • ddano
  • February 5, 2021

For Premature Labor "So last Thursday I had gotten my Makena and yesterday I got it once again. This time it is so different from my first time getting it. I'm having such a hard time to walk. I'm so over it and it is barely the start. I'm going to tell my doctor about it. These symptoms are horrible, I'm weak from all over my body. I have a headache, I just feel very drowsy my first born came at 36 weeks and 1 day but he's so healthy so theres no need for me to do this . I'm done.."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.