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Gabapentin for Anxiety User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Neurontin, Gralise, Fanatrex, Gabarone

Gabapentin has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 from a total of 442 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety. 74% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Gabapentin

  • No...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 17, 2015

"I have been on Neurontin for a month now. This medicine was given to me for chronic neck pain from an injury 30 years ago. I did not mention to the neurologist that I suffered from severe anxiety and panic disorder. I was taking at least 1 dose of Xanax daily for daily panic attacks. Since starting on Neurontin, I have only had to take Xanax 1 time. I am not in chronic pain any longer. This medication has changed my life in so many ways. My husband told me in tears that he has his wife back. My work has completely changed around. I love my job again, I love life again, and I am pain-free!"

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310 Report
  • Patcher
  • July 6, 2015

"I am a 70-year-old woman and have had anxiety and depression my whole life. This medication has changed my life. I took it initially for shingles but noticed immediately that my anxiety was gone, so I phoned my psychiatrist (I am bipolar) and asked to be put on it. He agreed, no problem. I take 300 mg three times a day. I hope this helps others with anxiety and depression. I am like a new woman!"

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291 Report
  • Sarah
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 17, 2021

"I have crippling anxiety. I’ve tried so many other medications. Benzos I found myself just too tired to do anything, and they made me feel not myself. With gabapentin, I somehow feel so relaxed, but I also have energy at the same time. And my social anxiety is almost non-existent. It’s truly a miracle drug that I wish more people knew about for anxiety!"

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131 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • carol...
  • August 29, 2014

"I have taken Neurontin for 5 days now, 400 mg 4 times a day. It is like a miracle medicine for me. I was drinking 18-24 beers a day, one 10 mg Valium, lots of coffee, and smoking 1 1/2 - 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Anxiety levels were high. I feel rested, calm, clear-headed, and no anxiety. It's been 20 years since I have felt this good. I drank a lot and took a lot of nerve pills. I went to rehab for 3 days. The doctor put me on Neurontin 1600 daily. I feel a little sluggish, but that is a lot better than the way I felt a week ago. I have no caffeine, cigarettes, Valium, or alcohol. I have saved a lot of money now ($30 a day habit). I do wear a 21 mg patch though. Please give this drug a try. Getting the right dosage for you will help a lot."

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285 Report
  • Matthew
  • March 31, 2017

"Gabapentin has really helped me with anxiety. I used to always be thinking of what I had to do while I was busy with something else. For example, I would worry about what I had to do after work while I was at work. I would play future scenarios over and over before they even occurred. I would play past experiences over and over. Some call this rumination. Much of this has either dropped down to a manageable level or just disappeared with gabapentin. I have never been one much into pharmaceuticals but this one works for me. I can see that some people love how it works for them, some people despise it, and others say it doesn't do a thing for them. We are all different and what works for one doesn't work for another, just like diet. I'm much happier going out and doing ordinary things like shopping, going to the bank, and other ordinary routine tasks. I easily get bored with ordinary tasks and just want to get them done. I just wanted to get things over with so that I could take on the next task. Now, I can be more with what I am doing without having to rush through it to get to the next goal. I take my time and stop to talk with people. It's okay if I'm late for the next task so long as it's not an appointment where others are involved. The main thing for me is to enjoy people when I go out to a store, or the bank, or wherever! The gabapentin helps a part of my brain to slow down so that I can 'see' the people in my day. It really feels good to go to the gym and not feel tied to a specific exercise routine anymore. I like going in with a goal in mind, but allow for what the body is telling me. Instead of just checking in at the desk, I'm more likely to spend time saying hello and having patience. So what if it means that I will get home 5 minutes later and eat dinner 5 minutes later, and then get 5 minutes less sleep. Big deal! I see from writing this that gabapentin helps me to be less obsessive. With gabapentin, it is much easier for me to accept doing a job I am tired of. I've been at the same job for a long time and was getting antsy to move on. There isn't anything bad about the job, but doing anything 'forever' gets kind of old. Now, I know that soon I will be making a change, but can be more patient until the change happens. If I were completely patient, then the change would never happen. There is still fire to make the change happen. I feel less anxiety about change and welcome it more now. There are times in life when change is good. I don't feel as dead in my tracks with fearing change. It's okay if I don't figure out 'everything' today because there is always tomorrow! Yes, I am very satisfied with how gabapentin works. I give it a 10 out of 10."

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221 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • jeevg...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 25, 2014

"I was taking Lamictal and Klonopin for a long time and doing very well on it. In 2010, I had to have a lumbar disc replacement from an old hockey injury in college. Sadly, I got hooked on pain pills and when I finally stopped, I was spending about $5k to $6k a month on pills, which indicates how much I was taking. Since about Christmas of 2013, I have been going through a period of major depression and severe anxiety. I just kept getting worse and worse, and the Klonopin/Lamictal stopped working. I had a prescription of Gabapentin sitting in my drawer that I had been prescribed but stopped using because it was making me dizzy. I decided to try it out of desperation and all I can say is wow. My anxiety has gone from a 10 to a 2 and no side effects."

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255 Report
  • Infid...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 17, 2020

"No bad side effects. The best drug for anxiety next to Ativan. The only weird, but enjoyable side effect was Closed Eye Visuals or CEVs. I would wake in the middle of the night and with my eyes closed, I would see beautiful brightly colored patterns, which I would enjoy until I drifted off to sleep again. I take 600mg 3x per day."

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More FAQ

  • Eva...
  • March 29, 2015

"I have been on gabapentin going on almost a year. I have had anxiety all my life, but even more after I became a heroin and cocaine user. I started taking Neurontin in prison, and these pills have helped me so much. Now I take 1200 in the morning and 1200 in the evening, and I'm the happiest girl on earth. I've been clean, they help for real. I'm happy to clean, cook, and spend time with my son. It's non-narcotic and a blessing."

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240 Report
  • Ashley...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • April 25, 2014

"When my doctor first prescribed gabapentin, normally a seizure medicine, for my anxiety, I was a little confused. She explained to me that if you look at 2 brain scans, one patient with seizures, and one with anxiety, the damage in their brain is very similar. Within a week, I was able to feel a dramatic difference with my anxiety. Within a month, I truly felt 'normal' again. I LOVE what this medication does for me, and it's made a huge impact on my daily life. I take one 300mg tablet in the morning, and two at night, and I have a very mild twitch that it's also helped to relieve as an extra plus."

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252 Report
  • slice...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 16, 2014

"Gabapentin has been a life saver for me. I have suffered from dysthymia and anxiety for my entire 47 years of existence. I've been on every medicine they could toss at me over the years but nothing helped with my symptoms. Then I had back surgery for a discectomy on L5 on my spine. I had severe leg pain and the sciatica pain was very intense. The doctor prescribed gabapentin for residual nerve pain in my left foot. Without gabapentin, my foot feels like it's on fire, but I also discovered how different I was beginning to feel with my depression and anxiety. I felt alive for the first time in decades. I kid you not, it is a wonderful and my doctor has been recording my progress on it with my depression and anxiety. Great medicine."

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247 Report
  • Julie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 20, 2019

"Gabapentin works differently for everyone. I took it for anxiety but only temporarily because of concentration issues. I took 100mg every 6 hours, and it helped me for a while. Currently, my anxiety is under control, but my mood is down. A combination of an antidepressant and gabapentin is a perfect match, but it doesn't work for everyone. It will either work or won't. The great thing about this medication is that you don't have to wait several weeks for it to work. It usually works immediately, but if your anxiety is high, then give it at least a week and the right dosage for it to work. Some people can handle 300mg, and some people need 1,800mg to be effective. Give it a chance before quitting."

8 / 10
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130 Report
  • Bless...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 11, 2014

"I have never in my 30 years of living been so happy & alive thanks to the gabapentin and lithium my psychiatrist put me on almost 3 months ago. Going back to my inpatient stay in March - I was suicidal because I didn't think there was any other way out of the pain and burden of being anxious 24/7. It paralyzed me. I felt helpless. Now, I go to the gym, play with my son more, perform better at work, and all my relationships are much better. I can actually think to communicate. Also, I don't go from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds anymore. I'm like 'I got this. Just breathe.' I can't even make myself anxious anymore. I've tried. I am on 3000mg a day of gabapentin (5-600mg pills a day) and 600mg of lithium (2-300mg pills a day). True happiness!"

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226 Report
  • NEP
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 29, 2016

"I have suffered from depression and anxiety for over 10 years. No medication has worked in the past. I thought I would have to live the rest of my life being depressed. I gave up on all medications and at times wished I was dead. I would have to say Gabapentin is my miracle pill. This has truly worked for me. I have to say I am happy I took this pill."

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194 Report
  • Cinna...
  • June 27, 2018

"I've had terrible depression and anxiety for over 20 years. I was prescribed Paxil in 1995 and it worked great until last year. It just stopped working, and I had horrible rebound depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. I felt really bad. My CNP prescribed Gabapentin, and I felt better after the first dose. I take 300mg three times a day and feel wonderful. No more anxiety, depression, constant worrying, and it works great for insomnia. The first night I took it, I slept 8 hours straight. I haven't slept that well in over 30 years. I had a few side effects such as slight dizziness and brain fog, but it passed in a few days. What's so great about it is it doesn't make me feel drugged. I just feel calm, clear-headed, and relaxed. I can focus on the important things in my life and stop needlessly worrying about things such as 'what if I can't sleep tonight?' 'What if I go into Walmart and have a panic attack?'. What if, what if... This drug is truly a lifesaver for me."

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152 Report
  • Jlschiq
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 7, 2019

"Been on gabapentin for over 10 years. It helps with certain parts of anxiety, mainly tension and irritability. However, and I swear some Psychs don't get this, you have to take it religiously every 4-5 hours for it to work. If I got past that mark, my shoulders and back tense up, everything annoys me, and I start to hate everything. Sounds tough, but it hasn't affected my organs negatively, and when taken properly, it works."

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131 Report
  • mcb
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 29, 2014

"I was originally prescribed Gabapentin for internal nerve damage due to extensive colon cancer surgery. It has been about 75% effective in relieving this pain. To my surprise, it has also helped in other ways I was never expecting. I have a pretty laid-back personality (I thought) but after taking Gabapentin for pain relief, I began noticing a calming effect overtake me - just relaxed. I used to get lots of negative thoughts that would come to my mind which I would fight off, but now I don't even go there! My husband has really noticed a difference in my upbeat attitude towards life, and after a year of radiation, chemo, surgery, etc., it is a wonderful surprise to him also! As a side note - I am also sleeping great and wake up refreshed."

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218 Report
  • Ngrant
  • January 2, 2015

"In one day, I felt so much better! No jitters, nervousness, and no pain. I used to shake when anxiety was high, so much that I hurt everywhere! I now have fibromyalgia with anxiety, but I feel normal! Eating well, maybe too much snacky stuff due to the neuro meds, working out, cleaning the house. I'm back! It's a stoned feeling at first, then you get used to it."

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208 Report
  • Minne...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 29, 2015

"I'm 52 years old and felt my life was meaningless, and extremely hard facing everyday routines, and now I'm sitting in the garage and feel like I could sit here all day. This is my second day, and I feel the best I have in 30 years. Before, I couldn't sit here without my mind racing a million times a second and getting up and feeling anxious. I took the day off from work not knowing what my anxiety was going to do, but look forward to going to work tomorrow. So far, life is good, and I hope this is the miracle drug I've been longing for."

8 / 10
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199 Report
  • Amazing...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 8, 2017

"I take 300 mg 3x a day and I feel the best I've felt in 10 years. Nothing has worked to calm my anxiety like Gabapentin, including Klonopin or Xanax. I'm happy, relaxed, motivated, and most importantly, my appetite for alcohol, which I used excessively to calm my anxiety, has completely disappeared. I hope I can take this medication forever. Life is finally good again."

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158 Report
  • bob
  • October 24, 2018

"Diagnosed with bipolar and put on Lamictal. First panic attack sent me to the ER at age 27. Had anxiety for 2 years. Doctor added Lexapro, which eliminated all anxiety and panic attacks. In 2017, I had another panic attack that sent me to the ER. My panic attacks felt like I was going to pass out and die. Doctor switched me to Paxil (40 mg) & Klonopin (1.5 mg) and continued to take Lamictal (300 mg). I continued to have milder panic attacks and anxiety, which felt like I was being choked. I tried Buspar, but it didn't help. My doctor mentioned gabapentin, so I came across this forum and gave it a shot. My doctor started me on 100mg 3 times a day, and I am 260 lbs. It totally eliminated all anxiety and panic. I can drive and live life without fear of having a panic attack or dealing with daily anxiety. There are zero side effects for me. I am off the Klonopin and carry it with me just in case. I eliminated all caffeine from my diet. Gabapentin has been a miracle drug for me, and I hope it helps you too."

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133 Report
  • wbr
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 21, 2014

"I'm an MST and PTSD survivor, and this stuff, along with Lyrica, restored me in about a week. Medication that affects SSRI cannot even compare when it comes to treating my condition. I feel like myself again! I don't even need alcohol anymore! I'm still depressed, but I can finally breathe again without having a panic attack. Highly recommended to those with severe anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder. The side effects are mundane at best."

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193 Report
  • MRT
  • October 4, 2015

"I started taking Gabapentin three months ago for bulging disc and nerve pain. I'm currently on 300mg a day. This dosage helps about 90% of the time for pain. But I've always suffered from social anxiety. I noticed after taking Gabapentin for maybe a month or so that my crazy, continuous worries were going away. Now three months in, I feel so bubbly and chatty, and I'm not afraid to talk to people, and I'm not afraid to take part in social activities that used to terrify me. I was reading about Gabapentin online, and when I found out that it's sometimes prescribed for anxiety, it hit me: Wow. Since I've been taking this, I've been feeling so much better. This drug is amazing. I feel like now I'm the person I was always supposed to be."

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178 Report
  • Garde...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 1, 2016

"This is a miracle drug as far as I'm concerned. I have struggled with depression, addiction, and bipolar disorder most of my life. Until Gabapentin, I was not living a full life most of the time. Since Gabapentin, I have more confidence, energy, and am able to deal with stress so much better. I also sleep like a baby most of the time. I can't say enough good things about this drug. It has given me hope and taken away that terrible feeling we all struggle with."

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165 Report
  • Jeep
  • April 11, 2016

"Battled with anxiety and depression for almost 30 years now. Was on Xanax but got addicted to it and ended up in the hospital recently. Tapered me off the Xanax and gave me Gabapentin 600 mg twice a day. Started seeing a difference in a few days, amazing. Works better on my anxiety than any benzo that I have been on. And I have been on most of them at one point or another. I wake up in a good mood. The only drawback that I have is that the morning dose makes me sleepy till about 11 am but that is it. But I am not complaining because I would rather be sleepy than anxious and depressed."

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166 Report
  • Btp
  • February 22, 2014

"Until I was fifty, I dealt with life and fear the best I could. Going through Catholic school in the sixties was pure hell. But I learned to deal with generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder the best I could. I became a perfectionist, resulting in what others would call a very successful life. At fifty, my wife divorced me, throwing me into a ten-year spiral of uncontrollable anxiety. After trying almost every pill made, I tried Gabapentin, one in the morning and one at lunch. I felt better for the first time in ten years. I have taken it for nine months, and most of the time I feel better than I have ever felt. A controlled calm I have never felt. I hope it continues to work."

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194 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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