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Fluorouracil topical for Actinic Keratosis User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Efudex, Carac, Tolak, Fluoroplex, Efudex Occlusion Pack

Fluorouracil topical has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 104 reviews for the treatment of Actinic Keratosis. 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 17% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Fluorouracil topical

  • Spot
  • April 20, 2020

"I was never told the clinical name of my condition. Only told 'precancerous.' On my face. I wanted to post because I see so many scary stories here, and so far my story is not scary at all. Just completed the prescribed 2 weeks of fluorouracil treatment. The first dermatologist I saw was a bit vague about where to put it. 'Cheeks and sides of nose.' She said unneeded areas would not be affected. When I called back to check, another dermatologist said, 'No, just on the visible spots.' But I'm kind of glad I first put it all over, because it revealed a lot of spots I was totally unaware of. No pain, only some slight tingling and itchiness. Totally manageable! Some areas have developed minor scabbing, others just peeling a bit. I'm kind of wondering if I've done enough? Will check in with to doc to see."

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19 Report
  • Aussie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 26, 2024

Tolak (fluorouracil) "Started to see red blotches at about day 4 on my face and head (scalp, forehead, and nose). By day 13, all areas are now raised, red, itchy, and painful. Trouble is, I am writing this at 5 a.m. in the morning. Yes, the pain and itching will not allow me any sleep. If I can't sleep, I reckon I will only get in another 2 days (14 in total), instead of the 4 weeks. Will call the doctor and see if I can get anything to enable some hours of sleep. I have used this cream on a couple of spots before with great results, but this extensive all-over treatment may be too much."

8 / 10
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3 Report
  • BigRe...
  • May 29, 2016

"Used efudex for 3 weeks per derm's direction. Derm said efudex was the "gold standard" and would leave normal skin untouched. I have very fair thin skin and was left with a second degree burn, permanently reddened wherever cream was applied and acquired rosacea from the new network of blood vessels."

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29 Report
  • Sabs
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 8, 2024

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I've been using Efudex on my nose every morning as prescribed for 25 days now, and thankfully only a few more left to go. I decided to use castor oil on it at night to help heal the wound, and I really think it has worked. I use castor oil on everything as it really helps heal things quicker, and I believe this is what has saved me from experiencing the red hot burning sensations that others have gone through. I did stop for a couple of nights on day 19, and two days later, my nose was red raw and starting to look dreadful, so once again, I used my castor oil, and by the following morning, it was less red and itching, and the very mild burning sensation was gone. I can't imagine that the oil would counteract the cream, but I guess time will tell. I just didn't want to go through what everyone else on here went through! I shall report back to see if it has really worked."

6 / 10
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4 Report
  • Kalense
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 3, 2022

Tolak (fluorouracil) "This is day 27, the last of 4 weeks of use of the cream, putting it on in the evening after washing and drying the affected areas. In the first 2 weeks nothing much happened, some redness, a little soreness in one or two places. I felt a little dizzy on a couple of occasions. In the third week the spots began to become apparent, and flakes of stiff dry skin began to peel away from the worst areas. In this last week the redness has increased, the spots have gone darker and darker and some scabs have formed. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be peak horror according to the literature that I was given with the prescription. After that it should start to subside. Right now when I look in the mirror I see an unfamiliar walk-on part from a rubbish zombie film, and it feels as if I have a layer of stiff chilli-based lacquer painted on my face and forehead. Whenever I've been outside I've worn a broad-brimmed bush hat to shade my face from the sun."

8 / 10
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10 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Katie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 16, 2018

Tolak (fluorouracil) "I've been using fluorouracil for 10 days After 1st application to my entire face, I started to see red spots and lots of them! I'm using the 4% cream There is very mild itching. My doctor said to use 1 X per week for 4 weeks at night and it's ok to apply moisturizer topped with zinc oxide sunscreen in the morning after washing my face. I don't expect to have problems with this med I'm redhead, fair skin"

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Bkano
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 4, 2016

"Definitely identified and treated multiple pre cancerous lesions on my face. Down side was a cold sore at corner of mouth and extremely irritated and burning lower lip even though medicine was never applied to mouth area"

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Gohn
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2020

"I applied fluorouracil to my entire face for 4 weeks (28 days) from mid-March to mid-April. It had caused several permanent hypopigmentation (white) spots on my forehead where cryotherapy was performed last year by my dermatologist to treat actinic keratosis. It has also caused severe inflammation and redness on my cheeks since I stopped taking it over 3 months ago. I now suffer from severe anxiety, stress, and depression. I think really dark thoughts every day. I wish that I had never heard of this medicine."

1 / 10
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16 Report
  • Dr FoMo
  • June 4, 2020

"I was prescribed fluorouracil in Dec 2019. 2x/day for 30 days. White male, medium skin tone. 48 and lived in AZ a few years and 20 years in SoCal. Never used sunscreen - ever. Started using on chest, arm, and both temples and a small cheek spot - turned bright red after a week. I’m now 20 days in and the problematic spots have turned brown and are finally peeling. Waaaay more damage than me of the derms thought. Been putting Vaseline on for a week now, which helps. My face looks better when I wake up, but dry and patchy. Super, super bright red in the areas with no damage so I’m stopping tonight after 21 days. 30 days seems aggressive, esp considering everyone else’s treatment plans listed here. Very glad I didn’t do my whole face at once but my prior small patch face test results were stellar."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Hangi...
  • April 10, 2020

"I put off using fluorouracil off for about a year (upcoming social engagements/photo shoots and memories of previous experience) and finally took the plunge. It's a big commitment. You'll be out of commission for a while due to disfigured appearance/pain. Take it day by day and tell yourself that everything will work out. I found reading about other people's experience was helpful and supportive. You are not alone with your suffering. I did the prescribed 2x/day for 21 days and am currently in day 2 of recovery. My experience was similar to many others who shared their own experience: first few days calm before the storm. Day 5-8 facial discoloration. Day 9 to 21 disfigured with intense pain. Terrible lack of sleep. Painful talking and eating. Definitely blot dry after showering. No shaving yet. Still could place well in Halloween contest. Taking one day at a time. Staying out of the sun. Hang in there to those currently undergoing treatment and especially to those facing the therapy."

6 / 10
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16 Report
  • Too...
  • March 27, 2020

"After five years of refusing to use Efudex, I agreed to since I was working from home due to the COVID-19 crisis and would be at least through August. At the time of this message, l have concluded my tenth day of Efudex and it’s a miserable and very painful experience. My lips are swollen and blistered and my face is spotted with dark red and purplish spots where the precancerous tissues reside; many are beginning to crust, weep, and peel, while my lips are a complete mess, making it difficult to smile, drink, and eat. Swelling has spread to the tissues around my eyes as well. In a phone call, my dermatologist said to stop putting Efudex on my lips and allow them to heal (I forgot to mention the swollen skin around my eyes). I’m debating whether or not to continue the rest of the treatment or maybe just apply it to the suspect areas that are very easy to see. While I don’t want to go through another MOHS or other surgery, I also don’t want to use Efudex ever again."

7 / 10
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16 Report
  • Red
  • January 14, 2020

"Been doing blue light 2 times a year 30 days apart for years. I have a little of everything precancerous AK, BC, SC. A couple areas didn't seen to diminish pink discoloration on spots ones on my jaw line. and an AK on my eye brow. So now trying this 2 times a day for 2 weeks. That little area on my jaw spread. I could see specifically if branching out to specific areas each day like a river. Now it has increase to very obvious damages. I'm treating more and more each day. I did stop after 14 days in the original locations and kept up the newer areas a bit longer. I'm glad to use it, feel in control. Never would have known how bad it was with out this cream. In the 1st week of healing and it is painful and ugly. Ice packs at night, aspirin, aspercreme w/ lanocaine and Vaseline. Luckily to have these weeks off over the holidays house bound with a sprain ankle. Wear makeup only when I have to be seen. Will probably go to more areas on my face another time and chest. I'll check be when healed."

9 / 10
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16 Report
  • Easssy
  • February 5, 2020

"Can someone tell me are the results from the cream similar to the blue light therapy? I've had blue light several times and yes it's painful, but works for a year or so. Anyone that's had both if so please share your experience with us. Due to business....I really don't need the down time. Thanks in advance."

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16 Report
  • Edano
  • April 27, 2020

"I used fluoroyrcil 8 yrs ago on the left side of my face only. It worked well and nothing has returned since then. I did notice my skin color there turned a lighter shade but really only noticeable to me. Over the years I’ve used it sparingly on certain little spots on my forehead. I didn’t want to do the whole thing because I had to be in public and didn’t want to look like a monster. My derm recommended Picato cream because it was a 3 day dosage. I used it but can honestly say it doesn’t work as well as fluoro. I even had some brown sun spots remain after using it. Since I’m now working from home with the covid crisis and not seeing anyone I decided to go all in and do the remainder of face with Fluoro. I’m day 9 and doing alright. I’ve been taking Advil and using some aquaphor which helps. I’m not doing my lips or chin since I’ve never had issues there. I’m only going to do 5 more days..14 total. I’ll report back after skin heals."

9 / 10
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15 Report
  • Pale...
  • May 12, 2020

"I used fluorouracil cream for the first time in 2018 for AK spots on face. I Applied a.m. and p.m. for 1 week. By the last day my face burnt so bad I would almost cry when washing face. I had more spots than I thought. I was told cream would only affect areas that needed treatment and I agree. The main spot I was treating didn’t completely go away so Dermatologist told me to apply again this past December (2019). I was dreading it and Dermatologist said second treatment wouldn’t be as bad. I didn’t get as red or flaky and the pain was pretty much nonexistent (except for the areas that I didn’t really get the first time). So, if you have to treat same area again it’s not going to be as bad as the first time. I have never really tanned, even though I tried really hard...grew up w/o sunscreen, slathered baby oil and iodine on, and used tanning beds for years after they first came out. Only in my 20’s did I realize I need to use sunscreen because I hated being burnt."

10 / 10
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15 Report
  • Dicki...
  • February 3, 2017

"This is the fourth or fifth time I've used Flouracil the past thirty years or so. I'm sixty four, have spent a lot of time in the sun, with a lot of exposure on my arms and face. I started at age 35, the first time on my face, and went back three more times over the next twenty years, strictly on my face, ears, and back of hands. The first time, I freaked out after a couple of weeks. But after the four week treatment, it peeled off and my skin underneath came in baby butt smooth. I'm doing my arms now (hint: always do this in the depths of winter) but my arms were really damaged, and it's been almost five weeks now. I look like I survived Chernobyl and long sleeve shirts hide it. I really recommend this for a widespread treatment."

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • Blueyes
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2018

Tolak (fluorouracil) "Used this once daily for two weeks on my cheek. After the last day I was out in Dec. sun for approximately an hour in LA. With sunscreen. However, days later developed swelling and then developed large blisters which healed with large scabs. Thankfully when they fell off I was left with only red skin, with a few blood spots under the skin . All healed over in three weeks. Unfortunately, this experience has left me weary of using it again."

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20 Report
  • Kelly
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 8, 2024

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I am a 63-year-old female who was prescribed this for precancer on my face. My dermatologist didn't explain a thing, told me to use it for 30 days, take 30 days off, and repeat until my face didn't have any more bumps or dry patches. Thank goodness for my pharmacist! He explained what was going to happen and sent me to a few websites. This is the 3rd month on the cream and by far the most painful reactions. Within 7 days, I had crusted red spots, it has seeped onto my lips, making everything hard: talking, eating, brushing my teeth. I have worked through it all. Thankful that my co-workers are social workers and between them and my husband, family, and friends, I have a great support team. Today is day 25, and I am quitting early this time. When I came home, I started to shake, I am so cold, and my throat hurts, either new symptoms or I am catching a cold, either way, blowing my nose can't be done without tears. It is March, I will see how my face is in the fall, after camping season."

9 / 10
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3 Report
  • Forest...
  • November 26, 2020

"I'm a caucasian, blue-eyed, 74 yr old woman. I live in CA, at 3,500 ft. elev. A lot of my youth (pre-sunscreens) in San Diego, CA at the beach-lots of sunburns! I lived in New Mexico at 5,414 ft. elev. for 20 yrs. I asked for this cream because of a couple of spots on my forehead that wouldn't heal. I've been using the cream for about 3 weeks-at first to the areas I suspected were a problem. Skin is warm, so when the cream is applied softens and seeps into other areas. A few surprises developed. I now have a "T" from across the top of my eyebrows, down both sides of my nose, to my chin - a spot on my bottom lip (I was a smoker). I apply the cream 2x a day. Afterward the pain is very intense for about 15-20 minutes, then it stops. 2-3 hours before each application my face will start to itch and become uncomfortable. Last night-NO PAIN! It may take longer than I thought-but it's nearly winter, so the best time to tackle this problem. My Covid19 mask helps conceal most of the redness."

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Timth...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 28, 2019

"I just completed a fluorouracil 14-day/2xper day treatment on my forehead for actinic keratosis. Progressive reaction during this and three previous treatments in past 15 years have been consistent and typical: redness, dry crustiness, mild discomfort in last few days. End results a month after treatment have been good: smooth, normal color skin. I’ve never experience side effects until now. On first day after treatment swelling began in both eye lids and in area below both eyes. On second day, today, swelling is less in lids but severe below one eye. I thought the ointment may have gotten in my eyes via my bed pillow. My dermatologist says probably not and that swelling will resolve over recovery period. I hope he is correct."

9 / 10
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15 Report
  • 42pines
  • April 3, 2018

"FYI: Efudex is fluororacil. It was discovered in the 1950's by a fellow that noticed liver cancer cells took it up readily. It works by not allowing a cell to replicate (divide). A cancer cell that cannot replicate dies. Yes, it does affect regular skin cells too, but cancer replicates much faster so most skin cells are not affected but the cancer cells are. I've used it on three BCC's , the common skin cancer. It works well. When treating one on my forearm I'll do the whole arm. I've used 5% cream, a little goes a long way. A 20 gram tube will do my whole forearm over 40 days. It did not do much the first week, but by week 3 the cancer area had a scab and was getting smaller. By week 2 small "other" areas lit up (turned red) which are probably acticic keratoses. I'd rate reaction as mild and really not a bother at all. In fact the carcinoma "itched" terribly and the efudex/5fu stopped the itch. I have seen photos of pretty nasty reactions on scalp and face."

10 / 10
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18 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 20, 2021

Efudex (fluorouracil) "The reviews posted are really helpful as I am two weeks into a 4 week course and the effects of the cream were giving me concern. But looking at other peoples experience I am much relieved and will now see the course through. As with others by applying the cream it has exposed more damaged areas of my face I wasn’t aware of. Two weeks into the application all areas are red blotches some of which are ulcerated and very painful. At night I’m having to have the electric fan directed at my face for a cooling effect as it’s on fire. With broken sleep and the pain it’s hard going but having read the reviews it’s seems it is normal so I will stick it out."

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10 Report
  • Tenni...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 14, 2020

Tolak (fluorouracil) "Used for 7 days but on day 5 got nausea, headache, general ill feeling, blazing hot face. Ice packs ineffective in relieving the heat and pain. Was in bed most of 2 days. Had to stop treatment, felt very ill. Was told it was probably ineffective in treating the condition since the spots didn't get crusted."

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • Tyorke
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 20, 2022

Efudex (fluorouracil) "I had zero unpleasantness. I am in week 4, prescription was to use once a day for three weeks, break then another 3. The second week in I started twice a day on hands and arms and nose. Side of my face did not look good , maybe headache first week. But no pain. Back of the hand slowly working . Will stop then wait 3 weeks and go again. No pain or side affects"

8 / 10
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9 Report
  • Guss...
  • November 3, 2017

Carac (fluorouracil) "I am in the middle of a Carac cream treatment (2 weeks of twice a day, then 2 weeks off, then 2 more weeks of treatment). This is my 4th time using the cream (face, chest) over the years. The results will be good, but the treatment can be challenging. Here is what I have found to be helpful. Ice packs make all the difference for me. Whenever I feel the itch coming on, I grab ice and leave it on the area until the itch subsides. Also triamcinolone cream really helps. My doctor prefers the ointment, but I find it difficult to remove. The cream goes on easy, helps with the itch and the healing. On the worst days, I took a prescription pain pill which saved me. My doctor recommended it."

8 / 10
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18 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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