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Tri-Estarylla for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 2)

Tri-Estarylla has an average rating of 4.3 out of 10 from a total of 70 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 31% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 56% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Tri-Estarylla

  • Mik
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2023

"I like that I didn’t get pregnant, didn’t gain weight, and had no acne. However I have lost any spark or motivation for life that I used to have, and lowkey am depressed and just want to give up. Besides that I’m thriving I guess- I’m switching."

4 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 10, 2018

"I've been on this for 6-7 months now. It's been working great for me. I haven't had any negative side effects at all. It's made my cycle more regular. My only complaint is that I wish it had shortened my period. I originally got on this for acne, but I really don't think it helped much with clearing up my skin. I still get breakouts sometimes around my period."

9 / 10
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  • Rae
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 27, 2018

"My experience with this drug has actually been pretty good. I did have mild acne breakouts and some bloating and water weight gain. These all went away pretty quickly, though. The only major side effect I've had is significant bleeding between periods. However, I had fewer and lighter cramps and no ovarian pain like I dealt with before, and no depression/mood swings or any of the other side effects that other users have experienced."

8 / 10
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  • mka
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 12, 2023

"I was originally on a Lupin brand under the name norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol. I got my prescription from Walgreens pharmacy but they were not partnered with that manufacturer so I was put on Tri-Estarylla. I had terrible anxiety and bloating all the time. I gained 10 lbs within those two months and I just don’t feel like myself. I will stop this and try another brand. Birth control affects everyone differently and you may find this brand might be good for you."

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  • Ct2345
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 1, 2022

"I had been taking Tri-Previfem for a few months and had no issues with it. I went to CVS and was given Tri-Estarylla, didn’t know much about it so I decided to give it a try. Well….I have a desk job and have never had any issues with my legs. While yes I understand that your body can change it’s awfully strange that I am retaining fluid starting below my knees down to my ankles. They swell so bad & I plan on talking to my Dr about this. I haven’t had any issues with ANY other birth control. More recently, my cycles are regular and last 3 maybe 5 days then stops. I don’t have bad cramps. Since taking Tri-Estarylla, I’m on day 7 and still bleeding. Some days it’s light (use a panty liner) then BOOM I need to put a pad back on! Lastly, certain food smells make me gag and nope I’m not pregnant. Again, none of this is normal for me. I have a 90-day supply, currently on the first pack, and will NOT be continuing this!"

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  • Angie
  • November 1, 2019

"Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo was discontinued, so tried this Tri-Estarylla. I kept giving it a chance thinking that my body needed to adjust. It got worse, terrible headaches that lasted all day, and everyday. Prior my health, acne, bleeding were all normal. Now, I was bleeding randomly, would get my period early and spot, terrible cramps along with heavy bleeding every other month. So heavy that I thought I was miscarrying. I didn’t realize why I was lacking motivation initially. I was bloated not only during my period but throughout the entire month. The last straw was the huge, painful pimples all over my face, near chin, jawline, cheeks, hairline, and small whiteheads on my back and chest that left scars. This was it, I couldn’t even stand to look in the mirror anymore without disgust. This shouldn’t be on the market. Truly the headaches alone kept me from living and enjoying my life. Get off this/don’t try, if your having similar symptoms, they probably won’t go away."

3 / 10
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  • Alask...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 8, 2019

"So I know everyone (including me) will end up scrolling down and be reading the comments. REMEMBER THAT EVERY WOMANS BODY IS DIFFERENT AND WILL HAVE AN DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE!! As for me, I’ve always had painful periods. And was irregular ever since I started. My cycles would range from 21-50 and I honestly thought I had a real issue and I wouldn’t be able to get it fixed. I’ve tried several natural remedies since I usually don’t like using chemicals and “man made” medicines. So for my experience, the first 3 months were terrible for me. Irregular spotting, acne breakouts (although my skin has always had acne) PMS and mood swings. I was getting frustrated with it and was even tempted to stop taking it. After the third month, everything seemed to fall in place. My periods were able to regulate itself. Although my periods will be just as painful time to time as I was before. But I found Tri-Estarylla birth control worth it. Also being my first one."

10 / 10
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  • Terri...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • June 21, 2022

"I started taking this as a generic replacement for my original prescription 3 months into me trying birth control to regulate my period. Previfem wasn’t too bad, but I did notice a lot of changes. When I got Tri-Estarylla instead, I just assumed it had a similar adjustment period. However, I’ve been on Tri-Estarylla now for two years and 3 months. Since starting this medication, I’ve become depressed, anxious, constantly nauseous, constantly tired, constantly having headaches of varying severity. There were many days that I would avoid driving because my headaches were so bad that I had problems seeing and focusing. I have also gained 38 lbs during this time, which has not helped at all with all the other issues this drug caused. I’ve become an emotional mess with mood swings that make no sense at all. After taking it I cry out of no where, for no reason at all. Everyone is different but I do not recommend. I followed instructions to a t and never skipped a day"

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  • Awful
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 5, 2022

"I was switched onto Tri Estarylla from Tri Sprintec (which was generic for Tri-Previfem) for whatever reason. The pharmacy didn't tell me but I assumed it was a rebrand and the same thing as Tri Sprintec but it is NOT the same. Tri Estarylla has been awful for me. Very depressed, withdrawn, lethargic, and severe weight gain, like 20 pounds weight gain. The weight gain adds to the depression too. And I eat fairly healthy and exercise 5-6 times a week but the weight kept going on no matter what I did. I don't like this pill and I have requested my doctor and pharmacy to make a note to never replace Tri-Sprintec with this Tri-Estarylla ever again. This pill prevented pregnancy and lightened my period but I am so unhappy with the weight gain and tiredness I experienced. I get to go back on Tri-Sprintec now thankfully."

3 / 10
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  • SoDak
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 30, 2021

"I was on Tri-Sprintec which worked really great for me for a year and was switched, without being informed, to the generic Tri-Linyah which gave me awful migraines. Then again, without being informed, was switched to Tri-Estarylla. It was no big deal at first, but then I started experiencing swelling in my mouth/gums after the first week. Nothing else in my daily life/diet had changed so I Googled the symptoms and read that it could be due to the hormonal changes. Then I started experiencing breakthrough bleeding like I was having a light period. This was on the second week of my first pack. I called the pharmacy and asked if I could switch back to the Tri-Sprintec and told them I would just pay the difference for what worked for me instead of just getting stuck with what insurance would cover. I also asked that I be informed anytime my medications switch. They said it was the same thing, but there must be something different that caused my side effects. Not sure how effective as BC."

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  • South...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 11, 2017

"My pharmacy switched me to this medication and I never thought twice about it as I have been on several different BC pills with no side effects. I didn't realize my horrible medical conditions were a result of this medication until I missed starting a new pack 3 weeks ago and my problems almost immediately went away. For the last year and a half on the medication I had unbearable migraines all day, 7 days a week. I also experienced constant nausea and dry heaving to the point that I would have to pull off the road when driving to throw up. I would become so dizzy when I was nauseous that all I could do was lay on the bathroom floor. I became very depressed but can't say if it was due to the medication or being miserable everyday."

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  • Vicki
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 27, 2021

"Today makes a week that I’ve been on this pill, these past 3 days I’ve been so nauseous, throwing up literally everything I eat or because something smells bad. I have a heightened sense of smell, everything is making me gag. My boobs are enlarged and sore. I’m going to give it a few more weeks but if nothing changes I’m done taking it."

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  • lolac...
  • October 14, 2017

"I didn’t like this pill. I stayed on it a full 3 months but it made me crazy. The week before my period I became even more crazy, and depressed and anxious. Pretty much sad everyday. Then I started getting my period the last week of my active pill and acne all over my chin. Switched pills."

2 / 10
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  • go da...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 23, 2021

"Honestly shocked to see all of these negative reviews. The only reason I stopped taking it was because I got tired of taking a pill every day and it make me lethargic. I have had HORRIBLE experiences with BC pills in the past and this was the first one that worked for me. My gyno gave me this one because I have what looks to be PCOS and low estrogen so he wanted to put me on something that gave me more estrogen than progesterone. I really think that's the kicker if you want to go on this, if you already have super high estrogen this might not be awesome for you. If you're in the position to I would suggest getting a blood test with your doctor just to see where your levels are at because that helped me so much. I also had terrible side effects to Loloestrin Fe if that helps."

9 / 10
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  • Mandy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 25, 2021

"I’ve been using this birth control for about 4 months now. My doctor switched my prescription to Tri-Estarylla because I started to cramp with my other birth control. Worst experience ever. My depression and anxiety is at an all time high. Before using this medication, I never struggled with depression and was a very happy person. Now I struggle to even get out of bed most days. My brain feels cloudy and I find myself having suicidal thoughts often. My mood swings are out of control and my sex drive is gone. My periods are heavy as well. The only good thing from this birth control is that I haven’t gotten pregnant. I know the experience is different for everyone, but after reading other reviews from women that are experiencing the same symptoms, I know for a fact that it’s the birth control that’s causing all of this. I wouldn’t recommended this to anyone."

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  • Krist...
  • August 29, 2017

"Contrary to the negative reviews on this birth control, I actually had a pretty positive experience. I had great skin, my periods were very regulated and short, I had some weight gain (I am skinny and did want to gain weight, so if you don't want weight gain I wouldn't suggest this). I think I only experienced mood swings during the first few months of taking this. I also experienced some migraines but those only lasted 2-3 months as well. I was always bloated, but I'm not sure if that was due to the birth control or if it was just my diet. The only other thing I didn't like was that this gave me a very low sex drive. I usually had a higher sex drive the week of the sugar pills, so I assume this is because of the birth control."

8 / 10
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  • Adrie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 30, 2021

"I’ve just completed my first package and I must say I’ve bled everyday of each pill on week 4 it got worse ! I’ve lost 15lb since I’ve started it and it’s absolutely the worst . I do not recommend."

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  • isa
  • January 11, 2021

"Just finished a pack and starting the second pack. Sadly, I will stop taking the second pack. Each pill made me so nauseous hours after I take it and it gave me digestion issues. My stomach felt so funky and I felt the food coming back up every night when I sleep. Also, super bloated everyday due to the stomach problems. I think the estrogen (0.035mg) is too high and messing with my stomach. I used to be on 0.02mg of estrogen dosage and I didn’t have any issues with it."

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  • Chris...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 8, 2020

"I was on this Tri-Estarylla pill for 11 months until I gave up on it. The period regulation worked, I had mild cramps and not super heavy bleeding. The side effects have made life miserable. I have mild anxiety and this medication made me have panic attacks over the stupidest things that I never would have worried about before. It made me feel numb and detached and it completely ruined my libido. I don't recommend this pill, I was switched unwillingly from Tri-Linya (which I loved) to this."

3 / 10
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  • KitKat
  • October 2, 2017

"Was on this for two and a half weeks. I became an absolute emotional wreck. Also, I bled very heavy for two weeks straight. I ended up having to go the ER for this week. Became very light headed. Never experienced this before and will never take this again."

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  • MDeCa...
  • February 17, 2016

"I've been on this medication for about two weeks. Since starting, I've had very increased anxiety, a dull headache every day in my temples, and restless sleep/resulting extreme fatigue. The medication has not had any impact on my very moderate acne. I have noticed some water retention/bloating as well. I'm going to finish the month out, but the side effects I've experienced so far are not at all worth continuing to take this. I am so tired on a daily basis that I can barely function, due to the inability to sleep soundly, even when taking a sleep aid."

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  • Sierra
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 4, 2022

"It made me cry a lot ,also made me so mad at my bf when he had not done anything bad to me. I would sit in my room so quite felt like people was screaming at me. Made me break up with my boyfriend bc I hit him for nothing"

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 12, 2022

"I have to say the pro to this birth control is that I do not find myself overly emotional or unable to control my emotions. I have been on other pills that caused me to be nauseous the entire first week of the pack to the point where I would throw up but thankfully this one did not have that same effect. A major con to this brand of birth control is my lack of libido and inability to get wet during intercourse. I went off birth control for 1 year and all of these problems went away but decided to go back on for the sole purpose of birth control. Of course you won’t be having babies if your body can’t create that desire anymore."

5 / 10
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  • Jamie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 8, 2021

"Switched from generic form of Junel 1/20 (was on it for 6 months). I've been on Tri-Estarylla for about 2 months now. So far no significant side effects besides bloating and weight gain (that could be a new relationship though lol). Junel 1/20 gave me intense side effects such as acne/rash, depression, mood swings, loss of sex drive, bloating 24/7, and breakthrough bleeding for 2 out of 4 weeks a month. With Tri-Estarylla my period is heavier though and lasts 4 days mid placebo pills with cramps starting the last week of active pills all the way through the end of placebo week. Haven't seen much improvement in acne but I haven't been on it for too long to see that. My sex drive has improved and I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding or mood swings. My discharge is much heavier/thicker but it's white and not dark brown like with my last birth control. No pregnancy scares and this is the only form of birth control my partner and I use."

9 / 10
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  • Jojo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 18, 2019

"So I’m not one to write a review about medicine or anything really but I had to share this. I started this medication in May and before I started it I had FLAWLESS skin, I never ever broke out. As soon as I began taking it, I broke out with cysts. I continued to take it in hopes of my body will regulate to it. Nope, I was left with cystic acne all over my cheeks, to make matters worse I had my wedding in a few months. I was getting about 5 painful cysts a week on this birth control. I have been off of this medication and my skin cleared up. I payed a lot of money and many trips to the derm to finally make my skin look normal. I wouldn’t recommend, everyone’s skin is different but I had a HORRIBLE experience."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.