Lexapro for Depression User Reviews
Lexapro has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 580 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Lexapro
- Lur...
- April 6, 2021
"After going into a deep depression after a divorce, with two young children to love, care for and support, I began having major anxiety attacks lasting all day, all night long. I was unable to sleep, I could not eat. I lost 40 pounds, my weight plummeted to 90 pounds. I felt helpless, useless. I'd almost lost all hope of knowing what joy was. I knew I was in trouble and I had to be honest with myself and get help. After being prescribed Lexapro, within three weeks my entire outlook on life changed for the better. My energy came back, and I was able to sleep again. I beg anyone having trouble with depression, please don't feel embarrassed, don't think you're weak because you need help, you are not."
- Bra...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- September 29, 2020
"This medicine Lexapro has completely taken away my anxiety and is slowly reducing the depression. It took about 8 days for these positive effects to take place. Stay patient with this medicine and stay positive, and it will change your life. The only side effects I had were drowsiness and a decrease in sex drive, but those effects are slowly going away. I get excited every day knowing each pill I take is a step closer to full recovery. God bless!"
Frequently asked questions
- Why does Lexapro cause weight gain?
- SSRIs vs SNRIs - What's the difference between them?
- When is the best time to take Lexapro?
- How long does it take for Lexapro to work?
- Flg...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- September 22, 2020
"I started taking Lexapro 6 months ago at a 10mg dosage. The first few weeks, I was extremely sleepy and still depressed but slightly better. I knew it would get worse before it got better (I read lots of reviews) but slowly but surely, it started to work. I am exercising again and more social. I am in menopause and suffer from PTSD, and anyone who has suffered does not want that dark feeling again. After 5 months, my Dr. upped my dosage to 20 mg, and it has helped even more. This dosage lasts all day, and I just feel like my old self again. Be patient, Lexapro gave me my life back."
- Liz...
- March 13, 2021
"I've been on Lexapro for a year. I resisted it because I was afraid meds would take a toll on my overall health long-term (i.e., maybe give me hypertension, acne, weight gain, hair loss, etc.). But I want to tell anyone that is hesitant to start SSRIs: stress/depression take a toll on your body. I was beating myself up mentally and emotionally, bringing myself to tears and destroying my self-esteem, telling myself I was worthless. This was my life. If you think that treating yourself like this isn't hurting your body, with all the terrible things stress/depression do on the cellular level, you're wrong. Potential side effects of SSRIs aren't as bad as depression. I feel so much better now. I don't tear myself down and cry every night. I don't catastrophize. I move on from things when they don't work out instead of taking a week to convince myself I've ruined my life. I am NOT 'cured', but that isn't what the SSRIs are for. It's for giving you help, space, so you can work on yourself and heal."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Rjm...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- February 8, 2020
"I have been having mood swings due to not being able to control my depression and anxiety. It got so bad that my boyfriend would welcome me with a hug as soon as I got home from work, and I would snap at him to stop crowding me. Anyway, my doctor finally put me on 20mg of Lexapro, and I have been the coolest cucumber ever. Every little thing that used to irritate me just ceased to exist in my mind. My mother said she missed how easy-breezy I used to be, and I feel like I'm finally back to my normal self."
- Idk...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- November 4, 2019
"I don’t want to get into detail with my experience. I read so many positive comments about this drug. All I can say, if you plan to be on this drug your whole life, then okay. But when it’s time to get off, you will have the worst withdrawals for over 6 months easily, anger, suicidal thoughts, deeper depression than when you first started. Can’t work, can’t have sex, everything stopped working. I took it for 15 years, this has been the roughest year by far mentally from getting off this drug. Been taking natural vitamins... I’m just a person that trusted my doctor to help me feel better and it did. But they can’t help you when it’s time to get off, they will just put you on something else. Long-term damage. I can relate to all of you going through this. And the longer you take it, the harder it will be to get off. I've been off it for about 6 months after 15 years, I’m still working to get better, everyday is hard. Just sharing my opinion."
More FAQ
- Does Lexapro cause night sweats?
- What is the difference between Celexa and Lexapro?
- Lexapro vs Zoloft: How do they compare?
- Treatments for Menopause
- Zoa...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- June 11, 2020
"I was prescribed Lexapro (Escitalopram) after complaining of severe moodiness after my bi-weekly testosterone shot was administered. The very first and last pill I would ever take. I had a very extreme battle with Suicidal Tendencies - with just one pill! I drank so much water to help flush it out of my system and after a full 24 hours later, I feel I'm out of danger. Please! Please!! Recognize the symptoms and fight through it. Get off of it immediately should you have a similar reaction and notify your doctor. Hope I was able to help someone."
- Nik...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 17, 2025
"I can’t seem to say enough about this medicine. If I had to describe how it felt to be normal again, this is how I’d describe feeling. I’m going through menopause, which heightens every worry you seem to have by 100 times or seems like that with my situation. It felt like I was heading down a hill with no brakes. My relationship was taking a beating, my relationship with my family and friends was taking a beating, and my mental state overall was horrible. I’d snap over the little things. I have been on this for about a month now, and I wake up being grateful. I go to bed being grateful. My stress level is neutral. It stopped my monkey brain. I am so happy I found this."
- GoG...
- July 19, 2018
"37 Female, mom of 2. I have hormone imbalance, anxiety, and occasional depression - genetic. First of all, hang in there, it takes a couple of months for the full effect. I kept quitting because of the sexual side effects and never fully gave it time to work! Hang in there, after a few months I was back to my old self, high sex drive, and amazing orgasms! I don’t feel detached or numb, I feel in control, calmer, and more focused. I did not gain any weight, take the tablet after a meal. Previously, I took it on an empty stomach and felt hungry all the time. Take a good probiotic and good multivitamins. Take walks & meditate. The drug did not ruin my creativity. I can sit longer with my children, connect with them, and I'm less impatient. I am a much more empathetic and attentive listener. This drug turned my life around. I suffered through my childhood and early adult years with definite low serotonin. I sleep better! My skin is better, stress free. I accept myself and love myself more."
- Joh...
- August 29, 2021
"Like all of you, I read every review on the drugs I have been prescribed. It helps on those really bad days to hear someone has been helped. I was put on Lexapro 20 years ago after a run of deaths in my family and on the fire department. My doctor explained it like this: you have a natural immunity to bad events, but if you experience too many too quickly, you may not be able to return to normal by yourself. After 20 years, I began to feel emotionally numb. I weaned myself off Lexapro 20mg, thinking I could deal with things myself. Then COVID hit, and a run of bad life events again. After the worst year and a half of trying different antidepressants, I'm back on Lexapro. It's only been a week and a half, but already I feel slightly better. Taking a medicine to improve your life experience is not a weakness, we are only here for a short time, try to enjoy it as much as possible."
- Bow...
- January 12, 2015
"I was tired all the time. Everything stressed me out. I was very negative. I found fault in most things. I was irritable most of the time. My thoughts raced with negativity most of the time. I withdrew socially a lot because other people upset me most of the time. I lacked compassion for other people most of the time. I felt like life was worthless. Lots of trouble concentrating at work. Trouble sleeping. More depressed in winter time. These problems progressively got worse as I got older. The doctor gave me Lexapro. I noticed some changes the 1st day I took the medicines but it took a little over 4 months to take its full effect on me. I'm almost exactly opposite of who I used to be now. Lexapro changed my life."
- Jol...
- February 3, 2020
"I’ve been on Lexapro for about three months now. I was prescribed 5mg a day by my doctor after experiencing ongoing depression and anxiety. The first week was really hard, my doctor warned me that my anxiety levels would rise, and they did. I couldn’t sleep, I was extremely anxious, and the depression had worsened as well. I was also extremely nauseous. After about a week, those side effects began to subside. I’d say that after two weeks, I started feeling a difference, it was easier to get out of bed and get through the day. After a month, it was even better, I felt like those depression glasses had lifted, and I was feeling like myself again. I have been feeling so energetic, determined, confident, and happy. It’s important to realize that it isn’t a magic pill, all of my progress came with hard work and therapy, Lexapro just gave me a fighting chance. I'd also like to add that I still have bad days, but they’re not quite as bad. I have had no side effects since that first week."
- goo...
- March 11, 2014
"I have been on Lexapro for the past 10 years for generalized anxiety disorder and depression. It works perfectly, and I have no side effects at this point. You have to try different ones to find the right one for you. Don't worry about long-term use. Your goal is to return to a normal life. Don't listen to the negative talk and just remember how good you feel. That is what is important, as life is too short to worry about all the people who are negative about something that helps you. Good luck to them, I say!"
- rev...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 22, 2019
"This medicine literally changed my life. I had paralyzing anxiety about getting a new job and my relationship. I was also so depressed that I couldn't get out of bed, didn't want to meet or make new friends, and literally called in sick to work some days because I was so sad. My boyfriend and I ended up breaking up, and I was devastated with that along with everything else that I was prescribed Lexapro 10mg. After about 1 week, I could feel the difference, and in about 2 months, it was like a dark cloud was completely lifted away from my head. I am the happiest I've ever been, and I'm no longer anxious or worried about the future. I don't know if I would have survived my break up and all of my other worried/negative thoughts if it weren't for this medication."
- Lau...
- September 16, 2009
"I wasn't severely depressed, but I was always CRAZY sensitive, flipped out, and cried at the smallest things. I had pretty bad anxiety for no reason, and would think negative thoughts over and over until I couldn't sit with myself. I finally decided to see a psychologist who recommended I have a psychiatric evaluation, in which they prescribed Lexapro. They started me on 10mg for two weeks and bumped me up to 20mg, which I have been taking for the last 2 months. I can't even express the immense change I experienced. I have never felt so content in my life. It never changed my personality in a drastic way, but I feel very confident, I can brush things off easily, I don't feel stuck in life, and I can actually have fun. I LOVE this medicine."
- BK1...
- October 22, 2019
"I suffered from a constant level of anxiety since adolescence. In addition, my family life in childhood was a little turbulent. Later in life, after starting my own family and working hard in my career, depression slowly crept in. I felt a constant feeling of despair. This went on for years as I still functioned to provide for my family. I slowly stopped doing the things I loved dearly, such as fishing. I then realized through steady therapy and meditation for over a year that I still couldn't get rid of the despair feeling in my gut. This mental and physical feeling could not be eliminated. This result proved to me that what I was experiencing was not from my childhood, but it was in my DNA. I was an anxious person with an increasing depression problem my entire life. I decided that I should try Lexapro. My doctor prescribed 5mg. I've been on the 5mg for 6 weeks. I actually started to feel true happiness again. I started fishing again."
- Mny...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 25, 2019
"Started using Lexapro 5mg and it only worked for a short time. Same with 10mg. Once I got to 20mg a day, it started providing me consistent relief for depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Feeling great daily now. Zero side effects. 10/10"
- Tan...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 1, 2014
"Been off and on Lexapro for 4 years now. I dread having to go back on it as the side effects make me feel lousy - headaches, nausea, jittery, insomnia, lightheaded, and anxious. After a week though, I feel back to normal and my energy and love for life return. Being a person who prefers not to take medication, I know that sometimes you can fight too long before you need a helping hand - Lexapro helped me. If you do get side effects at the beginning, I advise you to go with the flow, understand that it's the medication working & think positive - take care to you all."
- Cot...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 8, 2019
"Lexapro has changed my life. I was reluctant to try a drug because in the past Zoloft and Paxil gave me headaches and made me feel foggy. I confess, Lexapro made me feel that way for the first two weeks, and then it was like I took sunglasses off and saw the world more clearly. It’s like I was living in a fog before. I have way more energy, feel happier, and think more clearly. My only regret was not starting this sooner."
- Man...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- July 4, 2021
"Lexapro really did save my life. I have been on it for ten years on 20mg. About 6 months ago, I decided with my doctor to wean off it over a period of about 3 months. I had been off it for 2 months and was feeling fantastic. However, 3 weeks ago, I crashed, and all the old depressive symptoms and anxiety came back. My doctor put me back on 10mg for the first week, then 15mg. It has been nearly 3 weeks back on the medication, and the roller coaster ride of emotions is draining. I know it will kick in after about 4 - 6 weeks and now realize I need to be on this drug for the rest of my life. It has saved me before and will save me again. Highly recommend. 10/10"
- Iri...
- Taken for 10 years or more
- March 12, 2019
"After enduring severe depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, brain fog, problems with focusing, and a sleep disorder since childhood, I went on 10 mg of Lexapro at age 40. It took 6 weeks for Lexapro to work, but my entire life changed. All of a sudden, my thoughts became clear, more positive, and I could focus. My severe anxiety was reduced, my sleep disorder dramatically improved, and I stopped thinking about suicide. I was slightly nauseous for a few weeks. The worst side effect I had for a few years was fatigue. I have been taking Lexapro for 15 years in doses of 10-20 mg. I can reduce my dose during the summer months to 15 mg. I have no intention of going off the drug."
- Law...
- October 21, 2019
"After 27 years as a police officer, I retired. I have PTSD. The one shooting I was involved in, the dead bodies, and all the other LE activities that come with the job left me paranoid. I kept dreaming about more shootings, fighting in my sleep, extreme anger issues, and not trusting anyone wearing all black. After five weeks on Lexapro, everything changed for the best. My family and I get along much better. I’m no longer jumping and fighting in my sleep, and I’m learning that just because people are wearing all black, they are not committing a crime. The downside is I’m not as interested in things as I used to be. My sex drive has gone down, and I do have a “I don’t care attitude.” My wife wants me to stop taking Lexapro because she said I’m too quiet. I want to stay on it because it feels good not to be angry all the time."
- Tha...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- July 19, 2021
"This medication pulled me out of a deep and very severe depression. Almost instantly after taking it, my mind felt much clearer. My anxiety went away, and I noticed my sense of humor had returned with a vengeance. My ability to enjoy simple and not-so-simple things in life skyrocketed. I was basically smiling all the time. I’ve been on it for about five months now and have no plans of discontinuing it ever. This medication was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my entire life. The side effects were difficulty reaching orgasm for about a month and a half, nausea, insomnia, and general discomfort for about a month. I couldn’t sleep no matter how hard I tried for about a week straight. Then I would get maybe an hour or two a night. After a month, my sleep cycle went back to normal. My sexual function began working properly, along with my libido. The anxiety relief, depression relief, and energy levels skyrocketed from that point forward."
- Luk...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- January 14, 2025
"I have struggled with anxiety and depression my entire life. When I first tried this drug in 2021, I felt a lot better, but I was tired all the time and had sexual side effects. I was in desperate need of a solution a month ago, and my GP prescribed 150 mg Wellbutrin XL and 10 mg Lexapro daily. I have so much more energy now, I can sleep, I can do my job normally, I feel like I have finally gotten my life back together. The Wellbutrin helped 90% with the sexual side effects, and it gave me energy. This drug has helped my life immensely, highly recommend."
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- Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
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- En español
"This pill changed my life. I was very skeptical to take it after reading about the terrible side effects. Indeed, I had awful side effects within the first weeks including waking up shaking, increased anxiety, and an increase in suicidal thoughts. In fact, I begged the doctor to change me onto something else, but he told me to stick with it. After 4 weeks, I was absolutely transformed and I still honestly can’t believe the change it made to me. I’m no longer crying every day, I’ve started enjoying all the things I used to, and rediscovering myself. I’m no longer angry or unable to contain my emotions. I was in the position you were reading reviews and asking myself if this can really help me. It can! My advice is stick with it because the side effects can be heavy, but for me, it has changed everything - so much so that I felt I had to come back to write this in the hope of helping others that were in my position!"