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Zarah for Birth Control User Reviews (Page 3)

Zarah has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 76 reviews for the treatment of Birth Control. 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 30% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Zarah

  • pep
  • August 1, 2017

"I love this birth control! I previously had the implanon bc in my arm, and it caused really bad acne and I always had really bad cramps even though I didn't have a period. I've been on zarah for about 3 months no and the only complaint is that I get weird cramps occasionally. Other than that my skin is completely clear (and I've struggled with acne for a few years now), my sex drive has actually increased, and I haven't gained any weight. I've always been moody around my period so idk if it's affected that much because it's always different. Overall I definitely recommend!!"

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 27, 2018

"Was on this pill for 8 years slowly began to notice my weight increasing. My diet was nearly perfect and I was working out 5 times a week not seeing any results. I didn’t know what the issue was so I decided to stop taking the pill. Within weeks of stopping this pill my weight decreased by 10 lbs and I was way less emotional. Now trying to find an effective method of birth control without the terrible side effects."

3 / 10
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  • nettym
  • March 7, 2015

"No history of any acne during my teens. Started bcp when i was 17, now at 26 I went off (ortho tri cyclen) to try the Mirena IUD. I went from having not one pimple a year to about 5-6 large cysts a week. I had the IUD in for about 5 months and started breaking out almost immediately after i got it. I got the IUD out about three weeks ago and started taking Zarah (generic for Yamisn). My insurance will not cover Yasmin and I can't pay for it out of pocket. I'm finishing my first pack this week, I've seen no improvement. Will continue to take it until I get used to it and I'll report back to you ladies. I hear month 3 is the charm. Wish me luck. I hate make up and can't wait to go back to my clear skin again. This sucks!"

10 / 10
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  • Cassie
  • June 3, 2015

"I'm 19 and have been on Zarah for 2 years due to endometriosis. I don't notice my periods being much lighter while on it but that's probably due to my condition. I have had zero weight gain on this medication and my skin is always clear. It made me a little nauseous I'm the beginning, but nothing like what other bc pills did to me. This is by far my favorite!"

9 / 10
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  • AbCdE...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • March 5, 2017

"I was never on any birth control before I started Zarah. I waited until I was 23 to lose my virginity and had long since been thinking of getting on something. Myself and my boyfriend aren't the biggest fans of condoms. I had irregular periods, sometimes they showed up late or every 3 weeks instead of 4, the periods lasting no less than 5 days and going up to 8 days. When I started the Zarah, I was a little extra hormonal for good reason but was okay and all good by the 2nd month. My periods from then on were every 4 weeks and I couldn't have asked for more. At the moment, I recently stopped taking the pill and got on a longer form of birth control. I used the pill for nearly 3 years with little to no problems, just never forget a pill"

9 / 10
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  • Hillvhh
  • August 8, 2015

"I usually never give reviews on any products but this is something Women need to know of before even going on this pill! I have been on a lot of different birth controls in the past, I have never in my life experienced such a HORRID birth control in all my life. The pharmacy ended up giving me Zarrah 21 instead last time I filled my prescription & for the 1st month I thought 100% I was pregnant! I was getting "morning sickness" & gained probably about 5-10 pounds just in the first month and I am completely exhausted and lethargic almost 24/7 now. Honestly I can deal with the sickness & the little weight gain but the acne! I have never had acne in my life but this is unreal...its painful and horrible all over my face!! Dont go on this pill!!"

1 / 10
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  • Giaa
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 1, 2014

"Zarah has been okay. I first started on the pill about 5 months ago and it helped a little with my cramps that were horrible before I started the pill. However, I noticed some weight gain and realized that I have horrible mood swings. My period isn't much lighter than before, and my period doesn't come until a few days after I start taking the sugar pills. It definitely decreased my sex drive a lot and I started getting a lot of discharge every day."

5 / 10
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  • ITiee...
  • February 13, 2015

"I've been using Zarah for a year now. It works just as great as Yasmin. It didn't cause any weight gain, or mood changes. Those are the only things I'm scared of apart from the adverse effect of DVT. I had nausea only during the first 4 months of taking it. It reduced my headaches and dysmenorrhea, but I'm not sure if the former is just psychosomatic. I've never been pregnant on the course of taking it so it's an effective bcp!!! Another bonus is "glowing" skin. My skin was already in perfect condition, but Zarah (& Yasmin-which I took before it) made it "ethereal" as what people would say to me... and this is no joke. I'm giving the credit to Zarah (and Yasmin). Apparently, I'm switching back to Yasmin because of insurance coverage changes."

10 / 10
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  • CBeller
  • October 5, 2017

"Everyone reacts differently to different pills at different times, but here's my experience: I was suffering from amenorrhea, loss of sex drive and feeling, vaginal dryness, inability to orgasm, and depression for 11 months. My tests all said my hormones were normal. Within a week of starting Zarah, my depression DISAPPEARED and I slowly started regaining feeling and sensitivity, and my sex drive was returning. Now 4 months in, my libido is super high again as it used to be, I'm ridiculously lubricated, and sensitivity and orgasms have returned. There are some negative side effects, but the pros far outweigh the cons for me. Negatives are pimple outbreaks around my chin, pretty bad water retention and some swelling, and minor dizziness."

9 / 10
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  • sbishhh
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 19, 2017

"I've been on Zarah for about 6 months now, after switching from another pill. The good things I like about Zarah are that my acne has cleared up and I don't have any super crazy side effects....however my period lasts for about 6-7 days and it's very heavy the whole time...this is the worst my period has ever been. I also get a migraine for about 3 days straight when I get my period. Definitely thinking about switching because the 6-7 day period seriously sucks!!"

4 / 10
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  • Bex_o...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 23, 2017

"I figure I'll share my experience now that I've moved to a new birth control. I've had it for exactly a year now and it's got pros and cons. Pros, it regulated my period, ridded me of cramps, given me super clear skin and I am much less moody. My boobs grew (B to a C cup) which my boyfriend loved of course, but being a dancer I don't like. Cons, I got bigger arms and cheeks (puffy looking) bigger hips and more cellulite then ever (I took it the year I was 23 years). I went from being a size 4 to a size 7 without changes in my diet and exercising regularly. I think what happened was the estrogen in the pill, it helped me start woman hood which as a dancer I don't like. But I switched to nuvaring, so far my cheeks and arms have thinned out!"

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  • olive...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 21, 2017

"I switched from Lutera to Zarah because I developed PMDD and was constantly enraged and snapping on all my friends, boyfriend, and family the few days before my period. Zarah has drospirenone as its progesterone and is proven to help calm some of the effects of PMDD and other anxiety. I am so grateful for this birth control! I'm not pregnant either, my breasts went up to a 32DD, and my acne is slightly better than it was before."

10 / 10
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  • Maris...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 3, 2016

"zarah was my first form of birth control. ive been on it for about 4 months and it's been pretty only a bad expirence. I've became very depressed and anxious. I am naturally fairly moody... but this has been terrible. It made me think my boyfriend was a monster. I would yell at him and in my head I. would blame all my depression on him and "how he treated me" which was fine. it the pill made me thing otherwise. it did clear up my skin and I've actually lost weight... but not worth it because my mental health is so poor. I'm very very sad and emotional ALL the time. it's not only sometime. I need to make a switch soon to a different one. don't recommend because of how I feel about myself and others. makes you very depressed can't stress it"

2 / 10
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  • Duney...
  • August 11, 2015

"I was switched to zarah for my PCOS and was really happy to try something new. I had taken lutera for three years for heavy and painful periods and then for the past 6 months had not gotten a period, which is common with PCOS. My doctor recommended I try zarah. Just in the first month, I was way more moody and retaining a lot of water weight. Then my periods came. It was the worst period I've had since I started birth control. Painful cramps and heavy bleeding to the point I needed to change a super plus tampon every hour. I am going back to the doctor to get this changed, since I waited the three months to see if anything would change. The only positive was that it was an effective birth control."

2 / 10
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  • Jessa...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 30, 2015

"I've been on birth control pills for 10 years; Yasmin, Yaz, whatever came next, then Zarah. My acne decreased with the exception of the placebo pill week. My cramping was never as bad and I never got pregnant which is the main point! Now, I've been off the pill for 4 months trying to conceive. I haven't had a single mouth ulcer. I NEVER went more than 2 weeks without one. I knew if I bit my lip I'd have one within a few hours. If it was the week of my menstration, I'd have at least one. Usually I had at least 2 at any given time. Also, almost every time I'd go to the dentist, I'd have a new cavity. I've looked it up and I believe that the hormones from the pill increased my mouth difficulties."

8 / 10
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  • EB83
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 26, 2015

"My biggest concern was weight gain. I've just finished my first month of Zarah, and have actually lost a pound or two, but I'm pretty sure it's just water weight. The Good Stuff about Zarah: Reduced/No water retention. No increased appetite. My breasts haven't been swollen/tender. PMDD symptoms are much milder. The Neutral/Bleh Stuff about Zarah: still have some moodiness while the hormones adjust. Definitely having bouts of nausea. But I'll take nausea over no weight gain/slight weight loss any day."

9 / 10
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  • Caitlin
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 18, 2019

"I started taking this pill as soon as I got my first period (age 12). I can truly say I regret being on it for so long. I was on this pill for 8 years before I decided to stop it to see what would happen. I am a completely different person without the hormones from this pill and every other pill I’ve tried. The pill made me gain 17 lbs which fell off within 2 months of stopping the pill, gave me anxiety, increased my appetite, effected my digestive system, I could go on and on about the negative effects the pill has on your body. It sucks because I hate risking pregnancy but it’s really not healthy to put these hormones in your body."

1 / 10
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  • Kathy...
  • July 22, 2017

"I've been on this birth control for 6 months now and love it. It cleared up my acne and my boobs have gotten so much bigger. I haven't had any weight gain. The only downside is I feel like it makes me somewhat depressed, but I am on depression meds and have been for years, so I don't see that being a problem. My boyfriend and I have regular sex and he doesn't pull out, and I'm not pregnant. So the effectiveness of this is 10/10. Would highly recommend :) I don't have insurance yet and I pay $60 out of pocket for it each month. It would be a lot less if you had insurance, probably around $10 a month."

10 / 10
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  • Moniq...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 15, 2015

"I'm 25 and am basically taking birth control for acne. I have tried many different pills but this was my least favorite, I took it for 2 months. I am small framed about 98lbs and 5'. I feel this was too much hormone for my small body. First month I was getting anxiety around my period time, crying spells, very crampy, a heavy flow, and mood swings(my poor boyfriend). This has never happened with any pill I've taken the anxiousness scared me. I gave it another month and not really much of a change. My acne did not clear up at all! No weight gain and sex drive was great. Overall not for me. I switched to monessa, few weeks ago, a much lower dose BC pill and so far so good! Everyone's different good luck!"

5 / 10
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  • Batte...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 22, 2017

"After a LOT of failed birth control for various reasons, I was put on Zarah. I had a huge nausea and vomiting problem with the last one. And also made me horribly ill before my period. (I forgot the name.) So this is the day of my last active pill my first month on it. This has been a wonder pill for me...until now. No nausea and vomiting, only had two really nauseous days in this last week of active pills. But last night, when I took my second to last pill, my husband tried to cuddle up to me and accidentally lightly pressed across my boobs with his arm and it hurt so much. TOO much. Worse than when I first found out I was pregnant 5 years ago. It's so bad I haven't slept and pain relievers aren't helping."

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  • Mari
  • June 9, 2017

"I've been on Zarah for about 2 weeks now. My doctor switched me to Zarah after my last birth control (the generic form of Yaz) gave me bad spotting. So far I've had no problems with Zarah. No spotting, cramps, weight gain, or emotional changes. My skin is clear and I'm no longer constantly in pain like I was before I started Zarah. I'm so happy my doctor had me change birth control pills."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 20, 2017

"I started this medication in an attempt to clear my moderate hormonal acne. Unlike others, I did not have an initial breakout, in fact my skin started to clear up immediately as I began taking it. I am now on my second month in and other than my skin clearing up I have not experienced any other side effects. I highly recommend this birth control and have only positive things to say about it. Not only did it help improve my self esteem and acne but it has also regulated my periods."

10 / 10
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  • Alex...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 4, 2017

"My experience with this birth control was pretty good. I am 5'4 about 115 lbs- 120 lbs. Never made me moody, never felt bloated. I felt pretty good on this pill. Before this pill I never broke out!! My face was pretty clear. When I started this pill I noticed my right cheek started to break out. It was more of red bumps and a rash on my face. I noticed others having the same symptoms. My diet didn't change after this pill. I ate the same and exercised too. I will be returning to Othro-Tri Cyclen until my face clears up and hopefully try something else."

6 / 10
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  • QsMomma
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 17, 2017

"I took Zarah for 3 years, never missed a pill and always took it right at 3pm every day. So it worked great. No weight gain. No painful cramps. A light flow during period week. But I rated this 5/10 because I did end up getting pregnant 3 1/2 years after I started taking Zarah. I didn’t take any medications around the time I conceived besides my BC Zarah. My doctor was shocked when my blood test came back positive. So beware, even the best birth control pills can fail and result in pregnancy. I will say though, it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I have a beautiful 1 year old to prove it."

4 / 10
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  • NL83
  • June 4, 2014

"Overall no major side effects but I do think I've gained weight. I am very active -strength train 5 days/week & run 20km per week and eat quite healthy around 1500 calories/day and cannot shed this extra 10 lbs. I think it's the Zarah. As far as acne goes, I have mild acne & have not noticed an improvement."

5 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.