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Dapsone topical User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Brand names: Aczone

Dapsone topical has an average rating of 7.4 out of 10 from a total of 256 reviews on 71% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Dapsone topical

  • virgi...
  • March 26, 2012

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "Aczone is amazing! I am 36 years old and have had adult acne my whole adult life. As I got older, it changed, but I had never known a time when I wasn't breaking out somewhere. I've been to dermatologists for years, and nothing they gave me ever worked. While my acne was not severe, it did make me self-conscious. I went to a new dermatologist a year ago, and she prescribed Aczone. She told me it could take up to 2 months to work, but I thought I'd try it. This is seriously the miracle I've been looking for, it started working right away. I no longer get cystic acne, and when I do get a blemish, Aczone dramatically cuts down on the heal time, it pretty much makes my acne go away within a couple of days, and I haven't had any dryness."

10 / 10
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27 Report
  • Maddie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 27, 2018

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I have tried every recommended acne product whether it be topical or tablets and this is the only thing that has worked INCREDIBLY well for me. I was prescribed this in August 2018 along with Spironolactone (commonly used for high blood pressure but works to kill acne by slowing down oil production) and my skin is perfect right now. I'm not going to lie it was a little rough in the beginning 1-2 months in I was getting quite a few pimples, many flare-ups randomly. But it went by so fast I don't discourage this product because of that. I went from not wanting to go out of the house most of the time to leaving with no makeup on every day, you need to try this! The only negative thing is that the Aczone is expensive. My insurance doesn't cover it but it's so worth it to me. Hope this helps!"

10 / 10
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  • LTV
  • May 3, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "Around the age 35 I started experiencing painful and embarrassing cyst acne on my chin. Birth control and spironolacton got it under control to the point I stopped taking it after a few years. It came back as bad a ever and this time the medication wasn't working. I started aczone about 6 weeks ago and it's amazing! I do have to make sure I use it daily. If I do start to get any new acne, it knocks it out quickly in just a day or two. Helps a ton with any redness. Very happy with this product."

8 / 10
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21 Report
  • ACano
  • September 13, 2018

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "Only reason I am sharing this experience is because I've literally tried everything and anything you can imagine to get my skin clear.I have a stressful job which doesn't help either. I tried spirolactone which made my face even worse, and have tried every prescription face cream there is. I have very sensitive skin that is sensitive to hormonal changes. I went to the derm to get a cortizone shot for a huge cyst and was not planning on going on a new prescription cream until she recommended Aczone. At first I said no and accepted the fact that my skin was never going to be where I wanted it to be, but she gave me a sample to try before buying just in case. I was bored one night and decided to start trying it- what else do I have to loose? After 3-4 weeks of Aczone, this changed my skin. I haven't had a prescription cream work this well and I am almost scared to post this to jinx it- but if you've tried everything and just given up, please try this."

9 / 10
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  • camel...
  • July 22, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I've fought cystic acne since I was 11yrs. old. My face,back,chest,neck and inner thighs. This medicine was no more helpful than the million other topical meds I've used. The commercials I see for acne products just kill me on T.V. They show somone with one little pimple usually crying about how devastated they are about their skin. Show someone like me and others with REAL problem acne! I'm 50 years old and still fighting it. I have taken every oral med on the market, used every soap and cream known to man with minimal results."

2 / 10
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  • Nike
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 11, 2019

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I'm a 56 year old male and I've had adult acne and/or acne rosacea for the last 20 years. I tried everything, including Metrogel, Soolantra, Finacea, and various antibiotics. Finacea worked a little bit, but I still got some inflamed bumps. Then I tried Aczone -- within 4 days it seemed to be working, and within a couple of weeks, I no longer woke up in the morning with new painful bumps forming. I use a very small amount of the 7.5 strength twice a day, and it's been a complete game changer. I'm finally happy with my complexion. It's about time!"

10 / 10
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13 Report
  • Mari
  • July 16, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I'm 40 years old and have battled with acne on and off since I was a teenager. Have tried everything from natural remedies to Proactive, benzoyl peroxide etc. and they seemed to work for a short time. For the last year I started having cystic acne on my jawline that seemed to be getting worse and after going to a new dermatologist she prescribed Aczone. After 3 wks and almost giving up I can finally say that I have not had one pimple. I would have one almost everyone other day! You do have to be patient as the current pimples I had seemed to take forever to heal and fade, I can say that this is working for me now. I have some scarring to deal with but my face will now have a chance to start healing without any new breakouts. Give it a try!"

10 / 10
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  • Mallana
  • October 20, 2014

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I've been using this product for about 3 weeks. My acne is really bad due to hormone issues, so I was worried that no medications would help until we finally got my hormones balanced. Well, I began using Aczone and I have, as well as others, noticed a wonderful improvement. I haven't had issues with dry skin with it. I hope it continues to work."

8 / 10
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21 Report
  • SashaZD
  • January 15, 2017

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I was prescribed Aczone for hormonal adult acne. The first time I tried it I was instructed to use it once daily in the morning and at night to apply Retin A cream. It caused my face to get extremely oily and did not seem to do anything to help the acne. So I stopped taking it for over a two years finding oral antibiotics to be the only solution. However, recently my dermatologist suggested I try Aczone again. I increased to twice daily, once in the morning and once at night. I saw results within a day and my face had almost completely cleared by the end of the week. I still use the Retin A cream at night in addition to the Aczone and it seems to be my new acne solution. I think using it twice a day was a must for me."

10 / 10
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  • Seton...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 17, 2016

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I'm 53 years old and have suffered with cystic acne since my teens. Remember Clearasil? Harsh. Minocycline was a Godsend in my 30s, but couldn't take it while being pregnant. Now, I get occasional acne flare-ups. I tried Clyndamycin, it was ok. I just started Aczone and it seems to be putting the acne to rest. My copay was also $100. So, I went to the Aczone website and you supposedly get discounted up to $250 if you have commercial insurance. Fill out your info and get a discount card online."

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • FINALLY...
  • January 11, 2016

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "After living on doxcycline for 2 years,finally found winning combo for MY perimenopausal hormone/stress induced SEVERE CYSTIC acne! Everytime I got off doxycycline, face worsened within 2 months (scarred and inflammed) than when I started. Would take 3 months of being back on the antibiotic, along with the retin A/hyperpigmentation combo cream that my derm helped develop before scarring became less noticeable. Doxycycline worked well (compared to clindamycin/minocycline/ OTC/proactive system and all salicylic acid, etc.); but, didn't want to live on antibiotics. 3 months changed to Bactrim & Aczone. Within 2 months, as if I never had acne at all. No scars. Aczone & MD's cream only for last month. No CYSTS or pimples. CLEAR SKIN!!"

10 / 10
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  • Ksjsb...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 18, 2017

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I started using Aczone about 2 weeks ago. My derm added this to my other prescriptions (prescription benzoyl peroxide wash 5%, and adapalene gel) I have been seeing a dermatologist since I was a sophomore in high school and I am 25 years old now with acne as bad as a high schooler. I've used sooooo many prescriptions and been put on antibiotics and nothing has changed. So my derm suggested I try aczone. This has made my face absolutely terrible with break outs. I called my dermatologIst and spoke to the nurse who said this is normal and it will get worse before it gets better. Has anyone else had this experience using aczone? And for anyone who's insurance did not cover thos, just go to their website. I paid about 35 dollars."

1 / 10
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  • Sleep...
  • April 21, 2014

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I got a bad bout of the flu in March and had to go on 10 days of antibiotics. My face started breaking out the worst it ever had in 7 yrs. After getting a cystic pimple every day for 10 days I went to the dermatologist. She prescribed Aczone and Epiduo. Also got 3 injections to the cheeks. I have been applying the medicine for 4 days now. My face has calmed considerably in these few days and is actually smooth. I see some pimples coming up on my cheeks where I was breaking out before but instead of them becoming cystic-hard, painful-they come up as small white heads and after showering just wipe away. Face is dry but I don't mind as I have oily skin. Could be too soon to tell but I have seen a difference in 4 days. "

7 / 10
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  • Amy...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 14, 2017

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I had an adult onset of acne at age 37. Out of nowhere I had 10 to 15 pimples on my face... minimum. I made an appointment with my dermatologist. She put me on Aczone. I used the coupon online and got it for my co-pay (much cheaper... as it is pricey). I used it once a day. At first my face dried up and my acne increased. However, after a month I went acne free...since 2013! If you can get past the first month... you will be all clear! However, once your face is clear you may be tempted to stop! Please don’t... as acne may return and you’ll have to start all over. Just my 2 cents!"

10 / 10
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  • derpful
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 4, 2012

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I absolutely LOVE Aczone. I'm only 12, almost 13, but I started getting somewhat severe acne after I turned 11. The first thing I tried was Proactiv, which didn't work, then I tried Neutrogena, which also didn't work, and I have also used about 6 other tropical treatments that barely worked. In January 2012, I finally went to a dermatologist for help, and he had me try Epiduo with some acne antibiotic, and it worked pretty well for two months, but then I started getting bad breakouts again. When I went back to the dermatologist, he said I may have a different type of bacteria in my acne, so he said Aczone may be better for me, and a different antibiotic. I've been using Aczone and the antibiotic for almost a month, and my face is almost clear!"

8 / 10
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23 Report
  • Hadi
  • October 20, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I use to cry from the pain caused from Acne pimples and the low self esteem that comes with disfigured skin until I saw Aczone commercial. I couldn't believe the results by week 12 it cleared my skin for the first time I could touch my face . I used Cetaphil foam face wash and moisturizer as well for oily skin it works people try it and good luck"

9 / 10
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  • India...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 6, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I am 36 and in the past year began getting cystic acne on my chin, cheeks and temples. The cysts were incredibly red, itchy, and painful. They never came to a head and seemed to never fully heal. Because they wouldn't heal, I would pick at them. Last week, I broke out with 17 at once. I was very embarrassed, got fed up and saw a dermatologist. He prescibed Doxycycline and Aczone 2x per day. Amazing results in less than a week! My 'wounds' are all dried up and I'm dealing with moderate peeling now. It seems as though Aczone immediately remedied the redness. I only woke up with one new pimple, but it healed in 1 day."

10 / 10
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  • Perso...
  • October 26, 2013

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I started getting breakouts when I first started my menstrual cycle. (Age 13) and it got progressively worse. I'm about to be 16, and really have tried so many things for my skin problems. I tried Aczone and it literally had an over-night effect. In the morning my bumps were less noticeable and my face felt smoother. It takes time but it really works. Patience is a virtue."

8 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 30, 2011

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "Aczone did not help my acne at all. It made my skin burn when I applied it, and also made my acne somewhat worse than before. It's side effects were extremely prominent and my skin was dry, red, and irritated. I don't think this is the right medication for me."

2 / 10
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  • G Don...
  • July 6, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I always had acne through adolescence, & in my early 20s started developing painful cystic acne on my jawline and neck, particularly worsening prior to menstruation. All OTC treatments were completely useless to treat & manage this form of acne, & I was seriously considering Accutane. My dermatologist prescribed Aczone, & once I started regularly using once a day, after about a month (ie, not right away- it takes time to assess whether it's effective for you) I noticed a huge difference in my skin- less oily, essentially no acne. While the initial "wow" effect has tapered off- I'm starting to get an occasional pimple prior to my period- my skin is still substantially improved. Worth a shot before going to Accutane."

9 / 10
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  • MmmNN
  • May 21, 2013

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I never had pimple before but once I turned 23, I was having pimples once in a while and later it was covered in my chicks. Nothing was working out for me so I decided to see a dermatologist and he recommended Aczone. I have started using it last November 2012 and still using it. My face is fully cleared now and it is smooth just like it was before and no spots. Although I do get pimple once in a while but it just got away. Also I don't use make up much may be that's why it got cleared and nice. Overall, I Love it and I am glad that Doctor prescribed me this one. But I just don't know how long I should use it for because my tube is getting empty and I wont get any more refills."

10 / 10
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  • MrsBee
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • June 2, 2015

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne " I am 28, have struggled with acne for 10 years and this is the only product that has kept me consistently clear. While I have undergone 3 rounds of Accutane, the cystic acne on my chin always returned and eventually spread to my cheeks, leaving some mild scaring. Within two weeks of Aczone, I could see improvement and within two months, I could go out without makeup again. While my skin is still not blemish free (I still have a small blemish or two at any given time), this nothing compared to how bad my skin was before Aczone and has given me back my confidence. I also love that this medication is gentle (unlike the Epiduo, which stung unbearably) and doesn't have the scary side effects of others (like Accutane). Highly recommend!!"

10 / 10
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  • Miche...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 18, 2019

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "Aczone is a great medication, it worked for my acne before years ago and when I started breaking out badly I recommended this to my new Derm. Saw results around 3 months, my skin is all clear now just have to PIH which is fading everyday. The aczone also helps with hyperpigmentation too. I use 7.5 morning and night and wait until it is dry before I apply My moisturizer. I am using murad skin perfecting oil free moisturizer. I also take spironolactone 75mg in the morning. Some nights I will apply tretinoin on top of my aczone. I will Continue to use aczone forever. I know the first two months can be annoying when you’re trying this medication and you are still Breaking out, even I was losing faith in it! Aczone reaches its peak around month 3-4. But don’t stop it is one of the few that works Probably as good as accutane!!"

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10 Report
  • ITsME
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 24, 2013

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "I just wanted to share that ACZONE REALLY WORKS. I have suffered with acne since my teen yrs till now (I'm 39 yrs young). I have tried everything. I went to my Dr. 09/05/2013 and he gave me some samples to try and I did. I'm in LOVE with this. It is awesome I really can see results the zits, pimples or what ever you want to call them are starting to go away. Good luck to you all as you each search for solutions to your skin. THIS REALLY WORKS."

10 / 10
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  • anony...
  • August 26, 2018

Aczone (dapsone) for Acne "Growing up, I never had acne. It wasn’t until I turned 30, then all of sudden my face started breaking out all over my cheeks, chin and jawline. Hopeless, I went to a dermatologist who prescribed me Aczone 5% to be applied nightly along with a daily face wash and morning moisturizer. I’ve been on this regiment for 1 month and after using it every day without skipping, my face is clean and completely clear! I will say, however, that you NEED to be patient. After the second week, I noticed a heavier breakout in odd places, but my doctor told me that this would happen so I stuck it out. Most acne medications will not provide you with instant results as they need to remove the junk from your skin first. This is why you will break out around the second or third week. It may seem bad, but trust me, it just means it’s working! By the time the second week was over, I was left with some scarring, but continuing on with this product even diminished those as well!"

10 / 10
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12 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.