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ParaGard User Reviews & Ratings (Page 5)

ParaGard has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 1,296 reviews on 46% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 38% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for ParaGard

  • Damse...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 24, 2015

For Birth Control "I switched from the Nexplanon to the ParaGard, and let me tell you how much of a life saver that was! I was ALWAYS moody, hungry, breaking out, and my libido was in the negatives. So I decided to toughen up and get the IUD inserted. It wasn't pleasant since I hadn't had kids and did not take any painkillers, but it was completely worth it! A day of extreme cramps in exchange for 12 years of no hormones and preventing pregnancy? Hell yeah! I can feel like myself physically and sexually again, which was impossible to come by on any hormonal birth control. I highly recommend the ParaGard."

10 / 10
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  • Beana
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 28, 2020

For Birth Control "I've had paragard since 2014 when my youngest son was born. Since then I've had horrendous periods, PMS, mood swings, and joint pain every single month right before my period. It has also been impossible for me to lose weight at all. It has been an absolute nightmare for 6 years and I can't wait to get it out. Would have gotten it out way soon if I would have thought or even looked in to the fact the IUD was causing the problems. Don't get it!!!!!!"

1 / 10
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  • Not...
  • August 30, 2015

For Birth Control "So I had the ParaGard for 2 years, 2 months before I had it removed last Friday. I really enjoyed the ParaGard, and my husband enjoyed it as well. I had heavier periods for the most part while having the IUD inserted. Up until recently, my periods were returning to normal. Now you're asking, why did you have it removed? I noticed that I was a week late for my period, and I had breast tenderness. So I thought to myself, no way, or can I really be pregnant? So I took a pregnancy test a week and two days ago, and of course, it was positive. I thought to myself, I have two kids already, I'm almost 33, and I have an IUD, how can this be? So if you get the IUD, just keep in mind you could be part of the 1% that gets pregnant like me."

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  • 007
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 5, 2020

For Birth Control "I took hormonal birth control for about 7 years and then after switching off (due to irregular periods and being on it for so long) I noticed a decrease in stress and I lost 9 pounds. This lead me to wanting to avoid taking hormonal birth control again, so I looked into Paraguard. The insertion was painful but not terrible and it took about a week for me to feel completely back to normal again. Now my periods are fairly consistent and really heavy with a lot of cramping, but on the bright side I don’t have to take a pill everyday, there are no excess hormones going into me, and I’m baby free. Woot."

9 / 10
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  • Kar
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 6, 2021

For Birth Control "I have had the IUD for almost 10 months now and I am debating getting it taken out. I was prepared for more cramping and heavier periods (those are common side effects) but I wasn’t prepared for sharp cramping almost all the time. Before the IUD I had a very predictable cycle every 35ish days and got cramps the first day or two of period. Now I feel like I get a period randomly every 2-3 weeks and there is no way to track when I will be bleeding/cramping or not. I feel in almost constant pain. Then I’ve also felt much more anxious, depressed and irritable and have gained significant weight. There may be no way to know whether these symptoms are actually caused by the IUD or other things going on in my life, but they seem to have appeared right after insertion and are similar to other reviews. It’s hard to decide whether to get it removed because if I get it out, I have to try another option which may have similar side effects anyway. Bleh :/"

4 / 10
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  • Louise
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • November 13, 2019

For Birth Control "Got Paragard 2 years ago, first it was the most horrible pain I've ever experienced, now since I have the same horrendous pain every month I'm getting used to the struggle. I noticed that my coochie is a lot more acid and after periods (a lot heavier with a waterfall flow BTW super Tampax last 2 hours inside me till the blood starts running through my legs) I keep getting some brown-ish weird cervical mucous for 3 or 4 days. Anyway, it's good to be hormone free but copper IUD still has a lot of bad side effects and cons."

6 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • January 5, 2021

For Birth Control "I wanted to love my ParaGard, I really did. I had mine inserted in August of 2019. A few weeks after insertion I began having UTI's, dull bladder pain that lasted weeks if not months. In mid 2020 things started to get a little better, no more UTI's and less discomfort in my bladder. Now I seem to be getting what may be BV or yeast infections, and I mean constantly. Every other week pee burns for a couple hours until I take a probiotic. I believe it's the copper is messing with my natural vaginal biome that's causing me to be so prone to infections. I love that it is such an effective form of birth control, but the BV and yeast infections are unbearable. I see myself having it removed and replaced with Mirena in a few months if things don't get better. If you are someone prone to UTI's/yeast infections/BV, you may want to run in the other direction from ParaGard."

2 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • February 23, 2020

For Birth Control "Halloween of 2019, persuaded into a IUD even though I wasn’t big on it, I was tired of the weight gain (roughly 80lbs between Depo and nexplanon over 5 years). I couldn’t lose the weight, was told the IUD was amazing and helped with weight loss. Insertion was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, 6 hours after it being put in I started feeling nauseous from the pain, developed cold sweats and eventually started vomiting, diarrhea, the works. It was awful, the cramps were so bad it felt like something sharp was slowly stabbing my uterus over and over slowly almost like torture. I developed a fever and didn’t sleep at all, eventually sat in a tub while the hubby kept boiling hot pans of water to put in the tub (I used ALL of the hot water) and sat in a tub for about 3 hours, called the nurse line, advised to go to the local ER Because it wasn’t normal. I waited it out and went to PP and had it removed and all of the symptoms were INSTANTLY gone. I will NEVER recommend IUDs."

1 / 10
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  • Disne...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 20, 2016

For Birth Control "I cant even express the hate I have for this BC. Of course, I know everyone will not have the same experience. I decided to go with Paragard after my second child because I wanted to try something non-hormonal. I have had it for almost a year now.I bleed, and bleed, and bleed some more. HEAVY bleeding. This maybe TMI, but I filll up an Ultra sized tampon in less than an hour. I wake up some mornings with blood stained panties and sheets. And this doesn't just go on for a few days. When I do have my periods, they last for about two weeks. And many times, I have spotting in between. I NEVER know when to expect my period, its all over the place. Plus, my husband can feel it , it pokes him during sex. NOT FUN!- and yes it is inserted correct"

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  • Kiki...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 12, 2014

For Birth Control "I had the ParaGard inserted in less than 5 min, pain-free. After my doctor did a vaginal and stomach sonogram to make sure it was in the correct position, I was done. The only complication is my periods are longer, heavier, and more crampy, but no biggie. I love the ParaGard. I have no complaints."

9 / 10
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  • SealP...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 8, 2015

For Birth Control "I wanted to leave a review because I feel that naturally people with bad experiences are more likely to post than people who had positive experiences. For me, the copper IUD has been the best form of birth control I've used. Insertion was extremely painful, but the potential to have 10 years of hormone-free birth control is worth it. The 1st month there was a lot of light bleeding and occasional cramping while the IUD "settled" in. The cramping at the start of my 1st period was hell, 2nd period less so, and now 3rd period almost pre-insertion levels. Periods are heavier and longer, but I am so relieved to 1) Have a sex drive (bad experiences with hormones) and 2) 10 years of no pills in my future! I don't notice my IUD anymore 3 months in."

9 / 10
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27 Report
  • Sad...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 10, 2020

For Birth Control "Paragard #1 failed, left me in pain, a miscarriage, then expelled. Doctors claim it was so rare to have these side effects, it must be a coincidence. Paraguard #2 partially expelled, left me in extreme pain. It was removed and I had a miscarriage the next day. A very tiny tiny baby fell out of me as I lifted my laundry basket. I will forever be devastated by the pain this thing caused. It's time for paragard to reevaluate the frequency of side effects and honestly report to the public. This thing ruins lives."

1 / 10
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  • Emma
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 12, 2016

For Birth Control "I had ParaGard put in on March 28 of this year. It is now October and I could not be more pleased with this birth control. After deciding that I no longer wanted to use the pill, I tried other options such as the arm implant and the patch, neither of which worked for me because they made me fat, emotional, and took away my sex drive. ParaGard gave me really bad cramps and heavy periods for the first two months. After that my cramps went away completely and I have not had them again since then. My periods have gotten lighter and lighter until they are now back to my normal flow. My sex drive is also now higher than ever before. I would recommend this to anyone that can bear through the cramps for the first few months."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Colle...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 23, 2016

For Birth Control "Hey guys .I've decided to post because I've heard so many horror stories about the Paraguard IUD. I've tried Depo, the pill, and even the Nexplanon Implant and they all didn't work due to hormonal side effects.They were all hell.I'm only 20 in college and being miserable is the last thing on my mind due to birth control.The Paraguard IUD was my last option and it has been absolutely amazing.Before any birth control I had a heavy flow, very painful period . With the Paraguard my first two days are the only days I cramp and it's not too bad.My flow is pretty normal I can get away with wearing a regular tampon and it lasts 6 days.I love it because I can predict my period and it is very accurate. No mood swings or anything. AMAZING !"

10 / 10
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  • aa112...
  • June 6, 2019

For Birth Control "Do NOT get the ParaGard. I have had it for 4 years and it's a nightmare. If you have heavy periods, they will become like a flood of blood every month. The flow did NOT reduce over time. I'm talking literally gushing clots with brutal cramps. But, it works as birth control, hence the 1 extra star and why I kept it in. Then, over the past year (after having it for over 3 years at that point) I started developing increasingly worse PMS symptoms, which grew into PMDD. Especially over the past few months, I am suffering from severe PMDD that I believe to be caused by the copper IUD. Do some research on how copper raises estrogen and copper toxicity. I have an appointment to get rid of this awful thing in just a few days. I cannot wait. It has taken so much of my life - I literally can't get out of bed during days 2-3 from level of bleeding and cramps - and move on with my life. This is "non hormonal" (why I went on it) but literally has messed up my hormones."

2 / 10
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  • Blstoof
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 22, 2019

For Birth Control "The only regret I have with Paragard is not getting it sooner. I love it! I put off getting an IUD for so long because of hearing about how painful the insertion was and was surprised when it only felt like a heavy cramp. It wasn't bad at all. In the 3 months since the only difference I've noticed is slightly heavier periods. My sex drive hasn't changed at all, I haven't gained a single pound, and now I don't have to worry about birth control for 12 years. I couldn't be happier with my decision."

10 / 10
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  • Ns401
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 4, 2021

For Birth Control "2 years in started ruining my life, lost my job because I couldn't get out of bed, developed high blood pressure, sleep apnea, endometriosis, fibroids, severe depression and suicide ideation, weight gain, IBS, severe bloating, 2 weeks of bleeding and clotting, then 2 weeks of cramps and spotting, migraines, food intolerances, I could go on. Good luck trying to have it removed once it's in, it will take you months or you will have to find another way, the doctors swear the symptoms aren't from the IUD, but I have thousands of other girls that say different."

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  • kate
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 25, 2020

For Birth Control "I would like to start off by saying the paragard is a bit painful for insertion.. the bleeding sucks!!! I have been on it a little over two years, I've been experiencing spotting before and after my periods to this day. I do have brain fog and severe cramps. BV has been coming and going and before paragard I'd only had BV ONCE with my first born didn't get paragard until my second baby was born. Really contemplating on getting this out. I have talked to my OB about the side effects and she swears it's all natural!!! THIS BIRTH CONTROL IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY. ---TRUST YOUR BODY!!!!!!----"

7 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 15, 2019

For Birth Control "I was on the pill since I was 17 years old. I am 25 now. I stopped taking the pill about two years ago because it was making me very moody and it would make my hands and feet swell up. But then I got very serious with my boyfriend and we started discussing birth control. And I thought about the pill again but I didn’t want to gain weight and go through all of that again. So I did some research and the only thing that I could find was Paragard. It has no hormones so I wouldn’t gain weight and all the other stuff that I didn’t like from before. I thought, why not I’ll give it a try. So I got Paragard. Let me tell you, the process is not comfortable by any means. From the time I got it until about a week later I was cramping (like cramping I’ve never felt before) but after that week, I haven’t felt it at all. It is worth it! I promise. You just have to get past that first week. I HIGHLY recommend Paragard. I never have to worry about it and I don’t feel it."

10 / 10
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  • danye...
  • April 20, 2015

For Birth Control "I got my Paragard put in 3 days ago, and I will let you all know I was absolutely terrfied. I researched and researched for weeks before and almost decided against it from all the horror stories I read. Ladies passing out, bleeding all the time, cramps from hell etc. Well my doctor herself had an IUD put in, so she firsthand knew how badly they hurt. The entire procedure took less than 5 minutes, and when I was done I said "was that it?? That's all?" it wasn't bad at all, and I had very very minor cramping in the days following. It is absolutely worth it for what it's worth! Highly recommend."

10 / 10
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  • Gem
  • June 4, 2020

For Birth Control "Really conflicted on ParaGard. For more than two years, I was happy to deal with the side effects (heavier periods w/ stronger cramping) if it meant safe, non-hormonal birth control. However, due to some recent HEAVY & fresh bleeding outside of my normal period, something didn't feel right, so I went to an OBGYN for an exam and an ultrasound. If you think something's wrong with your IUD, MAKE SURE YOU GET AN ULTRASOUND!! After the visual exam she said it seemed fine, but an ultrasound revealed that my IUD had dropped too low into my cervix AND was partially twisted, with one arm not fully deployed. They suspect when I got it inserted I wasn't properly measured, and my too-small uterus had been trying to expel it over time. The technician said that if it couldn't be easily removed in the office ASAP, they'd need to do it in a hospital. Thankfully, it came out with no issues. My doctor recommended Kyleena bc it's smaller but I'm not sure I'm keen on another IUD."

6 / 10
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  • Sara
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 12, 2023

For Birth Control "When I was a student 7 years ago, I could not afford insurance so I went to a free clinic. I had been taking birth control pills for years and I don’t know why the Obgyn recommended I try an IUD when I was fine with the mini pill. I went ahead and had it placed. I immediately regretted it. Within a few days, I started getting vaginal itching. Then I got a yeast infection which I have never had before. Then came irregular, heavy bleeding. In my first month, my period was heavy and lasted 10 days when I only had a period for 3-4 days on the mini pill. In the second month, I had 2 periods with only a week break in between. I continued to experience vaginal itching for the next 3 months. I was too scared to go back to the clinic to have it removed because I wanted to make sure I had insurance in case something went wrong during the removal. After 4 months, I finally graduated college and got a job with health benefits. I immediately set up an appointment to have it removed."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 3, 2016

For Birth Control "I'm sharing my positive experience with Paragard - I hesitated for quite some time because of some of the things I'd read online. I've had Paragard for 4.5 months now, and I wish I'd gotten it sooner! It's wonderful! Two main points- first, my period hasn't changed much. Still lasts 5 days, with 1-2 days of bleeding on the heavier side. No, I don't have to change my tampon every hour =) As for the cramps, mine have actually IMPROVED. I don't even have to take midol anymore!! My cramps used to be a constant, dull ache that would last all day- they were terrible. With Paragard they come in short waves (lasting for like 10 seconds). They are so much more bearable now! No maintenance, no hormones, and highly effective? Best decision ever!"

10 / 10
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  • Jmom
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 10, 2019

For Birth Control "I wanted to post a positive experience because I feel like people only post when they have a negative experience and then the rating gets skewed. I have had this for 3 weeks. Insertion was a little uncomfortable but if you've had a child, it's nothing. I have had no other symptoms or side effects since having the IUD placed. I will post an update after my first period with it."

9 / 10
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  • Never...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 10, 2015

For Birth Control "After my 4 th child I went with the para guard not fully decided on if/when we'd have more kids. 10 years gave me plenty of thinking time :) My 4th just started kindergarten and I was thrilled to have a schedule with free time for once. The day before school started I found out I'm pregnant!! I immediately went to the doctor to have it removed but it isn't an easy pull. They couldn't find the string. It shows on an ultrasound still attached but attached right at the pregnancy. Too risky to remove. I just had a follow up ultrasound to be sure the pregnancy is viable at 7 weeks and discovered TWINS!! I know, sounds like a funny prank. It's true. I'm pregnant with twins and the IUD is still attached! Found outMy sis is preg too IUD in place!"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.