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Clenpiq for Bowel Preparation User Reviews (Page 3)

Clenpiq has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 290 reviews for the treatment of Bowel Preparation. 48% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 38% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Clenpiq

  • JGano
  • January 15, 2019

"Used Clenpiq for routine screening colonoscopy. Not covered by insurance, so cost was $150. But that's the best $150 I've spent. Very easy to take.....only 5.5 oz per dose (split dose). It doesn't taste good, since it's concentrated, but I think anyone can get down 5.5 oz. Just a bit more than a measuring cup. Had no side effects whatsoever, no cramping/pain, you just go - nice and easy. I think the worst part for me was not being able to eat. TIP: ask your doctor about eating a light breakfast the day of the prep. That's what I did, 3 scrambled eggs and piece of toast. Makes the fasting MUCH easier vs. stopping solids the night before. I also drank LOTS of fluids on prep day, which made the amount required during the prep less. You are supposed to drink several glasses of fluids after each dose of Clenpiq, but I didn't drink that much and was perfectly fine."

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  • Susie
  • September 8, 2019

"Followed the Clenpiq instructions to a T. All it did was give me really bad cramps, chills. Did not work... lost a day at work for absolutely nothing. Have to do the whole thing over but will NEVER use CLENPIQ again"

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  • Noesark
  • March 23, 2019

"I am a healthy 54 year old who put off the colonoscopy. I remember taking a liquid for a test when pregnant and it was horrible. I don’t drink soda/pop at all. My procedure was at 12:30 . I tried to get an earlier one because I had read I might get hungry. I took the clenpiq at 5 pm as directed. I was so so surprised that I could drink it so easily. It wasn’t yummy but it was sweet and I drank it quickly. It worked great. No nausea no pain just worked. I only had one trip that I had to race to bathroom and sort of dripped as I waited too long. Not to be gross but it felt like I was peeing from your butt. I woke up at 7 am the next morning. I took the second bottle with ease again. Not as much in my system to get out. I had no trips to bathroom during the night and slept well. I feared I’d be hungry as the week before ate a lot on vacation. I was not famished at all. The worst part of my prep was that I had broth for lunch day before."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • TWano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 5, 2019

"I took same day prep for 5 am colonoscopy next day. Started bottle one at 4 pm. I had bowel movements an hour later and that lasted off and on for another hour. No cramps or nausea. Took bottle 2 at 10pm and went after an hour. I was asleep by 12:30 and up the next day procedure. First colonoscopy but if it’s this easy I won’t be apprehensive next time."

10 / 10
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  • Buffy
  • June 2, 2019

"I’ve had probably 7 colonoscopies since 1995 & this CLENPIQ prep is BY FAR the best tasting prep I’ve ever had (aside from the pills which is still my number 1 but they won’t give them out anymore). It sort of tastes like five hour energy’s in the little red bottle. I always have major anxiety and basically gag before I even taste the prep because I already know in my head what it’s going to taste like and I have a really hard time getting it down. But the CLENPIQ was seriously super easy to get down. I had the cranberry flavor. I never understood, with all these advances in medicine, why they couldn’t make a better tasting prep! FINALLY! My doctor gave me this from his office so I don’t know what the cost is."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • malab...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 24, 2023

"Started liquids two days before because of past esophageal cancer surgery. No problem with drinking prep, but began getting numbness and neuropathy in my hands and feet. Within two days after the procedure, which was fine, have had malabsorption and dehydration in the entire body, and 6 weeks later it has not gotten better despite all meds and probiotics to help. This prep destroyed my gut flora, flushed it out of my stomach, and I fear I may never get it back. I had no issues before this prep. I would recommend to anyone trying the Clenpiq, to run as fast as you can to try something else. This has totally screwed up my gut and absorption and it may never get better. 6 weeks is too long to deal with side effects. The test went well though."

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8 Report
  • Aimee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 14, 2019

"This is 3rd colonoscopy, first time using ClenPiq. Prior colonoscopies I used the Miralax prep. This was definitely a lot easier, way less nausea. But I did experience a wicked migraine from it. I started the prep , 1st bottle at 5PM with five 8 ounce glasses of water over a four hour period . Very sweet/salty. Definitely chased with water. Took about 45 minutes to kick in. Less time on the toilet compared to Miralax. Started 2nd dose at 2AM. Only drank half the bottle , with three 8 ounce glasses of water, because I knew I was cleaned out. So aside from the migraine, this prep was a lot easier. Colonoscopy was a success. Doctor commented on how clean I was."

8 / 10
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  • Jo Doe
  • April 25, 2019

"Horrible taste a combination of a sugar and sulfur taste. Soft bowels 2 hours after 1st dose. After 2nd dose, soft bowel 2 hours later. Hour 4 first good burst but not enough to clean out for procedure to be successful. I need to repeat procedure. PS. Had the diarrhea AFTER the procedure. Do NOT recommend."

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  • IMarie
  • November 4, 2020

"I would definitely do this prep again if they don't come up with something even better by my next procedure. No cramping, no vomiting, no feeling like a lot of liquid sitting in my stomach. Taste was not good but tolerable (drank it down and sucked on a lemon drop to get taste out of my mouth.) I read a lot of reviews on preps and I think the low residue diet 3 days before helped a whole lot. I wasn't sure it would clean me out because I didn't have near the BM's like when taking other preps but I was cleaned out. No warning sign for bathroom time, muscles seem to just open up. I would try to up my electrolyte drinks next time because they had to give me some, although I drank lots of liquids (for someone who doesn't like water.) I had read so many negative comments on this prep but sounds like it just depends on the individual."

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  • Mimi
  • July 7, 2019

"I had been putting off doing the procedure because I had such a horrible experience with Suprep (I know some people love it but for me it came with significant negative side effects and resulted in poor prep). My Dr. wanted me to do a 2 day regimen involving 4 smaller doses. I was so insistent that I wasn't doing it if that was my only option and the nurse told the Dr. I might be a good candidate for Clenpiq. I was petrified of trying something new but Clenpiq was like night and day. They gave me cranberry and while it wasn't pleasant, I found it far more appealing than Suprep & less to drink. It was also so much milder that I was afraid it wasn't going to work. I was also able to sleep in between which I hadn't been able to do on the other one. I would 100% use this again. To be fair I also ate a low fiber diet for 5 days instead of just the recommended 3 days. I am relieved there is a product that I know I can use when I have to go for the next one."

9 / 10
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  • Anony...
  • May 22, 2020

"First dose Clenpiq : stomach pain and nauseous; visits to the bathroom were no more than 3. Second dose: after 15 minutes of the intake, felt nauseous and like in seconds and on my way to the bathroom, I vomited all of it. I don’t think I will be ok to have my colonoscopy and will I never ever use this product again."

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  • Affa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 1, 2018

"This was my fourth colonoscopy and by far the most tolerable prep. The split-dose regimen, which involves drinking 8 oz. of Clenpiq early in the evening the day before the procedure, and another 8 oz. the next morning, means that an entire day doesn't have to be spent in close proximity to a toilet. The taste itself was surprisingly fine at first but then got progressively worse — for reasons I don’t understand — with each succeeding mouthful. Fortunately though, it’s not much to drink so it wasn’t a major problem. No comparison certainly to previous years when one had to down a whole gallon of absolutely awful-tasting stuff. Clenpiq’s list price is expensive, but a coupon the doctor gave me and whatever the pharmacist managed to do vis-à-vis insurance, brought my cost down from $145.00 to $46.00 — worth every penny as far as I’m concerned. One caveat: when Clenpiq begins to work you don’t want to dawdle getting to the bathroom :)"

9 / 10
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  • T MC
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 8, 2018

"I just took this on Tuesday for my colonoscopy on Wednesday. Per my doctor's instructions, I drank the first little bottle at 3:00 pm with five 8 oz glasses of water and it started to work about 30 minutes and I went about 7 times. I drank the second little bottle at 8:00 pm with three 8 oz glasses of water. It started working 1 hour later and I went about 8 times and then a few times during the night and 1 time in the morning. It did not taste bad it was very tolerable-very sweet easy to drink. I would not suggest to drink the second bottle in the morning if you have your appointment then because you will still be going. This medication made this process very easy compared to the go-lytley. This is my 3rd prep and this was the easiest."

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  • apseals
  • January 11, 2021

"I ate a low fiber diet for 6 days prior and a soft food diet the day before. I took a zofran 30 min before drinking each bottle. Started at 2pm and followed directions. After drinking the first, (I held my nose), I sucked a lemon drop to get the taste out of my mouth. I drank my five 8 oz glasses in about 3 hours time and nothing happened, so I walked around and drank more Gatorade. This was the time I was most uncomfortable. After the prep started working, I was ok. At 8pm I started the 2nd round. I drank it more slowly with sips of Gatorade. Prep started working around 9pm. My bowel finished cleaning quickly which surprised me. It is now midnight. I feel fine and ready to sleep, which was why I started the prep so early. I have done the pills (not available anymore), the laxatives, the hydrotherapy etc. If no hydro is available again, I would use clenpiq again with the extra advance prep I mentioned above without hesitation. I think it made a huge difference in my experience."

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  • Ouch
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 13, 2019

"Crushing chest pain 1.5 hours after ingestion. Seems to be working but absolutely agonizing pain, cramps and sweating. Dreading the follow up dose. Three stars because it seems to be clearing me but good lord the pain and sweats. With love, from the can."

3 / 10
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  • Angie
  • September 17, 2019

"My 1st colonoscopy - I have terrible gag reflexes so the thought of drinking the cleanse was not appealing. I used Clenpiq and would recommend it to anyone! Two five oz bottles, no cramping, no issues at all. Slept all night. Discuss with your Dr. if you have hypertension. I actually told me Dr. I wasn't sure it worked on the morning of my test because it was so gentle."

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  • Crohnie
  • July 12, 2019

"I just had my colonoscopy today, after having prepped with CLENPIQ yesterday. This is my 5th colonoscopy (I have them yearly due to Crohns). I have to say this was the best prep yet. It didn’t taste great but since you have to drink only 2 ready-to-drink 5.5 oz bottles (refrigerated), it doesn’t matter. I was worried to use this after reading the reviews because I tend to get a little nauseous during/after prep but my doctor always prescribes a Reglan (anti-nausea) pill to be take 1/2 hour before each bottle of prep and I was fine. Also, I felt less weak and shaky in the morning. They key is drinking enough liquids (I had a total of 140 oz, which was actually less than the 156 my instructions suggested but I can only drink so much). My prep included 48 oz of clear liquids “with sugar”. The rest was flavored water. I was concerned this prep might not do as good a job, mainly because I was feeling better than usual, but my doctor said it was great. I will definitely use again."

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  • kris
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 26, 2023

"Waste of time and money. I have very regular bowels and had to take both bottles and didn't work. Scrambled at midnight to find laxative since I would be charged by Dr if I was unable to have procedure! Has very low reviews overall on most websites."

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  • AS2000
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 27, 2023

"Unfortunately, I did not have a good experience with Clenpiq. The first bottle went down fine, as well as all of the water required immediately afterwards. But when I drank the second bottle at 5am the next morning, I was only able to keep the contents in my stomach for 5 minutes before experiencing severe nausea and vomiting. Unable to keep any liquids down despite continued attempts over the next 2 hours, I experienced dry mouth and skin as I de-hydrated. My colonoscopy had to be cancelled due to inability to complete prep."

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  • Julie
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 13, 2019

"Clenpiq definitely did the job but I had an awful headache during cleansing but the side effects I had in the days following my procedure led me to a visit to my cardiologist who told me that Clenpiq contains a high rate of sodium. I have hypertension and take meds that control it very well but after taking Clenpiq my BP rose dangerously high for 3 consecutive days following the procedure! My BP gradually returned to normal ranges by 4th day because it take 3 days for this med to clear your system! Don’t recommend anyone who has hypertension issues to take this as a prep! I will try Miralax prep next time!"

3 / 10
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  • Marla
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 23, 2019

"Did not work for me. After first dose, violent cramping, wicked headache, nausea, vomiting, chills. Could not take the second dose and had to cancel procedure doe to incomplete cleansing of bowel. All in all, a miserable day of clear liquid diet and attempted cleansing for nothing."

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  • Jules
  • September 7, 2018

"I was deeply afraid of the prep. The Clinpiq prep was the size of a child’s water bottle. It didn’t taste great but it was so tolerable! I did split prep and no issues! No cramps, stomach aches or nausea. The second dose in the AM really kicked in but I was totally clean for the prep. I would recommend this to anyone - this prep is easy!"

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  • Pasqu...
  • February 25, 2021

"I’ve had several colonoscopies in the past two years. Clenpic was by far the easiest to take. As these preps go, the flavor was the easiest for me to drink. I really liked that I could drink the needed amount of clear liquids over a five hour period. So when I need another colonoscopy at the end of this year, I will request Clenpic, that is unless they come out with a pill!"

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  • Jay
  • July 20, 2021

"My first colonoscopy. Easy-to-read bullet points: - Not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. - Taste is very sweet: not terrible. The two servings are easy to get thru. - I have emetophobia (scared of vomiting) so I took a Dramamine 1 hour before each dose. I think this (+ staying hydrated) helped. - Didn’t bother leaving the toilet for 3 hours both doses. The first bowel movements started about 1 hour after the 1st dose, sooner after the 2nd. Was up a few times thru the night too. - Mild nausea after the first dose, it went away. Bad bloating after both doses, mostly went away after BMs started. Mild off and on headache. - Worst side effect by far is the booty pain. Two words: Liquid fire. Not even aloe wipes stood up to the raw pain, but they helped a little. - I put a step stool in front of the toilet to use as a Squatty Potty and it helped a lot, highly recommend. 8/10: Overall easy process, about as pleasant as possible, but the taste isn’t great and the few side effects weren’t fun."

8 / 10
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  • Titan...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 15, 2019

"Followed the directions to a tee, went without food for three days, went to have colonoscopy have to go back because my bowels weren't clean enough. Told by doctor that because I am diabetic some feces stuck to my colon. I was having movements of pure water that morning This isn't my first rodeo, have uses Mirialax and ducolax for $30 for past colonoscopies with a one day purge with no problem. Of all of the cleansing agents available it is by far the most expensive at $157 now I have to go without eating for another day which will make it 84 hrs ,doc gave me a bottle of some other cleansing agent which actually worked. This product is nothing more than a big pharma money maker, I wouldn't doubt that those that prescribe it are getting kickbacks in the form of paid for vacations or some other form of payment (as well having to repeat procedure)"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.